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Do you think Trump will be impeached or forced to resign?

Do you believe Trump will be impeached or forced to resign?  

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4 minutes ago, GoldenTriangle said:

Let me play Battle Hymn of the Republic for you. If you do know Americans who are serving or that have served, you'd know boasting about one's own military service is what's called "Sellin' wolf tickets."

More like giving people like you a free ticket to state whatever inaccuracies or falsehoods you like without any consequence. Sorry, life is not that simple, and neither I nor the Americans i fought with give two craps about wolf tickets. That is normally a claim reserved for those that have a deep routed embarrassment that they never did anything for their country in terms of military service.

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2 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

 Not as naive as you it appears:


 Are you a Fox News viewer? The only conflict of interest Mueller has is he is a true patriot and despite everything he is finding out he must tell all. It would protect the superficial interests of the USA far more if Mueller just buried all this, that is his conflict of interest - he cannot, he must ensure the truth comes out.

You seem to be missing the point. I'm just saying both sides are wildly biased. You're being sold a bill of goods by either party. And painting a career DC lawyer and political insider as some sort of super patriot is pretty naive.

2 minutes ago, GoldenTriangle said:

The media on all sides serve as PR hacks for vested interests that couldn't care less about "America" or "the people."

That's why they are so comfortable having private lunches with Donald Trump.

1 minute ago, Andaman Al said:

More like giving people like you a free ticket to state whatever inaccuracies or falsehoods you like without any consequence. Sorry, life is not that simple, and neither I nor the Americans i fought with give two craps about wolf tickets. That is normally a claim reserved for those that have a deep routed embarrassment that they never did anything for their country in terms of military service.

Your flag waving is pretty embarrassing. I'm not going to compare histories. That's the terrain of the wannabes.

34 minutes ago, GoldenTriangle said:

How they manage to stay in office often crosses party lines and is usually influenced by well funded lobbyists.


Several years before the 2015-2016 campaign I saw Bernie on a talk show.  When asked about who is "bought" in Congress he said "ALL Republicans take money, the Dems about 40% of them do." 

In 2013, during an interview on TV, Ms. Pelosi said she would like to retire but she has a commitment to her "sponsors" -- what the ____ ?


I think that both parties are in for some major changes.  The Dems need effective leadership, time to chop off some heads of the Old Guard and allow in a new generation.  Too often the Dems interest seems to be the same as the right-wing.  Let's see what kind of shape the GOP will be in when the Orange One is gone.  They are both very authoritarian organizations, lord over their representatives with an iron fist.



1 minute ago, bendejo said:


Several years before the 2015-2016 campaign I saw Bernie on a talk show.  When asked about who is "bought" in Congress he said "ALL Republicans take money, the Dems about 40% of them do." 

In 2013, during an interview on TV, Ms. Pelosi said she would like to retire but she has a commitment to her "sponsors" -- what the ____ ?


I think that both parties are in for some major changes.  The Dems need effective leadership, time to chop off some heads of the Old Guard and allow in a new generation.  Too often the Dems interest seems to be the same as the right-wing.  Let's see what kind of shape the GOP will be in when the Orange One is gone.  They are both very authoritarian organizations, lord over their representatives with an iron fist.



Would love to see a quote or the actual footage. If not it's hearsay. I would highly doubt a Dem would know what goes on with republican congressmen.

22 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

 Not as naive as you it appears:


 Are you a Fox News viewer? The only conflict of interest Mueller has is he is a true patriot and despite everything he is finding out he must tell all. It would protect the superficial interests of the USA far more if Mueller just buried all this, that is his conflict of interest - he cannot, he must ensure the truth comes out.


Just now, bendejo said:


Several years before the 2015-2016 campaign I saw Bernie on a talk show.  When asked about who is "bought" in Congress he said "ALL Republicans take money, the Dems about 40% of them do." 

In 2013, during an interview on TV, Ms. Pelosi said she would like to retire but she has a commitment to her "sponsors" -- what the ____ ?


I think that both parties are in for some major changes.  The Dems need effective leadership, time to chop off some heads of the Old Guard and allow in a new generation.  Too often the Dems interest seems to be the same as the right-wing.  Let's see what kind of shape the GOP will be in when the Orange One is gone.  They are both very authoritarian organizations, lord over their representatives with an iron fist.



That would be great but the tentacles of power will be difficult to unhook from both of these deeply corrupt parties. For example, before the Democrats nomination campaign, Hillary's organization worked with Goldman Sachs chairman Lloyd Blankfein, a long time Clinton supporter, to buy up 80% of the Democratic Party's massive debt. That was meant to guarantee the nomination would go to Hillary. Considering how Bernie Sanders caved at the end, saying little about the backroom conniving to sabotage his run, the decision on a nominee appears to have been made before the campaign began.

As for the Republicans, those rotten old GOP whores in DC did everything in their power to stop Trump, which ironically sewed the seeds of their chosen candidate's failures. The Republicans had pretty much decided Jeb Bush was their boy before the campaign even began and that Chris Christie, Marco Rubio and the rest of those clowns would put up a good fight then be appointed to plum cabinet posts once Jeb was crowned.

Funny how the plans of both parties backfired in their faces. Hillary and Jeb both came off as establishment puppets that had no clue what was going on in the country. Too bad it had to be a mercurial weirdo like Trump that got the job but the Democrats and the Republicans only have themselves to blame. In a further irony, Trump was a big Bill and Hillary backer when Bubba ran for President. Plenty of pics of Donnie and whatever wife he had then and the Clintons dining in luxury on some expense account or other.

22 hours ago, KhunMhee said:

Lets have a look at facts. The GDP is up and he is financially making America great again.




And before you add that's from Obama. No no it's not....

Let's have a look at facts.  Nothing in your referenced Forbes article attributes economic gains to anything done by Trump.

4 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

Note:  of the thousands of Russian interferences (on FB, Twitter, etc) in the elections, not one incident of badmouthing Republicans has been mentioned.  All, I repeat ALL, the incidents of interference are negative/false attacks targeted at Democratic candidates.  


Mueller certainly has piles of evidence that only his team know about at this time.  I commend Mueller for being so disciplined, and not responding (like Trump would) at Republican-fueled attacks upon the investigation and upon him personally.   Oh, and Putin is attacking the Mueller probe (by echoing Trump's 'there was no collusion'), as we expected.    



Not one instance of Trump badmouthing Russia or Putin has been mentioned also.  Curious, he badmouths everyone else.

1 hour ago, GoldenTriangle said:

I love all these non-Americans sticking their oar in, most likely people who've never been there and have spoken to few actual Americans. They see the country through the distorted lens of the ludicrously one-sided corporate media and/or alt-right lunatics and believe that's what Americans think. They believe ridiculous polls that can be skewed in any direction and lists of "facts" that are made up out of thin air.

When Obama was President there was constant wailing about how he should be impeached or resign or arrested and hung from his heels. In the US, the media of all stripes sells politics in the country as a blood sport, exaggerating and/or just making stuff up to drive up viewership numbers. The likes of WaPo and the NYT issued apologies for their blatant biases during the election yet continue to be openly hostile toward the Trump administration, that he and his people can do nothing right or good ever. It's childish and will backfire as their readership plummets. I canceled my subscription to the NYT after their coverage of the election was so tilted it came off as a hysterical high school rag. And I wasn't alone by a long shot.

Actually, Trump has been great for the New York Times.    https://www.cnbc.com/2016/11/29/new-york-times-subscriptions-soar-tenfold-after-donald-trump-wins-presidency.html

2 minutes ago, heybruce said:

Let's have a look at facts.  Nothing in your referenced Forbes article attributes economic gains to anything done by Trump.

Lol the title says it all his economic scorecard. If you missed that then you are way beyond help :coffee1:

1 minute ago, KhunMhee said:

Lol the title says it all his economic scorecard. If you missed that then you are way beyond help :coffee1:

You base your conclusions solely on the titles of news reports?  You are way beyond help.

Just now, heybruce said:

You base your conclusions solely on the titles of news reports?  You are way beyond help.

Haha are you joking? The title is Trumps economic scorecard. Thus its what Forbes figures he has accomplished. Are you so much more of an expert than well the experts? Or are you just living with blind hatred of the man to see he has done great in the economic areas. Like I said terrible for PR but great at getting the economy rolling and posted an article to prove such. You're simply trying to stir the pot with 0 aforementioned proof. Off how some react when blinded by hate. Facts in the article if you cant accept it then you must know more than forbes

5 hours ago, boomerangutang said:



Mueller certainly has piles of evidence that only his team know about at this time. 


4 hours ago, lannarebirth said:


Only his team, and you apparently.


3 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

.....and the guilty parties.  



So which are you boomer..........one of Mueller's team, or one of the guilty parties??


You must have a foot in one of those camps with your knowledge of proceedings.

18 minutes ago, heybruce said:

Not one instance of Trump badmouthing Russia or Putin has been mentioned also.  Curious, he badmouths everyone else.



Not badmouthing the Russians is an impeachable offence??    Interesting.

8 minutes ago, F4UCorsair said:



Not badmouthing the Russians is an impeachable offence??    Interesting.

Not badmouthing a country that clearly interfered with the election is a suspicious omission.  Especially considering the business ties the Trump family has with Russians.

21 minutes ago, KhunMhee said:

Haha are you joking? The title is Trumps economic scorecard. Thus its what Forbes figures he has accomplished. Are you so much more of an expert than well the experts? Or are you just living with blind hatred of the man to see he has done great in the economic areas. Like I said terrible for PR but great at getting the economy rolling and posted an article to prove such. You're simply trying to stir the pot with 0 aforementioned proof. Off how some react when blinded by hate. Facts in the article if you cant accept it then you must know more than forbes

Haha, show me where in your referenced article Trump is credited with the economic growth that began years ago under Obama.  If Forbes published an article titled "Natural disasters in Trump's first year." would you assume Forbes is accusing him of causing those disasters?

1 hour ago, GoldenTriangle said:

So why no investigation of the DRC and their corrupt practices? Their own stand-in chairwoman wrote a book about how rotten the situation was. Billary Clinton conspired with Goldman Sachs boss Lloyd Blankfein to buy up 80% of the Democrat's massive debt, with the guarantee the nomination would go to Billary. Never a word about any of this in the media. I'm no fan of Trump, but if one case of corruption is investigated, the other should be as well. Of course the Justice Dept remains a bastion of Obama appointees and Trump has only replaced a few.

The real weakness of the Trump administration is their lack of preparation in having appointees ready to replace all the deep state moles.

In case you haven't noticed, HRC is not president.  She's already been unfairly investigated numerous times by Republican hounds - and not found guilty of anything.  Crying out for more witch hunts on HRC is really low class.  Only a 3rd rate banana republic dictatorship hounds the losing candidate while falsely accusing him/her of crimes.  That's what Trump is devolving the US into:  a low class dictatorship.  If in doubt: look at all he's done and said in the past 20 months.  Or make it easy on yourself, and simply look at what he said yesterday:  He wants to control the Justice Dept.  In case you don't know, that's unconstitutional.  


1 hour ago, KhunMhee said:

 He is not getting involved in the mater on a personal level leads one to think he does not fear any findings.

Are you joking?  Trump is afraid of what Mueller's team will publish, that he's going nutzoid.  Even his closest aides are telling stories of Trump going ballistic whenever anyone near him even mentions the word 'Russia'.  During the most recent interview, Trump repeatedly said, "there is no collusion" ....even when the topic was something different.   A man that desperate is obviously guilty.   It's like a bank robber who, when caught, keeps saying to the cops, "I didn't do it, and whatever you do, don't look under my bed."


41 minutes ago, hyku1147 said:

Fruit of the  Poisoned Tree

"An open-source investigation revealed the dossier was based on 10-year-old Wall Street Journal articles. penned by Fusion GPS co-founder Glenn Simpson and his wife. Fusion GPS recruited Steele to manufacture the dossier, which was paid for by the DNC and Hillary Clinton. This comes as GOP lawmakers are questioning the competence of the DOJ and the FBI, who reportedly based their Russian collusion probe on the fake dossier." http://www.oann.com/fake-trump-dossier-author-confesses-to-using-unverified-information/

The so-called 'Steele Dossier' was originally sponsored by Republican rivals of Trump.  The man who started that ball rolling, a rich hard-righter, wound up committing suicide, weeks before the '16 election.  Too bad, because if he were around today, he'd be interviewed by Mueller's team and likely would have much to shed light on - about the Republicans' vast array of dirty tricks.  Speaking of which, Sater and Roger Stone are being interviewed also.  It would surprise me if either of those dirty tricksters will be able to dodge jail time on this imbroglio.  


14 minutes ago, F4UCorsair said:

So which are you boomer..........one of Mueller's team, or one of the guilty parties??

You must have a foot in one of those camps with your knowledge of proceedings.

It's obvious Mueller and his team have lots of dirt on Trump that hasn't been revealed yet.  If that bothers you, then so be it.  Maybe you should invest in a security blanket like the character in Peanuts, because Trump apologists are going to shed a lot of tears in the next year.

19 minutes ago, heybruce said:

Haha, show me where in your referenced article Trump is credited with the economic growth that began years ago under Obama.  If Forbes published an article titled "Natural disasters in Trump's first year." would you assume Forbes is accusing him of causing those disasters?

Easy to show.


Today marks one year since Donald Trump was elected president. Over that time the stock market has boomed, GDP growth has improved and unemployment is at an almost 17-year low. Exactly what I was saying


We have also developed a publicly available Google document, which tracks over 100 indicators to help evaluate the progress and potential of “Make America Great Again. More from the article. You know you're making this too easy



33 minutes ago, F4UCorsair said:

Not badmouthing the Russians is an impeachable offence??    Interesting.

No one said that.

However, Trump badmouths everything and everyone that doesn't openly praise him.  He even badmouths Sessions and others - who he repeatedly heaped praise upon months ago.  Trump is only faithful to one person: himself.  He would probably even throw his family members under the bus - if it would save him a few more days of freedom from jail.


Note to anyone close to Trump:  be wary if he praises you.  More often than not, that's an  indication he's going to throw you under the bus within hours/days.  He did it with Comey, Papadopolous, Flynn, Priebus, Bannon, and several others in recent months. 


4 minutes ago, KhunMhee said:

Easy to show.


Today marks one year since Donald Trump was elected president. Over that time the stock market has boomed, GDP growth has improved and unemployment is at an almost 17-year low. Exactly what I was saying


We have also developed a publicly available Google document, which tracks over 100 indicators to help evaluate the progress and potential of “Make America Great Again. More from the article. You know you're making this too easy



All of those trends began in the second year of Obama's presidency.  Before Trump took office he called the numbers fake, now that he is President he takes credit for improvements he has nothing to do with.  Show us anything Trump has done that can clearly be shown to have improved the economy since he took office.


From your own referenced article (did you read it?):


"Job gains running at a lower rate than Obama’s

Even before the negative impact of the hurricanes, Trump’s job gains are running at a lower level than Obama’s."

4 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:

No one said that.

However, Trump badmouths everything and everyone that doesn't openly praise him.  He even badmouths Sessions and others - who he repeatedly heaped praise upon months ago.  Trump is only faithful to one person: himself.  He would probably even throw his family members under the bus - if it would save him a few more days of freedom from jail.


Note to anyone close to Trump:  be wary if he praises you.  More often than not, that's an  indication he's going to throw you under the bus within hours/days.  He did it with Comey, Papadopolous, Flynn, Priebus, Bannon, and several others in recent months. 



However, Trump badmouths everything and everyone that doesn't openly praise him.  He even badmouths Sessions and others

He is about to "badmouthing" M. Flynn as well.




14 minutes ago, KhunMhee said:

Ok you might have missed this the first 4 times I have said it. Post proof on what you say or its just speculation. Since this has started today you have posted 0 proof to back anything you claim is truth. Wait do you work for the NYT?

Sorry, you'll have to do your own research, or simply open your ears and eyes to what's been happening in Trumpworld for the past 20 months.   If you pay me $90/hr, I'll research it for you and provide you with a looseleaf binder articulating the law-breaking by Trump and his associates - but it will be thick (estimate 5 inches) and I like to get paid in advance.


If, on the other hand, you don't want to see/hear any proofs, then no one can convince you of anything.   I know a flat-earther (seriously) who is completely fixated on his beliefs, and no amount of evidence will convince him that the Earth is spherical.  Are you in that camp?


The NYT is a reputable news organization which has been around a long time.  Only an ego-inflated ignoramous like Trump would try to put down numerous reputable news organizations - when the news doesn't openly praise him. Every time he opines about news media, he loses supporters.  More people, each day, are waking up to see what a dangerous dufus Trump is.   He's so stupid, that in the same sentence, he'll call the NYT 'fake news' while quoting the NYT to try and bolster his image.


WRT the OP question, doesn't seem likely (yet).


Dems should be thinking about unintended consequences should this investigation drag on without resolution until the next campaign.  If Mueller can't nail Trump to the wall on anything, Trump will be totally vindicated in his "political witch hunt" meme.

3 minutes ago, 55Jay said:

WRT the OP question, doesn't seem likely (yet).

Dems should be thinking about unintended consequences should this investigation drag on without resolution until the next campaign.  If Mueller can't nail Trump to the wall on anything, Trump will be totally vindicated in his "political witch hunt" meme.

You bring up a good point.  At some point, Mueller's team will start releasing their findings.  At whatever point that is, Republicans will start screaming about the bad (politically explosive) timing.  Mark my words.  


It reminds me of when I had a wino who commandeered an empty trailer on my rural property.  Each time I tried to get him to leave, he would bellyache about the bad timing, saying things like, "It's my mother's birthday today, you can't kick me out" or "I just stubbed my toe, so I can't leave now."  






1 hour ago, heybruce said:

All of those trends began in the second year of Obama's presidency.  Before Trump took office he called the numbers fake, now that he is President he takes credit for improvements he has nothing to do with.  Show us anything Trump has done that can clearly be shown to have improved the economy since he took office.


From your own referenced article (did you read it?):


"Job gains running at a lower rate than Obama’s

Even before the negative impact of the hurricanes, Trump’s job gains are running at a lower level than Obama’s."

You might as well give it up.  The article is purely an opinion piece, and carries the disclaimer "Opinions expressed by Forbes Contributors are their own".


You just have to look at the S&P 500 index over the past years to see where the growth has come from. or will they tell us that word of Trump's victory was being spread back in 2009?  (2008 was the year of someones victory though, and he just happened to hold office from Jan 20 2009...)



9 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

It's going to be a tough year for Trump fans, .....those few who are left.  They're going to get angry daily.  There are serious charges coming at Trump and his cabal from many directions.  The law-breaking charges are not so much fueled by hate for Trump (though that's real), ...but more so based on increasing mountains of proof of law-breaking.  


Most Americans (non-Trump fans, about 82% of Americans) don't like the fact that Russians tangibly interfered with the US election process - to get a Trump win.  Now, evidence is coming out which shows some congressional Republican elections were actively affected by Russian interference - hand in glove with Republican party/candidates.   South Florida is now in the news on that issue.   


Ryan was sent a formal letter by Pelosi, several days ago, asking about that.  Of course, Ryan is too chicken to respond.  He, and the entire Republican cabal are guilty as hell (of colluding with the Russkies), and they're all running scared.  Everything they do and say indicates that. 




At some point - maybe 2 or 3 years in - you'll have to stop making these predictions. 


You keep making them & they keep not coming true.

3 hours ago, KhunMhee said:

Easy to show.


Today marks one year since Donald Trump was elected president. Over that time the stock market has boomed, GDP growth has improved and unemployment is at an almost 17-year low. Exactly what I was saying


We have also developed a publicly available Google document, which tracks over 100 indicators to help evaluate the progress and potential of “Make America Great Again. More from the article. You know you're making this too easy



Trump Ranks Sixth In Stock Market Performance Behind Obama And Clinton



"The market's cheerleader-in-chief never mentions that he inherited a bull market -- one that began long before "MAGA" hats started showing up on the campaign trail.



bull market sp 500 1011



40 minutes ago, Dagnabbit said:

At some point - maybe 2 or 3 years in - you'll have to stop making these predictions. 

You keep making them & they keep not coming true.

I've made a lot of predictions which have borne out to be true.  Would you like a list?



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