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Red Bull heir's latest deadline to appear expires today


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Since all the judges and prosecution was paid off and knew in advance that he was going to leave, everybody knows that he's not going to return. Rest the case. Thailand let another murderer get away in exchange for some money. 

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Will never serve jail time even if he does show up,the disgrace is his family who are supporting his lavish lifestyle overseas,but so typical,he only killed a lowly cop,which probably to him and them would present no more guilt than running over a dog. Like the Na ayuttha chick 11 dead, and i don't think she even bothered doing the pathetic sentence of community service as she had a hair appointment or some thing.

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1 hour ago, djayz said:

The whole thing is just a farce. Everybody knows he's never going to see the inside of a prison cell. 

Maybe if the general public boycotted a certain brand that might eventually persuade the parents to cut off the gravy train - without which he probably wouldn't survive too long. 


Which general public?    The general public in Thailand?    If they boycotted it the effect on the Redbull sales would hardly be noticed. 

And why should anyone outside of Thailand give a toss about a Thai policemen getting run over in an accident?  


1 hour ago, Rc2702 said:

Guy will always be remembered for this action and his cowardice thereafter and no amount of money will ever change that. Family seriously lacking any morals and a coward for a son. No one's happy in this one.

I would do anything and everything in my power to stay out of prison.   

What the family should have done is pay a few hundred million to the Policeman's family then perhaps people would be a bit more willing to stop going on about it.



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3 hours ago, petermik said:

Cannot the Thai authorities realise what BF,s they are making of themselves :whistling:


They couldn't give a toss for what anyone outside Thailand thinks; or anyone inside whose not Thai thinks. Not our business.


But they do care what the Thai very wealthy super elite think. And seeing one of their number or offspring treated like any normal person just ins't on the cards.


Face, patronage, hierarchy and privilege of those who are entitled are more important. And foreigners just do not understand.

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47 minutes ago, seancbk said:

Which general public?    The general public in Thailand?    If they boycotted it the effect on the Redbull sales would hardly be noticed. 

And why should anyone outside of Thailand give a toss about a Thai policemen getting run over in an accident?  


I would do anything and everything in my power to stay out of prison.   

What the family should have done is pay a few hundred million to the Policeman's family then perhaps people would be a bit more willing to stop going on about it.



Sean you are missing the point by the proverbial mile. Nobody , anywhere , should get a get out of jail free card simply because they have wealth and influence.

It happens worldwide of course , to varying degrees , and probably always will , that is no reason to accept it.

Ordinary people have little power other than to express our scorn and disgust , it is the right and proper thing for this to continue.

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Utter Scumbag and so is the RED BULL COMPANY


Boycott all RED BULL PRODUCTS and tell everyone you know the same, keep the pressure up on this individual and particularly the Red Bull Company.


This story could destroy their image, and thus destroy their profits.

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3 hours ago, Geordie59 said:

I was in London for medical treatment that is ongoing.
What will be his excuse this time?

He does not need an excuse. He is scheduled for Sotschi, for the upcoming Formula one race on Sunday.

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I asked myself that question

 Why did the UK customs simply not turn him around at immigration. Even if they could not do so because he has not been changed in Thailand, could they not refuse him entry as an undesirable person? One questions the possibility of the long arm of the Red Bull empire reaching to the UK

On the other hand,they could have embarrassed the Thai authorities by asking them if they wanted him sent back to them. I think that the answer would have caused a huge loss of face to our gracious hosts.

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"Office of the Attorney-General (OAG) deputy spokesman Prayut Phetkhun had said on March 30 that, if he wouldn't show up, they would consider issuing an arrest warrant for him."


This is outrageous.

Im immediately requesting that "consider" be upgraded to "think  quite a bit about" as soon as possible please !!


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5 hours ago, baboon said:

Not so fast. The poor lad was probably caught up in a traffic jam on his way to Heathrow and missed the flight. No need to be rude and start issuing warrants...

Actually the hotel maid to me he was laid up in bed with a horrendous case of flu, and couldn't make it.

Now I'm not sure if she said flu or flew but the outcome will be the same. 

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Poor Kid. It's for sure not his fault. The cop really should have known better to get into the way of a Ferrari.  Especially at the late hours.

This country doesn't work the way most do.

Maybe the cop was drunk. 

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Boss given until end of today to show up or face arrest




Red Bull heir Vorayuth “Boss” Yoovidhya was given until the end of today (Thursday) to turn himself in with the public prosecutor at the Office of the Attorney-General otherwise he will face arrest.


OAG spokesman Somnoek Siangkong said today that the prosecutor had rejected a request from the suspect’s lawyer for another postponement of showing up with the prosecutor to acknowledge the charge.


Full Story: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/boss-given-end-today-show-face-arrest/

-- © Copyright Thai PBS 2017-4-27
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Just now, NickJ said:

Poor Kid. It's for sure not his fault. The cop really should have known better to get into the way of a Ferrari.  Especially at the late hours.

This country doesn't work the way most do.

Maybe the cop was drunk. 

And high on drugs, don't ever forget that small point. 

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2 hours ago, roo860 said:


It's sod all to do with the British Government, but you can carry on being disgusted.

Sent from my SM-G920F using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app


Now when the Thai judiciary finally issue an arrest warrant and request the UK to arrest this little weasel, hell will freeze over - this will be about the same time all of Thailand's problems will be come to an end.  

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