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In shock move, Trump fires FBI Director Comey


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We will agree to disagree. DEMS do not have good prospects of retaking both the House and Senate and likely would still be the minority after 2018 elections. The leadership of Pelosi in particular has been ghastly in her ineffectiveness. And all the while Hilary still out there making speeches pretending she is the face of the party...they are hapless and hopeless. They need their own 'Trump', a complete black swan who takes the party by storm, right now, all the little Pelosi bootlickers are going nowhere fast. I deal in reality not what I would like to see.
with a Crook as a president and his "bootlicker" republicans you talk about party politics after the "crook in chief" fires the guy investigating him!

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Good riddance Comey. You should have been fired a long time ago after not charging Clinton and  Obama. They should have both been charged with at least destroying evidence and as far as I am concerned with treason we well. I for one am glad he is gone.!!

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Good riddance Comey. You should have been fired a long time ago after not charging Clinton and  Obama. They should have both been charged with at least destroying evidence and as far as I am concerned with treason we well. I for one am glad he is gone.!!

Another who thinks their "crook president " is above the law!

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13 minutes ago, shanesox said:

with a Crook as a president and his "bootlicker" republicans you talk about party politics after the "crook in chief" fires the guy investigating him!

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As I said I am a realist. We are in the position because of the absolute incompetence of the DEMS. I wish it were fairly land and not true but you need to take a look at the district maps and then re-assess 2018 for yourself.

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1 hour ago, Luckysilk said:

Of course it's odd, comey was the outspoken head and he crossed the line many times,  as far as we know those investigations will continue, things in Washington change so quickly it's hard to keep up.

I voted from Trump and figured he wouldn't be the typical polictian which was one of the many reasons I voted for him. Unlile the loonies calling the Reps mass murderers et al I cannot defend every move he makes, only time will tell & I will be the first to pass judgement on the President.

                       You were right about one thing: Trump isn't the typical politician. He's much worse.  The typical politician is quite smart, beholden to big money, and somewhat corrupt.  Trump is dumb, he IS big money, and is 18 degrees beyond corrupt.  The typical politician isn't $100 million in dept to Russians, as Trump is.


1 hour ago, Dagnabbit said:

Utter nonsense. Libs are flip-flopping like fish over Comey. He was their pariah just before the election, now he's a symbol of democracy? Give us a break. Comey clearly lied and now he's out. You need an honest man at the helm of the FBI and Comey was far from that.

                        You're partly right.  Dems don't like Comey because he helped Trump win via the announcement about Weiner's emails, 9 days before the election.   However, Trump has known about the events of July and October '16 for at least seven months now.  Did it take him over half a year to make a decision?  Of course not.  He fired Comey now because his (Trump's) back is against the wall, and he's mega desperate.  Trump could hear the clink-clink of handcuffs being brought to the Oval Office.   Trump is scared shitless.


You think Trump will appoint "an honest man" to head the FBI?   Is that a joke?  Sorry, not very funny.


1 hour ago, tonray said:

We will agree to disagree. DEMS do not have good prospects of retaking both the House and Senate and likely would still be the minority after 2018 elections. The leadership of Pelosi in particular has been ghastly in her ineffectiveness. And all the while Hilary still out there making speeches pretending she is the face of the party...they are hapless and hopeless. They need their own 'Trump', a complete black swan who takes the party by storm, right now, all the little Pelosi bootlickers are going nowhere fast. I deal in reality not what I would like to see.

             Dems have excellent chances of gaining the House in 2018.  They're even going to clean up their ranks, and get Republican-leaning in-the-pocket-of-very-rich Dems replaced by liberal progressives.  In some ways, Trump has been good for the future of America.  He's showing Americans (even partially brain-dead redneck Republicans) how thoroughly corrupt the Republican Party is.  

Edited by metisdead
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10 minutes ago, rodney earl said:

Good riddance Comey. You should have been fired a long time ago after not charging Clinton and  Obama. They should have both been charged with at least destroying evidence and as far as I am concerned with treason we well. I for one am glad he is gone.!!

                        What HRC allegedly did, is nothing compared to the many things Trump and his insiders have done, and are continuing to do.   It's like wanting to severely punish a kid for peeing on the floor around the toilet, when allowing another kid in the family to prance around with a sledgehammer destroying everything.

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'Terrifying, Nixonian': Comey's firing takes democracy to dark new territory

Donald Trump’s surprise sacking of the FBI director drew immediate comparisons to Watergate and tinpot dictatorships (sub-title)


"Donald Trump’s decision to fire the FBI director, James Comey, who was investigating links between the president’s associates and the Russian government, has taken US democracy into dark and dangerous new territory."


"It came on a night when CNN reported that a grand jury had issued subpoenas in the investigation of the Trump camp’s contacts with Russian officials, and after had confirmed to Congress that more than one person connected to the Trump campaign was the subject of an FBI counter-intelligence investigation."



Edited by iReason
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4 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:

Dems have excellent chances of gaining the House in 2018.  They're even going to clean up their ranks, and get Republican-leaning in-the-pocket-of-very-rich Dems replaced by liberal progressives.  In some ways, Trump has been good for the future of America.  He's showing Americans (even partially brain-dead redneck Republicans) how thoroughly corrupt the Republican Party is.  

I guess you want to ignore the reality that the Republican base is as firm as ever and in fact the more pushback from 'old line' DEMS like Clinton and Pelosi, the firmer it gets. Trump's election was a freak accident, the loss of the House/Senate was a long term coordinated redistricting/gerrymandering plan that was remarkably effective. You are looking at the situation thru the lens of a liberal ....the real picture is a bit different. I hope you are right but I do not see it happening. In fact the best chance we have is to start searching for a 2020 candidate because the House and Senate are lost and we need to White House as a counter weight,.

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It doesn't really surprise me.. as Comey's days were numbered regardless of who won the election 


Although timing was a bit stupid..


would have been been better to wait a few more months until the Russia thing was wrapped up

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3 hours ago, webfact said:

"While I greatly appreciate you informing me, on three separate occasions, that I am not under investigation, I nevertheless concur with the judgment of the Department of Justice that you are not able to effectively lead the bureau."

This says it all.
"If you are not with me, you are against me."
Would not be surprised if it comes out that an investigation was to be opened.

Extremely Sad when independently thinking Heads of Authorities, that are set up to monitor and police , amongst others, whether the State is acting within the Law, are being culled.

The replacement of the fabric of democracy by a plastic balloon is on track.
Good Luck.

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1 hour ago, tonray said:

The problem is not Trump, the problem is a system of checks and balances that have stopped working.The Congress, controlled by the right is unified in implementing their agenda that they have ranted about for 8 years. Even though I suspect that most in Congress despise Trump, derailing him now means wasting 2 years of a Republican administration and forcing great embarrassment to all. They will continue to look the other way when in reality they have stopped performing their oversight function and are just stalling until they can pass as much of their stuff as they want.


My suspicion is Trump will survive 4 years and depending on how effective they are in getting legislation implemented, perhaps another 4 because the DEMS have no answer to Congressional districting or Fox News and Breitbart brainwashing.


The system has failed America and we are no longer operating as the founders intended. I am very sad today.

The founders intended the system to work for the rich like themselves. 

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2 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Congratulations on putting forth a reasoned comment that I can "like".

I doubt the resident anti Trumpers will follow your lead and expect that this thread will become just another ( yawn ) diatribe about the Donald.

Anyone wanting to hear what will probably be the only media opinion show supporting the Comey firing could do worse than tune in to the Tucker Carlson show.


As for myself, I thought he was a dead man walking since Trump was elected, and while a long time coming, this should have been a surprise to no one.


A president of the United States fired the member of the intelligence community who was investigating him, and this weak drivel is all you can come up with?  This is echoes of Nixon firing Cox (and we all know how that turned out).  The US is once again in a constitutional crisis.  In a way, worse than Nixon, since Nixon was not suspected of treason...Trump is.

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1 hour ago, darksidedog said:


Time to face reality folks. The investigation into Hilary is closed! While what she did was dumb, the conclusion was there was no illegality found, so time to move on.

The investigation that is still ongoing is about Russian involvement with the election and how much people in Donalds team knew about it.

This move potentially could be considered an act designed to prevent that inquiry from reaching just conclusions, which would be a very serious matter if true. Way worse than negligent handling of emails, hence peoples concerns.

there was no illegality found, so time to move on.



Comey said that she had broken the law, just that HE decided not to prosecute, which wasn't his decision to make.

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6 minutes ago, Chou Anou said:

A president of the United States fired the member of the intelligence community who was investigating him, and this weak drivel is all you can come up with?  This is echoes of Nixon firing Cox (and we all know how that turned out).  The US is once again in a constitutional crisis.  In a way, worse than Nixon, since Nixon was not suspected of treason...Trump is.

LOL. Nixon not suspected of treason- SERIOUSLY?

He was a crook guilty of war crimes.

This thread isn't about me, so keep the personal insults to yourself.

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1 hour ago, Dagnabbit said:

Utter nonsense


Libs are flip-flopping like fish over Comey. He was their pariah just before the election, now he's a symbol of democracy? Give us a break.


Comey clearly lied and now he's out. You need an honest man at the helm of the FBI and Comey was far from that.

True. Not so long ago the liberals were foaming at the mouth because he was "trying to destroy Clinton's chances for the presidency". Now he's a hero of the Dems.


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1 hour ago, tonray said:

We will agree to disagree. DEMS do not have good prospects of retaking both the House and Senate and likely would still be the minority after 2018 elections. The leadership of Pelosi in particular has been ghastly in her ineffectiveness. And all the while Hilary still out there making speeches pretending she is the face of the party...they are hapless and hopeless. They need their own 'Trump', a complete black swan who takes the party by storm, right now, all the little Pelosi bootlickers are going nowhere fast. I deal in reality not what I would like to see.

Yes, all the Trump haters forget that the GOP in Congress are not in the same basket as Trump. The Dems have been virtually destroyed in the heartland of the USA. While it might happen, a Dems majority in 2 years is unlikely.

If the Dems in the senate obstruct the repeal and replacement of Obamacare, they might even lose their ability to block there too.

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2 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Congratulations on putting forth a reasoned comment that I can "like".

I doubt the resident anti Trumpers will follow your lead and expect that this thread will become just another ( yawn ) diatribe about the Donald.

Anyone wanting to hear what will probably be the only media opinion show supporting the Comey firing could do worse than tune in to the Tucker Carlson show.


As for myself, I thought he was a dead man walking since Trump was elected, and while a long time coming, this should have been a surprise to no one.


If you believe the explanation given by Trump's Justice Dept. staff, I've got a bridge in Brooklyn I'd like to sell you

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3 hours ago, stevenl said:

I think he should be fired, he made many mistakes, but not now. He is busy with an investigation into the Trump campaign


So just wait and let him make a few more mistakes, even when you say yourself, he has made many already?

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11 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

True. Not so long ago the liberals were foaming at the mouth because he was "trying to destroy Clinton's chances for the presidency". Now he's a hero of the Dems.


Yes, liberals were foaming at the mouth and rightly so about Comey's behavior in regards to his letter to Congress, however Trump was elated and praised him continuously, but has fired him when his own staff is under investigation. His firing has nothing to do with how Hillary Clinton was treated. It is all a very badly, unprofessional and immature attempt to stop an investigation into the dealings of his own staff.

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