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Whatever next?! Monk watching sex movie on full volume filmed on tour bus


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2 hours ago, prakhonchai nick said:

Most Thai people believe "their Monks" are beyond reproach. It is only Monks from other temples that misbehave.


Whenever I ask my Thai inlaws about all the monks I see walking around in upscale shopping malls, swapping out their smartphones for the latest models or walking around the neighborhood begging for gifts, I'm told "they're not real monks because real monks would never do such things".  It's the 'No True Scotsman' fallacy, which in Thailand should be called the 'No True Buddhist Monk' fallacy.

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Look you got it all wrong he was just watching a bit of porn because he was taking young girls for class to learn the good things in life and he was just making sure he knew what he was talking about. You thought he was doing it for pleasure. WRONG he is a man of god ok

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7 hours ago, PatOngo said:

I'm surprised he wasn't filmed having a chuck on the wow string!

Lol. Never can tell under those robes...Celibate? No they left out the "R". It's supposed to be celebrate :partytime2:

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3 hours ago, Bob12345 said:



Last week at Paragon we saw a group of monks at Starbucks, all drinking a large coffee in the middle of the day...

And what exactly is wrong with that?

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8 hours ago, colinneil said:

Nothing unusual here, just another monk behaving badly.

An every day occurrance here.                                                                                                                                     

...at least his device was out in the open and not secreted under his robes.

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Methinks the program the monk was watching was more interesting than being stuck on a bus to Chiang Rai and 'Revenge of the Mummy' showing, in Thai (of course).

What was worse, was that the same film was shown on the way back to Chiang Mai!  Aaagghh!!   :shock1::sick:

This was single screen at the front of the bus, and sound arranged so those at the rear could hear it!!

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6 hours ago, maewang99 said:

gee whiz, these media folks are as bad here as they are in the USA!

chill out. a monk is a man wearing an orange robe. 


whether he watches sex movies or not has nothing to do with that.


Yeah this all normal for the orange robe I just want to know Where do I sign up for monkhood? Invite some local girls for a Sunday card game, free food, porn booze, what a life. 

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Be kind to everyone!


Many people at a young age were abandoned, ignored, mentally abused, lost a parent or both, were never taught right from wrong, therefore have no  boundaries.  


Many lacked proper nutrition for proper brain development.   Some are autistic and. bipolar.


 My point is, in many cases it's not their fault. 


 When you make fun of them, you are a bully. 


 Foreigners are guests here and therefore they should behave like guests.


 Criticizing monks or any religion in a public forum creates hate and polarization.


 I hate bullies.

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1 hour ago, Kabula said:

Be kind to everyone!


Many people at a young age were abandoned, ignored, mentally abused, lost a parent or both, were never taught right from wrong, therefore have no  boundaries.  


Many lacked proper nutrition for proper brain development.   Some are autistic and. bipolar.


 My point is, in many cases it's not their fault. 


 When you make fun of them, you are a bully. 


 Foreigners are guests here and therefore they should behave like guests.


 Criticizing monks or any religion in a public forum creates hate and polarization.


 I hate bullies.

So your idea is let monks do what that want and people just ignore it? 


Do you think monks can do as they like... have sex, fight, drink alcohol and take drugs and people should say nothing otherwise they are bullies?


These monks are supposed to be setting an example of how to live to people.  They are respected and trusted.  To do such bad things undermines all that... it does more harm than good!


Surely the temple where that monk was needs to take action.. or action taken against the monks in charge.. if they are not teaching the novice monks BASIC things like right from wrong.. such as watching pornographic movies on a public bus is a bad thing to do. 

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7 hours ago, Bob12345 said:

It surpises me that Thais see monks misbehaving almost on daily basis (in real-life as well as online) but they still insist on getting a monk over for a new house or at a wedding to do some chanting. And they still donate at the temple. Don't they see the problems with buddhism and monks in Thailand or they just don't care?


Last week at Paragon we saw a group of monks at Starbucks, all drinking a large coffee in the middle of the day...

My MIL wakes up at 4 am daily to cook food for the monks. ALL her spare time she also spends on the temple and community.


I wonder when ladies like her will start protesting although that's not in their nature. She has no internet or so, maybe she doesn't even know about misbehaving monks?


This monk in the bus will get defrocked this week i bet but it just shows how far those guys are from reality.


Also i wonder which agressive monks the videomaker was referring to, maybe the monkarmy at that UFO-temple?

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49 minutes ago, fruitman said:

My MIL wakes up at 4 am daily to cook food for the monks. ALL her spare time she also spends on the temple and community.


I wonder when ladies like her will start protesting although that's not in their nature. She has no internet or so, maybe she doesn't even know about misbehaving monks?


This monk in the bus will get defrocked this week i bet but it just shows how far those guys are from reality.


Also i wonder which agressive monks the videomaker was referring to, maybe the monkarmy at that UFO-temple?

He was probably referring to the not-so-Buddhist monk who was filmed having a fist fight against the female bus conductor few days ago.

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10 hours ago, maewang99 said:

gee whiz, these media folks are as bad here as they are in the USA!

chill out. a monk is a man wearing an orange robe. 


whether he watches sex movies or not has nothing to do with that.


That works as long as people don't put them on pedestals or treat them any differently from any other lowlife watching a porn movie in public. Kick him off the bus and tell him to get a job, that would be a start!

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As I see it, the need of Thai people to believe that for their offerings via the monks they receive 'bhun' is greater than the need of monks to seek nirvana; IMV this imbalance calls for the introduction and implementation of a national 'Monkwatch' scheme rather than the occasional police check on reportedly dodgy wats or individuals. 

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