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"Most hated German in Thailand" now scamming the Japanese in Osaka.


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5 minutes ago, reenatinnakor said:

not even ones without any limbs crawling on the floor. They are all faking it.

Ok, I understand your rational concerning beggars but can you explain how somebody with no limbs crawling on the floor is 'faking it'. Got my popcorn and waiting in eager anticipation. :wink:

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11 hours ago, humqdpf said:

I am not a medical specialist but carrying around a swollen limb, presumably without regular medical treatment (otherwise it might be fixed!) is not going to extend his life. His lack of mobility is going to create a lot of problems for him. Perhaps karma will catch up with him in that regard.

Incurable disease,

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7 hours ago, anotheruser said:

He will get reported to the relevant authorities eventually. Nobody will buy him a ticket or help him this time so he will be stuck. He picked the wrong place to con people. If he is convicted of even what is considered a minor crime in the west he will do hard time in Japan.



He has a ticket home already - he came with a return ticket.  

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6 hours ago, mrdome said:

To be fair, the "scamming" would only start if another collection is taken up to get him home and it is spent on something else. Prior to that, he's just a beggar that most will ignore.


Beggars are rare in Japan but I did see one once in Osaka.


Still, weird country pick this time, Herr Holst.

Not many countries left which let him entry in South East Asia,  

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4 hours ago, gk10002000 said:

Indeed.  This is starting to get a little more than suspect.  At first years ago it looked like he really had a swollen leg medical condition.  Now, I don't know.  Is it a begging add on?  Is this a "photoshop" touch up?  Is that photo of the two people the same guy just super imposed photos of him in two places for comparison?

Same person and the leg is real Elephantiasis - similar condition Incurable disease,

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52 minutes ago, reenatinnakor said:

Is that a fake swollen leg? What's his medical condition? I never give to beggars anyway, not even ones without any limbs crawling on the floor. They are all faking it.

Sent from my LG-H990 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

The legs aren't fake: Mr Holst, who suffers from macrodystrophia lipomatosa, a rare form of localised gigantism ..."

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I suppose he's breaking the law, but then again that is not difficult these days in any country.  Other than that I thought TV's braves would applaud him for his initiative and endeavour, and for making a handicap work to his advantage.  Being out on the streets is certainly putting in a shift, which is something beyond most expats.

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Maybe he enjoys sitting on the street, down there with the rest of the garbage. 


In the US the con that works is people holding signs at stoplights "Will Work for Food."  Everyone I knew who ever approached one of these people with some odd-jobs was informed that it wouldn't be worth their while, as they do pretty well with the sign and the traffic.

Once I saw a guy with a sign "Blind Vietnam Veteran."  I was stopped for the red light, and he said to me "you look like a movie star with those sunglasses!"  I didn't bother to remind him he was blind.



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19 hours ago, Bonefish said:

Who is the other "swollen leg" guy on the picture? Where do they sell those fake swollen legs?

it's the same guy- and the leg IS real...

he's actually a fb "friend" of mine,

was considering writing a book about him and other habitual scam artists;

i still might (then maybe nobody will give to him)

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10 hours ago, bendejo said:

Maybe he enjoys sitting on the street, down there with the rest of the garbage. 


In the US the con that works is people holding signs at stoplights "Will Work for Food."  Everyone I knew who ever approached one of these people with some odd-jobs was informed that it wouldn't be worth their while, as they do pretty well with the sign and the traffic.

Once I saw a guy with a sign "Blind Vietnam Veteran."  I was stopped for the red light, and he said to me "you look like a movie star with those sunglasses!"  I didn't bother to remind him he was blind.



exactly; in LA, every single one of the "Will Work for Food" beggars was an alcoholic, crack head, or heroin addict- and not a single one ever accepted a job offer (i knew several of them, especially during my times living in Hollywood, North Hollywood, and downtown LA)

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11 hours ago, reenatinnakor said:

Is that a fake swollen leg? What's his medical condition? I never give to beggars anyway, not even ones without any limbs crawling on the floor. They are all faking it.

Sent from my LG-H990 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

NOT all- but most;  in India, (as chronicled quite succicntly and accurately  in "Slumdog Miillionaire"),

and elsewhere, they often amputate fingers, limbs, eyes, etc to facilitate potential givers' charitable instincts...

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I am glad to see this man is enjoying life; he hasn't been dealt the best hand of cards. People can choose to give him money or not. How he can be described as a scammer is a mystery to me. He clearly has a serious physical deformity and people give him money out of sympathy, fascination, whatever. Who would want to swap places with him? Not me.

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On 4/30/2017 at 6:09 AM, Somtamnication said:

What a disgrace. Go home and get treated.


Unpleasant scamming character. Seems he's playing a rather silly game which could backfire on him, with the state of his legs I wonder if there is any danger they could need amputation. 

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7 hours ago, sandemara said:

Damaging the image of beggars.

I think scamming is a little harsh, he isn't emptying your bank account or selling you shoddy goods, one can give or not give, up to you, he probably doesn't usually get more than a 100 Baht a time and has to tell a sob story to make people feel better about their own situation, maybe for some it's worth it. Begging isn't a dream job, especially for a middle European, maybe he has mental issues as well. I thought that begging is generally illegal in many places especially in Japan so maybe he will end up in a cell before being sent back to Germany. 

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1 hour ago, tonbridgebrit said:

Seig Heil.  Some of them Germans need to be removed.

Absolutely ok, some of them for sure.

While 'removed' is a very big word...


But sorry, I have to add this, the official greeting in Germany

more than 70 years ago had to be 'Heil Hitler'. 

Heil means salvation. Or whatever.

And H. meant the name of the leader of the pack.


Herr H,/Victory/Sieg: all this is a bit different.






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  • 2 weeks later...



I  appreciate the source and therefore understand the vitriol of many posters.

   Even with the obviously photoshopped image there's no question in my mind  that I need to thank my lucky stars I am not in the position of this fellow.    (note, I avoided trying to be funny with a  clear pun opportunity)


There is no money  that would entice me to change places with him.     Even if he cons, so WHAT?      His life is  complete shit.

Come on gents,   anyone want to trade places with him? 

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