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Good resource to find Univeristy Lecturing positions in Bangkok?

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Hello! I will be capping off my Masters degree in Phnom Penh this summer and am interested in teaching university courses at a Thai university after I graduate. What are some good online resources I can use to find openings and positions available for the upcoming academic year? Thanks very much!

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Hello! I will be capping off my Masters degree in Phnom Penh

An MA in PP? In what? 


I think the only real forum with jobs is the Thai word for teacher dot com, but everybody knows that one? 



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There isn't really one. You need to go to the university websites and fill in the online application forms if they have them.  Or contact the HR offices, school deans or heads of department directly by email. 

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I've got a PhD, an MEd and some publications. I emailed Mahidol on spec yesterday and nothing back so far. 

Don't email any of them just go. Thai universities are terrible at writing back to anyone over email.

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8 minutes ago, chakeeoyen said:


Don't email any of them just go. Thai universities are terrible at writing back to anyone over email.
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I've heard that if you are offered a job it'll be on a much lower salary if your address is in Thailand and they think they have you over a barrel. 

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I've heard that if you are offered a job it'll be on a much lower salary if your address is in Thailand and they think they have you over a barrel. 

I can't say for sure but I have friends that work in international programs and the majority of them just showed up quals in hand, dressed to impressed and made it happen.

One I know is hourly and started at 1k an hour.

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Just now, chakeeoyen said:

One I know is hourly and started at 1k an hour.
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Anything around 50-60 a month would be fine if I enjoyed the teaching. I can barely spend 20. I could change my PGCE (teaching certificate) to one for the schools, but I don't think I could be bothered teaching kids. I want to talk about John Locke, and whether he has a two-stage theory, I don't want to yell farang-slogans. 


Mind you, the latter might be what you'll do in the unis :smile:

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20 hours ago, Craig krup said:

I've got a PhD, an MEd and some publications. I emailed Mahidol on spec yesterday and nothing back so far. 

If you have PhD, why you do not try jobs listing at RG, I am sure I saw recruitment of Chula there,

also I heard that Fac of Science, CMU, needs two Math and apply math and edu math teachers

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8 hours ago, LolaS said:

If you have PhD, why you do not try jobs listing at RG, I am sure I saw recruitment of Chula there,

also I heard that Fac of Science, CMU, needs two Math and apply math and edu math teachers


What is "RG"? 


Unfortunately my PhD is in philosophy, so nothing useful! I'd be relying on the undergraduate degree (Politics/Social Sciences) and the Master of Education degree for a job, I think. 

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19 hours ago, Craig krup said:


What is "RG"? 


Unfortunately my PhD is in philosophy, so nothing useful! I'd be relying on the undergraduate degree (Politics/Social Sciences) and the Master of Education degree for a job, I think. 

it is sad that you don't know,

Can you take a look English department, and sociology/political science? and let me know? since they have a lot of international programs there.

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3 hours ago, LolaS said:

it is sad that you don't know,

Can you take a look English department, and sociology/political science? and let me know? since they have a lot of international programs there.


Well, why not make the world less "sad" and just tell me? I've googled it: it's not obvious.


There is doubtless an infinity of things which I know that you don't. If you needed to know something my first move would be to be helpful, and just tell you. I wouldn't spend time archly not telling you, but if that's what you need, fine. I've been teaching for a quarter of a century. You're not showing me anything I haven't seen a thousand times. 

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1 hour ago, LolaS said:

You forgot reality in academia, that no one is willing to tell you anything,

let focus on getting you a job,

you should try apply directly to department and research groups.


Well fine, but then why the **** comment on a thread "Good resource to find University Lecturing positions in Bangkok?"


Or is that took logical? Pity you won't be able to do my Arguments in Action/Critical Thinking course. 

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1 hour ago, Rob13 said:



Is she means ResearchGate then she's the locus of melancholy. You aren't going to find a humanities-liberal arts teaching job in Thailand there. I just got an email from Mahidol. No jobs at the moment. 


If you're looking for a job in Asia then www.jobs.ac.uk allows you to search Asia only. There are never any jobs in Thailand but there are plenty elsewhere, especially Japan and China. 


For example




[I didn't get the memo telling me that everyone with a PhD should behave like an a******e]. 

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I think you should try low-grade universities in Bangkok, Mahidol is top tier, and you need connection, 

one American with PhD in education, works for some Christan Thai something-something university, uni is accredited and legitimate, only not top tier.

It is nice to dream big but sometime we should adjust our expectations,

tomorrow is big meeting at cmu to return some programs that are cancelled, in area of humanities, bcs they closed them since new law got in effect and they just couldnt renew a programs since they didnt have stuff, litterally they will employ any with degree PhD in humanities, but of course this is not top tier as Chula, Mahid, KMUTT, Thamal,

conect with americans and others nations from your field on RG, you can find them, they can help you a lot in finding and recommendation for job search, also academics stackexchange website

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5 minutes ago, LolaS said:

I think you should try low-grade universities in Bangkok, Mahidol is top tier, and you need connection, 

one American with PhD in education, works for some Christan Thai something-something university, uni is accredited and legitimate, only not top tier.

It is nice to dream big but sometime we should adjust our expectations,

tomorrow is big meeting at cmu to return some programs that are cancelled, in area of humanities, bcs they closed them since new law got in effect and they just couldnt renew a programs since they didnt have stuff, litterally they will employ any with degree PhD in humanities, but of course this is not top tier as Chula, Mahid, KMUTT, Thamal,

conect with americans and others nations from your field on RG, you can find them, they can help you a lot in finding and recommendation for job search, also academics stackexchange website

Thanks. I'm not too worried about prestige. Chiang Mai (any institution) would suit me down to the ground if it wasn't for the air quality issue part of the year. Anywhere in Khon Kaen would be fine. To be honest I can retire, but I think if I have nothing to do all day I might go nuts. I've been teaching further education students for twenty years, so I have a ton of teaching materials ideally suited for teaching students who 1) want to study the humanities, but 2) struggle with English. 

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Yes, please get in contact with foreigners from similar background on RG and than try those universities,

There is big myth circling around internet forums about CMX, but please also consult with other elder stuff, who are more than 60, and still work without problem in "air polluted" area, if they approve new programs to come back, please don't hesitate to apply for humanities, actually I think one foreigner work at department or division on tourism, one on philosophy and many more at languages departments, they recently get shortage of workers, becuase one employee didnt got a visa, he finsihed BCS and MA in english and literatre in UK, and than TESOL, but he cannot get visa because he hold Bangladesh pasport, it is part time possition and salary is 24 000 THB, but I think you should go for full time. TRY anyway, dont be scared of pollution, consult before with others workers of your age,

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  • 4 months later...
On 6/19/2017 at 5:24 PM, Craig krup said:

Thanks. I'm not too worried about prestige. Chiang Mai (any institution) would suit me down to the ground if it wasn't for the air quality issue part of the year. Anywhere in Khon Kaen would be fine. To be honest I can retire, but I think if I have nothing to do all day I might go nuts. I've been teaching further education students for twenty years, so I have a ton of teaching materials ideally suited for teaching students who 1) want to study the humanities, but 2) struggle with English. 

A UK university would hardly be interested these days in someone with a predominantly FE background and soft humanities so why would a Thai university oblige other than in the usual language support departments?

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9 hours ago, SheungWan said:

A UK university would hardly be interested these days in someone with a predominantly FE background and soft humanities so why would a Thai university oblige other than in the usual language support departments?

Well, I could teach them all about reasoning! Okay, so we've got a one premise argument (really). 


An FE background and soft humanities PhD doesn't make you a catch in the UK


The same background doesn't make you a catch in Thailand. 


Does that follow? Your suppressed premise is, "UK and Thai universities have the same requirements", or "Thai universities (for whatever reason: pique!) won't employ those not employable by UK universities". But might not lots of Thai students studying arts subjects in English need someone who had advanced subject expertise? Might a lot of English learning not take place through the study of the subjects? 

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10 hours ago, Craig krup said:

Well, I could teach them all about reasoning! Okay, so we've got a one premise argument (really). 


An FE background and soft humanities PhD doesn't make you a catch in the UK


The same background doesn't make you a catch in Thailand. 


Does that follow? Your suppressed premise is, "UK and Thai universities have the same requirements", or "Thai universities (for whatever reason: pique!) won't employ those not employable by UK universities". But might not lots of Thai students studying arts subjects in English need someone who had advanced subject expertise? Might a lot of English learning not take place through the study of the subjects? 

Yes it follows. The rest is just chat. But good luck.

Edited by SheungWan
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13 hours ago, SheungWan said:

Yes it follows. The rest is just chat. But good luck.

You reckon? So most Thai universities see themselves competing - and do in point of fact compete - to recruit the same research-active cohort who (on average) are paid £48,000 in the UK? 


You don't have a chip on your shoulder about higher education by any chance, do you? :smile:

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17 minutes ago, Craig krup said:

You reckon? So most Thai universities see themselves competing - and do in point of fact compete - to recruit the same research-active cohort who (on average) are paid £48,000 in the UK? 


You don't have a chip on your shoulder about higher education by any chance, do you? :smile:

The main point I wish to make is that those who have failed to secure a position in the UK HE system should not expect Thailand's HE institutions to welcome them with open arms.

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18 minutes ago, SheungWan said:

The main point I wish to make is that those who have failed to secure a position in the UK HE system should not expect Thailand's HE institutions to welcome them with open arms.

Half the world seems to be welcoming with open arms people who wouldn't be employable in the UK's HE system. All that matters in the UK is publishing articles. They claim otherwise, but the facts are against them. 


I'm sure, though, that there's massive resistance to taking on people in bog-standard universities for humanities teaching jobs. They'll doubtless thole a robotics expert because they don't have a local, but anyone can  - or so they think - teach economics or politics. So those 40,000-50,000 baht lecturing jobs will probably have a local's name on them. 


My college here in the UK is (supposedly) HE and FE, I've got some recent publications and I'm a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. None of that is any guarantee of anything, but it's not quite a BA and sod all else. 

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