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Heavy rain warning for 36 provinces


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On 5/27/2017 at 5:36 PM, stephenterry said:

Like flooding, for example?

Yell, yes. But I was thinking more along the lines of death and devastation from flooding. I guess when I wrote 'early rainy season if it continues there may be big problems' deserved your fantastically sharp response. Well done. I could of course say that sarcasm is the lowest form of wit but ...

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On 5/27/2017 at 5:09 PM, dinsdale said:

You might *yawn* at this but this is the earliest wet season I and my Thai friends have known. If it keeps up there may be big problems. 

In 2011 it started raining in Chiang Mai on the first day of Songkran, and that was the year of the big flood.


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2 minutes ago, assayer said:

In 2011 it started raining in Chiang Mai on the first day of Songkran, and that was the year of the big flood.


Getting rain during Songkran isn't all that unusual. This year boiling hot where I am. 3 weeks over 100F almost everyday then it started raining. I've never known so much rain in May. Not just rain but storms, almost daily. These aren't the occasional summer storms this is real tropical wet season stuff. A temple not far from me next to a river is getting truck loads of sand delivered for sandbags. Who knows with the weather but there maybe another 4 to 5 months of this or more. Plenty of localised flooding but will this country go under again. I hope not it was terrible in 2011.

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Rain showers  are a bit like like tornadoes, some areas are hit hard, and some areas get a small amount of rain. In the hard hit areas the people

say the forecast was not good enough, we should have been warned of this extra rain amount. In the areas without rain the people say rain? what

rain, the forecaster has it all wrong, and in the lightly hit areas the people say forecast was wrong, we only got a little rain. In a Typhoon or Hurricane

everyone get wacked with rain and no one complains.  Forecasting is very difficult, and getting accuracy is dependent on where you live.

If you did not get flooded out, be happy about that.


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On 2017-5-27 at 4:42 PM, pumpjack said:

i dont like may - june weather in thailand ,   too unpredictable.        last week in pattaya had heavy rain and winds and many farang wearing sweaters and carrying umberellas and one guy i seen his umberella blow right out of his hand,  next day it was boiling hot,  that hot i needed to go back to my hotel after 10 minutes outside.      i sat in the bar with 2 fans on me and i was still sweating like mad

"... i sat in the bar with 2 fans on me and i was still sweating like mad.."

Most guys that go and sit in a bar are quite content to have one fan  on them, you had two, no wonder you were sweating.

Did you ask their names?

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