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Tuk tuk driver Met Chamroeun said he was never formally taught how to drive on Cambodia’s roads, but can read the basic road signs.  “I just recognize road signs as turn left and right and wrong direction,” the 27-year-old said as lounged in the back of his tuk tuk in Phnom Penh’s Daun Penh district.

Forty two-year-old motor taxi driver Phy Ran said he practiced learning how to drive on the outskirts of the city, and honed his skills by following what his friends did on their motorbikes. “I know some traffic rules by following my friends like speeding, drunk driving and some road signs,” he said, sitting on the back of his Honda Daelim.

Meanwhile, Sat Susophani, who drove a small Daewoo hatchback said he paid $80 for lessons in 2008 at the Dai Tep School in 2008. “First when I started to drive I feel afraid but later on there was no problem,” he said.

read more http://www.khmertimeskh.com/news/38270/cambodia-takes-the-low-road-on-driver-education/


-- © Copyright Khmer Times 12/05

In Texas and in several other states in The US in the 1930s ,if you were over 14 years old you could get your driving license at the local pharmacy.

On 05/12/2017 at 0:31 AM, sanukjim said:

In Texas and in several other states in The US in the 1930s ,if you were over 14 years old you could get your driving license at the local pharmacy.

I Wonder how they checked the applicant's age except with a birth certificate.


Still, I don't doubt your statement. It is simply another indication that people in my country formerly believed in their own judgment and took control of their own lives. Now we don't need to do that since the government knows much better than we about how to run our lives.


.......... AND WE ACCEPT IT.

as Donald would say: Sad

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