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Different laws of physics in Isaan


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On 5/14/2017 at 5:22 AM, SiamBeast said:

When someone says that to you, politely smile, and change the topic.


You can't fix stupid.

partickerly when stupid doesn't want to be fixed

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Nothing unusual about people having certain beliefs, passed down from one to another.

   Some people back home believe the No.13  is unlucky (passed on to them from others who believed this) to the extent that they would not live in a house with the No.13 on the door.

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On 5/14/2017 at 2:29 PM, taichiplanet said:

i nearly always get weird looks when i point to a star and say that it is the same as the sun, just further away. Obviously stars are different in Thailand.

Many moons ago, (pardon the pun) when I first arrived, I was in a conversation with some reasonably educated Thais about the sky, sun, moon & stars & such. I was trying to explain that many of the stars in the sky died many, many years ago & they were only seeing the light from the dead, extinguished star. How do you think that went ? Falang crazy man.

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I do know an Issan lady who, at the end of a long journey, leaves her car's engine running for 10 minutes to 'cool it down'. 


And how about this one. Issan girls won't have their haircut on a Wednesday, because it shortens their life!


But we're not so far ahead really.


It wasn't so long ago, (within my living memory) that mother's in UK sent their children to hide under the stairs or the table when there was a storm! And we used to dash around unplugging everything. (which, admittedly wasn't a lot!)

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Wasn't  there a recent video of a car driving along and a lightning bolt hit it and it was supposedly because the driver or passenger was on the phone ?  It is safe to use a mobile or cordless phone indoors. However, a mobile or cordless phone should not be used outdoors during a thunderstorm, as holding any object with metallic components increases the risk of being struck by lightning.

That aside , when it comes with having an isaan partner. You won't change their mind so give up trying to. Just go with the flow ................

Edited by Ooladolla
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21 hours ago, starky said:

Awesome. I love the rain makes you sick myth. This time of year up at mine as soon as it starts raining i love getting outside the in laws go loopy. My favourite is when its been stinking hot then starts pissing down is to throw on some boardshorts and lay in the driveway till the concrete cools down. 5 years later still waiting to catch a cold.



starky getting sick when it rains is not a myth.

I got stuck down the drive in my wheelchair 3 weeks ago, i still have a stinking cold from that day, no matter what i take it will not go away.

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Thirty percent of the people in my country believe the earth was created in six days a few thousand years ago by a god that lives in the sky and man and dinosaurs lived together.  And your stomach will cramp up and you will drown if you swim after eating....... etc.  


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On 5/14/2017 at 3:05 PM, Pdaz said:

Yes I remember the incredulous look I received on saying that the tides were controlled by the moon.... And that whales weren't fish.....

One lady assured me that Thailand has its own moon.. 

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On 2017-5-13 at 6:51 PM, wump said:

Apparently, you have to switch off your mobile phone when it's raining or you might die from a lightning strike.

But then if you do get hit by lightning the first place they will look will be your mobile phone to see if any numbers can be discerned. Dead or alive why waste a golden opportunity?

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33 minutes ago, ricklev said:

Thirty percent of the people in my country believe the earth was created in six days a few thousand years ago by a god that lives in the sky and man and dinosaurs lived together.  And your stomach will cramp up and you will drown if you swim after eating....... etc.  


Oh yeah that reminded me of another one.  My wife won't take a shower for at least 30 minutes after eating.  

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1 hour ago, dotpoom said:

Nothing unusual about people having certain beliefs, passed down from one to another.

   Some people back home believe the No.13  is unlucky (passed on to them from others who believed this) to the extent that they would not live in a house with the No.13 on the door.

There are airlines that have no row 13, hotels with no 13th floor.

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Opening the car hood to cool the engine...
Put tiny gravel stones under your tire to prevent car from rolling...
Get a cold from hot weather...
Put the fan from AC on full speed for colder temperatures...

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On 5/14/2017 at 0:21 PM, cooked said:

Indeed! I must have employed a hundred people in my small seasonally working firm and I saw just about everything. The things that most annoyed me were:

saying they knew how to do it and finding out a day later that this wasn't true.

refusing to change their way of doing things because they had 'always done it like that'

assuming that they knew better.

All these things are to be found in Thailand, lack of a rational education just puts another slant on it.

My wife has told me that she had seen on TV and therefore must be true: tie up a red dress outside your house or the husband stealer spirit will take your husband (never found out what 'take your husband' actually meant). Fill up with fuel in the morning and you will get more for your money (I did the calculation and came up with a maximum potential saving of 15ml). It's OK to drive with only your parking lights (sometimes called sidelights) on at night.

It's what I like about Thailand, I am constantly putting my brain through mental gymnastics to work out the why, don't always succeed of course.



You could probably make a similar list for any country... they are superstitious here, we are not, except when a black cat crosses our path... and I spent some time teaching my wife that the change of seasons was not why you get a cold, it comes from bacteria... except after many years here, I see she is right - people do get colds here during seasonal change [which does not exclude bacteria, maybe it activates? I don't know] And you have no idea on 'take your husband'??? really - any guess here? 

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22 hours ago, starky said:

Awesome. I love the rain makes you sick myth. This time of year up at mine as soon as it starts raining i love getting outside the in laws go loopy. My favourite is when its been stinking hot then starts pissing down is to throw on some boardshorts and lay in the driveway till the concrete cools down. 5 years later still waiting to catch a cold.


Sure, they probably think of your actions as a head cold... I am sure it looks quite interesting for you to be lying in the rain in the driveway. They must think, what a devoted scientist to conduct such experiments in the rain, or... 


So, you are lying in the driveway in the rain and you think the in-laws are loopy?? 

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Most of these beliefs are handed down from family and it then often comes down to a lack of education to dispel the myths. It is the same in the Philippines and my GF laughs at her 80 year old mums beliefs, but has a few of her own. 


Given their poor educational standard I find it hard to believe that Thailand is only one IQ average point behind Malaysia !!

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My tgf is the same with the rain thing.

Another you can't have the head board of a bed against a west wall..bad luck or something. And what really gets me is turn the head lights off to.save the battery. Or when you get burn put warm water on it not cold water. It goes on and on. Or when i got a gas bbq my tgf mom said it was a bomb and dangerous Amusing really.

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On 5/14/2017 at 2:22 AM, SiamBeast said:

When someone says that to you, politely smile, and change the topic.


You can't fix stupid.

The word that you are looking for here is ignorant ( unlearned or not having knowledge) not stupid.

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5 minutes ago, sanukjim said:

The word that you are looking for here is ignorant ( unlearned or not having knowledge) not stupid.


Ignorance is the result of stupidity and unwillingless to learn, because if you're not stupid, you will be able to realize that what you're thinking does not make sense without even having studied the subject.

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The word that you are looking for here is ignorant ( unlearned or not having knowledge) not stupid.

Sadly in Thailand for average people both apply
Check on IQ statistics​ and information on education if you do not believe me.

Sent from my Grand using Tapatalk

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OMG thailand is the only country in the world with sections of the community having beliefs that dont fit in with accepted norms or not based on scientific proof!

Ronald Reagan consulted with nancy's charlatan star gazer before going into discussions with gorbachov.

Prince charles talks to his plants.



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Just now, agudbuk said:


Sadly in Thailand for average people both apply
Check on IQ statistics and information on education if you do not believe me.

Sent from my Grand using Tapatalk

Not sure if this is hyperbole, racial profiling, or armchair hypothesising?

You are probably a decent chap in real life


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23 minutes ago, Beats56 said:

My tgf is the same with the rain thing.

Another you can't have the head board of a bed against a west wall..bad luck or something. And what really gets me is turn the head lights off to.save the battery. Or when you get burn put warm water on it not cold water. It goes on and on. Or when i got a gas bbq my tgf mom said it was a bomb and dangerous Amusing really.

The head board thing is based on superstition/religion. You should not sleep with your head pointing in the direction of the setting sun (west) or south. Sleep with your head to the east or north.  I have been here so long that when I bought my house I automatically checked the compass bearings before deciding where to place my bed.  The head board is against a north facing wall.

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Not sure if this is hyperbole, racial profiling, or armchair hypothesising?
You are probably a decent chap in real life

It is fact . Google the subjects and do the research.

Sent from my Grand using Tapatalk

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30 minutes ago, Fulwell53 said:

OMG thailand is the only country in the world with sections of the community having beliefs that dont fit in with accepted norms or not based on scientific proof!

Ronald Reagan consulted with nancy's charlatan star gazer before going into discussions with gorbachov.

Prince charles talks to his plants.



The worrying thing is that they talk back

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43 minutes ago, SiamBeast said:


Ignorance is the result of stupidity and unwillingless to learn, because if you're not stupid, you will be able to realize that what you're thinking does not make sense without even having studied the subject.

Wow,It is evident that you did not receive a degree in Education or English.

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