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Big bombs explode in Pattani


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It is a islam thing.

If its the same as in the west these attacks are all false flags to further an agenda. We will never know. Cant trust the news nor the goverments.

Sent fra min HUAWEI CAM-L21 via Tapatalk

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I have lived in the deep south. Near Bala reserve. I am a birder that enjoys the wildlife there. I asked several people there what was going on and it all came back to the ex- PM. I'm sure most have heard the stories about the killings. I think that started it. The roads have improved immensely over the years. Thailand has poured allot of money into the south. IMO it will stop in the next few years. Not sure why it is still going on actually.

Some very nice folks down there. I lived in a cheap house right on the fringes of town and never had any problems. That being said. While birding in the sticks I have seen guys armed to the teeth. And not military. 

Years ago when I first started going down. It was really bad. With gun ships patrolling the roads and heavy convoys patrolling the roads. Last year is was not that bad. 


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1 hour ago, Eric Loh said:

The rumour in Pattani is that it could possibly be business rivalry. There are 4 malls owned by a Muslim that have problems drawing in the customers while Big C is more popular. You can draw the conclusion. 


Personally I doubt the insurgents will target their own Muslim which will hurt their cause. 


Drawing any conclusion based on rumours floating around would be an exercise in futility.


Besides, if it is a business dispute, the religions of the parties seem rather irrelevant other than to pander to support and/or sympathy from one group or another.  Or to make it sound a lot more complex and intractable than garden variety depravity and greed.  Or, just to throw investigators off the real culprits.


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Well, I suppose we can blame this dept. or that or the government but I won't be doing that at this time. It is just horrific the average person can't live a decent life without being afraid of such attacks and my feelings go to those who suffered in this blast. The problem is that the people who planned this are most likely tucked away nicely somewhere planning the next one.

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17 hours ago, Bluespunk said:

They aren't.


Time to negotiate and come up with a settlement all can live with.


Neither side can win this and it's time to end the violence.


It's failed both sides.

negotiations will not end it if indeed it is muslim extremists as muslim extremists want to kill anyone who is not a muslim but they are also killing muslims while trying to make everyone live under shariah law and all the barbaric things that come with living under this violent strain of islam religion  a few people say this has nothing to do with islam but im sorry to say it has everything to do with islam and needs to be solved by muslims themselves the inncestant praying upto 6 times a day , learning every word in the koran being compulsory also shariah law , and to deny any other religion exists ALL LEAD TO EXTREME ACTS THESE NEED TO BE SORTED OUT IN THE MUSLIM COMMUNITY !!! WHICH IS NOT BEING FULLY ADDRESSED BY MUSLIMS SO THESE ACTS CONTINUE !! when they investigate this if it is muslim extremists its another act of failure by muslims to fully address this , if it is not due to extremists and is someone else , then it still does not stop more attacks by muslim extremists and so still needs to be sorted out by muslim community 

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32 minutes ago, hottrader77 said:

negotiations will not end it if indeed it is muslim extremists as muslim extremists want to kill anyone who is not a muslim but they are also killing muslims while trying to make everyone live under shariah law and all the barbaric things that come with living under this violent strain of islam religion  a few people say this has nothing to do with islam but im sorry to say it has everything to do with islam and needs to be solved by muslims themselves the inncestant praying upto 6 times a day , learning every word in the koran being compulsory also shariah law , and to deny any other religion exists ALL LEAD TO EXTREME ACTS THESE NEED TO BE SORTED OUT IN THE MUSLIM COMMUNITY !!! WHICH IS NOT BEING FULLY ADDRESSED BY MUSLIMS SO THESE ACTS CONTINUE !! when they investigate this if it is muslim extremists its another act of failure by muslims to fully address this , if it is not due to extremists and is someone else , then it still does not stop more attacks by muslim extremists and so still needs to be sorted out by muslim community 

You clearly are clueless about this conflict.


Deary, deary me...

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20 hours ago, phuketrichard said:

the government doesn't do anything,they still believe it is not that serious a problem,



1: It is a long way from Bangkok.


2: Fighting this sort of insurrection is hard work, requires well trained troops, patience, professionalism, good junior leadership and a sustained effort to make the terrorists activities difficult and dangerous, hindering movement and the hiding/transporting of weapons through constant patrolling, observation posts and meticulously collecting information and intelligence. Until you do that there is no incentive or imperative for the terrorists to make any meaningful political moves or discussions.


3. Handing out old rifles to local village militias, and having them stag on at what are little more than breezeblock bus shelters does not achieve anything.


4,There is no money or status to be gained from fighting this sort of campaign. - See point 1.

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18 hours ago, HiSoLowSoNoSo said:

The killing will continue, This land was not part of Thailand before. Bangkok will never admit too that they are the ones in the wrong here and when it comes to share and compromise the Thais are like talking to a wall (IMHO).  

thing is... Thailand is not in the wrong.

it's not because a territory was taken over  that this is a reason to hand it over to extremists - it would only send the message that killing teachers and schoolchildren is the right thing to do and what would happen to all the buddhists living there then ?


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29 minutes ago, Bluespunk said:

You clearly are clueless about this conflict.


Deary, deary me...

muslims are wanting a separate state thats whats happening and if you dont know that you are clueless !! its the same as IS the want their own country and are ruthless to do what ever it takes just like this if it is its terrorism , what i would like to see if this is muslim extremists is to do exactly what they did to the tamil tigers and send the army in in big numbers and search all properties etc and shoot dead any of these people that stand in thailands way and fully anaialate the terrorists as they did over many months to the tamil tigers and fully enforce that this is thailands land !

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8 minutes ago, manarak said:

thing is... Thailand is not in the wrong.

it's not because a territory was taken over  that this is a reason to hand it over to extremists - it would only send the message that killing teachers and schoolchildren is the right thing to do and what would happen to all the buddhists living there then ?


never give 1 inch to terrorists , wether it was thailand land before or not people still lived there in peace before all this happened , send the army in in big numbers and squash these extremists like ants  

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2 minutes ago, hottrader77 said:

muslims are wanting a separate state thats whats happening and if you dont know that you are clueless !! its the same as IS the want their own country and are ruthless to do what ever it takes just like this if it is its terrorism , what i would like to see if this is muslim extremists is to do exactly what they did to the tamil tigers and send the army in in big numbers and search all properties etc and shoot dead any of these people that stand in thailands way and fully anaialate the terrorists as they did over many months to the tamil tigers and fully enforce that this is thailands land !

As I say, you are clueless about this conflict and I suspect your knowledge of the conflict is Sri Lanka is somewhat limited as well.


Almost non existent to be honest.

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12 minutes ago, Bluespunk said:

As I say, you are clueless about this conflict and I suspect your knowledge of the conflict is Sri Lanka is somewhat limited as well.


Almost non existent to be honest.

HA HA so lets hear your version of what this conflict is about ? and i then can give you the numbers of children women and teachers killed by the people you are supporting 

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23 minutes ago, hottrader77 said:

HA HA so lets hear your version of what this conflict is about ? and i then can give you the numbers of children women and teachers killed by the people you are supporting 

I have supported no one.


If you think I have then point out where.


Be precise.


I have no version, I have the truth.


You want it then look beyond alt-right BS sites.

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We don't yet know the reasons for this attack.


If it was a business dispute, why were the bombs detonated mid afternoon in the knowledge of innocent people being killed or injured?

Why didnt they do this when the store was closed?

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31 minutes ago, LammyTS1 said:

We don't yet know the reasons for this attack.


If it was a business dispute, why were the bombs detonated mid afternoon in the knowledge of innocent people being killed or injured?

Why didnt they do this when the store was closed?

Since I speculated on the business rivalry (not dispute) angle, here is my 2 cents worth. 


Those who been to Big C Pattani know that there are actually 2 stages of security checks for vehicles. They scan and do a mirror check and subsequently you get a pass in the next check point in exchange for your ID. 


I suspect they got help from insiders who close an eye on the check points. I think that they were no serious injuries because the guards hold the crowd back when the second more powerful bomb exploded. The first bomb was from powerful firecrackers not meant to cause serious injuries. Perhaps that is the plan not to maim but intimidate. The guards may know beforehand the whole plan. 


The objective to do this in the mid afternoon when you have many customers is to scare them off from patronizing this mall. Customers may now feel that the Muslim mall is safer. 


Make sense ? :stoner:


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22 hours ago, joecoolfrog said:

You are entitled to your opinion , if you think all Muslims are terrorists then good for you , I salute your inteligence.

All Muslims are not terrorists, but somehow all terrorists are Muslim! 

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5 hours ago, FitnessHealthTravel said:

Cowards of the South. They want to bomb themselves back to the stone age and they might get what they are after...eventually.

In that case the left ladies in Sweden will invite them to their country.

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I think those provinces were seized I the early 1900s, they don't belong to the Thais. They seized a big chunk of Cambodia too, including Siem Riep, Battambang and Koh Kong. War reparations after  supporting the Japanese in WW2 forced the return of Cambodian territory. The same should have happened with Malay territory. The French obviously had more sense than the British.

However they did lose Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam within ten years.

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14 minutes ago, Headphone Jack said:

I think those provinces were seized I the early 1900s, they don't belong to the Thais. They seized a big chunk of Cambodia too, including Siem Riep, Battambang and Koh Kong. War reparations after  supporting the Japanese in WW2 forced the return of Cambodian territory. The same should have happened with Malay territory. The French obviously had more sense than the British.

However they did lose Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam within ten years.

The southern provinces are under mostly Thai control since the mid- 1700s. It's been over 300 years already.


What the muslims there don't like is the "Thaiificiation" of the region since the 1930s.


And we can't just apply the logic of "who was there first" because it leads nowhere - because at some point, the buddhists were first before the muslims arrived.


from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patani


The 20th century: forced assimilation

Until well into the 20th century, the government in Bangkok had relied on local officials in the implementation of policies within the Patani region, including the exemption in implementing Thai Civil Law, which had allowed Muslims to continue their observance of local laws based on Islam regarding issues on inheritance and family. However, by 1934 Marshall Plaek Phibunsongkhram set in motion of a process of Thaification which had as its objective the cultural assimilation of the Patani people, among other ethnic groups in Thailand.[7]

The National Culture Act was enforced as a result of the Thaification process, promoting the concept of 'Thai-ness' and its centralist aims. Its "Mandate 3" was directly aimed at the Patani people.[8] By 1944, Thai civil law was enforced throughout the land including the Patani region over-riding the earlier concessions to local Islamic administrative practices.[9]:131 The school curriculum was revised to that of a Thai-centric one with all lessons in the Thai language. Traditional Muslim courts that were used to handle civil cases were removed and replaced with civil courts run and approved by the central government in Bangkok. This forced assimilation process and the perceived imposition of Thai-Buddhist cultural practices upon their society became an irritant for the harmonious relationship of the ethnic Malay Patani people and the Thai state.[10]

Denied recognition as a culturally separate ethnic minority, Patani leaders reacted against the Thai government policy towards them and a nationalist movement began to grow, leading to the South Thailand insurgency. Initially the goal of the nationalist movement such as the Patani United Liberation Organisation (PULO) was secession, pursuing an armed struggle towards an independent state where Patani people could live with dignity without having alien cultural values imposed on them.[11]

The 21st century: Traditional culture under threat

After 2001, however, the Patani insurgency was taken over by groups whose leaders are mainly Salafist religious teachers that have exacerbated religion, rejecting the nation-building ideology of the early secessionist movements.[12] Current insurgent groups proclaim militant jihadism and are not separatist any more. They have extreme and transnational religious goals, such as an Islamic Caliphate, to the detriment of a constructive cultural or nationalistic Patani identity. Salafi-based groups are hostile to the heritage and practices of traditional Malay Muslims, accusing them of being un-Islamic.[12] They are not concerned about Patani cultural values, instead their immediate aim is to make the Patani region ungovernable.[13]

So far, and in the present circumstances, to preserve an identity free of the influence of Militant Islam has been next to impossible for the people of the hapless Patani Region. The activity of the present-day insurgents has changed the face of Patani society by the imposition of extreme religious undercurrents and the enforcement of the stern Salafi rules on local people.[11]


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36 minutes ago, manarak said:

The southern provinces are under mostly Thai control since the mid- 1700s. It's been over 300 years already.


What the muslims there don't like is the "Thaiificiation" of the region since the 1930s.


And we can't just apply the logic of "who was there first" because it leads nowhere - because at some point, the buddhists were first before the muslims arrived.


from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patani


The conflict zone in the South was occupied by the Thais last century.


Many of the citizens there still regard the Thai govt as an occupation force.


The current conflict started not because of faith but because a former PM destroyed the settlement put in place after the last conflict.

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20 minutes ago, Bluespunk said:

The conflict zone in the South was occupied by the Thais last century.


Many of the citizens there still regard the Thai govt as an occupation force.


The current conflict started not because of faith but because a former PM destroyed the settlement put in place after the last conflict.

Was the former PM in the period of 60s and 70s. That's when armed insurgent resistance started according to the Timeline of Wiki. 


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3 minutes ago, Eric Loh said:

Was the former PM in the period of 60s and 70s. That's when armed insurgent resistance started according to the Timeline of Wiki. 




It was the one who's actions led to the Tak Bai Massacre.


Never trust wiki...

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On 5/9/2017 at 5:05 PM, phuketrichard said:

the government doesn't do anything,they still believe it is not that serious a problem,



surprised  they  havent  brought  the  attacks  to Bkk yet, that  would  seriously <deleted>  things  up

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