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Immigration home visit.

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1 minute ago, glegolo said:

If your wife dies or marriage en ds, you keep your extension of stay based on marriage until it expires and than of course you cannot extend it anymore..... UNLESS you find another lady to marry of course..



Wow,thanks;makes sense;looks open to much abuse with the new one

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  • 4 years later...
7 hours ago, leba said:

Do you need 1 or 2 witnesses ? Which province ?

Would you say that Pattaya or Bangkok is better for home visit ?


Each office varies, my new office doesn't do visits, you need to take two witnesses after the paperwork has been accepted - but back in my old province, the guy spoke to the missus, took some photos, like a mugshot with my passport on my chest, the bedroom shot, which I didn't like. On his way out he looked to see if the neighbour was there, saw nothing and drove off.


I don't believe they do a home visit at CW.

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