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Do you think Trump will be impeached or forced to resign?


Do you believe Trump will be impeached or forced to resign?  

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2 hours ago, mesquite said:

More propaganda.  These are the same polls that said Hillary would win.


And speaking of polls, this topic is a poll which shows 53 to 47 Trump will NOT be impeached.  I notice, though, it has been closed and my guess is the reason is it would go even more in favor of Trump, thus going against the TV “ideological echo chamber.”  Quote from James Damore, the guy who was fired by Google for wanting to discuss gender differences but went against the canned Google party line.


An online poll on a Thai website of 300 mostly old white geezers: credible.

(Because I like what it says)


A scientific poll of a representative cross section of America: bogus.

(Because I don't like what it says)


Oh, and BTW, Hillary, blah, blah, argle gargle, I-am-proud-to-declare-my-ignorance-of-how-polls-work, so take THAT, you haters and losers. Oh, and #MAGA!

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Mueller now honing in on Priebus and other former and current WH staff:


Mr. Mueller has asked the White House about specific meetings, who attended them and whether there are any notes, transcripts or documents about them, two of the people said. Among the matters Mr. Mueller wants to ask the officials about is President Trump’s decision in May to fire the F.B.I. director, James B. Comey, the two people said. 



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On August 9, 2017 at 0:05 AM, thehelmsman said:

There was never a ban on all Muslims entering the US. Another lie. A ban for "people" entering from certain countries...yes.

The "Wall" thing was just a propaganda tool. Anyone with any common sense would recognize that.



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On 8/12/2017 at 8:43 AM, mesquite said:

That is my point.  He will not be impeached and the poll reflects that.  I never said the poll indicated what people wanted.


The notice on the poll says only "This poll is closed to new votes" which gives rise to speculation as to why.  Note that I wrote "My *guess*" about the reason why the poll is closed.

Get yourself acquainted with Occam's razor.

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7 hours ago, iReason said:

Trump’s Business of Corruption

What secrets will Mueller find when he investigates the President’s foreign deals?




Excellent primer on the huckster occupying the White House.

Well worth the read.

A good article, but complicated.  Trump has certainly sought out some of the sleaziest people in the world to do business with. 

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He won't resign. 


Russian interference is just another red herring cooked up by the liberal elites who cannot believe they lost to such a 'colourful' character.

The republicans oppose him as do the democrats as both want the cold war with Russia to continue indefinitely (excellent business in arms etc)


He is brash, vulgar and does not have a good vocabulary BUT he does poke holes in the media and established norms like political correctness, feminism and Marxism.

That has to be very good for most people. 


He does not believe that the best way to stop environmental issues is via the Paris Accord and was brave enough to say so. He wants no part of Merkelism or Macronism or Trudeauism all of whom care nothing for ordinary citizens but serve the liberal elite globalists who seek to import unskilled foreign labour into the west. 


Perhaps he is only a catalyst for change and will not be around for long but his daughter will be the first female president of the USA, I wager.

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2 minutes ago, RawboneFunksta said:

He won't resign. 


Russian interference is just another red herring cooked up by the liberal elites who cannot believe they lost to such a 'colourful' character.

The republicans oppose him as do the democrats as both want the cold war with Russia to continue indefinitely (excellent business in arms etc)


He is brash, vulgar and does not have a good vocabulary BUT he does poke holes in the media and established norms like political correctness, feminism and Marxism.

That has to be very good for most people. 


He does not believe that the best way to stop environmental issues is via the Paris Accord and was brave enough to say so. He wants no part of Merkelism or Macronism or Trudeauism all of whom care nothing for ordinary citizens but serve the liberal elite globalists who seek to import unskilled foreign labour into the west. 


Perhaps he is only a catalyst for change and will not be around for long but his daughter will be the first female president of the USA, I wager.

Yes he has bravely defended and enabled the impoverished fossil fuel industry while bravely standing up to the massively powerful environmental lobby.

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Seriously, you think the environmental lobbyists are not powerful? 


Just consider the censure directed at anyone who disagrees with their agenda . . .Trump was vilified. (again)


It is simply a fact that the Paris Accord will put millions of people out of work and that is a factor that has to be considered as well as the environment.


As the Thais say, and it's a credo worth adopting, Sam Ruam, the middle way.

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6 minutes ago, RawboneFunksta said:

Seriously, you think the environmental lobbyists are not powerful? 


Just consider the censure directed at anyone who disagrees with their agenda . . .Trump was vilified. (again)


It is simply a fact that the Paris Accord will put millions of people out of work and that is a factor that has to be considered as well as the environment.


As the Thais say, and it's a credo worth adopting, Sam Ruam, the middle way.

The environmental lobby said unkind things. Big Oil must be crying all the way to the bank.

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On 5/21/2017 at 11:31 AM, KarenBravo said:

Comparing apples and oranges.

Impeachment doesn't mean removal from office.

Bill Clinton was impeached, but, completed his term.

Think of impeachment as a Congressional slap on the wrist.

Impeachment is a trial by the legislative body.  Clinton was tried and found not guilty of perjury and obstruction of justice.  If found guilty, he could have been removed from office, hardly just a slap on the wrist.

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5 hours ago, casper54 said:

Should be 100%.  Trump is an idiot and he is going down!!!



Just a matter of time at this point. Same  m.o.  of denial and  isolation as RMN. Guilty  souls follow a deep rutted pattern.

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3 minutes ago, mogandave said:

Any day now.....


#impeachtrump is trending right now.

Obama's Charlottesville  tweet now reached 3M likes. Most liked tweet ever on twitter.

Meanwhile States and municipalities are pulling down confederate statues faster than ever. 

White supremacist website DailyStormer banned from GoDaddy, moved to Google, banned by Google, now forced onto Dark Web, but even there are being attacked by hackers.


Just in the last few days.


The real backlash will be seen in the coming weeks.


Even a lot of commentary on Fox is turning against him. Only the worst of the worst still support him.

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But it's going to get much worse before it begins to get better. The much worse period could be years or even decades. The Nazis and their assorted scum cousins have a friend in the white house and they know it. They see Charlottesville as a grand recruitment win. They plan similar events nationally, even in San Francisco. 

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But it's going to get much worse before it begins to get better. The much worse period could be years or even decades. The Nazis and their assorted scum cousins have a friend in the white house and they know it. They see Charlottesville as a grand recruitment win. They plan similar events nationally, even in San Francisco. 

This will flush him out for what he is that much faster.

Impeach 45!!!!
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3 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

But it's going to get much worse before it begins to get better. The much worse period could be years or even decades. The Nazis and their assorted scum cousins have a friend in the white house and they know it. They see Charlottesville as a grand recruitment win. They plan similar events nationally, even in San Francisco. 

Let's hope the better nature of America prevails. Unlike the 1930s, The Aryan myth has been totally discredited. It's mostly dumb and obnoxious people that still buy into it.


They can cause serious damage, maybe for a few years, but they can't prevail for long.

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3 minutes ago, Thakkar said:

Let's hope the better nature of America prevails. Unlike the 1930s, The Aryan myth has been totally discredited. It's mostly dumb and obnoxious people that still buy into it.


They can cause serious damage, maybe for a few years, but they can't prevail for long.

I'm less optimistic.

trump knows he's unpopular.

So he needs a war or wars.

Abroad and/or domestic.

This white supremacist grab bag vs. assorted anti-fascist forces has real potential to become a kind of domestic, racial war.

The white supremacist trumpists sympathizers have much much greater numbers than literal Nazis or literal KKK members. They include a large portion of his base. Also, most of them have guns and many states allow open carry. 

I'd be shocked if Charlottesville is the end of this. 

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52 minutes ago, Thakkar said:


#impeachtrump is trending right now.

Obama's Charlottesville  tweet now reached 3M likes. Most liked tweet ever on twitter.

Meanwhile States and municipalities are pulling down confederate statues faster than ever. 

White supremacist website DailyStormer banned from GoDaddy, moved to Google, banned by Google, now forced onto Dark Web, but even there are being attacked by hackers.


Just in the last few days.


The real backlash will be seen in the coming weeks.


Even a lot of commentary on Fox is turning against him. Only the worst of the worst still support him.

Obama's election  made America Great

Unfortunately, the price to pay is Trump

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This is a prescient speech. I think it important enough to cross post on two active threads:


Donald Trump built his campaign on prejudice and paranoia. He is taking hate groups mainstream and helping a radical fringe take over the Republican Party. It's a disturbing preview of what kind of president he'd be. 


A man with a long history of racial discrimination who traffics in dark conspiracy theories drawn from the pages of supermarket tabloids and the far dark reaches of the internet, should never run our government or command our military.


Some people still want to give Trump the benefit of the doubt. They hope that he will eventually reinvent himself- that there's a kinder, gentler more responsible Trump waiting in the wings somewhere. But here's the hard truth: there is no other Donald Trump. This is it. This is someone who retweets white supremacists online, like the user who goes by the name "white-genocide-TM"


Trump took this fringe bigot with a few dozen followers and spread his message to 11 million people. When asked in a nationally televised interview whether he would disavow the support of David Duke, a former grand wizard of the KKK, Trump wouldn't do it. And only later, under mounting pressure did he backtrack.


No one should have any illusions about what's really going on here. The names may have changed. Racists now call themselves 'racialists.' White supremacists now call themselves 'white nationalists.' The paranoid fringe now called itself 'alt-right.' But the hate burns just as bright.


This is about who we are as a nation, it's about the kind of example we want to set for our children. Next time you see Trump on TV, think about all the children listening. You know kids hear a lot more than we think.

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