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Do you think Trump will be impeached or forced to resign?


Do you believe Trump will be impeached or forced to resign?  

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17 minutes ago, iReason said:


That's about it.

And perhaps one or two others on these boards...


This may help to explain their condition:


Why People "Fly from Facts"

"Our new research, recently published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,

examined a slippery way by which people get away from facts that contradict their beliefs."


"So after examining the power of untestable beliefs, what have we learned about dealing with human psychology?"

"We’ve learned that bias is a disease and to fight it we need a healthy treatment of facts and education."


One or two others, eh?  There are two of them and mesquite!  LOL.


Facts?  Like the poll that we are commenting on that shows 54 to 46% that Trump will not be impeached or forced to resign?  Those kind of facts?


Maybe that 54 to 46 figure is not a fact.  Maybe the Russians hacked the poll! LOL

Edited by mesquite
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Why Mueller is drilling into Trump’s role in drafting Don Jr.’s false Russia statement


"During a flight on Air Force One in July, he personally dictated a statement to White House spokesperson Hope Hicks saying that the meeting “primarily discussed a program about the adoption of Russian children.”


"That statement, released on July 8 and attributed to Donald Trump Jr., was quickly shown to be verifiably false."


“The fact that the president was so intensely involved in it, and felt a desire to intensely involved in crafting it, raises questions about his intent and knowledge,” Renato Mariotti, a partner at Thompson Coburn LLP and former federal prosecutor, says; 

“That could make it easier for Mueller to meet his burden of proof as to an obstruction of justice charge.”



Hope Hicks.

Oh, yeah, the one who recently lawyered up...

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41 minutes ago, mesquite said:

And many more days to go. 


The poll topic is "Do you think Trump will be impeached or forced to resign?" and the answer is in the poll itself.  A significant majority of TV voters feel he will not be impeached or forced to resign, 54% to 46%.  Yet in reading the posts in this topic, you would think that Trump's impeachment was imminent.  In this topic we have a very vocal minority.


There were those who thought Trump would never be elected, and if elected would never be inaugurated, and would perhaps, if inaugurated, resign on day one because he supposedly ran as a joke and didn't really want to be president.  This type of delusional thinking continues.


Trump will be president for eight years, or until his death, whichever comes first.  Just as the other things the Trump haters wanted did not materialize, impeachment or forced resignation won't happen either.  Wishing won't make it so.

Exactly right - nail on the head.

The majority said no and the vocal minority just keep saying yes....




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It's really obvious that the main reason people support trump isn't because they think he's even remotely qualified to be president but rather that him being president really seriously annoys people they hate. This is a kind of cold civil war. Hope it doesn't get hot.

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7 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

It's really obvious that the main reason people support trump isn't because they think he's even remotely qualified to be president but rather that him being president really seriously annoys people they hate. This is a kind of cold civil war. Hope it doesn't get hot.


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14 minutes ago, mesquite said:

One or two others, eh?  There are two of them and mesquite!  LOL.


Facts?  Like the poll that we are commenting on that shows 54 to 46% that Trump will not be impeached or forced to resign?  Those kind of facts?


Maybe that 54 to 46 figure is not a fact.  Maybe the Russians hacked the poll! LOL


innumerate: marked by an ignorance of mathematics and the scientific approach


thanks for providing us with yet another instance.

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12 minutes ago, mesquite said:

Facts?  Like the poll that we are commenting on that shows 54 to 46% that Trump will not be impeached or forced to resign?  Those kind of facts?

Maybe that 54 to 46 figure is not a fact.


A ThaiVisa "poll"? That's all ya got? :biggrin:

Lordy! You are getting desperate. WoW.


EXTRA! EXTRA! Read all about it:

ThaiVisa Poll Negates Reality!


Why don't you send it off to these folks:

The F.B.I.

The House and Senate Intelligence Committees

The Senate Judiciary and House Oversight and Government Reform Committees

The Department of Justice with Special Counsel Mueller

New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman along with the I.R.S. financial crimes unit

The Central Intelligence Agency

The National Security Agency

The Treasury Department

And the Grand Juries in Virginia and D.C.


In the improbable event that you may get a response, most likely it will go like this:

"Facts?? Those kind of facts??"


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Michael Flynn 'promoted US-Russian nuclear project from White House'

"US congressional investigators are examining whether Michael Flynn, Donald Trump’s former national security adviser, secretly promoted a plan by private business interests to build US-Russian nuclear power plants in the Middle East while he was serving in the White House."


"Among startling new details unearthed by investigators working for a congressional committee is that the nuclear power plan Flynn was allegedly secretly promoting, during the campaign and once he joined the White House, involved a Russian state-owned company currently under US sanctions."


"They are also examining whether the proposal is still being promoted by the Trump administration, months after Flynn was forced out of his role."


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1 minute ago, funandsuninbangkok said:

George won't have to worry about the next four years. He's clearly been philosophizing while in the Supersize-This diet for years and I doubt he'll make it to Christmas. 


Is he a buddy of Michael Moore's?



If anything sums up the extraordinary doublethink of Trump supporters, it's a post like yours:


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2 hours ago, mesquite said:

Our fellow TV members say so.  See the current poll results, 54% to 46%.  Or as the card players say, "read 'em and weep."

In the  context of the question......54% against 46% as  to possible  impeachment. That is  not  an approval ratio of  percentages. A poll on  desired  outcome  would possibly  have   very  reversed  percentages.

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A Democrat stunned in a special election in Oklahoma Tuesday night. In November, Trump won the district by 11 points, and Jacob Rosecrants, the Democratic candidate, lost his race by 20 points. Tuesday night, Rosecrants ran again in the special, and won by 20. That’s the third special election Democrats have flipped in Oklahoma since November and in a fourth, in May, they lost a race by two points in a district that Trump had won by 50.  And in New Hampshire, in a 29-point swing, Democrats flipped another district Tuesday night. 




November 2018 couldn't come soon enough!

Edited by EvenSteven
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6 hours ago, ELVIS123456 said:

Exactly right - nail on the head.

The majority said no and the vocal minority just keep saying yes....





Wow, you weren't kidding about these people. Amazing stuff here. Frankly, some here are more afflicted than leftists on a few political bulletin boards I frequent.


But as to the topic: the only thing it has revealed is how in denial leftists are at the thought of Trump soundly defeating Hillary Clinton.


So the next best thing is to hope they can nullify the election with all kinds of accusations. What they don't realize is that in their desperation to fling feces at ever opportunity (this is literally the case with some Antifa leftists), they are in fact creating an immunity. We hear non-stop coverage of Trump's tweets (one article even broke them down by time of day), Melania's high heels and other nonsense that only serves to form a sort of immunity against Trump whining and whiners. It's laughable watching these people shoot themselves in the foot time and time again.

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14 hours ago, mrdome said:

[Mods, I hope I'm not being OT here but since this post remained I don't think I am and this really needs a response.]


The problem and fallacy here is Trump (and now people like you) are attempting to place people carrying Nazi flags and shouting "Jews will not replace us" or similar BS (+ white supremacists, the KKK, the hardcore alt-right or whatever we call them now, etc) and counter demonstrators on the same moral level.


No, never ever. Listen to your WW II veterans, the Jewish community and the rest of the still sane world: You become a Nazi, you have lost that right to be called a 'good person'. The fact that you may not be a monster in your everyday life - something that is kind of expected by anyone else in society last time I checked - does not give you a bonus making up for you being a Nazi. This isn't even up for debate.


It took force to defeat the Nazis in '45, did that make any of the allied soldiers "not so good people"? Coming from a different angle, who in the 1940's called the Nazi's "good people"? It would have been outrageous! Sure, you can say, the ones we see today are "just playing Nazi" and not the real deal but nobody wants to put that to the test and it's obvious if given a chance they'd put people into camps if they only had the chance. So, 'no' on your #1 and #3.


Regarding your 2nd claim. He only did so under pressure in a second statement the day after and then undid it all again the next day by basically repeating what he had said the first time, which had led to that uproar. You may have forgotten already but we won't. Later statements regarding the same topic count in the real world.


When he called people with Nazi flags shouting hate comments "good people" Trump crossed a line that can never be undone and I hope when he will either remove himself from office or be removed, this will be cited or remembered along with all the other reasons.

You're right. They're not on the same moral level. Some racist clowns and losers using the name of racist pigs from decades ago isn't much to complain about. However, leftist savages who have recently and repeatedly engaged in a campaign of terror, attempts to silence free speech, violence and murder are clearly morally inferior to the silly Nazi wannabes.


With regards to Trump's three statements, I have no idea what pressure if any he was under. What I do know is that the first and third statements were correct and the second statement appropriate. So the bottom line is, you have a beef with true and appropriate statements. That's your problem, not mine.


Now- as it relates to the topic. No one outside the hateful, whining left and their pals in the media cares anyway!


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10 hours ago, RobFord said:

And the pressure just keeps on coming to Trump & Friends.


Republicans with close links to the White House increasingly believe that special counsel Robert Mueller is “going for the kill” in his investigation into links between President Donald Trump and Russia, according to a report from Axios Tuesday.

Members of the GOP are said to have come to that stark conclusion based on Mueller’s hiring of lawyers experienced in dealing with money laundering crimes and the Mafia, as well as the intensity of his pursuit of both witnesses and evidence.

The new report comes just days after Trump’s former chief strategist, Steve Bannon, told CBS’s 60 Minutes that Trump’s firing of former FBI Director James Comey, which he called the worst mistake in “modern political history,” led directly to the appointment of Mueller to oversee the investigation.


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From the same people who told us Hillary would beat Trump in an electoral landslide. Pardon me if I don't get too worked up about more leftist predictions on upcoming events.

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15 hours ago, mrdome said:

Yes, of course but turning it into a general statement misses the enormous significance of what happened here.


While many could see him stab even his own party in the back like that, the Republicans couldn't and would not have believed it if warned. Also, funny how someone who demands 100% loyalty from others pulls a stunt like this.


Here's an article on the Trump-Roy Cohn connection that I found rather enlightening:



The Republican party NEEDS to be stabbed in the back. They've been doing it to their party members for decades.


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11 hours ago, iReason said:

Vyacheslav Nikonov, former staff member for Mikhail Gorbachev,

Boris Yeltsin and Vladimir Putin and current member of Russia's parliament:


'U.S. spies slept' while Russia elected Trump, Russian politician says

"To achieve world dominance the U.S. overextended themselves," Nikonov said"


"Because the most recent tendencies, economical, military,

even tendencies in the intelligence services which slept through while Russia elected a new U.S. president."

"It's just ridiculous, what kind of intelligence in the USA one can even talk about?" he said."



Russia boasts of rigging Trump’s election: braggadocio or blackmail?

"Russian politicians, talking heads and the hosts of prominent state-media talk shows are claiming the bragging rights to rigging the U.S. elections, in order to secure Trump’s victory."


"Experts on Russia know that Nikonov specializes in GOP and American politics."


"Simply put, Nikonov is an established, reliable state actor,

whose messaging is always in strict compliance with that of the Kremlin."




Wow, who was in charge of all the US spies, letting them sleep during an election cycle? It sounds like you should be more disappointed with the Obama cartel than Donald Trump or the Russians.


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9 hours ago, ilostmypassword said:

It makes sense. Trump had massively failed in his main businesses. The banks wouldn't lend him money. And yet, somehow he began to get money from somewhere. Possibly from sources that only a person in desperate circumstances would consider accessing. 


What on Earth are you talking about? Trump has many bank loans with many banks. That's what real estate developers do. They get back loans, they develop.




Can you come up with some actual FACTS to support your accusations?????

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1 hour ago, EvenSteven said:

A Democrat stunned in a special election in Oklahoma Tuesday night. In November, Trump won the district by 11 points, and Jacob Rosecrants, the Democratic candidate, lost his race by 20 points. Tuesday night, Rosecrants ran again in the special, and won by 20. That’s the third special election Democrats have flipped in Oklahoma since November and in a fourth, in May, they lost a race by two points in a district that Trump had won by 50.  And in New Hampshire, in a 29-point swing, Democrats flipped another district Tuesday night. 




November 2018 couldn't come soon enough!


OK, so let's do the math here. That's what, five elections Democrats have won since Trump took office? Wow, right?


Ummm.... not so fast.


Looks like you've got just 1,028 seats to go before you get back to pre-Obama levels. You may want to hold off on that champagne for now.


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7 hours ago, MajarTheLion said:

Specifically, what did I make up?


I've given you evidence that your claim was a completely fabricated by you.

Yet, this is the 3rd time after I've done so, that you have repeated: "Specifically, what did I make up?"


Your statement:

"the current AG says there's not a "whiff of interference of Russian interference"

Erroneous on two counts:


Wray: No ‘whiff of interference’ with Trump-Russia probe

“I can say very confidently that I have not detected any whiff of interference with that investigation,” 

Wray said during an intelligence-focused conference in Washington."


“I have enormous respect for former Director Mueller, who I got to work with almost daily in the early 2000s, as a consummate professional,” Wray added."


“Now, I’ve had the opportunity to see a lot more fully, highly classified information….I have no reason to doubt the conclusions that the hardworking people who put that together came to,” the FBI director said, referring to an intelligence community assessment produced in both classified and unclassified versions in January."




Your cognitive dissonance is perhaps something you should be concerned about.

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7 hours ago, MajarTheLion said:

Wow, who was in charge of all the US spies, letting them sleep during an election cycle? It sounds like you should be more disappointed with the Obama cartel than Donald Trump or the Russians.


"Whataboutism (also known as whataboutery) is a variant of the tu quoque logical fallacy that attempts to discredit an opponent's position by charging them with hypocrisy without directly refuting or disproving their argument, which is particularly associated with Soviet and Russian propaganda."

"When criticisms were leveled at the Soviet Union, the Soviet response would be "What about..." followed by an event in the Western world."



And of course, your feeble deflection of the information in the post is expected.



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8 hours ago, MajarTheLion said:

Some racist clowns and losers using the name of racist pigs from decades ago isn't much to complain about.

However, leftist savages who have recently and repeatedly engaged in a campaign of terror,

attempts to silence free speech, violence and murder are clearly morally inferior to the silly Nazi wannabes.


WoW. Here you go again:

"leftist savages who have recently and repeatedly engaged in ... murder"


I am certain you cannot begin to attempt to validate that one, as you have dodged this one after repeated challenges:


On September 9, 2017 at 10:15 PM,  MajarTheLion said:
If you'd like to compare the one event in Charlottesville with
the plethora of violence and murder we've seen from terrorist organizations like Antifa and Black Lives Matter,
I'll be happy to accommodate you.
"the plethora of violence and murder we've seen from terrorist organizations like Antifa and Black Lives Matter"
Murder in particular.
Your continual discharge of disinformation is reprehensible.
Which increases here:
"leftist savages ... are clearly morally inferior to the silly Nazi wannabes."


S. J. RES. 

"Condemning the violence and domestic terrorist attack that took place during events between August 11 and August 12, 2017, in Charlottesville, Virginia, recognizing the first responders who lost their lives while monitoring the events, offering deepest condolences to the families and friends of those individuals who were killed and deepest sympathies and support to those individuals who were injured in the attack, expressing support for the Charlottesville community, rejecting White nationalists, White supremacists, the Ku Klux Klan, neo-Nazis, and other hate groups, and urging the President and the President’s Cabinet to use all available resources to address the threats posed by those groups."


"Whereas, on the night of Friday, August 11, 2017, a day before a White nationalist demonstration was scheduled to occur in Charlottesville, Virginia, hundreds of torch-bearing White nationalists, White supremacists, Klansmen, and neo-Nazis chanted racist, anti-Semitic, and anti-immigrant slogans and violently engaged with counter-demonstrators on and around the grounds of the University of Virginia in Charlottesville; "


"Whereas the extremist demonstration turned violent, culminating in the death of peaceful counter-demonstrator Heather Heyer and injuries to 19 other individuals after a neo-Nazi sympathizer allegedly drove a vehicle into a crowd, an act that resulted in a charge of second degree murder, 3 counts of malicious wounding, and 1 count of hit and run; "




Certified Domestic Terrorist and Extremist Hate Groups.


If it weren't so tragic, it would be laughable watching you shoot yourself in the foot time and time again.

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11 minutes ago, CaptHaddock said:

You know, I myself don't mind matching wits from time to time with someone on the right, but only if he has the necessary equipment.


No wits involved in this situation.

It is a blatant campaign of hyperbolic disinformation in many cases.


And when repeatedly challenged for substantiation, it is ignored.

I seriously don't understand why it is allowed to stand.

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