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Taxi driver who attacked Brazilian model already double rapist


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On 4/27/2017 at 11:40 AM, Rob13 said:

Next week a taxi driver will find and return 100,000 baht to it's rightful owner.  

Actually, this week.


A Good Samaritan cabbie returns over 100,000 baht dropped in his car to a Japanese tourist


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On 4/27/2017 at 11:40 AM, Rob13 said:

Next week a taxi driver will find and return 100,000 baht to it's rightful owner.  

You sure called that one.  There's a story today about a taxi driver returning 70000 baht to some Indian guy.  You should start your own psychic hotline.

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This taxi driver deserves to be denutted, and spend a lot of years in jail as well.  He raped a tourist from

another country, so Thailand courts should take this latest rape into consideration of making this guy

into a steer, so he cannot rape again.


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On 4/28/2017 at 0:58 AM, rlopes said:

I am Brazilian. The jails here are hell on earth. We had a rebellion this year with 56 deaths.

They decided to make something "symbolic", so they chopped of inmates' heads and splattered them over the floors. They also did something funny with the inmates limbs. I don't remember all the details but not nice at all.

My  ex  wife  was  Brazilian  and I lived  north  of  Sao Paulo  for  5 years. I do  have  some small  insight  to the  Brazilian  system. :sad:

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