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Trump criticised for tweet on London mayor after bridge attacks


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For those who believe Trump is some sort of manly guy against terrorism, it took days and days for any sort of tweet regarding white supremacist murdering two in my hometown of Portland, Oregon. And then it wasn't even Trump tweeting, rather one of his cleaner uppers posting from White House, rightly thinking "We'd better post something.... otherwise, well, people might know Donnie's true view about terrorism. White does it = lone wolf, lunatic. Muslim or "person of color" = entire group

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3 hours ago, spiderorchid said:

Trump only reads headlines, if that. Maybe he can't read because he is not an educated man.

Having said that, the Brits should not be alarmed at seeing more police and military on

the streets. Having open borders and inviting those without documentation to come visit is a recipe for disaster.

 But this attack was committed by the children of Muslim migrants. From an Aussie point of view, I have been

warning about this for decades.

The original migrants came to a civilised country with good intentions. Their children, with low esteem, little

assimilated education, unable to fit in, unable to play sports, probable low IQ, are teased and taunted. They

have no future unless they resort to crime or become "bouncers" at pubs and so on. More than that, the parents

complain that they have no influence on their children. "Too much freedom" they complain.

Unfortunately, this event will pass into history as even more atrocities occur. And will continue to occur.

The mayor was right. Don't be alarmed, get used to it

Agreed, In Oz my mother was afraid to open her front door to speak to strangers because of unprovoked attacks by muslim refugees (somalies, sudanese and Yemanise), why should anyone in this day and age be surprised to see well armed police on the streets after a muslim terrorist attack! The Lord Mayor of London is living in an elitist bubble to think that his fellow citizens give a toss about more police.....but then maybe the audience he was addressing wasn't the non-muslims of the city??? :smile::wai:

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31 minutes ago, williamgeorgeallen said:

conservative england has gun control right. imagine how bad this attack would have been if the 3 guys had access to firearms. 

Try and think about it in this way, lets say that England didn't have its gun control laws, how far do you think these 3 guys would have got if the citizens could protect themselves??  :smile::wai:

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2 minutes ago, TPI said:

Try and think about it in this way, lets say that England didn't have its gun control laws, how far do you think these 3 guys would have got if the citizens could protect themselves??  :smile::wai:

If it was easy to get guns, these 3 guys would have been armed to the hilt and there would be a lot more dead people.

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4 minutes ago, TPI said:

Try and think about it in this way, lets say that England didn't have its gun control laws, how far do you think these 3 guys would have got if the citizens could protect themselves??  :smile::wai:

try to think of it this way. america has 5% of the worlds population and almost a third of the worlds mass shootings. you seriously believe more guns means less mass shootings?

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2 hours ago, lovelomsak said:

Alarmed does not mean anything more than highly aware.

Not correct. "Alarmed" means: to cause someone to feel frightened, or in danger.

You mixed it up with "alerted".

So, what the mayor said was: "Don't be frightened when you see more armed police in the streets.They are there for your security." slightly paraphrased.

What Trump tweeted in response was: "I believe that people are so stupid, they won't realize how I will twist the mayor's words to further my agendas." slightly more paraphrased. The thing is, Trump is right...

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4 hours ago, ilostmypassword said:

And what does that have to do with the stupidity of Trump's comments?


"At least 7 dead and 48 wounded in terror attack and Mayor of London says there is 'no reason to be alarmed!'" Trump tweeted.

"He [the mayor] has more important things to do than respond to Donald Trump's ill-informed tweet that deliberately takes out of context his remarks urging Londoners not to be alarmed when they saw more police - including armed officers - on the streets," the spokesperson said.

For at least a year I see thousands of people make similar posts on social media AND tvf, but because Trump tweets it is has to criticized by the sore losers who lost the election.


Trump is spot on

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Cheeto is perhaps of the least stature, of any person to ever occupy the office of a major nation's leadership. He will trivialize, or politicize anything, to try to gain some points with his devotees. His lack of dignity, and basic humanity is astounding. He brings shame to the US on a daily basis, and reeks of toxins, and a black heart. Only reality TV could have allowed the US to diminish itself to the point where this worm could have been elected. 


If only he would consider his words for even 5 minutes, before tweeting them out to the world. If only he had an advisor with even the tiniest degree of wisdom or class. Instead he has surrounded himself with men and women of the lowest possible distinction, who kiss his butt endlessly. He really needs a Leon Panetta, or Howard Baker type, to slap him around, and push him into shape. Instead he has the fabulously ineffective, small, and minuscule mind of Priebus. Appointing him as chief of staff, was akin to asking Duterte to lead a world peace mission, or asking Imelda Marcos to head up a major charity agency, or appointing Kim Jun Un to lead the UN. Unbelievable. One thing you can say about Cheeto, and his administration, is that they are continually capable of surprise and horror. What will come out of his foul, disrespectful, onerous, toxic, hateful mouth next? He is a half man of such diminished stature, and he shoots himself in the foot, on an almost daily basis. My prediction is that he will not last four years. For my friends who are having fits about him, I just tell them don't worry. He is doing all of the heavy lifting for us. He cannot help himself. It is just who he is. A man of such low character, possessing a complete lack of ethics, integrity, vision, strategy, compassion, grace, and dignity. 

Edited by spidermike007
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14 minutes ago, klauskunkel said:

Not correct. "Alarmed" means: to cause someone to feel frightened, or in danger.

You mixed it up with "alerted".

So, what the mayor said was: "Don't be frightened when you see more armed police in the streets.They are there for your security." slightly paraphrased.

What Trump tweeted in response was: "I believe that people are so stupid, they won't realize how I will twist the mayor's words to further my agendas." slightly more paraphrased. The thing is, Trump is right...

 The police is there for your security. You should be alarmed WHY the police is needed for your security.


If past, and current,  governments hadn't f***ed up big time with their immigration policies, there would be no need for the armed police on the streets.




Edited by janclaes47
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3 hours ago, lovelomsak said:

Yes I know truth hurts especially to political manipulators. 

 Who is to say it was taken out of context. Or Trump was wrong who can be so intelligent to make those judgements and declare them true. Only fools I feel.

It was the mayor of London who pointed out trump had misrepresented him...he should know.

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4 hours ago, spiderorchid said:


The mayor was right. Don't be alarmed, get used to it

Don't be alarmed, get used to it? What a defeatist remark.


You may as well say get used to the Caliphate and Sharia Law.


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Trump was terrorized by the London attack, while Britain stood firm


"While spending the weekend at a golf course for the 16th time in his presidency, Trump first retweeted a report from the right-wing Drudge Report on suspected casualty numbers — before British authorities had even confirmed the details of the incident."


"The American Embassy in London went out of its way to praise Khan in a series of its own tweets, while a spokesman for the mayor dismissed Trump's comments, saying that Khan "has more important things to do than respond to Donald Trump's ill-informed tweet that deliberately takes out of context his remarks."


"This is vintage Trump — impulsive and cruel, without an ounce of class or human decency," 

The Post's conservative columnist Jennifer Rubin wrote in a scathing attack on the president."


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4 hours ago, lovelomsak said:

Trump says what real men should be saying. He is not political correct because political correct does more damage than good. He has balls enough to speak the truth even though it offends. He has what is becoming a lost virtue of true men. Standing up against all odds and saying what others know but are afraid to say.

Really, Trump is your ideal of a "real man"?  There are many labels that he could carry but I never thought I would live to see the day someone would label him as a "real man".  The only upsetting thing about this it's going to be stuck in my head like a bad song that you can't clear your mind of.

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Trump appears to take his cues from Fox News in tweets on London attack


"President Trump's talking points on the terror attack in London appear to come from a familiar source -- "Fox & Friends."



Read on to see where the simpleton gets his talking points.

And Tweets them consecutively during the show.



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7 minutes ago, tomwct said:

I love Presidents Trumps Tweets. They keep the lefties agitated! The Mayor of London said the Streets of London are Safe! Good

Luck to the Londoners! I'll keep you in my prayers!

If you love his tweets somuch, why don't you explain that he didn't post a tweet that he feels soory for the victims in this lowlife attack and give his support to the people who where afected in this attack!

At least the people from the USA embassy did so!

But no, like a real trumpeteer all you can come up with is; I love president Trump".

And you better start praying a lot more, because your hero Trump will need it, and so will you, because you are defending the biggest moron in the world!


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21 minutes ago, tomwct said:

I love Presidents Trumps Tweets. They keep the lefties agitated!


I love your posts.

For an occasional hearty laugh...


They are so clichéd, myopic, marginalizing and stereotypical.


With his London tweets, Trump embarrasses himself — and America — once again


"Meanwhile — and it pains me to write this — our president acted like a clod, a heartless and dull-witted thug in sending out a series of tweets, he — commander in chief and leader of the Free World — first retweeted an unverified, unofficial Drudge headline about the unfolding terrorist attack."


"This is vintage Trump — impulsive and cruel, without an ounce of class or human decency"


"His behavior no longer surprises us, but it should offend and disturb us, first, that he remains the face and voice of America in the world and, second, that his fans hoot and holler, seeing this as inconsequential or acceptable conduct."




Jennifer Rubin writes the Right Turn blog for The Post, offering reported opinion from a conservative perspective.

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3 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

They don't care what you said. It's that you didn't criticize Trump, even though he only posted what more than a few of us on TVF think.


Well l'll say it for the Mayor and the other pussys,  Muslim Terrorists,  Muslim Terrorists,  Muslim Terrorists,. :biggrin:

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25 minutes ago, tomwct said:

I love Presidents Trumps Tweets. They keep the lefties agitated! The Mayor of London said the Streets of London are Safe! Good

Luck to the Londoners! I'll keep you in my prayers!

If Liberals Hate Him, Then Trump Must Be Doing Something Right

Here is how it works: Rather than defend President Trump’s specific actions, his conservative champions change the subject to (1) the biased “fake news” media, (2) over-the-top liberals, (3) hypocrites on the left, (4) anyone else victimizing Mr. Trump or his supporters and (5) whataboutism, as in “What about Obama?” “What about Clinton?”

But the real heart of anti-anti-Trumpism is the delight in the frustration and anger of his opponents. Mr. Trump’s base is unlikely to hold him either to promises or tangible achievements, because conservative politics is now less about ideas or accomplishments than it is about making the right enemies cry out in anguish.




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Mayor Khan is a bit too optimistic given the reality of the situation.  But even so, Trump's Twit was a cheap shot, and way out of order.


Khan is saying and doing what most leaders do, and not that far off Rudy Giuliani, and Bush 43's advice to the nation after 9/11.  At any rate, a Mayor is at the very end of the sewer pipe in all this, thus has no influence over UK policy, actions and associations abroad.  All he can do is try to detect and break up plots, and react to the ones that do slip through the net.


And for my friends on the far left crazy train, here's a theory you'll like better:  Trump's tweet not only suggests Khan is impotent in times of crisis, but also that he might be intentionally impotent because he's a muslim and thus, his true loyalties are suspect.   In that context, appeals for a quick return to calm and normalcy are interpreted as a quick return to complacency; which aids the next attack.  This is one of those Trump "dog whistle" messages to the racists and islamophobes.

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9 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

If Liberals Hate Him, Then Trump Must Be Doing Something Right

Here is how it works: Rather than defend President Trump’s specific actions, his conservative champions

But the real heart of anti-anti-Trumpism is the delight in the frustration and anger of his opponents. Mr. Trump’s base is unlikely to hold him either to promises or tangible achievements, because conservative politics is now less about ideas or accomplishments than it is about making the right enemies cry out in anguish.




Sure, all those things you enumerate above, exist.  Depending on who's got the WH, House, Senate, you just change up the Left/Right/Names.  Each side engages in the same bullshit.   Gloating about it when you're on top and the other schmuck has his/her turn in the barrel is normal too. 


That's the problem, and what grates on my nerves.    Neither side, nor the media, is grown up enough to break the cycle.  So here we are again.  HRC Part Deux, on steroids.  How much nastier and louder can it get?  Is there another notch ABOVE this? :saai:


Good post though.

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6 minutes ago, 55Jay said:

Sure, all those things you enumerate above, exist.  Depending on who's got the WH, House, Senate, you just change up the Left/Right/Names.  Each side engages in the same bullshit.   Gloating about it when you're on top and the other schmuck has his/her turn in the barrel is normal too. 


That's the problem, and what grates on my nerves.    Neither side, nor the media, is grown up enough to break the cycle.  So here we are again.  HRC Part Deux, on steroids.  How much nastier and louder can it get?  Is there another notch ABOVE this? :saai:


Good post though.

No. This is what's called false equivalency. Trump keeps reversing on his major promises - now he's backtracking on infrastructure - and the big majority of his supporters who were touting those plans are now defending or ignoring his reversals.  What keeps these people on Trump's side is schadenfreude.

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5 hours ago, lovelomsak said:

Yes I know truth hurts especially to political manipulators. 

 Who is to say it was taken out of context. Or Trump was wrong who can be so intelligent to make those judgements and declare them true. Only fools I feel.

failing to follow your attempt of reasoning, I'd rather be considered a fool.

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