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If SNP wins election in Scotland, PM May will have to grant independence vote -Sturgeon


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2 minutes ago, onthesoi said:

Its so heart warming to see all the English nationalists concerned for the welfare of Scots if they go it alone...based on this thread, the scots can be safe in the knowledge if things should go pear shaped there will be plenty off food parcels coming over the border.


So sad to see some Scots still being Scottish nationalists and adopting the "stuff the rest of the UK" attitude so prevalent with some of their political leaders.


The country is the UK, and if people are nationalists, they should be British nationalists. 

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6 minutes ago, daveAustin said:

Scotland, Independence, etc, how boring. Wish you'd never joined up. You of course have so much going for you, don't need no money from anyone, well tooled up to stave off a land grab from the Russians, a resurgent Germany, whoever. When you do go, just don't blame any failure on your sick to the back teeth neighbours. Of the switched on jocks that don't want any part of it, you could always renounce your citizenship. :ph34r:

This topic relates to Scottish independence which is why posters are discussing it, if it it boring to you why not post on a different topic.

Wow a land grab from a resurgent Germany.........have you considered a brain transplant?

Incidentally we didn't "Join up", James 6th of Scotland became James the 1st of England, thus the "Union of the crowns".

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50 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


Isn't that what we really want from all politicians, whichever party? Listen to the electorate and have the courage to change policies to take our views into account? (The exact opposite of the SNP btw).


In the past people have voted for one party or another because they always did, their parents and family did, etc etc. No people are becoming more challenging which can only be good for democracy.

Yes I agree listen to the electorate which in the majority are the poor the old and the struggling. When you want to cut benefits to this class and give to the rich hmm is she listening to the majority or the polls. Politicians are canny beasts testing the air constantly for a change in the winds. I think this change turned into a bit of a hurricane. 

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1 hour ago, champers said:

If the SNP share of the vote reduces; from 2015 levels; and/or seats are lost then Nicola Sturgeon will be sat in a canoe without a paddle. This election could see her demise.

If you check Google Sturgeons have been around for millions of years. Oppps sorry wrong entry

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3 hours ago, champers said:

If the SNP share of the vote reduces; from 2015 levels; and/or seats are lost then Nicola Sturgeon will be sat in a canoe without a paddle. This election could see her demise.


They won 56 of 59 seats - I think it is inevitable that they will lose some; are you really trying to suggest that anything other than a repeat of 2015 would be seen as failure? No other party is held to these standards - why should the SNP?


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3 hours ago, Basil B said:

So if the SNP loose nearly half their MP's Sturgeon will call it a victory... :cheesy: :cheesy::cheesy:


Me think if the SNP substantially increase their number of MP's then she may have a point to argue for a second referendum.


That is the reality of FPTP - if you have a majority, you can call yourself the winner. Democracy, try it. 

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2 hours ago, Baerboxer said:


Do you seriously think Police Scotland would've prevented a determined suicide bomber? Maybe, but not based on their sterling performances since inception. How long  did they leave poor accident victims in their crashed car for?


Read my post again - did I say that Scotland was wonderful in every respect? Of course not, but I do repeat myself that in your rush to trash Scotland, you conveniently ignore the chaos in your own back yard. The SNP has managed to roughly maintain the numbers of police on Scottish streets whereas the government that your countrymen are, inexplicably, likely to return, arrogantly ignored repeated warnings about their plans in general, and the Manchester bomber in particular, and reduced numbers by 20,000. So please do not cast stones in our direction when you are incapable of putting a credible government in power to sort out your own horrendous mess. 


2 hours ago, Baerboxer said:

Only SNP supporters maintain how wonderful they are performing. If the performance is that good, on health, education, crime how come they details aren't being splashed for all to see and held up as shining examples for the whole of Europe. And their financial performance is how good?


The details are not being splashed about because the media is not inclined to do so - as simple as that. They would rather join in your game of trashing the work of the Scottish government. 

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2 hours ago, Baerboxer said:


Democratic right - so a minority of around 8% of the population have the right say how a country is made up?




The country is the UK, The nationality is British. Any changes to that must be voted on by all the population not just a small % who want to whinge and whine and pretend their special.


Tail wagging dog. May, or Corbyn, or whoever occupies No.10 must look after the whole country. 

The UK is a union of countries, whether you like it or not. Scotland, as a defined country, is a party to that union.

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1 hour ago, RuamRudy said:


They won 56 of 59 seats - I think it is inevitable that they will lose some; are you really trying to suggest that anything other than a repeat of 2015 would be seen as failure? No other party is held to these standards - why should the SNP?


The Tory party is being held to similar standards. If their majority of 12 seats is reduced then Teresa May is toast. Politicians can be prone to error where the electorate is concerned. Ask David Cameron.


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Sturgeon has already declared an interest of an SNP coalition with Labour but Labour don't seem so keen.


There is no party fit for purpose in running the UK at the moment, I have never felt so negative about Britain's future with of without Scotland!

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2 hours ago, champers said:

The Tory party is being held to similar standards. If their majority of 12 seats is reduced then Teresa May is toast. Politicians can be prone to error where the electorate is concerned. Ask David Cameron.


Can't see May going as willingly as Cameron.  Kicking and screaming come to mind and who would want to pick up that chalice?

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  • 2 weeks later...
13 minutes ago, baboon said:

RuamRudy must be having the night from Hell...

Disappointing indeed, but forget the damage to the SNP - the thought that so many people in Scotland could actually vote Tory is truly worrying. Do these people have no conscience? 

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1 minute ago, RuamRudy said:

Disappointing indeed, but forget the damage to the SNP - the thought that so many people in Scotland could actually vote Tory is truly worrying. Do these people have no conscience? 

What do you think happened?

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Just now, baboon said:

What do you think happened?

Realistically, the 2015 near domination of Scottish Westminster seats was untenable. Much as I would have liked to see it continue, it gives the wrong impression of Scotland - we are no less nuanced than any other area of the UK. It was inevitable that the SNP would lose some of their seats. I had predicted around 6 - never did I imagine it would come close to 20 (currently it is 19 losses).


Does it reflect a turning away from independence? Possibly - maybe people are more inclined to wait an see the outcome of Brexit, or maybe they are genuinely moving away from the notion of independence altogether. 


Another possibility could be the resurgence of Corbyn's Labour - natural Labour supporters who had moved to the SNP in 2015 found renewed faith in their party? 


I am not overly disappointed at the loss of Salmond. I think he was a good politician, but came across as smarmy and divisive, very much a Nigel Farage character, without the racism. I am truly sorry at Angus Robertson losing though - he was a decent, hard working and formidable MP who held the PM to account many times. 


But the reality is that the SNP has already the majority of Scottish MPs in WM with 6 seats yet to call. In any other arena, this would be a win. 

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