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U.S. Sen McCain says Putin bigger threat than ISIS


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U.S. Sen McCain says Putin bigger threat than ISIS




U.S. Senator John McCain (R-AZ) attends the Senate Armed Services Committee hearing on worldwide threats on Capitol Hill in Washington, U.S., May 23, 2017. REUTERS/Yuri Gripas


MELBOURNE (Reuters) - U.S. Senator John McCain said Russian President Vladimir Putin is a bigger threat to global security than ISIS, and warned that the Senate would push for sanctions against Moscow for its alleged interference in the U.S. election.


McCain, a leading foreign policy voice in the U.S. Congress, was speaking in an interview in Australia, where he has held security talks on his way to a defence summit in Singapore.


"I think he (Putin) is the premier and most important threat, more so than ISIS," McCain said in an interview on Australian Broadcasting Corp television.


He said while there was no evidence the Russians succeeded in changing the U.S. election outcome, they were still trying to change elections, including the recent French vote.


"I view the Russians as the far greatest challenge that we have," said McCain, who is chairman of the U.S. Senate Armed Services Committee.


"So we need to have increased sanctions and hopefully when we come back from our recess, the Senate will move forward with sanctions on Russia and enact other penalties for Russian behaviour."


McCain, who has been a critic of President Donald Trump, said he believes the national security team around Trump is developing a strategy that will lead to "victory" in Afghanistan, and Trump has great confidence in that team.


"I do believe that most of the time that he accepts their advice and counsel. Can I tell you that he does all the time? No. And yes, does it bothers me? Yes, it bothers me," he said.


(Reporting by Sonali Paul; Editing by Richard Pullin)

-- © Copyright Reuters 2017-05-30
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Obama [before he left office] and Mattis are saying Korea is the biggest problem...


we have a 3rd carrier headed there now... 

2 already sitting there, yeah okay #3 to relieve one of them..... maybe.

should be nothing else on the radar for this subject area....

too focused on peddling the Russia thing????

is it that really????


or..... if it ain't immediately imminent.....wow. what a new world. it's like Climate.... if it ain't gonna happen in the next 24 hour cycle or by next Tuesday......  forgetaboutit.

but Korea?


Edited by maewang99
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Sure Putin is more evil than these lunatics of ISIS!? He destroys Christian villages, beheads innocent people of all religions small children included, spreads terror around the world and so on. This Mc Cain should retire and keep his mouth shut and let the new generation of leaders do their work. What an absolute idiot.

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While it is probably an exaggeration that Russia is a bigger threat than ISIS, they are a threat. Russia, Iran, China and the US spend more money on spying, and computer hacking, and other operations of that sort, than any other countries. N. Korea is also a problem. Keep your eyes on the ball, and your head in the game. Russia and China are up to no good. They are massive threats to the well being of the world. 

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I think the world realizes now that the USA is the biggest threat to ours and the planets survival. And it looks grim from here on in. Just glad I've no kids.

Edited by teelac5
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Well it's all relative.  Russia is arguably the biggest threat to the world order after the USA because they both have the largest toy boxes of nukes.  Therefore they can inflict the most damage and both are currently run by unstable characters.


ISIS is a terrorist organisation that are limited by their capabilities but they are currently a bigger threat as they are actively attacking us.

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54 minutes ago, dunroaming said:

Well it's all relative.  Russia is arguably the biggest threat to the world order after the USA because they both have the largest toy boxes of nukes.  Therefore they can inflict the most damage and both are currently run by unstable characters.


ISIS is a terrorist organisation that are limited by their capabilities but they are currently a bigger threat as they are actively attacking us.

"both are currently run by unstable characters."

It is very much true. ?

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Seems to me that it's not his role, nor does he have access to information that would enable him, to prioritize security threats to the US.  It seems to me that the USA is trying to deal with many issues.  Nothing they have done and none of the billions spent seem to work ... other than perhaps funding the Kurds to help sort out the mess in Syria.  I don't think McCain's hyperbole is helping lay out a sensible way forward for this or any of the other security challenges the USA faces.

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While  I don't agree with Senator McCain on this issue, I will always respect him for his military service and his suffering as a Prisoner of War (POW). He was captured by the North Vietnamese and spent 6 years in captivity in Hanoi and was tortured.  When the Vietnamese found out his father was a full Admiral and Chief of Naval Operations- Senator McCain was offered his release. He turned it down indicating everyone must come home together.


Probably the greatest threat is the Korean situation as it is possible to go to war with millions of casualties. However,I am beginning to think a threat is in Donald Trump himself. His actions involving NATO while in Europe  show how much he is out of touch with the rest of the World and his arrogant insistence that the United States is always correct. He hasn't figured out that American support of Nato regarding Russia assures that any war will be fought in Europe and not on American soil so as American industry can be unhindered to provide the planes. tanks and ammunition needed to win the war. It almost appears that Trump is following the Russian doctrine regarding relations with Europe. Trump needs to be checked and John MCCain needs to stop supporting this incompetent and tell him directly to get in line or lose the Presidency.

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22 minutes ago, Thaidream said:

While  I don't agree with Senator McCain on this issue, I will always respect him for his military service and his suffering as a Prisoner of War (POW). He was captured by the North Vietnamese and spent 6 years in captivity in Hanoi and was tortured.  

yes he has milked that to death….

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4 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

While it is probably an exaggeration that Russia is a bigger threat than ISIS, they are a threat. Russia, Iran, China and the US spend more money on spying, and computer hacking, and other operations of that sort, than any other countries. N. Korea is also a problem. Keep your eyes on the ball, and your head in the game. Russia and China are up to no good. They are massive threats to the well being of the world. 

...any country can be a threat if they step outside the UN guidelines for peace.

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A number of the most senior commanders of the US military, including Mattis, as well as intelligence agencies have identified Russia as the most serious existential security threat to the US and allies. Personally I am pleased McCain, as the Chair of the Senate Armed Services Committee, is listening to  relevant voices.

Edited by simple1
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While I think North Korea is an immediate threat- Russia has an arsenal of nuclear weapons and a large military force  that could cause a war to erupt in Europe should it invade Ukraine or an Nato country. That is exactly why Trump's actions on his trip to Europe have the possibility of emboldened Russia as they now see a wedge between America and Europe. Instead of doing quiet diplomacy behind closed doors- Trump has signalled publically that he does not agree with Europe and never came out and stated he would support Article 5.-which means an attack on one is an attack on all.


Merkel was smart to come out publically and in essence disavow Trump for his lack of insight and support. Let's not forget -mainland Europe sits right on Russia's doorstep while America is thousands of miles away separated by an ocean. Trump better get his xhit together or America will have no friends .

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9 minutes ago, Thaidream said:

While I think North Korea is an immediate threat- Russia has an arsenal of nuclear weapons and a large military force  that could cause a war to erupt in Europe should it invade Ukraine or an Nato country. That is exactly why Trump's actions on his trip to Europe have the possibility of emboldened Russia as they now see a wedge between America and Europe. Instead of doing quiet diplomacy behind closed doors- Trump has signalled publically that he does not agree with Europe and never came out and stated he would support Article 5.-which means an attack on one is an attack on all.


Merkel was smart to come out publically and in essence disavow Trump for his lack of insight and support. Let's not forget -mainland Europe sits right on Russia's doorstep while America is thousands of miles away separated by an ocean. Trump better get his xhit together or America will have no friends .


Merkel is upset that Trump is no Obama. She could get her own way with Obama, not so with Trump. Everyone wants to forget that she is a former communist party activist who actively supported a totalitarian regime that was firmly against democracy, free speech, dissent and that murdered people for trying to leave.

Merkel wants Germany to dominate Europe, by dominating the EU, the Euro, and ensure German trade interests always benefit whilst protecting crooked German actions, like VW and their fraud. Obama wasn't a problem. Trump may well be a changeable nutter who seemingly does u-turns whenever he fancies, but she can't get her own way with him. She doesn't like that, and it shows. In the same way she wanted British money to flow into the EU but didn't really want their opinions unless they agreed with hers.

She is actually more of threat than many chose or want to admit with her insistence on allowing migrants free flow into the EU and her mishandling of Russia and Turkey where she seems to thinks she and she alone is responsible for EU policy.

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I share your concerns regarding Merkel and I am sure many of the British who voted for Bexit see German and Merkel as a threat to Europe. She is a supporter of the EU because she can dominate policy. Her allowing massive immigration from the Middle East has caused a complete uproar in her own country and Europe at large and  is responsible for allowing potential terrorists into the country and Europe.

However, Germany will not invade any other country but Russia might. Trump's approach to Europe is naive and selfish.  America needs Europe much more that Europe needs America. Article 5 of Nato is what keeps the peace in Europe and in America and causes the Russians to stop any invasion of another Nato country. Merkel cannot push Trump around but unfortunately Trump does not have the knowledge or temperament to deal with Merkel or in my mind any type of real leader.

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1 hour ago, simple1 said:

A number of the most senior commanders of the US military, including Mattis, as well as intelligence agencies have identified Russia as the most serious existential security threat to the US and allies. 

Im sure the russians feel exactly the same way about the US….and they'd be right too.


We don't live in a world where you can deal with one problem at a time….lol.


Trumps predecessor tried to solve the problem by pivoting towards asia…. and not doing 'stupid shit'…. that didnt work out too well did it?

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Russia...how funny! They just can't let that go. So they meddled in the election or not, move on.  The US is so caught up in its own domestic BS with their fake news and anti Trump narrative they have completely lost their way. Honestly it is a wonder that Government is still operating. Remember the Roman Empire. 

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33 minutes ago, FitnessHealthTravel said:

Russia...how funny! They just can't let that go. So they meddled in the election or not, move on.


Another example of a clueless, shortsighted uniformed poster.


"Move on"?


There are two issues at play here:

Russia interferring with the election. ( you know the one where President Obama expelled 35 Russian spies?) :


Barack Obama orders expulsions of Russian diplomats, sanctions spies for interference in US election

"United States President Barack Obama has announced a coordinated series of punishments against Russia over hacking allegations, expelling dozens of diplomats and naming intelligence operatives."


"Russia will also be blocked from accessing two compounds in New York, Maryland US also released a detailed report about Russia's hacking infrastructure Moscow regretted the sanctions, considering retaliatory steps, spokesman for Vladimir Putin says Mr Obama had promised retaliation against Russia and it came in rolling announcements, with 35 Russian diplomats given 72 hours to leave the country."


"Russia will also be blocked from accessing two compounds in New York and Maryland that were used by Russian personnel for "intelligence-related purposes".




The one above is the one you, in your simplistic characterization, is entirely separate from this one:

Obstruction of Justice. (for starters)



Not surprised with your post 'tho.

It's the same mindset of the Trumpeteers who vainly attempt to lump them together...


Edited by iReason
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10 hours ago, GaryAdriaenssens said:

Sure Putin is more evil than these lunatics of ISIS!? He destroys Christian villages, beheads innocent people of all religions small children included, spreads terror around the world and so on. This Mc Cain should retire and keep his mouth shut and let the new generation of leaders do their work. What an absolute idiot.

Agree, McCain seems to have gone off the deep end the last few years.  This incessant obsession with the Russian hacking by McCain and the left is getting old. The Russians did not in effect hack the elections. The hacked the computers of the DNC, a non governmental organization. Seems like they did not do anything but get out the truth about what some members of the DNC were doing to screw Bernie Sanders.  So in effect they released the truth about what was going on and being said by DNC members.  If it had been some college student who had done it and released to Wikileaks, then what would the fuss be over?   If the Russians did it and if they start untrue stories in social media, I wonder where they learned that from.  The CIA has melded in enough elections around the world to be experts at it. Maybe the Russians are now following the US playbook.  

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3 hours ago, FitnessHealthTravel said:

Russia...how funny! They just can't let that go. 

Correction…its not 'they'…it's the losing team. Thats their strategy for the next 4 years. Just keep yelling russia in the hope that something will stick.


Even an oklahoma hillbilly can see through that.

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7 hours ago, JHolmesJr said:


We don't live in a world where you can deal with one problem at a time….lol.

You'r making comment that makes no sense whatsoever in relation to the OP

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14 hours ago, dunroaming said:

Well it's all relative.  Russia is arguably the biggest threat to the world order after the USA because they both have the largest toy boxes of nukes.  Therefore they can inflict the most damage and both are currently run by unstable characters.


ISIS is a terrorist organisation that are limited by their capabilities but they are currently a bigger threat as they are actively attacking us.

Russia is actively attacking us too. They also attacked the French recently and how many others? They (Putin/Trump) are world menaces. 

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12 hours ago, simple1 said:

A number of the most senior commanders of the US military, including Mattis, as well as intelligence agencies have identified Russia as the most serious existential security threat to the US and allies. Personally I am pleased McCain, as the Chair of the Senate Armed Services Committee, is listening to  relevant voices.

McCain is a singular voice in the darkness of the GOP. He knows D.T. is guided by V.P.  McCain can not single handedly stymie the treacherous man currently - and hopefully temporarily - in the WH.

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11 hours ago, Thaidream said:

While I think North Korea is an immediate threat- Russia has an arsenal of nuclear weapons and a large military force  that could cause a war to erupt in Europe should it invade Ukraine or an Nato country. That is exactly why Trump's actions on his trip to Europe have the possibility of emboldened Russia as they now see a wedge between America and Europe. Instead of doing quiet diplomacy behind closed doors- Trump has signalled publically that he does not agree with Europe and never came out and stated he would support Article 5.-which means an attack on one is an attack on all.


Merkel was smart to come out publically and in essence disavow Trump for his lack of insight and support. Let's not forget -mainland Europe sits right on Russia's doorstep while America is thousands of miles away separated by an ocean. Trump better get his xhit together or America will have no friends .

Honestly I think that is Putin/Trump's mission i.e. destroy current allies and leave only Russia to align with accusing our real allies of "turning on us."  IMO Trump is more Russian than American.

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Ole Maverick Senator McCain at it again. . Has been playing that tune for 50 years. A pilot of questionable judgement and skills who would have been washed out had his father not been and Admiral. Crashed a trainer plane, taking out power lines in Spain, Forrestal disaster. Had he not been eventually been essentially GROUNDED by the Viets he probably would have killed himself in an airplane eventually.  The Peter Principle in action.

Edited by Dipterocarp
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