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Do you think Trump will be impeached or forced to resign?


Do you believe Trump will be impeached or forced to resign?  

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5 hours ago, RobFord said:


My money is on Jared Kushner. The one wanting a secret communications channel with the Kremlin.

"The candidate, in turn, asked his son-in-law to take over his Facebook initiatives."



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Why would Jared Kushner seek a back channel with Russians when Trump had already colluded with them to win the election? Wouldn't a *back channel* have already been set up? This doesn't make logical sense at all.

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5 hours ago, kunfish said:

I believe what Michael Moore said: Trump will be re-elected.


Things are still up in the air, but he's upset Washington and he's an independent according to today's NYT. He's a real enigma and won't be going anywhere.

I think it's too early to say he'll be reelected. However, I certainly think you are spot on in labeling him as an enigma. I believe the leftist media is overplaying their hand and creating long term damage to their credibility. Even worse for them, I believe some significant portion of the American public is developing an "immunity" to Trump news. When they have gotten so petty that they have criticized his wife's choice of shoes for a flight to see Hurricane Harvey damage, we have certainly arrived at the silliness season. Oh and have you seen the lady who led the charge saying Melania Trump is out of touch with normal Americans with her choice of shoes?




Yes, she is the first person I go to to see what ordinary Americans are wearing and doing. And clearly she is the one for make up tips for the ladies.  ;)



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7 minutes ago, MajarTheLion said:

Why would Jared Kushner seek a back channel with Russians when Trump had already colluded with them to win the election?

Old news:

"Jared Kushner and Russia’s ambassador to Washington discussed the possibility of setting up a secret and secure communications channel between Trump’s transition team and the Kremlin, using Russian diplomatic facilities in an apparent move to shield their pre-inauguration discussions from monitoring"


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9 minutes ago, Srikcir said:

Old news:

"Jared Kushner and Russia’s ambassador to Washington discussed the possibility of setting up a secret and secure communications channel between Trump’s transition team and the Kremlin, using Russian diplomatic facilities in an apparent move to shield their pre-inauguration discussions from monitoring"



I see. So they weren't worried about their pre-election collusion communications being monitored, but were worried after Trump beat Hillary. Yes, that makes perfect sense. To someone. Somewhere. I suppose. LOL

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4 hours ago, Ramen087 said:

Good God, man.  Ten months later and you're still in denial about how Presidents in the USA have been elected for more than two centuries. It's time to grow up and accept the reality of the situation. It really is sad to see submissions like the one above, even if it's a wind-up.

Because I'm not American I do not quite understand why The US should elect Presidents like they did  2 centuries ago??? The context is totally different - it's not so unusual to adapt the electoral system to today's reality. Trump's Victory clearly shows the limits of the system, or maybe you do agree with the fact that electoral system reverse the result of the popular vote. Trump is entitled to do whatever he wants, since he's been elected ? So he can probably pardon himself and his family members just because the case is not considered as illegal - or unconstitutional .. it's sad for a great nation like the US to be submissive to the tricks of a single individual just because he happened to be elected .. no wonder the turnout was so low.  

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4 hours ago, kunfish said:

For president? Thought there was some discussion of such. A black woman for president would be a natural. It's all about the popularity contest.


Her only problem- she's too far left. She'll go over great in New York and Caliornia. Good luck in the swing states.

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4 hours ago, kunfish said:

She still lost. She knows more than anyone how the game is played. Now she's blaming everyone but herself in her dumbly titled book (which Trump made fun of, LOL). She could have easily won if..if..but she lost. Popular vote is now how the USA votes people in. it's been a part of our system for 200 years.


My personal favorite from Hillary: blaming *Macedonian content farmers*. Sheez....


I'm sure there are plenty of Democrats who wish she would just shut up and go away. Oh looky here, a former fundraiser for her says just that:




And to be even clearer: Hillary Clinton is the biggest reason Trump won. I think this is what leftists are truly struggling with. They know she ran a horrible campaign. She gaffed. There were health concerns. She was lazy. She was entitled (her worst offense, IMHO).



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1 hour ago, MajarTheLion said:

Since I'm lazy and have limited patience for people in denial, I'll simply refer to the State of California debating whether to classify Antifa as a street gang.


Now you may not be able to associate a chant calling for dead cops with the actual murder of five cops,

but reasonable people can. And rest assured they do.


"Since I'm lazy"


Wow. That's the most pathetic non-response I have read in a long while.

Considering the inflammatory rhetoric you discharged.


Speaking of non-response and your pitiful dodge/deflection of your initial erroneous gibberish:

( you know the one, where you said: "I'll be happy to accommodate you"

1 hour ago, MajarTheLion said:

"the plethora of violence and murder we've seen from terrorist organizations like Antifa and Black Lives Matter"

Still waiting for you to substantiate that hyperbolic statement that you are too "lazy" to do. :whistling:

Murder in particular.

Again I ask, accommodate me.


"Now you may not be able to associate a chant calling for dead cops with the actual murder of five cops, but reasonable people can"

And while you are non at it, show proof of that.  Other than your own irrelevant musings.


California is debating classifying 'antifa' as a street gang, ya say?

That is supposed to validate your other internal musing as well? i.e. "terrorist organization"


Ya got nothin', but opinions.



I've got something for ya.

Certified terrorist, hate groups:


White Supremacists

And the KKK.


And while I have you here, if none of the 3 hate groups listed above engaged in violence,

would you, or do you, support their advocacy of an Ethno-State?



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27 minutes ago, MajarTheLion said:

So they weren't worried about their pre-election collusion communications being monitored, but were worried after Trump beat Hillary.


Nope. You are simply uninformed.

The occupier of the White House was briefed on Russian meddling within days of taking office.

He did nothing about it.


And all these law enforcement agencies currently conducting investigations are part of your imagined conspiracy?


Yes, that makes perfect sense. To someone. Somewhere. I suppose...

Actually, it makes no sense.


You do have quite an imagination, I'll give you that.


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1 hour ago, MajarTheLion said:

It is leftists who are predominantly the ones engaging in a campaign to harass,

assault and beat dissenters into silence.


"dissenters" ya say? :biggrin: Truly laughable.


Did you get that term from neo-nazi Richard Spencer? The inventer of the term "alt-right'?

Who, by his own admission, devised it to be a more "palatable" term for which he represents?



Quite an oblique description of the Ethno-State advocating, anti-semitic Neo-Nazis, White Supremacists and the KKK.


Indeed, quite an imagination...

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9 hours ago, iReason said:


As I thought, you are simply uninformed.


There are no pardons for state crimes.

As in the current investigations of fraud and money-laundering in New York by Special Counsel Mueller. (with NY Attorney General Schneiderman)

Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance Jr. has also begun preliminary investigations into Paul Manafort’s real estate activities.


New York Attorney General Schneiderman also has several open investigations connected to the White House.

Those include the Donald J. Trump Foundation, the Eric Trump Foundation and Trump’s personal lawyer, Jay Sekulow.

These prosecutors are looking into allegations that state laws governing the use of charitable contributions have been violated.


So, for you to state; "He has nothing to worry about"; that is factually ridiculous.

Good point. State crimes are another kettle of fish. We'll have to see how things play out with Mueller and Co. Manafort may be the guy who squeals. As for Trump himself, he may be off the hook and let the "small players" take the hits.

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6 hours ago, MajarTheLion said:

I think it's too early to say he'll be reelected. However, I certainly think you are spot on in labeling him as an enigma. I believe the leftist media is overplaying their hand and creating long term damage to their credibility. Even worse for them, I believe some significant portion of the American public is developing an "immunity" to Trump news. When they have gotten so petty that they have criticized his wife's choice of shoes for a flight to see Hurricane Harvey damage, we have certainly arrived at the silliness season. Oh and have you seen the lady who led the charge saying Melania Trump is out of touch with normal Americans with her choice of shoes?




Yes, she is the first person I go to to see what ordinary Americans are wearing and doing. And clearly she is the one for make up tips for the ladies.  ;)



Yeah, if you see WaPo comments, the "liberals" against Trump are knee-jerking now and over-reacting. It's too bad. They treat everything as bad coming out of the Administration. We all need to step back and think.


Here's an example of overreaction. When Bush 2 was president, they cut PBS funding, such as Sesame Street. Bad, right? Well, there were 500 people working on the Sesame Street show and the show had not changed since the 1970s, nothing new. They cut back in Sesame Street due to decreased funding. There were certainly a lot of people doing a lot of nothing.


Either side needs to evaluate funding and how things are done in gov't. Ask people in DC about the lobbyists and "Beltway bandits"...


Trump is shaking up both sides. 

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7 hours ago, MajarTheLion said:


1) Laughable. It is leftists who are predominantly the ones engaging in a campaign to harass, assault and beat dissenters into silence. You should read up on terrorist groups like Black Lives Matter and Antifa.


2) The age of the OP is irrelevant. The moderator posted a poll and an accompanying post. Basic stuff. Reread yet again and hopefully you will spot your mistake.


3) No, I didn't imply anything. I clearly stated my own thoughts as well as the statement of the FBI director. The only implication I see with regards to this is that one of us either isn't very good at reading or is dishonest. As far as respected US government agencies- that's definitely in the eye of the beholder. But don't worry, I understand how much leftists worship government and thus cling to their precious federal government agencies.


4) You've conceded Trump can fire the FBI director (and hopefully even you understand that others fall under that umbrella) any time he wants. Your concession is noted. That's good enough for me.


5) An awful lot of respected agencies? Interesting. And um.... so what?


6) Finally you have a reasonable point. Kudos to you. Black Lives Matter and Antifa are better described as Neo-fascist. Even Nancy Pelosi is backing away from Antifa. And if you think normal Americans aren't watching which side of the political aisle these terrorists, thugs and fascists represent, guess again.


7) You seem to have lost track of the conversation. Let me *refresh* your memory. You alleged Donald Trump's public support for right wing kooks. Now can you back up your assertion or not? A simple yes or no will do.

We are seeing a repeat of Mao's Cultural Revolution to mindlessly remove any remnants of the past. More black people than not are fine with the Confederate statues. White people jumping ahead to make the decisions themselves.


Trump made a good point, but soundbites can bite you. When he said both sides acting bad, he made a point. The left is totally on this complete suppression without hearing people out. Both sides need to talk and the left is not the "all right we are completely correct."


You know, the anti-racists could have belittled or made fun of the racists/racists. But no, it's the battle and fighting. When the left sprayed the police in Seattle with Silly String, they got their asses kicked and are upset.


I am left leaning, but not mindlessly left. The left is mindless in a lot of ways.

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6 hours ago, Opl said:

Because I'm not American I do not quite understand why The US should elect Presidents like they did  2 centuries ago??? The context is totally different - it's not so unusual to adapt the electoral system to today's reality. Trump's Victory clearly shows the limits of the system, or maybe you do agree with the fact that electoral system reverse the result of the popular vote. Trump is entitled to do whatever he wants, since he's been elected ? So he can probably pardon himself and his family members just because the case is not considered as illegal - or unconstitutional .. it's sad for a great nation like the US to be submissive to the tricks of a single individual just because he happened to be elected .. no wonder the turnout was so low.  

The Electoral College is important as it gives low-population states more equal power. Montana vs California. It makes sure that presidential candidates pay attention to low-pop states.

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16 minutes ago, kunfish said:

The Electoral College is important as it gives low-population states more equal power. Montana vs California. It makes sure that presidential candidates pay attention to low-pop states.

That was the plan but it didn't work out. 

In modern elections almost all the attention is at "swing" states, whether big or small. Basically about 10 or so states out of 50.

It was a good system in the olden days.

With modern communications it deserves to be scrapped. Of course, it won't be. 


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On 9/9/2017 at 9:53 AM, MajarTheLion said:

Trump is under no obligation to release any tax returns. And what obstruction of justice are you talking about?

The firing of Comey for starters.  Legal experts have already pointed this out.  It's old news.  Mueller is in the process of collecting all the evidence there is.  Maybe you know something he doesn't?   If so, please share.


Btw, during his presidential campaign, Trump became the first major party nominee since 1972 not to release his tax returns -- citing ongoing IRS audits, saying he would do so once those audits were completed - despite more than 200,000 petition signatures calling on  him to release his tax returns.  Sure looks like a nervous man who claims to be innocent.


Let's see those tax returns and come clean.


Make the Trump crime syndicate great again.

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4 hours ago, kunfish said:

The Electoral College is important as it gives low-population states more equal power. Montana vs California. It makes sure that presidential candidates pay attention to low-pop states.

The Electoral College is an artifact of slavery.  The Constitution gave the South over representation in the House, because of the Three Fifths Compromise, and in the Senate where all states, including big Northern and small Southern ones, got the same two senators.  Those provisions enabled the South to dominate the Congress until the Civil War.  The Electoral College was designed to translates the South's advantage in Congress to the election of the president by giving each state the number of electors equal to the sum of its representatives and senators.  The EC worked admirably: twelve of the first fifteen presidents were slave-holders.


The EC and the Senate are anti-democratic institutions that should both be dropped, but there is little chance of that because of the super-majorities required to amend the Constitution.

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The Electoral College is an artifact of slavery.  The Constitution gave the South over representation in the House, because of the Three Fifths Compromise, and in the Senate where all states, including big Northern and small Southern ones, got the same two senators.  Those provisions enabled the South to dominate the Congress until the Civil War.  The Electoral College was designed to translates the South's advantage in Congress to the election of the president by giving each state the number of electors equal to the sum of its representatives and senators.  The EC worked admirably: twelve of the first fifteen presidents were slave-holders.
The EC and the Senate are anti-democratic institutions that should both be dropped, but there is little chance of that because of the super-majorities required to amend the Constitution.

The Electoral College was created for two reasons. ... The first reason that the founders created the Electoral College is hard to understand today. The founding fathers were afraid of direct election to the Presidency. They feared a tyrant could manipulate public opinion and come to power.

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Not left but no less than mindless.

Cute. Most people are in the center on most positions. Then you have the rabid edges of society - educated and uneducated.

Fully support Mueller and there is a good chance trump will be brought down. However even the NYT has articles on how hard that may be.

Trump did act treasonous toward Russia for business. Also he's emboldened the racists in the country.

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36 minutes ago, EvenSteven said:

People at the time said the same thing about Hitler, Gaddafi and Saddam.  Cheer leading is a sign of desperation btw.

Despite all the negatives of Trump, it is good our system is being put to the the test and a lot questioned. It happened for a reason. Unconsciously. People were looking to a change or challenge to the so-called two-party system. It's a oligopoly in a sense and we need a 3rd party.


There are many upsetting things about Trump, but on one hand, they were fueled by Obama who remained silent on racial topics. Don't take me wrong. I voted for him twice and I have a t-shirt for donations and I had an African friend who was not so kind with Obama, too.


I have to stop here, because prefer politics to just reading the WaPo and NYT and letting things transpire. As Biden said in a recent article, we are in a change time for America. It has been culminating.


Sit back and have popcorn and watch the churning take place.

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8 hours ago, kunfish said:

We are seeing a repeat of Mao's Cultural Revolution to mindlessly remove any remnants of the past. More black people than not are fine with the Confederate statues. White people jumping ahead to make the decisions themselves.


Trump made a good point, but soundbites can bite you. When he said both sides acting bad, he made a point. The left is totally on this complete suppression without hearing people out. Both sides need to talk and the left is not the "all right we are completely correct."


You know, the anti-racists could have belittled or made fun of the racists/racists. But no, it's the battle and fighting. When the left sprayed the police in Seattle with Silly String, they got their asses kicked and are upset.


I am left leaning, but not mindlessly left. The left is mindless in a lot of ways.


5 hours ago, EvenSteven said:

The firing of Comey for starters.  Legal experts have already pointed this out.  It's old news.  Mueller is in the process of collecting all the evidence there is.  Maybe you know something he doesn't?   If so, please share.


Btw, during his presidential campaign, Trump became the first major party nominee since 1972 not to release his tax returns -- citing ongoing IRS audits, saying he would do so once those audits were completed - despite more than 200,000 petition signatures calling on  him to release his tax returns.  Sure looks like a nervous man who claims to be innocent.


Let's see those tax returns and come clean.


Make the Trump crime syndicate great again.


5 hours ago, EvenSteven said:

The firing of Comey for starters.  Legal experts have already pointed this out.  It's old news.  Mueller is in the process of collecting all the evidence there is.  Maybe you know something he doesn't?   If so, please share.


Btw, during his presidential campaign, Trump became the first major party nominee since 1972 not to release his tax returns -- citing ongoing IRS audits, saying he would do so once those audits were completed - despite more than 200,000 petition signatures calling on  him to release his tax returns.  Sure looks like a nervous man who claims to be innocent.


Let's see those tax returns and come clean.


Make the Trump crime syndicate great again.


There will be no obstruction of justice charge because there none. So you're stuck with that, no matter how long it takes you to find out.


What more is there to say about his tax returns? You're not going to see them, no petition does anything to change any outcome and most importantly of all- many if not most Americans are educated enough to understand them anyway.

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