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Hot Chicks Are of No Interest to Me

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I love hot chicks ,but usually only can manage a half of one , they do really nice ones at the side of the road near us , oh ,sorry only read the headline ,think i got the subject wrong .

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8 hours ago, sirineou said:

When you look at a restaurant menu  they don't put pictures of sloppy or plain food, they put pictures of delicious looking food.

Because they want to attract customers. They dont care that it makes people hungry, they want people to get hungry

Now I am sure there are a few people that like plain food , but restaurants don cater to a few, they want the largest possible customer base .

I am sure dating sites subscribe to the same concept.

PS: all women are sirens, it is their purpose in life as is a man's purpose to procreate.

Both need to  attract the best possible mate and pass on their jeans. All else are constructs toward that end.

What came first the chicken or the egg?

The Egg, the chicken is simply the eggs idea of making an other egg

Obviously the rooster had to come first :sorry:

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All those images you claim are directed at you are because of your browsing history. So stop looking and searching for them and they wont appear.


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