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Tourism not hurt by Bangkok hospital blast, says Minister Kobkarn


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Not the bomb blasts that affecting the Tourist economy Its the Thai People Ripping off Farangs All the Bashings  Rapes and Thieving money Also a very corrupt police force that wont dont anything unless you are Thai A taxi force that refuses to take you anywhere and general fear now that it is not safe to walk the streets at night Does anybody know what thai people call westerners" Aliens" so i think many aliens are going back in spacecrafts and flying out and never coming back again

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29 minutes ago, stephen tracy said:

I guess when Prayuth gave the green light for the bombing he forgot about medical tourism.  Not surprising for an idiot.

Even bombers have a place in sociaty in Thailand Here they keep the junta in power when things goes quiet Justifying why to keep strong military new tanks and subs Not everyone hates the bombers do they ?lol

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I a hospital get bombed, wouldn´t it be better to concentrate on the locals safety first. I can not for my life see this incident having anything to do with tourism. As usual money and Thailands income goes before safety of the public.

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7 hours ago, darksidedog said:

That should read No countries have issued any NEW warnings. A lot of countries have travel advisory warnings to some degree or other already, about the dangers of visiting Thailand.

Correct!  I have been living here for quite a few years, and the UK has had a permanent warning about the dangers of travelling to the Southern Thailand/Malaysian border area. And as another poster points out, the number of UK based tourists to Thailand has reduced dramatically over the past couple of years. Also, as another poster points out, is it not a bit early to be assessing that tourism has not been affected by the Bangkok Hospital blast?

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This statement proves that it is not only the hospital which contained sick people.  The Government has plenty who insist on making stupid statements and predictions whilst never considering the victims involved.  When are they going to learn that always thinking of money first and only money just makes everyone sick.

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7 hours ago, YetAnother said:

are we at the point yet where govt speech only has entertainment value ?

Well past that point already...


We are now near the point where it is not funny anymore :saai: :whistling:

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3 hours ago, Knocker33 said:

I bet the first thing on the mind of people  from the UK.

Is that the disgusting cowardly attack on women and children in Manchester.

Is I hope this won't affect tourism in the UK .

The idiots in power here sicken me sometimes. Well most of the time actually

Well said!

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She is having a panic attack as usual instead of keeping her big mouth shut as there is a bigger event the world is talking about now.


Most countries have issued warnings to tourists, even the UK advise against travel to the south which is understandable in the current times.


But warning of scams on ski-jets and everything else you can see on the website says a lot about the place today sorry to say.


Very surprised at the reaction talking to people about the pace in my neck of the woods, many have dropped it from the must visit list.


But I guess times changed as two years ago I was the worlds biggest fan and told everyone to go and visit. But now because of the corruption will never go again sadly and you would be the same if you knew the story.

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Next we hear from Kobkarn and the TAT experts is that the figures went even up. 

The media should keep such people off the record; it HAS an impact on tourism, be it domestic or overseas.


How, do you think, do I feel boarding a BTS, Airport Link or enter a shopping centre and some people insist looking into my bag? I feel that my privacy is compromised - yet of course agree as it is also in my interest. 

But Kobkarn has either no handbag or is circumvented by all those security men with angry looks; also not a fun moment in life 

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Thailand travel advice

22-05-2017 08:43 AM GMT

Latest update: Summary – on 22 May 2017, there was an explosion inside Phra Mongkut military training hospital, near the National Monument in Bangkok which caused a number of injuries; you should follow the advice of the local authorities


K.Kobcorn must have missed this warning then............. (However, this is not interpreted as a warning NOT to travel)

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39 minutes ago, Sydebolle said:

Next we hear from Kobkarn and the TAT experts is that the figures went even up. 

The media should keep such people off the record; it HAS an impact on tourism, be it domestic or overseas.


How, do you think, do I feel boarding a BTS, Airport Link or enter a shopping centre and some people insist looking into my bag? I feel that my privacy is compromised - yet of course agree as it is also in my interest. 

But Kobkarn has either no handbag or is circumvented by all those security men with angry looks; also not a fun moment in life 

"But Kobkarn has either no handbag or is circumvented by all those security men with angry looks; also not a fun moment in life "

MadamMinister probably has many nice handbags, but you'll never see her on public transport of any kind, she has a driver to take her here there and everywhere.

No security checks for Madam. 



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10 hours ago, AGareth2 said:

surely it is a bit early to make such a statement!

That's what i thought. It hasn't been long enough for them to make the correct statistical quotient.. Mind you, you will always get the hard core sex addicts and freaks, who would risk getting themselves blown to shit, as long as long as they could get their ends away before it happened.

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12 hours ago, jerojero said:

Kobkarn same as Trump. Say anything that people might or want to believe. Utter b's.

More like same as Hillary (like she was, thankfully...) and Obama (in spades).


OT I know, but one idiotic trolling deflection deserves another...

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" There is no impact on the tourism sector from the bomb attack "

It has only been 2 days and already making this idiotic statement.


Of course there isn't any impact, YET. Most people arriving now probably didn't even hear the news before they departed and certainly very difficult to cancel or change at the last moment.


On the other side there is the extremely low possibility that you will be even near any site that might have an attack so why worry about it. It is far more likely that you will die or be injured in an accident with a vehicle, drowning or a fall from a balcony than in a terrorist attack.

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11 hours ago, ratcatcher said:

"Madame TAT "  ??      Kobkarn Wattanavrankul is the Minister of Tourism and Sports, nothing directly to do with TAT (Tourist Authority of Thailand) . She is speaking as a government minister.

That Authority TAT is headed by Yuthasak Supasorn


So, whilst not TAT Governor,  as the Government Minister resposnsible  for 'Tourism & Sports' do you see any chance of a 'direct link' with TAT, with this organisation being within her Ministerial portfolio and with her making public  tourism related proclamations...?

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Controlled the media and no voice, as well cover-up. 


Tourism not hurt by Bangkok hospital blast, says minister ... are you joking? I noticed less tourists in Thailand compare with Cambodia and Malaysia. Many malls are not much shoppers or window shoppers.



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Of course they can say that now, as it is the rainy season and is not prime tourist season like the Winter months. 

  If there is still bombings happening after the Fall months, it may be  different story.  Good thing a lot of us tourists

are old and have failing memories.  We just go where it is hot to escape our snowy Winters, and Thailand is still as

cheap to fly to as Australia, and much cheaper to stay at for the time spent there. Another thing, I can get to Australia and

back to Thailand pretty cheaply as well, compared with flying direct from Canada to Australia.


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