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Do you think Trump will be impeached or forced to resign?


Do you believe Trump will be impeached or forced to resign?  

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8 minutes ago, rijb said:

You were probably rejected from the military for a different reason.


I think Trump's directs will put up with his Twitter wars.  But, cooler heads will prevail if he tries to start WW3.


Admiral Says He Would Launch A Nuclear Strike On China If Trump Ordered It

At a security conference in Australia on Thursday, this scenario was posed to the commander of the U.S. Pacific Fleet: If ordered to do so by President Trump, would he would launch a nuclear attack on China next week? His response: Yes.

An academic in the audience posed this question to Adm. Scott Swift: "At risk of being blunt ... If, when you return to your command next week, you were to receive an order from the commander in chief, the president of the United States, to make a nuclear attack on China, would you do it?"


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5 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:


Admiral Says He Would Launch A Nuclear Strike On China If Trump Ordered It

At a security conference in Australia on Thursday, this scenario was posed to the commander of the U.S. Pacific Fleet: If ordered to do so by President Trump, would he would launch a nuclear attack on China next week? His response: Yes.

An academic in the audience posed this question to Adm. Scott Swift: "At risk of being blunt ... If, when you return to your command next week, you were to receive an order from the commander in chief, the president of the United States, to make a nuclear attack on China, would you do it?"


Saying is not doing.

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3 hours ago, RobFord said:



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You know, half of me agrees with this.


I really don't like Pence's politics, but at least I think he's a decent human being, not a narcissist, and not mentally unhinged.


The downside is, Pence would actually get a whole lot done with both GOP houses of congress

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You know, half of me agrees with this.
I really don't like Pence's politics, but at least I think he's a decent human being, not a narcissist, and not mentally unhinged.
The downside is, Pence would actually get a whole lot done with both GOP houses of congress

Maybe not that bad if he starts after 18 and the democrats take the house.
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1 minute ago, Jingthing said:

Maybe not that bad if he starts after 18 and the democrats take the house.

The House will always be a stretch. The Democrats were asleep at the wheel while the GOP embarked on a rather brilliant strategy of gerrymandering in State Houses.

More likely is they 'might' retake the Senate.


On a tangential note. I have been rather comforted by the fact that the system has worked exactly as it was designed to do. No matter how unhinged Trump is, the checks and balances built into system have really prevented any total madness 

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1 hour ago, rijb said:

But, cooler heads will prevail if he tries to start WW3.


1 hour ago, ilostmypassword said:

Admiral Says He Would Launch A Nuclear Strike On China If Trump Ordered It


As I sit peacefully enjoying my bottle of red (strictly for medicinal purposes, I assure you), I marvel at how normal it seems, after seven months of Trump, to be casually discussing the niceties of NUCLEAR F*KING ARMAGEDDON (!!)


Is this normal, or is it the wine?


Jesus Christ on a stick...

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12 minutes ago, Thakkar said:




As I sit peacefully enjoying my bottle of red (strictly for medicinal purposes, I assure you), I marvel at how normal it seems, after seven months of Trump, to be casually discussing the niceties of NUCLEAR F*KING ARMAGEDDON (!!)


Is this normal, or is it the wine?


Jesus Christ on a stick...

I remember duck and cover drills in school.  We practiced hiding under our desks to avoid the effects of a nuclear attack.


There's no such thing as normal.  Pass the wine!

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Wow, 123 pages on the subject of Trump. This has to be some kind of record for TV.

What I find interesting ( as a non-American, or alien as your Immigration guys so charmingly put it ) is that every time he opens his mouth on Twitter, stock markets around the world tank.  Then recover as his hapless advisers do a number saying he didn't really mean that.

If I was a conspiracy theorist, I'd say some people are making a motza from the stock market volatility.

Maybe the Yanks are smarter than we think.

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6 minutes ago, bazza73 said:

Wow, 123 pages on the subject of Trump. This has to be some kind of record for TV.

What I find interesting ( as a non-American, or alien as your Immigration guys so charmingly put it ) is that every time he opens his mouth on Twitter, stock markets around the world tank.  Then recover as his hapless advisers do a number saying he didn't really mean that.

If I was a conspiracy theorist, I'd say some people are making a motza from the stock market volatility.

Maybe the Yanks are smarter than we think.

You missed the resistance thread...it's now closed.  That was truly a doozy for the venting of Irrational Trump Hate. Also , you may want to check the closing prices of the DJIA  index or the NASDAQ index from November 10 2016 vs. the close on August 17.  (I do mean the widely quoted indexes as in the dow jones 30).

Edited by Ramen087
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1 minute ago, Ramen087 said:

That was truly a doozy for the venting of Irrational Trump Hate.

I am not sure that any Trump hate is irrational.


Trump said that there are 'fine people' in the Nazi, White supremacists and KKK movements. Therefore as he supports those movements he can be the subject of as much hate as I have for those movements. You really need to look at who/what you are supporting, unless of course you also support the agenda of those organisations.  

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You missed the resistance thread...it's now closed.  That was truly a doozy for the venting of Irrational Trump Hate. Also , you may want to check the closing prices of the DJIA  index or the NASDAQ index from November 10 2016 vs. the close on August 17.  (I do mean the widely quoted indexes as in the dow jones 30).

That very relevant thread is sadly closed. However, the resistance movement is stronger than ever. Since the baby man came out of the closet with his difficulty in condemning Nazis in Charlottesville etc. many more Republicans are coming aboard the stop trump train as well.


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5 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

That very relevant thread is sadly closed. However, the resistance movement is stronger than ever. Since the baby man came out of the closet with his difficulty in condemning Nazis in Charlottesville etc. many more Republicans are coming aboard the stop trump train as well.


Very relevant only to those who are still in denial about Mr. Trump's lawful winning of the office of President of the USA.  Start another if it pleases you, though. 

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Very relevant only to those who are still in denial about Mr. Trump's lawful winning of the office of President of the USA.  Start another if it pleases you, though. 

Don't go there with the lies.
People aren't denying that he legally won.
That doesn't mean he's now Emperor and immune from dissent.
As you should already know members are not allowed to open political threads on the open forums. So I would if I could but I can't and don't try that insult tactic again now that you know.
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Trump is his own worst enemy. Every  time he opens his mouth he exposes himself for what he is. I don't hate Trump but I despise what he stands for and that is a Government agenda that supports the 1% and penalizes the 99% so the 1% can maintain their control over the American people.


Trump's rhetoric is nonsensical. he has not done anything to advance the lot of the American people. Building a useless border wall costing 20 Billion while Americans lose their homes because they cannot pay for healthcare just doesn't get it.  Increase the defense budget by $54 Billion cannot possibly be condoned when Americans are struggling to pay for mortgages and other necessities while tax cuts are being contemplated for the very wealthy,


Trump's proposed Immigration bill which will exclude people who are poor and cannot speak English is not only exclusionary but discriminatory and would have eliminated my grandparents and yours from ever becoming American immigrants, citizens and tax paying patriots.


Everything this man proposes favors the very  wealthy, smacks of a racist and discriminatory philosophy and will set America back decades while the rest of the World operates on a progressive policy.


If you actually support Trump's narrative you are supporting a philosophy that will destroy yourself and your family and cause you and yours to remain in  the realm of the 99% searching for a way out of poverty and despair.  I urge you to stop listening to this demagogue who represents everything that is wrong with America and has no real plan to make everything right. He is a liar who will lead you off of a cliff like lemmings falling into the sea.

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As Americans do we really want America to be the following:


-A country in which there is no universal healthcare and citizens are dying and going broke because the costs are beyond the means of the average citizen.

-A country that has the largest military budget in the World while  some of its citizens are mired in poverty with no way to get out of it.

-A country with an Immigration policy that rewards only those fluent in English and  excudes those who are poor but with needed skills and talents to  move America forward.

-A country where a college education costs almost $150,000 and where a graduate is indebted to the US Government for 20 years.

-A country which allows discriminatory behavior against non whites and eschews any type of diversity .

-A country in which its citizens carry guns in the open and threaten its fellow citizens because they do not agree with them.

-A country which refuses to acknowledge that Global warming is a danger to the existence of mankind and refuses to abide by protocols agreed upon by the majority of the countries on Earth.


If you agree with all of the above- so does Donald Trump and that's why America is being destroyed by a narcissistic meglomaniac who cares little for anyone except himself.

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I'm amused by this. I was at a dinner party last week with my wife, she's Thai so obviously an immigrant. The conversation turned to immigration from Mexico, and it got ugly.

I'm pretty white, so after a while I decided to ask how most of my dinner guests ancestors had come to the US, and it was the usual Ellis Island story.

My grandparents crossed into the US at San Ysidro in California, no statue of liberty, no ellis island, rather boring and dull. yet somehow their story was noble and my wasn't

There was an embarrassed silence for a while, until we decided to talk about baseball

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A good point about Mexican Immigration to America. In fact, most Americans do not even know that Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and California were once Mexican States and that Spanish was the language of choice. At one time, the US Mexican border was open with people flowing freely across it. In actuality Mexicans are Americans just like Canadians as all three countries occupy North America. Mexico is an integral part of American history and culture none of which Donald Trump would even know about nor recognize.

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1 hour ago, Ramen087 said:

Very relevant only to those who are still in denial about Mr. Trump's lawful winning of the office of President of the USA.


That remains to be seen.


There are some here in absolute denial as to the seriousness of the investigations going on.

And the well documented sordid past of the inept occupier of the White House.

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42 minutes ago, Thaidream said:

A good point about Mexican Immigration to America. In fact, most Americans do not even know that Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and California were once Mexican States and that Spanish was the language of choice.




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One major slime ball out. Clear the swamp. Miller next then Trump and his family.



BREAKING NEWS: Did he jump or was he pushed? Bannon claims he resigned BEFORE Trump could fire him in another dramatic White House bloodletting


White House's chief strategist Steve Bannon will soon leave the Trump administration, with the president telling aides on Friday that he would remove him at an unspecified future date.

The New York times reports that a person close to Bannon insists it was his idea, and that he submitted a resignation letter on August 7.






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