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Brazilian rape victim given 20,000 baht compensation


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22 minutes ago, sanemax said:

That is quite an over reaction .

He didnt imply that it was her fault in anyway , 

Sure. Of course he didn't.


Telling a woman that she should have been accompanied by a friend 'after' she's been raped isn't mitigating at all. The only flaw in this advice is we still can't travel in time. 

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2 minutes ago, digibum said:

What century are you from?  A woman does not need to have a chaperone to leave the house.  There is no assigning blame to the victim because they were not accompanied by someone else.  

This story shows that its not safe for Woman to travel alone .

Sad state of affairs that males attack females, but that is the reality

Travelling alone increases those risks of getting attacked .

Not blaming her though , entirely him to blame 

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7 minutes ago, Wilsonandson said:

Found these photos in a Thai news article, of the handing over of money donated by the TAT. Pretty shocking imo.



If I was her, I would have thrown the money back in their faces, headed straight to the airport, and when I got home given a damning interview to every local media outlet that would bother to write about it.  


Nothing like a little international bad press to wake this idiots up.  


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2 minutes ago, sanemax said:

This story shows that its not safe for Woman to travel alone .

Sad state of affairs that males attack females, but that is the reality

Travelling alone increases those risks of getting attacked .

Not blaming her though , entirely him to blame 


The only sad state of affairs is that you think that women should not travel without being escorted.  A taxi is not supposed to be a dangerous place.  


Far more women are raped in their own homes than are raped in taxis.  How do you solve that one?  



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As they try to clean up in Pattaya and wash away the stamp of sexturism, then TAT just go ahead and put a price on sex with brazilian tourists. How does that go together?

At first it´s not about economic compensation, because there can´t be a price. Only TAT think that there is a price on everyones body, becuade that how Thailand was profiled before. The stripes are there to wear long time.

The man should be banned from public services and sit in jail for 7 years at a minimum.

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7 minutes ago, sanemax said:

Serial offender . 

Keep him in jail, until hes no longer able to offend 

That´s normally not the way a system works, or included in the justice system. Just try to make a relevant one next time.

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21 hours ago, colinneil said:

If this for real??????

20.000 baht bloody insult.

So this government is saying rape is not a serious crime.

Poor woman suffered at the hands of an animal who should have already been in jail, not have been freed.

Nice 1 Thailand, wait until the international media get hold of that.

Exactly Colin. Rape here is not considered as a serious crime.Women here are nothing but 2nd class citizens and chattels  That's why it happens with regular occurrence. Thai men see it as a right. And the taxi driver that has committed this recent rape, will be the centre of attention to his mates for a while, as they will all want to know "what was it like with a Brazilian girl?"

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21 hours ago, BigBadGeordie said:

Was is not mentioned here though, is that compensation is not just handed out on platter.


One has to make a claim, which will inevitably involve the use of legal representation. Which doesn't come cheap and the costs of which are not covered by the scheme.


This gesture, by the Thai government may seem a trifle by some standards but it is ex gratia and is more than many countries would do in such circumstances.


In some countries, a claim of 'rape' by a women would not even be investigated by police, with the ''Nice women don't get raped'' sort of attitude.

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3 minutes ago, sanemax said:

This story shows that they shouldnt .

I do not agree with it, but, thats the reality


So one case of rape means that women should not travel alone in taxis in Thailand?  Granted, there's a lot of stuff going on with Thai taxi drivers, mostly with Thai women, but how often do you read about tourists getting raped by Thai taxi drivers?  Once a year?  Once every few years?  Even if it was a half a dozen a year, compared to the volume of farang women who take taxis every single day in Thailand and don't get raped, I'm going to put the odds around 1:5,000,000.  You realize that you have a higher risk of being killed by flesh eating bacteria than that, right?  That's almost on the scale of being hit by lightening.  



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What is the most disgusting about this is a twice convicted felon is given a license to drive a Taxi...........The Taxi company should lose the license and be put out of business..............too harsh you say?  What is that poor woman was your relative or a friend?  


I wonder what kind of punishment the rapist will get?  Another three or four year stint in prison?


I do love the people in this country but their ideas about crime and punishment are just nuts.  My wife just shrugs her shoulders and doesn't worry about this kind of stuff..............didn't happen to her so why worry about it.  

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If the events are real and PROVEN true, then I think this is way too low. There are many things to consider when compensating a rape victim:


1) Was she injured? And if so, how badly?

2) Were there any medical expenses?

3) What's her sexual partner count? The higher, the lower the psychological impact.

4) Did the driver had any STD or communicable disease?

5) Etc. etc.


There are many facts to consider and every case is different.

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22 hours ago, dcnx said:

Wow, 20k baht. That should cover her abortion, rape kit, std testing, hospital fees, and a possible lifetime of HIV drugs.

..bashed, impregnated and scarred for life..disgusting..no amount of money can erase such memories.

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The Tourism and Sports Ministry  thanked the Police? Why? The Police should never had allowed (or at least opposed) the rapist to be driving a taxi!


The Ministry did not offer a public apology to the victim! How about it, Kobkarn, offer the victim a public apology! As a woman you should be totally empathetic and understanding to the victim.

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20 hours ago, jcisco said:

Anything is a bloody win, what government pays for crimes it doesn't commit?


Remember the government is trying to help her by paying medical, travel expenses and then giving some cash.  The real restitution should come from the criminal

and those that permitted him to work as a driver without proper clearance. 

There's a generous 'Victim Compensation Scheme' operating in Australia.


I agree with your last sentence, and perpetrators should live in poverty for their entire lives, paying ongoing compensation to their victims.

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I'm thinking a good law firm will have a holiday with this one.

Land Transportation Dept. for giving a know rapist a license to drive a taxi.

Airport Authority that allowed him to pick up passengers.

The Taxi Company that leased the known rapist a taxi.

Etc., etc.

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2 hours ago, Wilsonandson said:

Found these photos in a Thai news article, of the handing over of money donated by the TAT. Pretty shocking imo.




And whats so shocking about it , that the victim is smiling ?  


TIT , and she got 20k , now she needs to move on in life, had it been better if she didn't get anything ?  



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18 hours ago, rkidlad said:

The government are culpabale as this is a govenement registered taxi cab. 


A proper check of the driver and this wouldn't have happened. 

I understand your anger but the government is not liable for the acts of criminals. The taxi company that owned the car may be liable for no background check etc..   This is not a unique Thailand government problem but a world problem that certain humans are criminals (Thais, Americans, Brits, Chinese .....) and companies are not perfect.  This was a terrible rape and the criminal should be put away for a long time. Rape and taxi driver rapes are not limited to Thailand. 

Edited by Wake Up
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1 minute ago, Wake Up said:

I understand your anger but the government is not liable for the acts of criminals. The taxi company that owned the car may be liable for no background check etc..   This is not a unique Thailand government problem but a world problem that certain humans are criminals (Thais, Americans, Brits, Chinese .....) and companies are not perfect.  This was a terrible rape and the criminal should be put away for a long time. Rape and taxi driver rapes and are not limited to Thailand. 

No one said, especially me, that this doesn't happen outside Thailand. We know these things can happen anywhere. Please don't pettifog and digress from the story we are all commenting on. 


The massively obvious and glaring issue here is the fact the taxi driver was a 'convicted' double racist. His criminal history was not checked for whatever reason. This is a 'government registered' taxi. The buck stops with them when they don't enforce laws and make companies do proper checks. If you allow people to be lazy and cut corners, guess what? They will. This is why we have governments. So, it's ultimately up to the government to be doing checks on these cab companies to make sure they're adhering to their end of the deal. 


People are so indignant over this because it was all so simple to prevent. Check the driver's criminal history. If this had been done, this taxi driver wouldn't have been allowed to drive a taxi and we wouldn't be berating the taxi company and government. 



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Nice gesture on the part of the authorities but this incident should not have happened in the so called Land of Smiles!

As one post stated , it's all about money. How true that is...

What will the victim have to endure for the rest of her life?

This crime is yet another example of the lawlessness plus disrespect that is so apparent here.

20,000 plus expenses may seem adequate. But is it!

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect

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22 hours ago, jcisco said:

Anything is a bloody win, what government pays for crimes it doesn't commit?

No this doesn't mean the government is saying rape is not a serious crime.

Man had already served time, despite two crime of the same MO, i'm honestly too amazed he didn't receive longer sentencing the second time around.


Remember the government is trying to help her by paying medical, travel expenses and then giving some cash.  The real restitution should come from the criminal

and those that permitted him to work as a driver without proper clearance. 

"what government pays for crimes it doesn't commit?"

The UK for one:- Try Googling this:- "Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority"


Also, from a previous post, Australia has a similar Government department.

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I heard that some Chinese big wigs pay much more than that for a genuine virgin in those secluded special soapies; so now we know the price of raping a Brazilian woman.

I am truly sorry to witness this, what a disgrace towards this lady, truly ashaming. 

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13 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:

I just shared this and would encourage others to do the same, money might be the way to silence Thai's, but it doesn't silence falangs, especially for this heinous crime.

You run over my dog it's 20k. You rape my wife.sorry no amount can fix what happened

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