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Govt gets tough with Facebook over pages with 'dubious content'


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Recently various Facebook pages like yak dang deaw jat hai and Madam Pho Black has done very in depth truthful investigations into some criminal cases and has dug up evidence of police involvement and has even done what the RTP has failed to do.

even the mainstream major news networks are relying on Facebook pages like this to do the investigative work for them.

The government and authorities embarrassed by these Facebook pages definitely wants to shut them down.

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Facebook seems to be used as a platform to get attention and show off your life. If there's ever a certain group of people who need attention the most and to show off, it's the rich and powerful in Thailand. 


From street sweeper to the generals and police chiefs, I'm sure they all have Facebook accounts. Will be very interesting to see. 



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5 hours ago, jak2002003 said:

I hope they shut down Facebook here.  I hate seeing most of the population addicted to it... constantly taking selfies and posting them.. and photos of their food!!!  It's madness and making people very shallow at dumb.  The amount of time people spend on the site.. if they spent that time doing something constructing their lives would be much more meaningful and fulfilled. 

Totally agree. I have never used it.

Just don't see the point. 

Conversation is becoming a lost art, doesn't matter if it's serious conversation or having a laugh and a joke.

The written word can so often be taken the wrong way because it doesn't involve facial expression. Even 'emoticons' don't really convey the meaning.

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4 hours ago, MobileContent said:

I think nothing will happen. The army can't block the whole country from Facebook because it would upset a lot of voices in this country from all type of life.  

They can but the people will not stand for it and even more the world will know for sure whats really going on

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I hope they shut down Facebook here.  I hate seeing most of the population addicted to it... constantly taking selfies and posting them.. and photos of their food!!!  It's madness and making people very shallow at dumb.  The amount of time people spend on the site.. if they spent that time doing something constructing their lives would be much more meaningful and fulfilled. 

It has its uses.
On Monday last a grandmother and two grandchildren from my village were injured ( thankfully not seriously) when hit by a car outside a local market. Everyone was running around trying to work out how to tell their mother about it - she was working away.
My daughter sat down, traced her on Facebook and told her.
I'm actually rather proud of her, she is 11!

The point is that Facebook and Line are simply the primary communication means for her generation. I'm sure people moaned and ticked about how shallow and meaningless communication and life had become when email, mobile phones, telephones, and probably even the penny post were introduced.

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24 minutes ago, JAG said:

It has its uses.
On Monday last a grandmother and two grandchildren from my village were injured ( thankfully not seriously) when hit by a car outside a local market. Everyone was running around trying to work out how to tell their mother about it - she was working away.
My daughter sat down, traced her on Facebook and told her.
I'm actually rather proud of her, she is 11!

The point is that Facebook and Line are simply the primary communication means for her generation. I'm sure people moaned and ticked about how shallow and meaningless communication and life had become when email, mobile phones, telephones, and probably even the penny post were introduced.

None of these people had the telephone contact number for the mother?!


I don't remember anyone thinking telephones or email were shallow and meaningless.. and I don't know anyone who spent hours ever day all year using them... unless for business...   they are not the same thing at all.



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Sorry to hear that Google and Youtube have gone so far as to delete urls, not surprising I suppose considering the surge in the way in which the media now often bald facedly operates as a stooge of various governments and agencies as a defacto propaganda arm. Of course you have the choice to dig around and find your own content on internet but it would make sense that that too is on the way out. That said, I find it hard to believe they are deleting urls, seems it would be more likely they are blocking access from Thai based devices.

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7 hours ago, MobileContent said:

I think nothing will happen. The army can't block the whole country from Facebook

Thats not the point here is it ? 

Only 4-500 sites we are talking about , mostly royal insults I would guess. 



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None of these people had the telephone contact number for the mother?!
I don't remember anyone thinking telephones or email were shallow and meaningless.. and I don't know anyone who spent hours ever day all year using them... unless for business...   they are not the same thing at all.

It would appear not. Facebook was how she was traced and contacted.

My point remains, it is, for the younger generation in particular, a comprehensive and constantly used means of communication. Telephone and mobile networks can be tapped and recorded, emails and letters can be intercepted and read. The drive to gain control of Facebook is just another manifestation of the perceived need to manage and control what people think and say.

Facebook exists. Banning it, whether for political reasons or those of personal taste would be like the Luddites of the Industrial Revolution. And about as effective.
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14 hours ago, jak2002003 said:

I hope they shut down Facebook here.  I hate seeing most of the population addicted to it... constantly taking selfies and posting them.. and photos of their food!!!  It's madness and making people very shallow at dumb.  The amount of time people spend on the site.. if they spent that time doing something constructing their lives would be much more meaningful and fulfilled. 

 "It's madness and making people very shallow at dumb."


I doubt FaceBook has full responsibility for this when it comes to Thailand.   Shallow and dumb begin with the education system  in this country.


This confrontation has the potential to be interesting when one  considers it as two bullies facing off.     


And the winner is????


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3 hours ago, JAG said:

It would appear not. Facebook was how she was traced and contacted.

My point remains, it is, for the younger generation in particular, a comprehensive and constantly used means of communication. Telephone and mobile networks can be tapped and recorded, emails and letters can be intercepted and read. The drive to gain control of Facebook is just another manifestation of the perceived need to manage and control what people think and say.

Facebook exists. Banning it, whether for political reasons or those of personal taste would be like the Luddites of the Industrial Revolution. And about as effective.

You are right there.... and so am I.  Seems Facebook has dumbed down most of the younger generation making them so stupid that they can't even have a phone number for their own mother and don't know how to contact her in an emergency. 



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It's almost unbelievable. They do tremendous damage to the institution's reputation themselves by using it to legitimize their unpopular political programs and then turn around and use people's discontent to justify censorship and repression. Seems to be working like a charm!

Edited by debate101
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You are right there.... and so am I.  Seems Facebook has dumbed down most of the younger generation making them so stupid that they can't even have a phone number for their own mother and don't know how to contact her in an emergency. 

No, in this incident, which I raised to demonstrate just how useful Facebook can be, the Grandma (who would certainly have her daughters phone number) and the children were lying on trolleys in the emergency room of the Wiang Chiangrung hospital, waiting to be transferred to Chiang Rai. No one had the mothers telephone number, my daughter acted quickly to track her down through Facebook. I don't call that dumb. I call that responsible, quick thinking and a good use of the medium.

Sure taking photos of what you're eating is silly, but so have been uses of older media through the ages. Does anyone remember headlines in the Sunday Sport like "London Bus Found on Moon"?
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21 hours ago, jak2002003 said:

I hope they shut down Facebook here.  I hate seeing most of the population addicted to it... constantly taking selfies and posting them.. and photos of their food!!!  It's madness and making people very shallow at dumb.  The amount of time people spend on the site.. if they spent that time doing something constructing their lives would be much more meaningful and fulfilled. 

I use it for my teaching. A lot of people use it to promote their businesses. It would have a negative effect on a lot of people. Youtube will be next on their list of targets. 

The Thai Government is just going to have to lump it as I think Zuckerberg has a different idea of freedom of speech.  


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The junta has already mentioned the Chinese model re: social media and internet; Facebook's days are numbered in Thailand, it will be replaced with a version that the junta can completely control and the Thai population will accept and adapt as they've always had to.

Edited by lemonjelly
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The junta has already mentioned the Chinese model re: social media and internet; Facebook's days are numbered in Thailand, it will be replaced with a version that the junta can completely control and the Thai population will accept and adapt as they've always had to.

The problem for the junta is that they have "come late to the party". Facebook, Line and Utube have achieved almost universal penetration. There must be very few Thais under the age of 40 (maybe older) who do not have some access and use these media.
One of there principal attractions is that they are relatively uncontrolled. Authority is not telling the users what to like, watch and say. The authorities have woken up to that, but the users have also become used to that freedom.
As is so often said., removal of access and replacing it with an approved controlled substitute will provoke an immense reaction.
These medias will I think, prove to be a game changer, because they are beyond control.
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All the Somchais in this country couldn't band together to "get tough" with an international power house like Facebook. They can't even stop a single kid from leaving the country. 


Limp <deleted> blow hards. That's all they are. 

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7 hours ago, JAG said:

The problem for the junta is that they have "come late to the party". Facebook, Line and Utube have achieved almost universal penetration. There must be very few Thais under the age of 40 (maybe older) who do not have some access and use these media.
One of there principal attractions is that they are relatively uncontrolled. Authority is not telling the users what to like, watch and say. The authorities have woken up to that, but the users have also become used to that freedom.
As is so often said., removal of access and replacing it with an approved controlled substitute will provoke an immense reaction.
These medias will I think, prove to be a game changer, because they are beyond control.

Optimistically, I'd like to say you're correct, but it looks like people are just going to learn to live with a tremendous amount of cognitive dissonance. Like, "Remember all that stuff we told you to believe that you used to buy into wholeheartedly? Well, it's not as important that you actually believe it as it is that you speak and act as if you do--otherwise, you'll end up exiled, disappeared, or jailed."


It's pretty simple really. Almost all of the guns belong to people who can't conceive of giving up this system, and they're willing to use them on anyone who tries to make them do so. There's no more room for compromise and accommodation after a blood-letting, because there's no more ace in the hole to be played if they get desperate. What's the best-case scenario? 8-8-88? Tiennamen? Egypt?

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Optimistically, I'd like to say you're correct, but it looks like people are just going to learn to live with a tremendous amount of cognitive dissonance. Like, "Remember all that stuff we told you to believe that you used to buy into wholeheartedly? Well, it's not as important that you actually believe it as it is that you speak and act as if you do--otherwise, you'll end up exiled, disappeared, or jailed."   It's pretty simple really. Almost all of the guns belong to people who can't conceive of giving up this system, and they're willing to use them on anyone who tries to make them do so. There's no more room for compromise and accommodation after a blood-letting, because there's no more ace in the hole to be played if they get desperate. What's the best-case scenario? 8-8-88? Tiennamen? Egypt?



They have all the guns. But having lots of guns is only of use if you have the loyalty of those who you arm.Their (literal) footsoldiers owe them no loyalty, and all the instruments of government and control are subverted to enriching and upholding the status of those who run them. The coherence of the ruling clique, essential if it is to survive, takes second place to the ambitions, both material and in terms of status of its members. The whole structure is built on shaky foundations which simply will not stand up to any real strain. If we look at scenarios - maybe Romania in 1989?






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