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Do you think Trump will be impeached or forced to resign?


Do you believe Trump will be impeached or forced to resign?  

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This Is What European Diplomats Really Think About Donald Trump


LONDON – Even before the latest escalation of nuclear threats between Donald Trump and Kim Jong Un’s North Korea, senior diplomats and officials from the US's European allies have been warning that the US president’s approach to world affairs is extremely dangerous – pointing to his apparent ignorance of other countries’ history, his unfiltered use of social media, and the lack of a strong, experienced team around him.



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5 minutes ago, Skywalker69 said:

This Is What European Diplomats Really Think About Donald Trump


LONDON – Even before the latest escalation of nuclear threats between Donald Trump and Kim Jong Un’s North Korea, senior diplomats and officials from the US's European allies have been warning that the US president’s approach to world affairs is extremely dangerous – pointing to his apparent ignorance of other countries’ history, his unfiltered use of social media, and the lack of a strong, experienced team around him.



From the above article:

Describing a meeting between their boss and the president as “basically useless,” they said: “He [Trump] just bombed us with questions: ‘How many people do you have? What’s your GDP? How much oil does [that country] produce? How many barrels a day? How much of it is yours?’”


Trump Goes into a discussion unprepared and has no knowledge base on which he can rely on to make informed discussions, negotiations or decisions.



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1 hour ago, pegman said:

The image drop and fear of harassment at airports as well as a general fear of harassment has led to a big drop in tourism as well as collage applications from abroad—both industries being major job providers and revenue earners for America.


Hopefully the damage is temporary. Time will tell.



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1 hour ago, Thakkar said:

Apple co founder is the son of an immigrant, Google founders are children of immigrants. Youtube, Sun Micro systems (who invented the Java programming language that today pervades the Web), Not mention the first Black president and the first orange president.

As you say, Wozniak was the son of immigrants, while Trump's mother, wife and paternal grandparents were immigrants.  But trying to compare the two men is like comparing apples with oranges.

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49 minutes ago, ballpoint said:

As you say, Wozniak was the son of immigrants, while Trump's mother, wife and paternal grandparents were immigrants.  But trying to compare the two men is like comparing apples with oranges.

BTW,  Steve Jobs - father was Iranian. 

The guy who wrote the underlying software that runs on Macs, iPhones and iPads, AppleTV and Apple .watch- the son of Armenian immigrants.

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47 minutes ago, Thakkar said:

BTW,  Steve Jobs - father was Iranian. 

The guy who wrote the underlying software that runs on Macs, iPhones and iPads, AppleTV and Apple .watch- the son of Armenian immigrants.


Jobs biological father was from Syria. His grandparents from his adoptive mother's side were Armenian immigrants.

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40 minutes ago, Morch said:


Jobs biological father was from Syria. His grandparents from his adoptive mother's side were Armenian immigrants.


I stand corrected. Syrian, not Iranian. I wasn't aware of Jobs' adoptive mother's backgraound.

But the guy who wrote the basics of the MacOS (Originaly, the Next Operating System) and iOS is the son of Armenian immigrants. His name is something like Avie Tevanian (sp.)


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I stand corrected. Syrian, not Iranian. I wasn't aware of Jobs' adoptive mother's backgraound.

But the guy who wrote the basics of the MacOS (Originaly, the Next Operating System) and iOS is the son of Armenian immigrants. His name is something like Avie Tevanian (sp.)



Can't recall which documentary on Jobs it was, but he had no interest in his Syrian ancestry, and was introduced to his biological father who was managing a middle eastern restaurant at the time.


Neither realized they were related, and he was the great Steve Jobs at this point.



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On 8/9/2017 at 6:48 PM, inThailand said:

and foaming at the mouth!


It's in the US best interests that Trump is a successful president. He is his worst enemy, but all the ones who guessed the election wrong which is their job, are out to get him. He needs to get refocused on making decisions not playing daily defence. His failure will mean continuing the demise of the US.

You are correct that those who guessed the election wrong are out to get him.  There was really no excuse for that failure as an analysis of the swing state polls back then showed them to be cooked in favor of Hillary.  Some "experts" were wrong and some were plain lying. 


Do people really think Obama thought Trump would lose?  Obama is a lot of things, but stupid is not one of them.  He knew Trump would win, but was trying a last ditch effort to save the election for the elitists.


SO, the polls we're propaganda then and they're propaganda now.  Trump will not be impeached and will remain for 8 years, barring assassination.


Trump never pres.png

Obama Trump will not be president.png

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8 hours ago, Thakkar said:


Mexican farm laborers, illegal and legal, were the solution to a problem, not the problem.


Americans weren't willing and in many cases simply unable to do the required labor. This is a combination of many factors, including:

The work is seasonal.

The places where Americans willing to do the work live, are not the places that have the work and nobody's going to move their families for seasonal work.


For a high enough wage, American workers can of course be found. But that would make the resulting products too expensive and cheaper to import. The farmer and the other non farm Americans he employed would be out of work while consumers would also be paying more at the till.


Many farm products are used by American manufacturers to make processed foods for export. They too would suffer leading to more Americans losing their jobs.


The solution is more mechanization, which is already happening, but takes time. The interim solution is to allow more legal imported labor and to simultaneously severely punish employers who hire illegals. 


Punishing the illegals may satisfy bigoted sadists, but doesn't solve the actual problem.



If all the illegals stuck with picking seasonal crops this whole "Build the Wall" crusade never would have happened. I  worked on a large dairy through my high school years in the early 70's as some white kids did. No Mexicans needed. Now, only Mexicans have these jobs. Little by little the illegals moved from the fields to construction, warehouses, slaughter houses, manufacturing.


Punishing employers outside of hiring seasonal workers for hiring illegals most certainly is the answer. Big business has certainly thrived on paying smaller wages to illegals. It's not until now that a President has made such an issue out of illegals.


I'm not going to respond to all but get one thing straight. Illegal aliens and "Immigrants" are not the same. Immigrants went through a stringent process to be granted the privilege to enter the  US and work. Where as "Illegals" did not. We are a land of "Immigrants" who had to prove we were healthy and not going to be a drain on the American Society. These people whose defense of illegals is saying we are a land of immigrants live in a bubble world and have never had to compete for jobs with illegals.


The fact that crops are rotting is unfortunate but will work itself out eventually.
















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29 minutes ago, thehelmsman said:

If all the illegals stuck with picking seasonal crops this whole "Build the Wall" crusade never would have happened. I  worked on a large dairy through my high school years in the early 70's as some white kids did. No Mexicans needed. Now, only Mexicans have these jobs. Little by little the illegals moved from the fields to construction, warehouses, slaughter houses, manufacturing.


Punishing employers outside of hiring seasonal workers for hiring illegals most certainly is the answer. Big business has certainly thrived on paying smaller wages to illegals. It's not until now that a President has made such an issue out of illegals.


I'm not going to respond to all but get one thing straight. Illegal aliens and "Immigrants" are not the same. Immigrants went through a stringent process to be granted the privilege to enter the  US and work. Where as "Illegals" did not. We are a land of "Immigrants" who had to prove we were healthy and not going to be a drain on the American Society. These people whose defense of illegals is saying we are a land of immigrants live in a bubble world and have never had to compete for jobs with illegals.


The fact that crops are rotting is unfortunate but will work itself out eventually.


"Punishing employers outside of hiring seasonal workers for hiring illegals most certainly is the answer. Big business has certainly thrived on paying smaller wages to illegals."


Well there's something we agree on. That's a start.


"It's not until now that a President has made such an issue of illegals"


That's just not the case. Every President has tried, with varying degrees of success to tackle the problem. And btw, illegal immigration from the southern border is only part of the problem—a problem that a wall, even if it were ever to be built, will not solve.


Trump was never interested in offering solutions. He's only offering racist porn with his cruel treatment of illegals. It may serve to temporarily curb arrivals, but as long as there is the economic pull, the arrivals will resume. 


Viable solutions require thoughtful, not forceful actions. Trump has shown no inclination towards those. 


Without defending illegal immigration, I have to dispute that illegals are a drain on society. Quite the contrary. Available data show that they are net contributors.



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1 hour ago, thehelmsman said:

If all the illegals stuck with picking seasonal crops this whole "Build the Wall" crusade never would have happened. I  worked on a large dairy through my high school years in the early 70's as some white kids did. No Mexicans needed. Now, only Mexicans have these jobs. Little by little the illegals moved from the fields to construction, warehouses, slaughter houses, manufacturing.


Punishing employers outside of hiring seasonal workers for hiring illegals most certainly is the answer. Big business has certainly thrived on paying smaller wages to illegals. It's not until now that a President has made such an issue out of illegals.


I'm not going to respond to all but get one thing straight. Illegal aliens and "Immigrants" are not the same. Immigrants went through a stringent process to be granted the privilege to enter the  US and work. Where as "Illegals" did not. We are a land of "Immigrants" who had to prove we were healthy and not going to be a drain on the American Society. These people whose defense of illegals is saying we are a land of immigrants live in a bubble world and have never had to compete for jobs with illegals.


The fact that crops are rotting is unfortunate but will work itself out eventually.
















You what now?  With compatriots like you who needs Russian interference?



These people whose defense of illegals is saying we are a land of immigrants live in a bubble.



The fact that crops are rotting is unfortunate but will work itself out eventually.



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                                 If anyone has any doubts whether right-wingers in the US are flooding the internet and twitter accounts with bot-generated messages, here's an eye-opener article in NPR.org.  Right wing activists are taking a page from Russian and E.Bloc scammers.   Among other things, they're using bots to generate tens of thousands of digital messages which their intelligence-challenged audience gobble up like white sugar on white bread sandwiches.  Lots of stats and color graphs accompany the well-written non-hysterical article......



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President Trump Thanks Putin For Ordering Expulsion Of U.S. Diplomats From Russia


Slightly more than half of Republicans say they would support postponing the 2020 presidential election if President Trump proposed it to make sure only eligible American citizens can vote, according to a new survey.


According to a poll conducted by two academic authors and published byThe Washington Post, 52 percent of Republicans said they would back a postponement of the next election if Trump called for it.



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3 minutes ago, Skywalker69 said:

President Trump Thanks Putin For Ordering Expulsion Of U.S. Diplomats From Russia


Slightly more than half of Republicans say they would support postponing the 2020 presidential election if President Trump proposed it to make sure only eligible American citizens can vote, according to a new survey.


According to a poll conducted by two academic authors and published byThe Washington Post, 52 percent of Republicans said they would back a postponement of the next election if Trump called for it.



You might want to find the correct headline.

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Former GOP Senator Calls For Trump's Removal


Former New Hampshire Senator Gordon Humphrey, a staunch conservative in his own day, is not beating around the bush.  In fact, he’s saying what many others have said: Trump is mentally not well.


Donald Trump is seriously sick.  He is dangerous.  As a citizen, a former U.S. Senator and twelve-year member of the Armed Services Committee, I urge you to act at once.  This is an emergency.



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"I just fired the head of the F.B.I. He was crazy, a real nut job," Trump told the Russian foreign minister and U.S. ambassador on May 10 during an Oval Office meeting, according to a transcript of the meeting read to The Times by a U.S. official. "I faced great pressure because of Russia. That's taken off."


And then he added, "tell Vlad we're in the clear..." 






Ok, so I made up the last part. But you believed it for a second, didn't you? That's because it is completely plausible. Remember, the American press were not allowed. The Russian press were. They released the photo, then deleted it. Hmmm.



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Trump-Loving Republican Congressman Just Got Busted By the FBI For Corruption and Fraud


Washington was buzzing today with news leaking that the FBI raided former Trump Campaign Chair Paul Manafort’s home in July.  But that wasn’t the only FBI raid to rock the nation’s capital.



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Trump: 'I'm not going to rule out a military option' in Venezuela


President Donald Trump says he will not rule out a "military option" to respond to the Maduro regime in Venezuela.

The Trump administration has issues sanctions against Maduro and others, accusing them of abusing human rights and undermining democratic processes.



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7 hours ago, Opl said:

"A new PPP poll has found that by a margin of 56%-34%, respondents want Donald Trump impeached if he fires the Special Counsel investigating the Russia scandal, Robert Mueller. "






More propaganda.  These are the same polls that said Hillary would win.


And speaking of polls, this topic is a poll which shows 53 to 47 Trump will NOT be impeached.  I notice, though, it has been closed and my guess is the reason is it would go even more in favor of Trump, thus going against the TV “ideological echo chamber.”  Quote from James Damore, the guy who was fired by Google for wanting to discuss gender differences but went against the canned Google party line.

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34 minutes ago, mesquite said:

More propaganda.  These are the same polls that said Hillary would win.


And speaking of polls, this topic is a poll which shows 53 to 47 Trump will NOT be impeached.  I notice, though, it has been closed and my guess is the reason is it would go even more in favor of Trump, thus going against the TV “ideological echo chamber.”  Quote from James Damore, the guy who was fired by Google for wanting to discuss gender differences but went against the canned Google party line.

Nice try and if you continue with the off-topic, deflection and incorrect information, you will get suspended.  


The poll is closed because the system is going through an upgrade and ALL polls and other features are not functional.  


Edit:   Please note that the poll doesn't ask if people wish for him to resign or be impeached, just do they think it will happen.   Big difference.  


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9 minutes ago, Scott said:

Nice try and if you continue with the off-topic, deflection and incorrect information, you will get suspended.  


The poll is closed because the system is going through an upgrade and ALL polls and other features are not functional.  


Edit:   Please note that the poll doesn't ask if people wish for him to resign or be impeached, just do they think it will happen.   Big difference.  


That is my point.  He will not be impeached and the poll reflects that.  I never said the poll indicated what people wanted.


The notice on the poll says only "This poll is closed to new votes" which gives rise to speculation as to why.  Note that I wrote "My *guess*" about the reason why the poll is closed.

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