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I've just been reading a pretty disturbing article in the Thaitech sub forum with reference to the new Windows 10 operating system (10S) due to roll out in June.


The article seems to think that unless apps you may want to install are available in the Windows Store you won't be able to install them. Things like for instance Google Chrome are apparently (to date) not available.


Another thing the article hints at is the inability to change default apps, example given is that Edge is the default browser and regardless of whatever other browser you may install, Edge will remain the default for .htm.

Perhaps I have misread or misunderstood what has been written, but I for one don't want to be dictated to by an OS as to what my preferences are.


Possibly time to shutdown updates on my W10 Pro through either policy or registry or change OS altogether?


Easy choice for the home PC, but wonder what effect this will have on the work network where all desktops (and notebooks) are running legit W10 OS's if there is a restriction to 3rd party software?


Comments would be appreciated.


Link to thaitech article:




Windows 10S is a different operating system from Windows 10; intended to run on less powerful devices. If you are currently running Windows 10, you will not be affected by 10S; a fact that is not made clear in article.

1 hour ago, FracturedRabbit said:

Windows 10S is a different operating system from Windows 10; intended to run on less powerful devices. If you are currently running Windows 10, you will not be affected by 10S; a fact that is not made clear in article.

I've just looked it up and you are of course correct.


Overall, a rather misleading article in thaitech as I assumed it would be the next scheduled OS upgrade. Which it is not.


My Bad.........................:saai:

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