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Comey says Trump fired him to undermine FBI Russia investigation


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49 minutes ago, Berkshire said:

"Running rings around the American security services"....?  Come on.  The US intel dudes knew what was going on.  The Russians couldn't break into our system to change vote counts.  What they did was alter the narrative by publishing fake news and releasing hacked e-mails.  Most Americans didn't fall for it.  Only the incredibly stupid did...i.e., those who voted for Trump. 

The US elections are always a messy affair, with disgraceful lies and slander being told by both sides. This time round it seems the Russians joined in and threw some more muck on the pile. Until such time as the US gets its house in order, and prevents candidates from blatantly lying, the opportunity for them to do it again will continue.

The big question here is if any of Trumps team were talking to the Russians about what lies to spread and assisting in any way.

Donalds insistence that it did not affect the outcome is ludicrous, as it is impossible for anyone, to accurately know what information made people vote the way they did.

Comey was clearly sacked because he wouldn't sacrifice his principles and wanted the whole affair examined much more closely.

While I wish Mueller the best of luck with his investigation, I suspect we will never really find out the truth, as those who know what truly happened, have already proven themselves dishonest, unprincipled, blinkered and more focused on party standings than democracy, which should matter above all else.

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Watched the entire testimony. Comey came across as being sincere, well informed, incredibly articulate, knowledgable, patriotic, and loyal to the FBI, the American people, and those who work for him. All qualities Cheeto does not possess. His testimony painted Cheeto as being a desperate liar, a conniving man, a con man, and a manipulator. All qualities many of us were already familiar with, but nice to hear this confirmed by an objective source, in a public setting. 


I suspect this is only the beginning of the undoing of Cheeto. He just cannot help himself. He keeps on shooting himself in the foot, daily. It is just who he is. Every time he opens his mouth, he reveals the fact that he is an ill informed buffoon. 


If his policy to date had been even moderately successful, some of us might be able to pardon his crass, rude, crude, disrespectful, badly informed, ignorant demeanor. But, with a failed immigration policy, a failed health care policy, a failed economic policy, and very little he has accomplished to date, he is a relic. A wanna be. An imposter. And hopefully very soon, a has been.

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1 hour ago, thaibeachlovers said:


I have issues with the headline on the OP. I watched the entire interview and I didn't see that as being the main outcome of the interview as opposed to what "journalists" with an apparent bias chose to make the main point. It went on, I believe, for 2 1/2 hours and that wasn't a big deal in it, IMO.

“It’s my judgment that I was fired because of the Russia investigation,” Comey told the Senate intelligence committee in explosive testimony that threatened to undermine Trump’s presidency. (Global News - Canada)


Asked at a US congressional hearing why he was fired, Comey said he did not know for sure. But he added: "Again, I take the president's words. I know I was fired because of something about the way I was conducting the Russia investigation was in some way putting pressure on him, in some way irritating him, and he decided to fire me because of that." (Times of India [they probably don't have a very big ax to grind with Trump])


"It's my judgment that I was fired because of the Russia investigation," he told senators. "I was fired in some way to change, or the endeavor was to change the way the Russia investigation was being conducted. That is a very big deal." (SBS - Australia [again, I don't think they have a dog in this fight])


Asked why he thought Trump fired him, Comey said he did not know for sure. But he added: "Again, I take the president's words. I know I was fired because of something about the way I was conducting the Russia investigation was in some way putting pressure on him, in some way irritating him, and he decided to fire me because of that." (Haaretz, Israel)


OK, so you don't see it as the main outcome of the interview, but then I wouldn't expect you to. However, you seem to have some competition from the international press, none of whom would be affected by this...unless you actually believe that the entire world is against Trump. That seems, to me, to be a bit "conspiracy theory" kind of stuff. But, then, given the world opinion of him, perhaps that's valid.


1 hour ago, thaibeachlovers said:

To me the big deal was that Obama's AG told Comey to downplay HRC's e mail investigation during an election campaign by referring to it as a "matter".

Of course, it was to you. However, correct me if I'm wrong, but asking someone to alter the wording of press releases, on the overall scale of criminal offenses, doesn't quite seem to rise to the level of obstructing justice. Maybe I'm wrong.


One other minor little point...the testimony, and this thread, aren't about Clinton/Lynch or what either did, although I will admit that Lynch's attempts to color the public perception of the investigation were improper, albeit not illegal. Trump's efforts, if indeed directed at interference, were, in fact, illegal and impeachable.

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I noticed at one time Comey looked up to the right for a significant amount of time after being asked a question, so I googled it, and it seems that the below is generally accepted.

Typically when people look up an to the right they are lying or tapping into their imagination



I'm not saying he did lie, as I'm not an expert, but it was interesting to watch in such a situation.

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8 minutes ago, darksidedog said:


Donalds insistence that it did not affect the outcome is ludicrous, as it is impossible for anyone, to accurately know what information made people vote the way they did.


Comey said it did not alter the outcome of the election. Seems the Donald was correct, as far as Comey knows.

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7 minutes ago, Traveler19491 said:



One other minor little point...the testimony, and this thread, aren't about Clinton/Lynch or what either did, although I will admit that Lynch's attempts to color the public perception of the investigation were improper, albeit not illegal. Trump's efforts, if indeed directed at interference, were, in fact, illegal and impeachable.

Hmmmmm. Far as I know, the testimony was about whatever the committee chose to ask and whatever Comey chose to say.


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1 hour ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Even the Dems are not denying the e mails were true. Hoist by their own petard, methinks.

True or not (and, yes, they were apparently true which is very condemning for the Dems as it highlights their own willingness to circumvent the will of the people in order to crown their chosen candidate), that has no bearing on anything. What does have bearing is that a hostile foreign power interfered with our democratic process in an effort (successful) to have their preferred candidate elected, a man who has already demonstrated his willingness to accede to their wishes and cuddle up to them.

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Comey said it did not alter the outcome of the election.

Can you link to Comey saying this? Seems to me it would be up to the election commissioners of each state to make that determination. How would Comey have the resources to canvas the entire country and validate the election returns in each state?
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Just now, Traveler19491 said:

True or not (and, yes, they were apparently true which is very condemning for the Dems as it highlights their own willingness to circumvent the will of the people in order to crown their chosen candidate), that has no bearing on anything. What does have bearing is that a hostile foreign power interfered with our democratic process in an effort (successful) to have their preferred candidate elected, a man who has already demonstrated his willingness to accede to their wishes and cuddle up to them.

a hostile foreign power interfered with our democratic process in an effort (successful) to have their preferred candidate elected


Comey disagrees with you. I believe he said it did not affect the election outcome at some point during the testimony.

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8 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

I noticed at one time Comey looked up to the right for a significant amount of time after being asked a question, so I googled it, and it seems that the below is generally accepted.

Typically when people look up an to the right they are lying or tapping into their imagination



I'm not saying he did lie, as I'm not an expert, but it was interesting to watch in such a situation.

You have my sympathies due to the task you have in front of you today, which, to your credit, you are undertaking with gusto. However, I'm afraid you are fighting a losing battle. So far, none of the usual suspects are on here to help you with the gargantuan task of deflecting from the fact that Comey's testimony was very damaging to Trump.


Let's see...so far you've brought up Clinton, refused to comment about the hacks into the GOP that were never released, inferred that Comey was lying, insisted that the hacks had no effect on the election...you are doing an admirable job of dancing around trying to put out as many fires as possible. Hope you've got a lot of beer and snacks laid in, 'cause you're going to be here a long, long time.

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in his opening statement comey waxed on about how the fbi was not just about one person…..how the fbi would be fine without him…..how the investigation is not dependent on him etc.


so how would his being fired undermine any investigation?

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I am sure it is true that Trump is not under investigation.  That said, does anyone really believe that any investigation that does not include an investigation of Trump's involvement with Russia can be credible?  This is why Trump has blown a gasket over the whole thing.  He will end up being investigated and it will be at the hands of the Justice Dept (ex Sessions) and the special investigator.  It's simply a matter of time before Trump is investigated.  

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4 minutes ago, attrayant said:



Can you link to Comey saying this? Seems to me it would be up to the election commissioners of each state to make that determination. How would Comey have the resources to canvas the entire country and validate the election returns in each state?


There are responses on google that support that Comey said it, but I was unable to find a direct quote, as I can't find a verbatim transcript of the 2 1/2 hours. I'm going by my own memory as I didn't record it. No doubt it will be on U Tube eventually.

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Just now, JHolmesJr said:

in his opening statement comey waxed on about how the fbi was not just about one person…..how the fbi would be fine without him…..how the investigation is not dependent on him etc.


so how would his being fired undermine any investigation?

Ummm, by replacing him with one more of Trump's loyal followers?  That might work.  I am sure President Trump never considered this though.

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1 minute ago, chilli42 said:

Ummm, by replacing him with one more of Trump's loyal followers?  That might work.  I am sure President Trump never considered this though.

some might say that comey himself undermined the russia investigation by his second statement about clintons emails….that may have got trump elected….how about that?

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12 minutes ago, Traveler19491 said:

You have my sympathies due to the task you have in front of you today, which, to your credit, you are undertaking with gusto. However, I'm afraid you are fighting a losing battle. So far, none of the usual suspects are on here to help you with the gargantuan task of deflecting from the fact that Comey's testimony was very damaging to Trump.


Let's see...so far you've brought up Clinton, refused to comment about the hacks into the GOP that were never released, inferred that Comey was lying, insisted that the hacks had no effect on the election...you are doing an admirable job of dancing around trying to put out as many fires as possible. Hope you've got a lot of beer and snacks laid in, 'cause you're going to be here a long, long time.

Thank you.

However, as I said in my first response, it's up to Mueller now.

Otherwise, it's just interesting seeing the various view points being put forth.

I would like to say though, that as there hasn't been a whole pile of anti vitriol posted just to abuse Trump for the sake of abusing him, it's a lot more interesting than most Trump related threads have been in the past. I hope it can continue like this, but I'm not holding my breath on that.


BTW, the non US media haven't mentioned it as far as I have been able to ascertain, which means to me that they don't have much to gain from Comey's testimony in the case against Trump.

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32 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:

some might say that comey himself undermined the russia investigation by his second statement about clintons emails….that may have got trump elected….how about that?

Ummm...being as Clinton wasn't the subject of the investigation that Trump may have attempted to interfere with, how would Comey's statements about Clinton effect a separate and distinct investigation that in no way involved Clinton? You are really stretching, now.

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29 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

BTW, the non US media haven't mentioned it as far as I have been able to ascertain, which means to me that they don't have much to gain from Comey's testimony in the case against Trump.

A simple Google of "Comey says Trump fired him to undermine investigation" will provide you with scores of international media articles...using that precise headline. And those are just the English language media.

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2 minutes ago, Traveler19491 said:

Ummm...being as Clinton wasn't the subject of the investigation that Trump may have attempted to interfere with, how would Comey's statements about Clinton effect a separate and distinct investigation that in no way involved Clinton? You are really stretching, now.

I believe that the investigation can investigate anything it likes under "other matters", so no need for a separate investigation to investigate Clinton. She can be investigated under the remit of the present investigation.

I'd certainly like to find out what Bill discussed with Lynch on her plane.

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Just now, Traveler19491 said:

A simple Google of "Comey says Trump fired him to undermine investigation" will provide you with scores of international media articles...using that precise headline. And those are just the English language media.

I was actually meaning tv media. Apologies if that was not understood.

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1 minute ago, thaibeachlovers said:

I believe that the investigation can investigate anything it likes under "other matters", so no need for a separate investigation to investigate Clinton. She can be investigated under the remit of the present investigation.

I'd certainly like to find out what Bill discussed with Lynch on her plane.

That doesn't address the question of how Comey's statements about the Clinton emails undermined the Trump campaign/Russia investigation, which was my question. There would have to be a direct correlation between the two, and there wasn't/isn't.


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33 minutes ago, Traveler19491 said:

Ummm...being as Clinton wasn't the subject of the investigation that Trump may have attempted to interfere with, how would Comey's statements about Clinton effect a separate and distinct investigation that in no way involved Clinton? You are really stretching, now.

I might be stretching but going by your unintelligible quote above, you are a contortionist of houdini-esque proportions.

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4 hours ago, attrayant said:

Unless you are a 16 year-old teenager and it's your first day on your first job ever, we all know what it means when your boss invites you to a private meeting and says 'I hope you can make XYZ happen'.  When the boss says "I hope" or "I'd like" or "this needs to happen", we all understand that as direction.





As my former boss in Oman intoned one evening after I had thrown all my toys out of my pram (again), "Are you with us on this? Or can we plan around you?"


A few years earlier in China, his boss had wandered into the office where I was quietly waiting to make (yet another) statement about how good I was and they would be lost without me, and casually mentioned, "I hear there's a spare seat on the charter flight out this afternoon."


As they say in Australia, after that I "pulled my head in."


But who's going to pull in Trump's?

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2 hours ago, spidermike007 said:


He just cannot help himself. He keeps on shooting himself in the foot, daily. It is just who he is. Every time he opens his mouth, he reveals the fact that he is an ill informed buffoon. 


If his policy to date had been even moderately successful, some of us might be able to pardon his crass, rude, crude, disrespectful, badly informed, ignorant demeanor. But, with a failed immigration policy, a failed health care policy, a failed economic policy, and very little he has accomplished to date, he is a relic. A wanna be. An imposter. And hopefully very soon, a has been.


As I've said elsewhere, this freak show is real.

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2 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

I noticed at one time Comey looked up to the right for a significant amount of time after being asked a question, so I googled it, and it seems that the below is generally accepted.

Typically when people look up an to the right they are lying or tapping into their imagination



I'm not saying he did lie, as I'm not an expert, but it was interesting to watch in such a situation.


Was this "looking up and to the right" during the time he answered whether he thought the Russian meddling affected the election outcome and he said, "no"?




Anyway, I'm no expert at straw-clutching, but this argument of yours smacks of clutching at straws.

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Trump said, to the Russians in the Oval Office.... that it was a great burden lifted or something by firing Comey. 

how does that work?  hellooo???


the FBI is an organization with a long culture and history.
it's not a One Man Show.

Trump is. but the FBI ain't. 

so how did Trump's firing Comey relieve any bit of his psyche?

  he thought the Russian thing was a personal thing with Comey and him?

  no one else was involved?

  that the FBI follows lock step?


or is it that Trump thinks Comey is kind of like Old Hickory... who if he was really angry... could have stopped the Civil War from ever happening.... and Trump believes in Super Duper guys... he says it all the time.... and he is the US president?

how did firing Comey relieve Trump's psyche at all.... which Trump said... very clearly.....that it did? or it was just some kind of weird alpha male talk with the Russians... but would a real alpha male be that worried about his personal psyche?


what kind of alpha male is that?



Edited by maewang99
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40 minutes ago, Thakkar said:


Was this "looking up and to the right" during the time he answered whether he thought the Russian meddling affected the election outcome and he said, "no"?




Anyway, I'm no expert at straw-clutching, but this argument of yours smacks of clutching at straws.

You make too much of little. It was just an observation that I thought would be interesting to share. As I said, I'm not an expert in body language, so far be it for me to say if he WAS lying.


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2 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

You make too much of little. It was just an observation that I thought would be interesting to share. As I said, I'm not an expert in body language, so far be it for me to say if he WAS lying.



Well I'm glad we've put that to rest then.

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