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Thai driving standards: Will raising training from five hours to 15 make any difference?


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Look, if they would be serious (and they are not, of course not) they would check, how Europeans drive. Take the Italians or the Germans - they are pretty perfect as far as driving lessons and tests are concerned. 

Outsource the driving schooling = big fat envelopes again. The schools, in turn (as they pay for the "privilege" to teach) will go out and offer "guaranteed passing of the test". Honestly, have you ever heard of a Thai failing at a school test, university exam or driving test? 

Driving a car is not skills alone, it is character, attitude and experience; the latter three all missing among Khon Thai - regretfully! 

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Well five whole pages in and I've yet to see whether this driving school accredited, whether it be 5 hours or 15 has even been implemented yet. Maybe it will turn out to have been a 'misunderstanding' like most other things here. For the record, I really don't see how many hours are put in, the problems will still remain, to wit, national character traits among the majority and total lack of enforcement. And then even if 'licenses were taken away' they wouldn't care less. A Thai friend went to pick up confiscated licence (wouldn't pay up) from a local nick and was presented with an entire box full and asked to pick out the right one. The other licence holders hadn't bothered. Pointless.

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7 hours ago, diehard60 said:

yea this is a problem. 15 hours of training is not that much. that would be good for classroom training or theory. now they should think about hands-on training. actual driving practice on the road.

after that there needs to be better law enforcement. not just at road blocks. 

You are absolutely right about the driver training and enforcement part.  I don't know how many times I have encountered the so called highway patrol doing just that patrolling nothing else whilst speedsters, overloaded pickups, (people and/or goods) and everyone's favourites,  motorcycles, are allowed to go on their merry way.


This is despite those drivers/riders breaking numerous traffic laws and god knows how many of them are unlicensed or drunk.  But even if they were to increase the training time, like in most western countries, you would still get the morons, who really just don't get it and continue to drive in their fatalistic manner.  All I can say is "With the grace of God go I" when I am out and about. :wai:

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Just now, nickmondo said:

one day, the powers that be here will realise that the only way it will get better is to have the same system as we have in the UK.

Its not freeking rocket science!!!!!


As opposed to fashioning it on the Russian one


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Nothing will change one iota until the RTP strictly apply the road laws. This in itself will be a good way of educating Thai drivers. However having said that, it is the RTP who desperately need the extra "Road Rules" training

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Like every single thing that is wrong with Thailand, only ENFORCEMENT of rules will work. Thailand has plenty of laws but few are enforced effectively or fairly. 

The police (and judicial system in general) are responsible for enforcement (and punishment) but when this fails, society fails. 
I would say the police/judicial system are responsible for most of the things we perceive as wrong about Thailand :/ 

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16 hours ago, Chiang Mai Bill said:

Whilst the mentality of Thai drivers is so low nothing will improve their driving skills.


They will still zoom up to a red traffic light and slam their brakes on; they will still manoeuvre past one car on their bikes just to gain a couple of feet; they will still ignore red traffic lights; they will still ignore any speed restrictions; they will never be able to go around a corner without taking a wide sweep; they will never know the width of their vehicle; they will still overtake on blind corners!

And they will still drive on the wrong side of the road rather than cross over for a puny 100 mtrs.  as its not worth the bother .


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2 minutes ago, survivalblue said:

This topic needs more attention.  The drivers education should be increased to a 3 month program and all existing drivers should be subject to reevaluation under the jurisdiction of a strict drivers development program.  

Human lives are at stake.

And when they go out on the road and do the wrong thing, the RTP either will not notice or just not know. So your fantasy land 3 months is all gone in 60 seconds.  Hoo bloody ray !


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1 minute ago, oldsailor35 said:

And when they go out on the road and do the wrong thing, the RTP either will not notice or just not know. So your fantasy land 3 months is all gone in 60 seconds.  Hoo bloody ray !


Yea.  It's a very psychological subject.  I'd argue with my girlfriend on safe driving and she would get angry and start weaving in and out of lanes trying to get in front of a few vehicles.  This topic is much more complex than a simplified technique of training.

It probably won't be resolved in our lifetimes.

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Obviously it is better than nothing but the only things which could change behaviour on the road is jail and seizing of vehicle for people driving drunk ,heavy fines and seizing of driving licenses for a while for people using their mobiles when driving and overspeeding , as long as there will be a lack of strong punishment things will not change .It was the same problem in my country until drunk driving was under criminal court justice with systematic jail starting from one week until 3 years in case of death. This an example , but it was very efficient.

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Just now, survivalblue said:

Yea.  It's a very psychological subject.  I'd argue with my girlfriend on safe driving and she would get angry and start weaving in and out of lanes trying to get in front of a few vehicles.  This topic is much more complex than a simplified technique of training.

It probably won't be resolved in our lifetimes.

Yes, my g/f insists in driving in the fast lane 'all the bloody time' even on mainland highways, so that faster traffic has to go around her.

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3 minutes ago, petermach said:

Obviously it is better than nothing but the only things which could change behaviour on the road is jail and seizing of vehicle for people driving drunk ,heavy fines and seizing of driving licenses for a while for people using their mobiles when driving and overspeeding , as long as there will be a lack of strong punishment things will not change .It was the same problem in my country until drunk driving was under criminal court justice with systematic jail starting from one week until 3 years in case of death. This an example , but it was very efficient.

But who do you think will "police" this  certainly not the RTP !

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13 minutes ago, survivalblue said:

Maybe tax children of influential figures for driving incidents based on the destruction they cause.

We all know they won't be punished for it.

Mate !  that is a dream because they are the ones who run Thailand.

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"But perhaps most telling of all were the comments of Phrommin Kanthiya who represents a road safety group who said: "Even raising the bar to 15 hours and raising driving standards will be a total waste of time if those that break the law are not fined and dealt with properly."

Finally a Thai official has some concept of the reality of the appalling driving in this country .

All the laws and road markings are already in place . If only the police would do Their  job probably. 

They would save so many lives, and make even more money for themselves .

How can you stop and fine someone , for not wearing a helmet ,and then send them on their way ?

Retain the bike , until they return , with a helmet . 

It really isn't that hard , if you want to help save lives , as well as line your pockets . 

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2 minutes ago, Mr Freeze said:

"But perhaps most telling of all were the comments of Phrommin Kanthiya who represents a road safety group who said: "Even raising the bar to 15 hours and raising driving standards will be a total waste of time if those that break the law are not fined and dealt with properly."

Finally a Thai official has some concept of the reality of the appalling driving in this country .

All the laws and road markings are already in place . If only the police would do Their  job probably. 

They would save so many lives, and make even more money for themselves .

How can you stop and fine someone , for not wearing a helmet ,and then send them on their way ?

Retain the bike , until they return , with a helmet . 

It really isn't that hard , if you want to help save lives , as well as line your pockets . 

Another one which irks me. The traffic copper who holds up traffic and waves three 10 yr old kids through on a motorcy , no crash helmets .  So bloody stupid !


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its the idiots on the road now need sorting first, why don't police have purge  by parking themselves on the high ways maybe near traffic lights them stop and fine them or make them take the new test as most now don't know the rules of the road m/bikes maybe worst

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Thanapong Jimwong, a representation of a safety group  " if people carried on ignoring the rules any training is pointless"  " not enough to make a difference even if excellent" "

Woraphon Singhiawpong, a expert on driving,  " dangerous weapon "


In all my years in Thailand, written a number of times to Bangkok Times, and the government in regards to the problem with the driving and ignored because basically was told a foreigner. The Prime minister should apply Section 44, and removed the current government staff and give these two the keys to the office and unlimited power to remove anyone who gets into their way of fixing the problem.


These two got it right been saying it maybe they read my articles,  Yes the vehicle is a weapon, and all the complaining from Thais is because the leaders in this country have condition them to believe it is a right to drive instead of a privilege!  They cater to all their complaining because they feel they are poor. Personally that is a piss poor attitude that is why sadly Thais are killing themselves by the day.


And it will never change until every government  official from the very top, has to be retrain properly and fully understand and can execute the rules properly with a actually road test. Once they understand they can then required those who train and issue the licenses to teach and issue to those who do exercise them correctly.  Currently,  everyone involved preach the rules but as they drive the road themselves are doing all the things exactly that are the cause of the problem including drinking and driving. I've been in the position of following,  government officials, police, teacher, hospital workers, EMS, these all in the position of teaching and re-enforcing but don't follow themselves once off duty.


I can give at their choosing without the driver being notified, a road test, using their current instruction book required in obtaining a license and most likely fail 100%, in a actual road test and they can choose anyone and that includes any of the commercial drivers too.  In Pattaya, there are many times I end up behind a tour bus or commercial vehicle and with minutes following them I can tell how much training they have gotten in terms of safety not speaking skill levels. Believe when it comes to skill , many of these self taught, have skills you got to have some to navigate around Bangkok or Pattaya in these poorly plan Cities or locations. The skill that is lacking causing thousands of death year after year is what is lacking mentally!


I'm don't like bashing Thais, but we are talking about Thailand,  I want to help because the solution is real easy. It's isn't because Thais are stupid or can't,  If they can rise in golf, boxing, volleyball, soccer etc, they can rise in driving. Like anything nothing works without enforcement pure and simple, and here there is no more than a 1% chance of being caught if you break the rules, thus comfirming Mr. Jimwong statement. In every sport you have a ump or referee that enforces the rules, it is the same in driving there is a reason for it. The answer has always been at their finger tips, I can give them 10 major items but it wouldn't make a different after if no one enforces what has been taught if it is ignore, or the people in charge of enforcing have no idea what I'm talking about and apply what is being apply now, foreigner is wrong and must pay. These guidelines I believe can reduce them to being out of the top five in accidents in the world within the first year but your got to dig deep within themselves whether they have the will to do it and enforce is 24/7 every inch of Thailand and not in selected locations.





Edited by thailand49
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Don't give the test pass to the private sector. It's bad enough that some government testing centres are corrupt. This will only open the doors to more corruption. Took my wife to make her lessons and was asked if she wanted the lessons with a "guaranteed pass"


But would have to drive 4 hours to where their cousin worked at the government testing centre .

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It could have been an idea to specify the content of the additional 10 hours.


Hopefully it include extended focus on what a red light in an intersection actually means beside the color, what a speedlimit means beside the number, the risks involved by transport the whole family tree on a motorbike and/or behind a pickup and so on...;)

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I watched a crazy thai scooter driver wipe out after what looked like he was driving at mock chicken weaving in and out of vehicles during a busy traffic time with not regard for anyones safety and clearly his own. I know he was seriously messed up, actually looked dead and I watched people choked because they had to slow down to get by the wreckage. 


I doubt driver training will change this mentality. One thing I know for sure is when I pull into my home and close the gate I feel better after every time I have to take my life into my hands and drive on these roads. I expect the worse and hope for the best every time we leave our home and pray nothing happens. Very sad 

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The  answer is  "it is possible" in the  longer term. 

Maybe  in  a  shorter than  longer term if  the  last sentence is actually  applied.


But in the  short  term those despite  being totally inept, ignorant, or  arrogant drivers  whether or  not they  have a licence will  continue to create the  daily  chaos  and  carnage.


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Another giant money making deal for the elite in high positions who no doubt will have a big part in the ownership of these schools. It is important that the driving license and testing be in the governments hands. 15 hours sounds a bit much. In my day my father taught me to drive as was the case of all the guys I knew. Once pop deemed us competant we went off to a driving license office for a test and the issuance of a license. Sometimes tests were failed so it was another week of being clipped over the ears by pop and then another visit to the driving centre. In some cases fathers weren't available for this training so it was off to a driving school. These were generally privately owned but with strict government control and regulations.

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On highway 11 where I live there is an on-ramp/merge lane to allow vehicles to come up to speed before attempting to enter the right-lane to get to a U turn that is about 500 meters up the road.


Instead, virtually all vehicles stop in the middle of the entrance ramp so on other traffic can not pass by, and then they sit until both oncoming lanes of traffic are clear (or they think they are clear because you can't see over the incline of the highway) at which point they will cut 90 degrees across the road into the "Fast Lane", and then accelerate so slowly you'd think that all Thai cars are equipped with an accelerator governor.  I've seen a multitude of close  calls and near misses that could be completely avoided.  There are three full lanes at this intersection: the right-hand fast lane, the middle (or inside) slow lane, and a lane expressly there as an acceleration/merge lane - which maybe one out 100 of these morons will use!!!  Actually, the only person I know who has used the merge lane is me.  And I'm generally at the U turn before the rest of the morons have found a break in the traffic.

So will 15 hours of training be better than 5?  Not if they don't teach students how to drive.  My guess is the 'driving instructors' are basically the blind leading the blind.  My guess is that if the average Thai was magically transported to the USA and began driving as they currently do, they would get ticketed at least once within a week of getting behind the wheel, and about half of those infractions would land them in jail: reckless driving, failure to maintain the right-of-way, failure to maintain the lane, really excessive speeding, failure to pull over for emergency vehicles, drunk driving, failure to use the merge lane, reckless endangerment, following to close, hit-and-run, and the best - failing to stop for the cop trying to pull you over, and the list would go on.

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2 hours ago, Dumbastheycome said:

The  answer is  "it is possible" in the  longer term. 

Maybe  in  a  shorter than  longer term if  the  last sentence is actually  applied.


But in the  short  term those despite  being totally inept, ignorant, or  arrogant drivers  whether or  not they  have a licence will  continue to create the  daily  chaos  and  carnage.


Maybe u can sign up as a volunteer traffic cop overhere.

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