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Brit orders final drink - then jumps from seventh floor of Bangkok hotel restaurant


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5 hours ago, robblok said:

I just looked up the WIKI facts about 70% combine that with what I have seen and stuff i have heard come out of the mouth of the likes of GW Bush about crusades ids say there are quite a bit or religious fanatics. Combine that with the murders of abortion doctors id say they are quite fanatical over there. Of course that is not everyone, but its quite a large portion. 


The punishment of suicide.. quite simple they will put you in jail :smile:


What i read about America was that it was not legal, however if you say it is I will accept that as your obviously better informed. What i read about US was that they would withhold medicine or let you die from dehydration and stuff but not actively kill you. Like inject you with something to die but just things you need like switching of the ventilator and let you suffocate instead of injecting you with something to kill you. 


That was what I had read. 

What you read is completely incorrect and non factual (in addition to being based on  ridiculously biased generalizations). 


In America legality of euthanasia is a decision of individual States, not the Federal government. So George Bush's opinion has no bearing on the subject. 


In States where euthanasia is legal, you are not left to die of dehydration (you honestly believe such a thing?) The terminally ill person is administered drugs which will end there life upon ingestion. 


BTW, in America, as in Switzerland, a physician will NOT be at your side at the time of death. The hippocratic oath disallows them from doing so. Their role is to certify you as being terminally ill and therefore eligible for euthanasia. There are organizations employing personnel who can be present, but the personnel who are present are not physicians. 


And for those who asked "why not just travel to Switzerland (or Vermont) it's not that easy. Legality of euthanasia in Switzerland and American States where it's legal only applies to residents. 

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5 hours ago, claffey said:

It affects your family.

It affects the people who have to pay for your funeral.

It affects your friends.

It affects the state if it has to dispose of your body.

It affects the person who finds your body.

It affects the person who has to scrape your body off the ground if you've jumped from a high building. etc etc etc.


It affects a lot of other people and is, unless in the most exceptional circumstances, a decision full of selfishness and cowardice.

If the decision to die is made with a sound mind and sufficient planning it should not be a burden on anyone. In fact, family and friends should know the person's reasoning. Proper planning should pay any bills for the disposal of your body and not leave your carcass lying around to be found. What you are describing is someone who is broke and has not planned his end well.  And, might I say, it is not your right to say if it is selfish and cowardly, it is not your life and you do not know the circumstances.

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We shouldn't really speak ill of the dead but I'll make an exception on this occasion. Sad that anyone should find themselves so low that they choose to end their life, however, why do something like that? He could easily have landed on someone and taken their life away also. 

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9 hours ago, claffey said:

I am not a fanatical Christian but I find your comments disturbing. Suicide or Euthanasia or whatever you want to call it is a cowards way out. If you have no family or responsibility then OK. But if you are leaving behind wives, children and other family then you are a coward. I also believe euthanasia should be illegal as life is precious as is the life of your family. By doing this you are destroying their lives too... As for jumping from a high building. Wouldn't it be easier and less gruesome to take an overdose of something...A cowards way out...

The above has to be the most ridiculous piffle I have ever read.. " A cowards way " Are you for real ?

After seeing a family member die slowly in great pain from bone cancer I wish Govt's and God botherers would realize that there is nothing cowardly about wanting a painless and dignified death at a time of ones own choosing.


Obviously jumping to ones death is neither painless or dignified.. But it was his choice and has F all to do with somebody's imaginary friend or invisible omnipotent deity ( that doesn't exist ) 



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3 minutes ago, Pdaz said:

The above has to be the most ridiculous piffle I have ever read.. " A cowards way " Are you for real ?

After seeing a family member die slowly in great pain from bone cancer I wish Govt's and God botherers would realize that there is nothing cowardly about wanting a painless and dignified death at a time of ones own choosing.


Obviously jumping to ones death is neither painless or dignified.. But it was his choice and has F all to do with somebody's imaginary friend or invisible omnipotent deity ( that doesn't exist ) 



You deserve 10 likes, my wife died from cancer and pleaded with me to end her life, some people on here are totally clueless!

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Read the whole thread, surprised no one mentioned the excellent article in Sunday's   (June 4) Bangkok Post Spectrum section about legal physician-assisted euthanasia in Vancouver Canada.  This is the best way to go IMHO.  

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11 hours ago, shady86 said:

I noticed lately many foreigners especially Westerners choose to commit suicide here lately. Is it common in their own country or they find it easier to take their own lives here?

Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk

Maybe they have a good old fling with a young chick before doing it

Not something that's possible in their own country

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4 hours ago, Get Real said:

Everybody as always comment everything with sad and RIP, and what more we can come up with to sound more better than the last poster.

The question is why so many have to come to Thailand to take their lives by jumping? Are the balconys to low in their home countries?

Why does everybody need to jump and make a mess for other people to clean up? Show some respect and take an overdose sleeping pills. Just imagine walking with your parents being five years old hearing a thud, and watching as a pool of blood colors the street.


At last why does so many people from Britain come to Thailand to either get in problem, do unlawful acts or end up dead in one way or another? Is there an unknown genetic function that sience missed after all?

Don't think too much lovey .As everything is obviously perfect in your World .He He .

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11 hours ago, Marley01 said:

Too much of this happening. my thoughts are with the family and friends, the staff at the restaurant and those that found the body. Such a selfish way to go.

how can this person choose this way to give up? Is it society's issue or what?

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10 hours ago, claffey said:

I am not a fanatical Christian but I find your comments disturbing. Suicide or Euthanasia or whatever you want to call it is a cowards way out. If you have no family or responsibility then OK. But if you are leaving behind wives, children and other family then you are a coward. I also believe euthanasia should be illegal as life is precious as is the life of your family. By doing this you are destroying their lives too... As for jumping from a high building. Wouldn't it be easier and less gruesome to take an overdose of something...A cowards way out...

Easy to talk and criticise.


So terribly, terribly tragic. We don`t know what is going through people`s minds and what problems they may have. I guess sometimes there are people who cannot see any light at the end of the tunnel and all seems hopeless. It can happen to any of us, no one is immune and then decide to take a quick way out on the spur of the moment.


Poor old chap, that`s all I can say.

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12 hours ago, shady86 said:

I noticed lately many foreigners especially Westerners choose to commit suicide here lately. Is it common in their own country or they find it easier to take their own lives here?

Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk

I suspect if they are like my old college roommate, who was 70, after cancer returned for the 3rd time (an MRI exam paper was found on his bed), he shot himself w/ his USMC Colt .45.  Pistols are readily available in the U.S. but not so in Thailand (?)


I don't know why people wouldn't go home and take some "medicine" instead of possibly killing a passerby with their body or leaving a mess for others to deal with. At least my ex-roomie had the courtesy to "double-bag" his head when we shot himself, so as to not leave a mess in his house for others to clean up.


However, unlike the suicide jumper in the story, my ol' friend did NOT leave a note for his son nor his 2 young grandchildren!

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6 hours ago, claffey said:

Bravery is not giving up and taking care of your family.. Suicide is selfish and cowardly..

You are one disgusting uninformed person and you have absolutely no idea about this subject.

Read this link that i posted on another thread to another ignorant fool who said it was "gutless" to take your own life;and learn a bit.


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2 hours ago, Odysseus123 said:

You are quite correct.

Situational depression is called an Adjustment Disorder with Depressed Mood.However if it goes on too long then it may morph into Unipolar (major) Depression which is the clinical type you mention.


In the old days they were called "Exogenous" (outside) and "Endogenous" (inside)Depression-both can kill and do so with alarming frequency.

May I say, when I was young, I could never understand why, every now and again, my Mother would lock herself in the spare bedroom for a few days, when some bad news came in , e.g. my 18 year old sister was "up the duff" to some  Aussie soldier.

About 10 years later, when my doctor prescribed my first dose of Setraline  an d sent me to a Phsyco,,,, ,I started to understand why I wanted to kill myself.

Fortunately, some forty plus years later, still popping my Setraline saviors , and managing, successfully , to convince my darling daughter that, what she was feeling, was a weakness in our "makeup" I convinced her that she should take every opportunity to tell her peer group about her, and the family's  need for medication.

I have tried, on 3 occasions , to wean myself away from medication. On each occasion I lasted a couple of weeks only

My mother has since died (old age) but my darling daughter, living in Oz, and me, live on, quite happily  

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12 hours ago, shady86 said:

I noticed lately many foreigners especially Westerners choose to commit suicide here lately. Is it common in their own country or they find it easier to take their own lives here?

Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk

There are many elderly westerners that come to Thailand ill equipped financially and can also find themselves isolated and completely alone. Then when their situations begin to go into decline, could be many reasons, lack of funds, health issues kick in or just total loneliness, then they can be caught between a rock and a hard place with no easy solutions to their problems and suddenly for them paradise turns into hell.

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24 minutes ago, cyberfarang said:

There are many elderly westerners that come to Thailand ill equipped financially and can also find themselves isolated and completely alone. Then when their situations begin to go into decline, could be many reasons, lack of funds, health issues kick in or just total loneliness, then they can be caught between a rock and a hard place with no easy solutions to their problems and suddenly for them paradise turns into hell.

Agree to a point but this is not all that leads to suicide.

90% of people who suicide have some sort of diagnosable mental illness [which often is also caused by substance abuse]and the brain tells them that suicide is the only/best way out.

It is not often a choice that is made by a mentally healthy person, no matter how dire their situation may be.

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It is very sad that someone takes there own life for all sort of reasons,but to jump of a building without thinking about the poor people that have to witness the outcome and the grim task of removal ,this type of scene is embedded in to the minds of these unfortunate individuals for life. my condolences to the mans family.

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11 hours ago, robblok said:

I can accept others having an other opinion, i can however not accept others banning it for other people. That euthanasia is available does not mean you have to do it. I could do it and you could not do it. You however are limiting other people their choices because you don't want it. I could get that if it impacted you in any way.. but how does allowing people euthanasia impact you when you wont do it yourself ?


I would of course travel there, but the fact that it is legal in the Netherlands does not mean you can knock on a door of a dr out of the blue and make an appointment to end it. Its a lengthy process and not easy for foreigners to do. You need to make arrangements when your still sound of mind. The doctors need to make sure your suffering and there is no real option anymore. Its not as easy as it sounds. 

And how many of these high flyers /balcony jumpers  just do it not because of any terminal illness but because their Thai GF/wife dumped them , they have lost everything or think that thwy will never be happy again after the woman has left. If they waited they might find there was someone better to come along but oh well.

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13 hours ago, steven100 said:

I wonder where his Thai gf was ....  and his mobile and cards.

Was there any witness,  many strange things happen in Thailand as we all know.


RIP poor gent.

O shut up

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Have just read another news report stating Mr Browning was visiting his daughter who lives and works in Bkk. Thus, please be aware the departed gent's  grieving daughter may be reading.... Also read another news article (in a Thai news site) which unfeelingly included a scan of the note. As the note was very personal in nature will not go into it, suffice to say the deceased had apparently been contemplating an exit for some time and had also left instructions for money to be allocated to his loved ones. To his daughter (who must be absolutely devastated -and herself far from home) goes my heartfelt thoughts.



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48 minutes ago, happyas said:

Agree to a point but this is not all that leads to suicide.

90% of people who suicide have some sort of diagnosable mental illness [which often is also caused by substance abuse]and the brain tells them that suicide is the only/best way out.

It is not often a choice that is made by a mentally healthy person, no matter how dire their situation may be.

Back in 1973 I had a 47 year old married cousin who lived in London, England. He had his own house, a good job, good wife, kids, dogs and everything. He was always the life and soul of the party, didn`t seem to have a care in the world and as far as we all knew, never had any drink, drugs or mental problems.


One day he did not turn up for work, completely disappeared and his family were frantic with worry trying to find him. A week later it transpired that he took a flight over to Paris, France, visited the famous Notre-Dame cathedral and jumped off the roof, died instantly on impact. To this very day no one, neither his family, closest friends or the police have any idea what made him flip out and decide to kill himself. It`s like I said; no one knows exactly what goes around in people`s minds, but as you say; something mentality must be wrong with them somehow. 



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Serious illness, with the associated pain, is a compelling reason why someone might end their life.  It need not mean that someone is mentally ill.  Of course, they are not thinking straight, because that's what pain and fear can do to you.  It's all very well sitting at the keyboard wondering, but none of us were in his shoes.

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