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Thai/British actress and cop killer sobs as 20,000 baht bail posted


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3 hours ago, colinneil said:

Thai justice is a joke.

Released on 20.000 baht bail after killing a person with her driving antics.

I was held on double that for a misdemeanour.

Don't tell me that you were picking on guys twice your size again you brute. 

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so she is very stressed ,she should try living on an average thai family income whilst bringing up 2 or 3 kids she obviously has no concept of stress, don't know much about her acting but she is obviously good at producing tears to order


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Unbelievable Kills a cop in 2015 and clearly learnt nothing from that except pay off the family and in this situation cry cry cry and the cops feel sorry for he??? What about the dead cop killed two years ago .They.being the cops themselves, don't give a sh......t?????????.


Justice here is a bloody joke. She should be in prison. God help us when the courts use this as a defense for the Red Bul heir being a precident matter in similar circumstances.

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6 hours ago, colinneil said:

Thai justice is a joke.

Released on 20.000 baht bail after killing a person with her driving antics.

I was held on double that for a misdemeanour.

Actually she wasn't released on 20,000 baht bail after killing a policeman, that incident occurred in 2015.

Yes she was bailed for being drunk & driving a car.

While I don't condone her behaviour, I do have some sympathy for her, she's obviously troubled either mentally or otherwise.
She won't go to jail for this offence, I'm guessing she will be fined and possibly banned for a while.

However I think it's a cry for help which I sincerely hope her family or friends give her, however I doubt that very much, it won't be the type of help she really deserves as she's obviously the "breadwinner " in the house.

They'll just say "there there" and pack her off to work again.

She needs real professional help, counselling or psychiatric help... I hope she gets it & can return her life to some sort of normality.

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Every-so-often, it is necessary to remind those that think Thailand's justice system is fair, just how wrong they are.moohamkanphisek.jpg.bb969a87837477fb45e6beab7be64fb7.jpgMoo-Ham Kanphisek killed 1 person at a bus stopwith his Mercedes Benz

59241a4b1e1e8_praewnaayuttaya.jpg.4080ba6bd6b849658f436ce273723eb7.jpgPraew Na Ayuttaya killed 9 people  with her Honda Civic

59241a5cddda1_vorayudhredbull.jpg.964239eaca2fd5fce86c7a1d5731f411.jpgVorayuth "Boss" Yoovidhya.(Red Bull) killed 1 policeman with his Ferrari

59241aab76a2c_annareese.jpg.f4047cf3a3f382589803f599bf07c480.jpgAnna Reese killed 1 policeman with her Mercedes Benz. 

jenphob.jpg.72382e1d4128e53ad675b0de7f219b4c.jpgJenphob Viraporn killed 2 people with his Mercedes Benz.

zoomy.jpg.37b5817e9c815cf2ffe6ae1d61908df2.jpgKritrada “Namzom Zomy” Tubtimphol slammed her BMW into 9 cars.Killed no-one, 


Not one of these people has done a day of jail time for their actions.



yuyee.jpg.4ddd459ef93843bff5a10e1821a53d4b.jpgMeanwhile, Chatchaya "Yuyee", Cuesta Ramos is serving 15 years for possessing 251 mg ( a tiny amount) of cocaine,when she entered Thailand.


Can anyone else see the sheer madness of this system?



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1 hour ago, hotchilli said:

Actually she wasn't released on 20,000 baht bail after killing a policeman, that incident occurred in 2015.

Yes she was bailed for being drunk & driving a car.

While I don't condone her behaviour, I do have some sympathy for her, she's obviously troubled either mentally or otherwise.
She won't go to jail for this offence, I'm guessing she will be fined and possibly banned for a while.

However I think it's a cry for help which I sincerely hope her family or friends give her, however I doubt that very much, it won't be the type of help she really deserves as she's obviously the "breadwinner " in the house.

They'll just say "there there" and pack her off to work again.

She needs real professional help, counselling or psychiatric help... I hope she gets it & can return her life to some sort of normality.

You did not read my post correctly, i never said she was released on bail after killing the policeman.

Please read and then comment.

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8 hours ago, colinneil said:

Thai justice is a joke.

Released on 20.000 baht bail after killing a person with her driving antics.

I was held on double that for a misdemeanour.


Colin, she's on bail for drink driving. She drove into an empty parked car this time and was clearly pissed.


The last case is done and dusted. Paid the family, had a few days as a celeb nun.



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1 minute ago, Baerboxer said:


Colin, she's on bail for drink driving. She drove into an empty parked car this time and was clearly pissed.


The last case is done and dusted. Paid the family, had a few days as a celeb nun.



Yes you are correct, my comment was refering to her past record, 

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Just now, colinneil said:

Yes you are correct, my comment was refering to her past record, 


Put the word "previously" after "after" and it will be crystal clear Colin.


What was amazing last time too is she was allowed to wander off with relatives without being breath tested. The benefits of 'fame'!

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I'm betting she had a drink within 90 minutes of being released, perhaps drunk  by dinner time.  Just to relieve the stress mind you. 

Edited by IAMHERE
added weasel words so I won't be charged with computer slander
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9 hours ago, colinneil said:

Thai justice is a joke.

Released on 20.000 baht bail after killing a person with her driving antics.

I was held on double that for a misdemeanour.

Errr- no, That offence was in 2015 and as CLEARLY stated in the article was dealt with. Feel free to rant though.

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13 hours ago, impulse said:


You're a little late.  That was last time.  She didn't kill anyone this time.  Just dented up some property.  20,000 bail seems reasonable since I doubt she's a flight risk over some material damages.  (You, on the other hand, could have easily fled the country...)   That's not to say she shouldn't go to jail for repeatedly doing stupid things.  But that should be decided in court at her trial.  


In the meantime, as much as the hang-em-high brigade would love to see her rot in jail 'til then- how would you feel if that was your kid?

If she was my kid I would be disgusted at my lack of parenting skills.

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Three weeks? Has she denied being drunk?

I was under the impression people were in the cells until they were up before a judge and a harsh fine was likely to be received quite quickly. Or do we need to give her time to find sufficient funds?


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22 hours ago, wxpwzrd said:

And you know, she should have to serve her "suspended sentence" from killing the cop under the influence in addition to prison time from this "event."

There wasn't any sentence to suspend...Money makes it all go away.

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15 hours ago, ratcatcher said:

Every-so-often, it is necessary to remind those that think Thailand's justice system is fair, just how wrong they are.moohamkanphisek.jpg.bb969a87837477fb45e6beab7be64fb7.jpgMoo-Ham Kanphisek killed 1 person at a bus stopwith his Mercedes Benz

59241a4b1e1e8_praewnaayuttaya.jpg.4080ba6bd6b849658f436ce273723eb7.jpgPraew Na Ayuttaya killed 9 people  with her Honda Civic

59241a5cddda1_vorayudhredbull.jpg.964239eaca2fd5fce86c7a1d5731f411.jpgVorayuth "Boss" Yoovidhya.(Red Bull) killed 1 policeman with his Ferrari

59241aab76a2c_annareese.jpg.f4047cf3a3f382589803f599bf07c480.jpgAnna Reese killed 1 policeman with her Mercedes Benz. 

jenphob.jpg.72382e1d4128e53ad675b0de7f219b4c.jpgJenphob Viraporn killed 2 people with his Mercedes Benz.

zoomy.jpg.37b5817e9c815cf2ffe6ae1d61908df2.jpgKritrada “Namzom Zomy” Tubtimphol slammed her BMW into 9 cars.Killed no-one, 


Not one of these people has done a day of jail time for their actions.



yuyee.jpg.4ddd459ef93843bff5a10e1821a53d4b.jpgMeanwhile, Chatchaya "Yuyee", Cuesta Ramos is serving 15 years for possessing 251 mg ( a tiny amount) of cocaine,when she entered Thailand.


Can anyone else see the sheer madness of this system?



Outside of Yuyee, I want to think that those that have taken lives, will have to live with that for the rest of their miserable lives. On the other hand, I have to ask, do they really care...? The answer is simple; NO, which makes it all the more disgusting.

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