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Do you think Trump will be impeached or forced to resign?

Do you believe Trump will be impeached or forced to resign?  

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1 minute ago, boomerangutang said:

It just reinforces the fact that Trump voters are dumber than dumb, and soooooo easily duped.  Either that, or they actually want the US to go down the tubes.

We get it already!  They're dumb.  Trump voters are easy targets.  


What's your take on the Republicans in Congress?  Are they dumb too?


How long are they going to support numb nuts?

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39 minutes ago, Opl said:

Trump might as well be reelected as long as ... GOP and EC support him  again

"Roughly half of voters who said they voted for Donald Trump last November, 49 percent, believe Trump won the popular vote, according to a new POLITICO/Morning Consult poll. That's compared to 40 percent who say Democrat Hillary Clinton won."

( "In addition to winning the Electoral College in a landslide, I won the popular vote if you deduct the millions of people who voted illegally," Trump tweeted.)



It's worse than that. A significant number (I think almost 40%) of Trump supporters insist that Don Jr did not meet with Russians. This, even though Don Jr, himself, his father and his brother in law have publicly on separate occasions, in print and on TV, admitted to meeting Russians.


These people live on a different realm.





9 minutes ago, rijb said:

We get it already!  They're dumb.  Trump voters are easy targets.  


What's your take on the Republicans in Congress?  Are they dumb too?


How long are they going to support numb nuts?

That's an interesting question. I believe the legislators' support for Trump is tied to two things.


1. The overlap between Trump loyalists and their own base. So far, they seem to have determined that the overlap is a lot, and certainly enough for them to fear losing those votes in case they go too publicly against Trump.


2. How long it takes them to get the tax cuts they've promised their masters. The healthcare bill is a tax cut in disguise and hasn't passed yet. The budget bill, another tax cut opportunity, is yet to be introduced.


These are the dynamics that will determine how long they will continue to support him, barring any seriously shocking revelations. And for this administration, such revelations have to super duper shocking and come with irrefutable audio, video and documentary evidence.




Neither. Mr. Trump  is consolidating power at an alarming rate, including stuffing the judiciary with ultra conservative young judges. He has McConnell and Ryan as his Capital Hill gestapo and the full backing of the Koch Bros. He's got some real experts at it, too advising him. I would take it very very seriously. 

Want to read something very very scary- unless you agree with it, of course.


This is how a minority with extremist views will take over the nation. They mean to re write the Constitution  and with gerrymandering and voter suppression, just 2 more states  fall to GOP legislatures, and they will. ( 38 out of 50 to ratify amendments) 

1 minute ago, Thakkar said:

That's an interesting question. I believe the legislators' support for Trump is tied to two things.


1. The overlap between Trump loyalists and their own base. So far, they seem to have determined that the overlap is a lot, and certainly enough for them to fear losing those votes in case they go too publicly against Trump.


2. How long it takes them to get the tax cuts they've promised their masters. The healthcare bill is a tax cut in disguise and hasn't passed yet. The budget bill, another tax cut opportunity, is yet to be introduced.


These are the dynamics that will determine how long they will continue to support him, barring any seriously shocking revelations. And for this administration, such revelations have to super duper shocking and come with irrefutable audio, video and documentary evidence.



Thanks for the lucid response.  No bullying.  And no news feeds.


Classic example of a "alternative fact" from TrumpNation. Supporters of the inept one.

What they have failed to grasp, among many other things is;

The Boy Scouts didn't come there for him.

They gather every four years en masse regardless of who occupies the White House.

(This time, 30,000, not the lie that the inept one attempted to perpetuate: 45,000)


Still, that didn't stop him from shamefully attempting to indoctrinate some of them like Brownshirts.

U.S.A. ! U.S.A. ! U.S.A. ! U.S.A. ! 




On 5/21/2017 at 10:44 AM, Silurian said:

Right now, the doofus POTUS is actually a big plus to Democrats. The more stupid and idiotic he looks and the more the kowtowed congress goes along, the more and more likely Democrats will take the house in 2018. As much as some Democrats want impeachment or a resignation, I think they hope it won't happen until late next year after the elections are done. There is no bigger selling point for the Democrats than the failing POTUS. It makes for excellent ads.


It can actually be better for Republicans to cut the rope now before they hang as a whole but that won't happen. They have no idea how to finesse this to their advantage. They were too busy being the party of "NO" for so long, they forgot how to do anything else but be stubborn.


Personally, as a former democrat, I do not see democrat wins outside of CA until they give up their republican light appearance and return to the pre-Reagan progressive standard. 


But there are so many possibilities that can happen. If trumpalumpa care passes, and people discover how they are screwed with "yuge" insurance bills for limited care with "yuge" deductibles eyes may be opened. 


I understand trumpalumpa was expressing a desire to resign a couple weeks ago. 


The investigation by Mueller can go either way. After getting into his taxes and business dealings he should indict. 


However, as a republican, even an honest man, he may place party over nation and report the investigation revealed nothing indictable. 


Wait and see


Trump Just Stopped A Rally To Ask Crowd If He Should Be Put On Mount Rushmore


Trump’s megalomania is reaching dangerous new lows. His already infamous, unhinged speech to the Boy Scouts yesterday showed him to be a president quickly untethering from reality.  Today, at a speech in Ohio, Trump gave perhaps his most absurd musings yet.



4 minutes ago, Skywalker69 said:

Trump Just Stopped A Rally To Ask Crowd If He Should Be Put On Mount Rushmore


Trump’s megalomania is reaching dangerous new lows. His already infamous, unhinged speech to the Boy Scouts yesterday showed him to be a president quickly untethering from reality.  Today, at a speech in Ohio, Trump gave perhaps his most absurd musings yet.



I thought crucifixion was illegal.


Other than impeachment and resignation, there is a distinct third possibility: health crisis.  People no longer complain that Trump never released his health records, but apparently there are ugly secrets there as well that Trump doesn't want the public to know.  For a seventy-year old health problems coupled with the unexpectedly high stress levels of the job, something could pop, and Pence will be ready with the 25th amendment.


Trump's disdain for the rule of law


"President Donald Trump's latest tirade against Attorney General Jeff Sessions goes beyond his usual demeaning of perceived foes and reflects a pattern of scorn for the rule of law and those who would enforce it."


"The underlying message of his tweets and other remarks over the past six months, including those aimed at federal judges, suggests that Trump believes he need not adhere to usual legal norms and stands ready to humiliate anyone who crosses him."
"Unlike his usual broadsides, these attacks do not appear aimed at influencing politics but at influencing key players in legal proceedings."
24 minutes ago, Skywalker69 said:

Trump Just Stopped A Rally To Ask Crowd If He Should Be Put On Mount Rushmore


Trump’s megalomania is reaching dangerous new lows. His already infamous, unhinged speech to the Boy Scouts yesterday showed him to be a president quickly untethering from reality.  Today, at a speech in Ohio, Trump gave perhaps his most absurd musings yet.



100 feet under Mount Rushmore is a better place for Trump. IMO.

Other than impeachment and resignation, there is a distinct third possibility: health crisis.  People no longer complain that Trump never released his health records, but apparently there are ugly secrets there as well that Trump doesn't want the public to know.  For a seventy-year old health problems coupled with the unexpectedly high stress levels of the job, something could pop, and Pence will be ready with the 25th amendment.

That's the best chance of the clown leaving office this term.
11 minutes ago, CaptHaddock said:

For a seventy-year old health problems coupled with the unexpectedly high stress levels of the job, something could pop,

and Pence will be ready with the 25th amendment.


Could be why these two One-Eyed Jacks flanking him are smiling...




The Dow busted 21700 today. Thank you Mr. Trump for the regulation cuts you promised. No, it's time to cut Obama loose. A new sheriff in town boys. Biggest cuts since Reagan.


More to come.....Hold on boys.

8 minutes ago, thehelmsman said:

The Dow busted 21700 today. Thank you Mr. Trump for the regulation cuts you promised. No, it's time to cut Obama loose. A new sheriff in town boys. Biggest cuts since Reagan.


More to come.....Hold on boys.

He has done great for the stock market.  Which most don't benefit from.  He has done some serious regulation cuts.  He's yet to pass any serious legislation. Just Executive Orders that he can do on his own....for better or worse. 


Time will tell if he can get his tax reform through.  Health care is dead.  We'll see, but I wish him the best of luck.  So far, the prognosis isn't good.


US admiral stands ready to obey a Trump nuclear strike order


"The U.S. Pacific Fleet commander said Thursday he would launch a nuclear strike against China next week if President Donald Trump ordered it, and warned against the military ever shifting its allegiance from its commander in chief."


"Asked by an academic in the audience whether he would make a nuclear attack on China next week if Trump ordered it, Swift replied: "The answer would be yes."


"This is core to the American democracy and any time you have a military that is moving away from a focus and an allegiance to civilian control, then we really have a significant problem," Swift said."




An addendum to my above post regarding Commander Swift's delusional, erroneous, trigger happy assertion:  "you have a military that is moving away from a focus and an allegiance to civilian control,  then we really have a significant problem"


"Civilian control of the military is a doctrine in military and political science that places ultimate responsibility for a country's strategic decision-making in the hands of the civilian political leadership, rather than professional military officers."


"The reverse situation, where professional military officers control national politics, is called a military dictatorship."


"A lack of control over the military may result in a state within a state."


18 hours ago, Skywalker69 said:

Trump Just Stopped A Rally To Ask Crowd If He Should Be Put On Mount Rushmore


Trump’s megalomania is reaching dangerous new lows. His already infamous, unhinged speech to the Boy Scouts yesterday showed him to be a president quickly untethering from reality.  Today, at a speech in Ohio, Trump gave perhaps his most absurd musings yet.



Ohio rally, a rally that "broke ALL records." Wow.




The tired old, but, but, but Clinton nonsense again...
But I think you are starting to get it.
The hobbled GOP are/will pull a Julius Caesar on him. (Figuratively)
He is already isolated and surrounded by people he doesn't trust.
Unprecedented leaks are flying left and right from the White House itself.
And his paranoia shows.
Pence is a smiling jack of a snake just lying in wait.
The inept ones' true inevitable downfall will be because he has embarrassed and pissed off a good portion of the GOP.
And the majority of Americans.
This bumbling incompetent rookie will be benched. Or face the consequences of his actions with the law.g


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He has done great for the stock market.  Which most don't benefit from.  He has done some serious regulation cuts.  He's yet to pass any serious legislation. Just Executive Orders that he can do on his own....for better or worse. 
Time will tell if he can get his tax reform through.  Health care is dead.  We'll see, but I wish him the best of luck.  So far, the prognosis isn't good.

Most everyone benefits directly or indirectly from a strong market.

That said, recent growth is due to the sound economic policies put in place during eight years of the Obama Administration, not by a few months of chest-beating by an orange-headed buffoon.



Trump Says White House Staffers ‘Fighting Over Who Loves Me The Most’



President Donald Trump characterized months of reported infighting within his administration as a battle between staffers competing for his affection in an interview published Tuesday in The Wall Street Journal.

Trump, asked about the Justice Department’s role in quashing a spate of leaks to the media from anonymous sources within the White House and various federal agencies, said he hoped Attorney General Jeff Sessions would “go after the leakers in intelligence.” However, the president, seemingly as an aside, appeared to quip that he wasn’t bothered by staffers leaking positive things about his administration.

“I don’t mean the White House stuff where they’re fighting over who loves me the most, OK?” Trump said






A leading psychiatry group has told its members they should not feel bound by a longstanding rule against commenting publicly on the mental state of public figures — even the president. 
An increasing number of psychologists and psychiatrists have denounced the restriction as a “gag rule” and flouted it, with some arguing they have a “duty to warn” the public about what they see as Trump’s narcissism, impulsivity, poor attention span, paranoia, and other traits that, they believe, impair his ability to lead.
1 minute ago, Thakkar said:



A leading psychiatry group has told its members they should not feel bound by a longstanding rule against commenting publicly on the mental state of public figures — even the president. 
An increasing number of psychologists and psychiatrists have denounced the restriction as a “gag rule” and flouted it, with some arguing they have a “duty to warn” the public about what they see as Trump’s narcissism, impulsivity, poor attention span, paranoia, and other traits that, they believe, impair his ability to lead.

And they should send Trump a bill for the diagnosis.


Republican Senator Murkowski Just Declared War On Trump For Threatening Her Constituents


Senator Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) took a stand for her constituents yesterday when she voted against the motion-to-proceed and then against each version of the atrocious bundle of tax cuts for the wealthy and health insurance industry handouts that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has the audacity to call a “healthcare” bill.



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