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Trump's UK visit on despite criticism, says foreign secretary


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32 minutes ago, NanLaew said:

I can hardly wait for when the pictures of the virtually empty streets that will greet Trump are compared with those pictures taken of the crowds that came out when his predecessor visited.


And the movie. National Mall... the Redux.


Spicer will have plenty of ammo for his boss's inevitable 'fake news' claim.

No, the streets will not be empty, they will be full of people protesting this clown! But than the WH press room will use there normaly alternative facts, to say it was a very good visit and everybody respect our president.

The scarry part on this scenario is that the trumpeteers will believe it.

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Just now, JHolmesJr said:

amazing how someone so shady as you say could defeat someone so errrrr….unshady?

For the record, Hillary is almost as shady as the Con. Almost. And it was no doubt her shadiness that cost her the election. She was a horrible candidate, nominated only due to the unethical manipulations of the DNC. However, her lack of ethics, morality, and transparency does not in any way excuse those of the orange one. And the incessant need of you and the minions on the right to use her as nothing more than a deflection is really pathetic. You can't answer the facts as presented, so you have to run to your go-to backup..."But, HILLARY!!!

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The Mayor and speaker of the HoC have each objected to this visit and I recon HMTQ will saddle Charles or William rather than put up with the clown herself. Prince Phillip will be absent too as he'll eat Trump for breakfast given half a chance ?

Edited by evadgib
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1 hour ago, evadgib said:

The Mayor and speaker of the HoC have each objected to this visit and I recon HMTQ will saddle Charles or William rather than put up with the clown herself. Prince Phillip will be absent too as he'll eat Trump for breakfast given half a chance ?

If the Queen has demonstrated anything during her tenure, it's devotion to duty. She'll be there. As for Prince Phillip, I would have nominated him for the title of Royal Most Likely To Support Trump.

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9 hours ago, jeab1980 said:

What i cant understand is now bear with me. 99%of americans who i speak to and read on here dislike Trump activley hate him! So who voted him President then?

                      Mostly rednecks in the Bible Belt and Rust Belt states who are primarily concerned about getting money - either thru gov't funny money or thru jobs.   Trump promised jobs.  Many suckers believed him.  It will take them a few more years to realize how they've been duped.  No matter for them, most of 'em are on getting pensions and/or SS.    Trump voters in general, are also the most depressed, the most obese, ingest the most pharma drugs, eat the most meat, and own the most guns.  They also believe every silly claim in the Old Testament (the Hebrews' Bible) is literally true, including Noah's Ark.   


11 hours ago, Khon Kaen Dave said:

To answer the part of your post about,even with her diminished power, could call off the meeting, if she wanted too. I can only give you an answer that explains this. Imagine you have a large company that relies upon trade and good will toward other great foreign company's. Your company would employ a 'front man' a 'meeter and greeter' a public relations guy. Now imagine you are paying this Representative colossal amounts of money, because he is the best in the business (the uk pays the civil list) But one day he refuses to meet,say the Japanese ambassador, with who your company does great trade, worth gridzillions every year, because he doesnt like the guy.Would you company say,"oh,Ok Jeff, because you dont like him,we'll call it off, and let him know that it's because you dont like him" I dont think so. Your company would say "you will meet him whether you like him or not, we pay you untold money every year for this very job that you do, so we dont care what you like or dislike, get your best suit and smile on, and do your job!"   Its the same sort of thing, but we call her' "your Majesty" and we use very different, gentle, methods of persuasion. 

                     We can both come up with hundreds of hypothetical scenarios.  The bottom line is:  Trump is toxic.  He is the swamp personified.  The Queen and/or the PM can call off the invitation - because it's the conscientious thing to do.    If a little girl offers me a mud pie, I'll smile and say thank you, ....but I won't actually eat it.


Similarly, I don't honor a proven liar.  Do you?

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6 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:

                      Mostly rednecks in the Bible Belt and Rust Belt states who are primarily concerned about getting money - either thru gov't funny money or thru jobs.   Trump promised jobs.  Many suckers believed him.  It will take them a few more years to realize how they've been duped.  No matter for them, most of 'em are on getting pensions and/or SS.    Trump voters in general, are also the most depressed, the most obese, ingest the most pharma drugs, eat the most meat, and own the most guns.  They also believe every silly claim in the Old Testament (the Hebrews' Bible) is literally true, including Noah's Ark.   


                     We can both come up with hundreds of hypothetical scenarios.  The bottom line is:  Trump is toxic.  He is the swamp personified.  The Queen and/or the PM can call off the invitation - because it's the conscientious thing to do.    If a little girl offers me a mud pie, I'll smile and say thank you, ....but I won't actually eat it.


Similarly, I don't honor a proven liar.  Do you?

Guess you didnt vote for him then.

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3 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:

                      Mostly rednecks in the Bible Belt and Rust Belt states who are primarily concerned about getting money - either thru gov't funny money or thru jobs.   Trump promised jobs.  Many suckers believed him.  It will take them a few more years to realize how they've been duped.  No matter for them, most of 'em are on getting pensions and/or SS.    Trump voters in general, are also the most depressed, the most obese, ingest the most pharma drugs, eat the most meat, and own the most guns.  They also believe every silly claim in the Old Testament (the Hebrews' Bible) is literally true, including Noah's Ark.   


                     We can both come up with hundreds of hypothetical scenarios.  The bottom line is:  Trump is toxic.  He is the swamp personified.  The Queen and/or the PM can call off the invitation - because it's the conscientious thing to do.    If a little girl offers me a mud pie, I'll smile and say thank you, ....but I won't actually eat it.


Similarly, I don't honor a proven liar.  Do you?

You have absolutely no idea of British


5 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:

                      Mostly rednecks in the Bible Belt and Rust Belt states who are primarily concerned about getting money - either thru gov't funny money or thru jobs.   Trump promised jobs.  Many suckers believed him.  It will take them a few more years to realize how they've been duped.  No matter for them, most of 'em are on getting pensions and/or SS.    Trump voters in general, are also the most depressed, the most obese, ingest the most pharma drugs, eat the most meat, and own the most guns.  They also believe every silly claim in the Old Testament (the Hebrews' Bible) is literally true, including Noah's Ark.   


                     We can both come up with hundreds of hypothetical scenarios.  The bottom line is:  Trump is toxic.  He is the swamp personified.  The Queen and/or the PM can call off the invitation - because it's the conscientious thing to do.    If a little girl offers me a mud pie, I'll smile and say thank you, ....but I won't actually eat it.


Similarly, I don't honor a proven liar.  Do you?

You are so far out of order with this. You obviously are not British. Our Queen will dowhat is expected of her, when DT arrives. He will get the respect and politeness that a POTUS deserves. It is up to him to remember where he is and who he will be mixing with. The British public will behave as they see fit. If they want to harass him in the street, and say all sorts of insults,then they will, lets face it, his own countrymen are making a damn fine job of it at the present, so he will be used to it. I

would have thought that someone versed in Etiquette when meeting amonarch will have versed him in the way he should behave.

For you to say that the Queen should cancel the meeting,only shows what you know of Royal protocol. She will not cancel the meeting. No matter what she thinks of the man, she will behave as only a Royal monarch knows how. And for you to compare my Queen with a girl offering mud pies, then you need to raise your knowledge of How to behave, a tad.

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23 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:

I voted absentee in California - for Jill Stein.  

I have no idea who she is, but given that Bernie's name wasn't on the ticket, it was probably the best choice going.

Loved the quote about the Ark. That's the one like Dr. Who's Tardis right? Magically 30 times larger inside than the outside shell looks, to be able to contain what it is supposed to be carrying? And feeding, for a couple of months. I do confess though, that I thought Dr. Who actually existed, until I was about ten.

Stopped believing pretty much all highly suspect things shortly thereafter. Some, it seems, didn't move very far forward.

Hey! Ark believers! Lets do the time warp again!



Edited by darksidedog
I have a dark mind.
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8 minutes ago, darksidedog said:

I have no idea who she is, but given that Bernie's name wasn't on the ticket, it was probably the best choice going.

Loved the quote about the Ark. That's the one like Dr. Who's Tardis right? Magically 30 times larger inside than the outside shell looks, to be able to contain what it is supposed to be carrying? And feeding, for a couple of months. I do confess though, that I thought Dr. Who actually existed, until I was about ten.

Stopped believing pretty much all highly suspect things shortly thereafter. Some, it seems, didn't move very far forward.



TARDIS, Time and relative dimension in space. I remember. It was first explained by William Hartnell, the first Doctor Who. Brilliant.

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11 hours ago, Khon Kaen Dave said:

You have absolutely no idea of British

You are so far out of order with this. You obviously are not British. Our Queen will dowhat is expected of her, when DT arrives. He will get the respect and politeness that a POTUS deserves. It is up to him to remember where he is and who he will be mixing with. The British public will behave as they see fit. If they want to harass him in the street, and say all sorts of insults,then they will, lets face it, his own countrymen are making a damn fine job of it at the present, so he will be used to it. I

would have thought that someone versed in Etiquette when meeting amonarch will have versed him in the way he should behave.

For you to say that the Queen should cancel the meeting,only shows what you know of Royal protocol. She will not cancel the meeting. No matter what she thinks of the man, she will behave as only a Royal monarch knows how. And for you to compare my Queen with a girl offering mud pies, then you need to raise your knowledge of How to behave, a tad.

                           I expect no less, in above response, from a haughty Brit who probably chastises his kids with, 'do as I say, not as I do!' in his best Neville Chamberlain voice.


                           KK Dave opines, "would have thought that someone versed in Etiquette when meeting amonarch will have versed him in the way he should behave."


                               Boomer responds;  Then you would have thought wrong.  Trump was never a gentleman, and he's not going to become decent, now that he's in his 70's.  He also prides himself on not listening to others' advice.  Indeed, he gets a kick out of being contrarian. Proof:  He countered all the EU ministers' suggestions about the Paris Accord.  He even went against the pleadings of Nobel Peace Prize recipients Gore and Obama, and the advice of his precious daughter Ivanka. 


                       However, if Putin or the Arabian King tell him to do something, he becomes as compliant as a pussy.  


11 hours ago, darksidedog said:

I have no idea who she is, but given that Bernie's name wasn't on the ticket, it was probably the best choice going.  Loved the quote about the Ark. That's the one like Dr. Who's Tardis right? Magically 30 times larger inside than the outside shell looks, to be able to contain what it is supposed to be carrying? And feeding, for a couple of months. I do confess though, that I thought Dr. Who actually existed, until I was about ten.

Stopped believing pretty much all highly suspect things shortly thereafter. Some, it seems, didn't move very far forward.  Hey! Ark believers! Lets do the time warp again!

                                To believe the Noah's Ark myth, you have to believe that every animal from each continent was on-board, including every arthropod.  That includes about 130 species of poisonous centipedes.  The Ark would have had to have been as big as Tasmania with tens of thousands of staff - cleaning, feeding, etc.  The Ark myth makes as much sense as a 'virgin giving birth.'   

Edited by boomerangutang
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12 hours ago, darksidedog said:

II have no idea who she is, but given that Bernie's name wasn't on the ticket, it was probably the best choice going.

Loved the quote about the Ark. That's the one like Dr. Who's Tardis right? Magically 30 times larger inside than the outside shell looks, to be able to contain what it is supposed to be carrying? And feeding, for a couple of months. I do confess though, that I thought Dr. Who actually existed, until I was about ten.

Stopped believing pretty much all highly suspect things shortly thereafter. Some, it seems, didn't move very far forward.

Hey! Ark believers! Lets do the time warp again!



LOL. For starters it was a fairy tale told to primitive people to explain why they should give stuff to their superiors ( religious leaders ), but even if it was true, they only knew the world to be a very small area. Could probably have put all the animals they knew of on a large fishing boat. They thought the sun revolved around the earth, good grief.


I hope they are giving Trump a soundproofed room to sleep in, given the hostile crowds that will no doubt be protesting his every move.

However, I expect most of the politicians that have been shouting about him to do a sharp u turn when they get the chance to actually meet him. IMO most turn which ever way the wind blows.

Edited by thaibeachlovers
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Oh silly poster, you accuse me of being 'a haughty Brit'" who chastises his kids with,what was it? "do as i say, not as i do" in a Neville Chamberlin Voice. Oh you do make me laugh,silly man. I guess by your UN that you are an Aussie.. Well, theres nothing i can help you with on that score, you'll jst have to bear that cross on your own for the rest of your life.

KKD responds. The leader of your country is versed in the art of using the correct etiquette when the Queen visits OZ, He does it because it is the right thing to do.He is versed in the art, he does it out of respect., and he has class. DT has no class/respect. However for this visit, he will behave the way he should when in a monarch's presence, just as he did when in Saudi. If he does not, then his time in the white house will be limited to one term (if not shorter) There are Americans that absolutely adore our queen, they would love to have a monarchy, they would love to have an Aristocracy so that they could be 'sir' this, and 'lady' that,and therefore create a true class system.But anyway, you just keep going on  on about the crap that you are going o nabout. I really dont care if DT makes an arse of himself or not. But i expect America does.

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Next personal, snide, trollish, baiting remark will earn suspensions.   Here's some of what's being violated:


7) You will respect fellow members and post in a civil manner. No personal attacks, hateful or insulting towards other members, (flaming) Stalking of members on either the forum or via PM will not be allowed.

9) You will not post inflammatory messages on the forum, or attempt to disrupt discussions to upset its participants, or trolling. Trolling can be defined as the act of purposefully antagonizing other people on the internet by posting controversial, inflammatory, irrelevant or off-topic messages with the primary intent of provoking other users into an emotional response or to generally disrupt normal on-topic discussion.



Please keep it civil. 


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On 6/7/2017 at 9:30 AM, ezzra said:

Yeah.. ban Trump from entering the UK but allow other scum Muslim terrorist to enter the UK with an open arms set up homes, mosques and madrasa to preach hatrates for all infidels.....

Please Ezzra, don't spoil our little bit of fun here.

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On 6/7/2017 at 10:03 PM, JHolmesJr said:

It's 'america first' time baby. And it's bound to ruffle some feathers….yours included.

And a few billion other people.

Actually they all should organize and boot this guy out of office quickly and bigly.

The moron has become the most hated person in the world.

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A win is a win !!




Donald Trump state visit 'delayed' after President 'told PM he will not come if people protest against him'



:cheesy: :cheesy: :cheesy:


Looks like Donald has a very sensitive ego. If he is going to feel unwelcome anywhere and cancel visits then he better stay in the White House or in his engineered rallies. Well Donald, you had your chance, I don't think the invite will be re-issued, you don't stand up HM like you do the tarts who used to attend your parties.

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Donald Trump has reportedly told the Prime Minister he will not come to the UK on a state visit if there are large-scale protests against him, according to reports. 

The American President is said to have told Theresa May he does not want to come if people do not welcome his visit. 


the above from the story in a link as provided by other BM postings in the thread


nothing to see here...move along...nothing but hearsay...crikey, is this even news?


read this bit of speculation carefully ---> the trip is on the docket...it's not been delayed...this is a "if this, then that" headline grabbing bit of sketchy reporting... 

Edited by Ramen087
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6 hours ago, Ramen087 said:

Donald Trump has reportedly told the Prime Minister he will not come to the UK on a state visit if there are large-scale protests against him, according to reports. 

The American President is said to have told Theresa May he does not want to come if people do not welcome his visit. 


the above from the story in a link as provided by other BM postings in the thread


nothing to see here...move along...nothing but hearsay...crikey, is this even news?


read this bit of speculation carefully ---> the trip is on the docket...it's not been delayed...this is a "if this, then that" headline grabbing bit of sketchy reporting... 

What source do you have that it isn't true?

It does sound like trump.

What he hates more than anything is to be humiliated.

During the campaign, he ridiculed Obama for getting off the plane in China because Air Force One wasn't greeted politely at the airport.  That was true. The Chinese had dissed him. Obama attended the meetings anyway.

trump said he would have turned the plane around. 

So again, this fits with the trump ego trip. 

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12 hours ago, Ramen087 said:

Donald Trump has reportedly told the Prime Minister he will not come to the UK on a state visit if there are large-scale protests against him, according to reports. 

The American President is said to have told Theresa May he does not want to come if people do not welcome his visit. 


the above from the story in a link as provided by other BM postings in the thread


nothing to see here...move along...nothing but hearsay...crikey, is this even news?


read this bit of speculation carefully ---> the trip is on the docket...it's not been delayed...this is a "if this, then that" headline grabbing bit of sketchy reporting... 

It's on the docket? Really? Tell me when is it scheduled for?

Here's something from the lying New York Times:

The White House briefly considered including the visit as part of a trip to Europe next month, but the idea was dropped because of scheduling issues. Then it was tentatively penciled in for the fall. National Security Council and State Department officials were working on the details but had not undertaken the usual “preadvance” trip to work out the specific logistics of joint appearances, said a person familiar with the situation.


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