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Exclusive: Trump son-in-law had undisclosed contacts with Russian envoy - sources


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7 minutes ago, jcsmith said:

Considering that Trump fired the FBI director, is thinking of shutting down the special prosecutor, and probably will see the standing FBI director recused as well soon, this is easier said than done. Perhaps you should take your own advice though.

Mueller is Comey's "chum" and should be sacked.

AG Rosenstein advised Trump to fire Comey (if you believe media reports). Trump needs to order AG to sack Mueller, failing which Trump fires Rosenstein.


You getting the picture yet?

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Mueller is Comey's "chum" and should be sacked.
AG Rosenstein advised Trump to fire Comey (if you believe media reports). Trump needs to order AG to sack Mueller, failing which Trump fires Rosenstein.
You getting the picture yet?

Yep. Nixon redux.
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1 minute ago, blackson said:

Mueller is Comey's "chum" and should be sacked.

AG Rosenstein advised Trump to fire Comey (if you believe media reports). Trump needs to order AG to sack Mueller, failing which Trump fires Rosenstein.


You getting the picture yet?

And Trump previously admitted that the real reason he fired Comey was for the Russian investigation and he had already made up his mind to fire Comey. Given the news sources I suspect you get your information from, I doubt you even know this fact.

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Comey gets canned, he deserved it. Maybe Comey goes to the big house now. he's dirty for sure.

Sure I brief over the news on this gong show, and now I am misinformed, but if I didn't read the news I would be uninformed.


So, as little regard I have for the news "facts", it is common sense and some logic what's going here.


You "suspect" what news I read, there's your problem plain and simple.

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16 minutes ago, blackson said:

Comey gets canned, he deserved it. Maybe Comey goes to the big house now. he's dirty for sure.

Sure I brief over the news on this gong show, and now I am misinformed, but if I didn't read the news I would be uninformed.


So, as little regard I have for the news "facts", it is common sense and some logic what's going here.


You "suspect" what news I read, there's your problem plain and simple.

So what news source tells you that Comey is "dirty for sure."?

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2 hours ago, blackson said:

hmmm, so what if he's being investigated, what becomes of this in the long run? Probably a big fat ZERO like all the other "investigations" currently (allegedly) underway. There is NEVER anything reported that's tangible, articulately even remotely defining culpability.


Remember on election day at approx 8PM when democrats "knew" they would win the election, so they could continue the mess Obama created, to radicalize America and then suddenly at 11PM election day, their world came crashing down. Now they HATE and detest Trump and everyone around him, these witch hunts, as ridiculous as they are, have proven nothing so far except for the Comey leaks.


It would be better to stop believing the media and try to think about this logically, connect the dots and realize all the  media whirlwind is exactly what it is, meaningless and unsubstantiated rhetoric, nothing short of sensationalism.


Every politician and everyone else has some skeletons lurking in their closets, they all have some trivial matter they want to hide, BUT to take it to this extent is ludicrous.


I say if Trump or anyone else is dirty, say so, file indictments, prove your theories, otherwise shut the <deleted> up!

Like Trump, you are using the election as a deflection.


Former FBI Director Comey testified under oath that he had no doubt that Russia attempted to influence the 2016 Presidential election and that he had no doubt that this attempt was approved of by the Russian government.  No one in the US government, or any government other than Russia, has disputed his assertion.


Numerous high-level people in Trump's campaign, many currently in his administration, had meetings with high level Russian government officials and leaders of shady businesses linked to the Russian government.  These meetings are established facts, as is the fact that many of Trump's people originally lied (or "forgot") about these meetings when required to report them on government security forms.


There are reports of significant financial ties between Trump businesses and Russia.  Since Trump refuses to follow established standards of ethics and transparency, these reports can not be investigated without an official investigation with subpoena powers.


As has been mentioned, Trump stated that he fired FBI Director Comey because of "that Russia thing".


The above indicates a concerted effort by a foreign power, aided by allies and stooges in the US, to undermine elections and democracy in the US.  Of course it needs to be investigated.  People who say otherwise are either Russian allies of stooges.

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2 hours ago, blackson said:

Mueller is Comey's "chum" and should be sacked.

AG Rosenstein advised Trump to fire Comey (if you believe media reports). Trump needs to order AG to sack Mueller, failing which Trump fires Rosenstein.


You getting the picture yet?

Here you go blackson if you are confused with the written media, why not just listen to your hero himself. Synopsis if yu are too rushed to spend two minutes to watch it.


Trump:  "I had already made the decision to fire Comey regardless of the recommendation from Rosenstein"


Trump: "Comey was fired because of the Russia Investigation"



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On 18/6/2560 at 0:04 PM, blackson said:

hmmm, so what if he's being investigated, what becomes of this in the long run? Probably a big fat ZERO like all the other "investigations" currently (allegedly) underway. There is NEVER anything reported that's tangible, articulately even remotely defining culpability.

Remember on election day at approx 8PM when democrats "knew" they would win the election, so they could continue the mess Obama created, to radicalize America and then suddenly at 11PM election day, their world came crashing down. Now they HATE and detest Trump and everyone around him, these witch hunts, as ridiculous as they are, have proven nothing so far except for the Comey leaks.

It would be better to stop believing the media and try to think about this logically, connect the dots and realize all the  media whirlwind is exactly what it is, meaningless and unsubstantiated rhetoric, nothing short of sensationalism.

Every politician and everyone else has some skeletons lurking in their closets, they all have some trivial matter they want to hide, BUT to take it to this extent is ludicrous.

I say if Trump or anyone else is dirty, say so, file indictments, prove your theories, otherwise shut the <deleted> up!

Blackson opines; " There is NEVER anything reported that's tangible, articulately even remotely defining culpability."


Boomer responds; Really?  You must be watching a totally different drama unfold.  There are reams of tangible evidence.  Just one from the large heap: Kushner as a private citizen, having a clandestine conversations with a Russian agent (Kysliac sp?) to try and set up direct communications with the Kremlin and/or sanctioned Russian banks.  Doint that would circumvent officials US channels.  If you or I or any American you know tried that, he/she would be tried for espionage or treason.  The WH has not denied those meetings, though earlier they said no Trump people had had any meetings with any Russians.  Of course, we know those were all Trumpist lies. 


Some more tangible evidence:   All Trump's honchos lied on their security clearance forms.  Those are federal crimes.  Stay tuned.   You ain't seen nothin' yet.  Lots more to come down the sewer tubes.


On 18/6/2560 at 0:33 PM, blackson said:

Mueller is Comey's "chum" and should be sacked.

AG Rosenstein advised Trump to fire Comey (if you believe media reports). Trump needs to order AG to sack Mueller, failing which Trump fires Rosenstein.

You getting the picture yet?

Blackson, you'd fit in perfectly in Trump's inner circle.

Everything Trump has done in the past 6 months has been shouting cover-up!   Even when he met with AG Sessions several times, they never even discussed the Russia issue (according to both of them).  If a group of gang-rapists are under investigation for gang raping, are they going to discuss the gang rape when they get together?  No, they're only concerned about keeping investigators off their trail.


Any other president, if told by all 17 Federal Security agencies that 'Russia seriously meddled in a major nationwide election' would want to at least find out what happened.  Trump, for obvious reasons (he already knows lots of the details, and he's hiding scared) doesn't want to know anything about it. 

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On 6/20/2017 at 2:10 AM, boomerangutang said:

Blackson opines; " There is NEVER anything reported that's tangible, articulately even remotely defining culpability."


Boomer responds; Really?  You must be watching a totally different drama unfold.  There are reams of tangible evidence.  Just one from the large heap: Kushner as a private citizen, having a clandestine conversations with a Russian agent (Kysliac sp?) to try and set up direct communications with the Kremlin and/or sanctioned Russian banks.  Doint that would circumvent officials US channels.  If you or I or any American you know tried that, he/she would be tried for espionage or treason.  The WH has not denied those meetings, though earlier they said no Trump people had had any meetings with any Russians.  Of course, we know those were all Trumpist lies. 


Some more tangible evidence:   All Trump's honchos lied on their security clearance forms.  Those are federal crimes.  Stay tuned.   You ain't seen nothin' yet.  Lots more to come down the sewer tubes.


Blackson, you'd fit in perfectly in Trump's inner circle.

Everything Trump has done in the past 6 months has been shouting cover-up!   Even when he met with AG Sessions several times, they never even discussed the Russia issue (according to both of them).  If a group of gang-rapists are under investigation for gang raping, are they going to discuss the gang rape when they get together?  No, they're only concerned about keeping investigators off their trail.


Any other president, if told by all 17 Federal Security agencies that 'Russia seriously meddled in a major nationwide election' would want to at least find out what happened.  Trump, for obvious reasons (he already knows lots of the details, and he's hiding scared) doesn't want to know anything about it. 

what cover up....wheres the proof....there aint none! The dems have tried everything to screw trump over only because he won the election. If anything the legacy from obama and the clintons is nothing but criminal!

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2 hours ago, blackson said:

what cover up....wheres the proof....there aint none! The dems have tried everything to screw trump over only because he won the election. If anything the legacy from obama and the clintons is nothing but criminal!

You don't think the number of inner circle administration officials who had to 'correct' security forms because they forgot to report meetings with Russian officials is suspicious?  You don't think Donald Jr emailing "I love it" when offered incriminating information on Clinton from the Russian government shows intent to collude?


I don't know what, if anything, "the dems have tried" to screw up Trump.  It seems to me that Trump and his buddies are screwing themselves up.

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52 minutes ago, heybruce said:

You don't think the number of inner circle administration officials who had to 'correct' security forms because they forgot to report meetings with Russian officials is suspicious?  You don't think Donald Jr emailing "I love it" when offered incriminating information on Clinton from the Russian government shows intent to collude?


I don't know what, if anything, "the dems have tried" to screw up Trump.  It seems to me that Trump and his buddies are screwing themselves up.

need far smarter folks than that to throw a big <deleted> into trump. I say let trump improve the great nation of USA, if he's guilty of some crime then prosecute otherwise don't let hatred and bias shape your narrow views. Let this president be President, throwing obstacles in the way of progress is ludicrous, somewhat which happens in TH. In 12 months let have this conversation again and see what rolls off your tongue!

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30 minutes ago, blackson said:

need far smarter folks than that to throw a big <deleted> into trump. I say let trump improve the great nation of USA, if he's guilty of some crime then prosecute otherwise don't let hatred and bias shape your narrow views. Let this president be President, throwing obstacles in the way of progress is ludicrous, somewhat which happens in TH. In 12 months let have this conversation again and see what rolls off your tongue!

Look at his massive success on the health care bill! There's no stopping him.

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1 hour ago, blackson said:

need far smarter folks than that to throw a big <deleted> into trump. I say let trump improve the great nation of USA, if he's guilty of some crime then prosecute otherwise don't let hatred and bias shape your narrow views. Let this president be President, throwing obstacles in the way of progress is ludicrous, somewhat which happens in TH. In 12 months let have this conversation again and see what rolls off your tongue!

What obstacles?  Where is his plan for better health care at a fraction of the price of Obamacare?  Where is his detailed tax plan?  How is he defeating ISIS?  What has he done to "Make America Great Again"?   The list of non-accomplishments is as long as his ludicrously long list of campaign promises.


The only person putting obstacles in Trump's way is Trump and his own ignorance and incompetence. 

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On August 1, 2017 at 6:53 PM, blackson said:

what cover up....wheres the proof....there aint none!

The dems have tried everything to screw trump over only because he won the election.

If anything the legacy from obama and the clintons is nothing but criminal!

"what cover up....wheres the proof....there aint none! "

You're just making that up.


But, standby, the wheels of justice are turning.

And regardless of the inept fool occupying the White House,

Special Counsel Mueller goes to work.

Every day.



The White House is under criminal investigation for obstruction of justice, collusion, fraud, racketeering, money laundering and espionage.


The House Intelligence Committee

The Senate Intelligence Committee

The Senate Judiciary Committee

The House Oversight Committee



The occupier of the White House' son, along with a Senior White House adviser to his father and a Russian connected Trump campaign director,

had a clandestine meeting with agents from a hostile foreign adversary.


(Unprecedented in American history)



"If anything the legacy from obama and the clintons is nothing but criminal!"

In response to that, I submit a truncated quote from your prior post that applies here:


"I say if... anyone else is dirty, say so, file indictments, prove your theories, otherwise shut the <deleted> up!"


You getting the picture yet?


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On 1 augustus 2017 at 10:18 PM, blackson said:

need far smarter folks than that to throw a big <deleted> into trump. I say let trump improve the great nation of USA, if he's guilty of some crime then prosecute otherwise don't let hatred and bias shape your narrow views. Let this president be President, throwing obstacles in the way of progress is ludicrous, somewhat which happens in TH. In 12 months let have this conversation again and see what rolls off your tongue!


Need smarter folks?? 

Trump improving the great nation of the USA?.

You talk about hatred, answer; Trump!

You talk about bias, answer; Trump!

You talk about narrow views, answer; Trump!

You talk about let the president be president; answer; Trump will not even get a job in the zoo, to clean the poopoo from the elefants!

And to close this of, what has Thailand to do with this? Maby, because he is a complete out of control narcist, with alzheimer and want to be a dictator??

He, at last hey have free healthcare in Thailand, can you say that for the great Donald. 

I hope you can receive this reply on your planet, because I'm not sure about my intrsteller connection at this time.

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12 minutes ago, blackson said:

so what has trump done thus far that has hurt the citizens or the country?


Oh, do we have to wait until he causes actual harm before we're allowed to be upset?  Attempting to take away rights, disparage minorities and threatening the health care of millions isn't enough?

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51 minutes ago, blackson said:

so what has trump done thus far that has hurt the citizens or the country?

You don't like him and I get that, but don't let your hatred cloud your judgement up there in Planet Isaan.


Fortunately, he will be removed before he has done even more damage.



The White House is under criminal investigation for obstruction of justice, collusion, fraud, racketeering, money laundering and espionage.


The House Intelligence Committee

The Senate Intelligence Committee

The Senate Judiciary Committee

The House Oversight Committee


And Special Counsel Mueller.



The occupier of the White House' son, along with a Senior White House adviser to his father and a Russian connected

Trump campaign director, had a clandestine meeting with agents from a hostile foreign adversary.


How about the Grand Jury thing, are you keeping up on that?

Read much?


And sooner than later, the Trumpeteers will return to their planet of origin:



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7 hours ago, iReason said:


Fortunately, he will be removed before he has done even more damage.



The White House is under criminal investigation for obstruction of justice, collusion, fraud, racketeering, money laundering and espionage.


The House Intelligence Committee

The Senate Intelligence Committee

The Senate Judiciary Committee

The House Oversight Committee


And Special Counsel Mueller.



The occupier of the White House' son, along with a Senior White House adviser to his father and a Russian connected

Trump campaign director, had a clandestine meeting with agents from a hostile foreign adversary.


How about the Grand Jury thing, are you keeping up on that?

Read much?


And sooner than later, the Trumpeteers will return to their planet of origin:



America has added more than a million jobs since President Trump took office.

The U.S. economy added a strong 209,000 jobs in July, more than economists had expected. The unemployment rate fell to 4.3%, matching a 16-year low. Just after the Great Recession in 2009, unemployment peaked at 10%.




Bite me!

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46 minutes ago, blackson said:

maybe it's time for the majority to get their rights back, rather than the likes of MS-13 and other criminal minorities.

Why should minorities be given carte blanch to impose their will on good ole home folks and work at destroying our traditions!


Ain't gonna happen with Mr.Trump! So suck up cry-babies...for the next ...oh...7.5 years!


"Nationism", can you relate to that concept?

"maybe it's time for the majority to get their rights back, rather than the likes of MS-13 and other criminal minorities.

Why should minorities be given carte blanch to impose their will on good ole home folks and work at destroying our traditions! "


A pile of hysterical, ignorant blather.



"Ain't gonna happen with Mr.Trump! So suck up cry-babies...for the next ...oh...7.5 years! "

I'm guessing you don't read too much...


"Nationism", can you relate to that concept?

No. I have idea what that even means.

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1 hour ago, blackson said:

America has added more than a million jobs since President Trump took office.

The U.S. economy added a strong 209,000 jobs in July, more than economists had expected. The unemployment rate fell to 4.3%, matching a 16-year low. Just after the Great Recession in 2009, unemployment peaked at 10%.




Bite me!

Good choice of words, "America has added...", not "Trump has created...".  Since Trump has done nothing for the economy, this is clearly a continuation of the Obama recovery.


I'm surprised the moderator let you get away with "Bite me!".  People have been suspended for less.


BTW; are you suggesting Kushner's contacts with Russia had something to do with the job creation?

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Feds subpoena Jared Kushner’s company after it tried to get $150 million from Chinese investors in exchange for US visas


"Federal prosecutors in New York have reportedly subpoenaed Kushner Cos., the firm belonging to White House senior adviser Jared Kushner, over its use of a controversial visa program the company used to woo Chinese investors to fund a New Jersey development, the Wall Street Journal reported Wednesday.


"Federal prosecutors included a demand for emails in its document request."


"Online promotions posted on Chinese websites also touted Kushner's role in the EB-5 program and the One Journal Square project."




Kushner subpoenaed for issuing green cards while the administration takes them away


"In 2015, the Government Accountability Office found that the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service (UCIS) did not have sufficient controls in place to identify potential fraud in the EB-5 program or to assess its economic impact."


"Trump reauthorized the EB-5 program the day before Jared’s sister, Nicole Kushner, pitched the visas to potential foreign investors."



Trump reauthorized the EB-5 program the day before...:whistling:

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