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If Thailand Adopted Tougher Immigration Rules

If Thailand had tougher Immigration rules  

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Yes thank you. I really hope the Thai Immigration copy the rules from my home country.

Below is what a spouse of a citizen in my country need to get a residence permit. Equal rights exist home so if the spouse is a woman or man make no difference.

Free language education up to 3000 hours is the “start bonus” if you can put together the below documentation.

Verified translation and copy of Marriage certificate.

Verified translation and copy of ID- card

Verified translation and copy of all pages in Household Registration

Verified translation and copy of Birth certificate

Verified translation and copy of documentation proving change of name (if any)

Verified translation and copy of documentation proving dissolving of previous marriage (if any)

The translation shall be into English and verified by the Thai Ministry of Foreign affairs.

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I wouldn't mind if a few of the other countries' policies were adopted in LoS.

It cost me about 2000AUD in Immigration fees to have my wife permitted entry to Australia. Included in this is 510 hours of English lessons here (not enough & one hel_l of a rort). After 1 - 2 years of not making trouble she got a 5 year visa (no extra fees), which is renewed each 5 years. After 2 years on the first visa, she can apply for citizenship (150AUD). She can own anything she can afford to buy - house/land/transport. Come & go as she pleases. Can have credit cards & bank accounts without too many problems. Same entry prices to events/attractions. Same fares. Can work without a visa.

For me to stay in LoS, it appears it will cost me over 10,000AUD to Thai Immigration (in addition to the 'let me help with your kids school fees' donations). This one is reviewed anytime someone needs more money for something or is in search of promotion. Can't do much without yet another paper to say I can.

Don't get me wrong - I'd rather be in LoS than Australia. The village we're in is great - I've been a 'local' since the first visit. Same prices at the local market whether she or I go shopping. Prefer the country to the city or coast.

A simple list of requirements - followed closely by all Thai Immigration staff. No changes in fees based on your homeland (I noticed somewhere the US are charged more than Poland).

Would I stay? Quite likely, but some of the restrictions after being granted permission need to be relaxed a bit.

I understand the 'we want your $, but not you' feelings here. Asia is an incredibly racist place. Most Westerners don't accept the culture of the region - otherwise they wouldn't be pushing to make it 'like it is at home'. Look at the recent additions: big push for halloween, valentine's day, easter, christmas... none of these really have any bearing in Asia.

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