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Family complain that dogs are protected more than people after sickening attack on four year old child

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6 hours ago, steven100 said:

Dog rescue   ?     and what ....  end up having to feed 2,000,000 flea infested mongrels ?

More like 4,000,000 and getting larger every year, the do gooders and doggie feeders just make the situation worse. Unfortunately there is a reason for Thai obstinacy to do anything about this serious problem, but it cannot be mentioned.

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7 hours ago, rooster59 said:

Chaicharn Laohasiripanya, a former secretary of the Thai Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Association said that the family ... club together with others in the community to have animals spayed and vaccinated against disease. That way when the dogs did bite people they would not pass on diseases.

Gotta love the Thais. Not if they bite. When.


Frankly, this particular law is a ass, one that should have been aimed at those who demonstrate cruelty towards all animals, not at protecting stray dogs which bite.


Regardless of what the law says, a dog threatens my family, I will take whatever action I deem necessary to neutralise the threat.


I was bitten one time and was stupid enough to go to the police (I lived next to the police station back then). They asked me if the dog was OK and when I said yes they told me...  "Dog OK, you no problem, no fine, no jail.". This just shows how stupid the Thai law is!

7 hours ago, trigpoint said:

There's a pack of soi dogs on the street outside my condo, they tend to lay around on the footpath forcing tourist's to walk on the road, quite a few women with push chairs and children walking in the road, accident waiting to happen.


Buy a 500thb  tazer from a local stall and zap it near the dogs. They'll run a mile at the sound.

NO MORE PROBLEMS. Also good for the old hags that own and protect the mutts. 


Coincidence. I was thinking about this because a dog onwer left a big pitbull on a temple for adoption, because the dog is very dangerous. The temple have the dog in a cage looking for somebody to adopt it. A purebreed and big pitbull, easy to notice that is very violent. I told the monks that will be better to kill this dog, before ending on the streets, and killing other dogs and people. Still  in a cage. Really a dangerous beast

I will  not like to see this one on my way. I love dogs, but I will not excitate in killing a dangerous one. 


That's a problem for the future, pit bull genes and others getting into the fairly docile soi dogs at present, horrible thought being surrounded by half a dozen of those creatures.


Dogs are pests here. That s why i dont go walking along the street To scared of being bitten by a dog I agree time to start picking up the dogs that are strays


Just round em up and eradicate them. If people can´t take care of their dogs, we can´t have unpredictable beasts running around.

18 hours ago, DiscoDan said:

Dogs should be kept on their owners land, any dogs left out on the streets should be rounded up and taken to a dog rescue or culled.

Could not agree more in addition, so too with cats, there appears to be more stray or feral cats about defecating where ever they want & disturbing people by caterwauling for which cat owners if they have any take no responsibility for their so called pets.

18 hours ago, edwinchester said:

In our village if a stray mutt, owned or not, attacks anyone it soon becomes no longer a problem.

Too late.....it should never have been able to attack in the first place.

17 hours ago, steven100 said:

and this should happen everywhere .... and also others that are potential problems ..

Every dog is a potential problem. That is why dogs should only be on private land or securely leashed when out on public land.


You never see a guide dog in Thailand. Too many street dogs that would hinder it from doing its job.


Being able-bodied I still find it a nightmare walking my dog. Stray & soi dogs all the time trying to attack her and me.


Time for this country to wake up and join the 20th century. They can think about the 21st later.


How many more innocent children are to be attacked before something is done?


See DogAttacks: Thailand on facebook.




Hurting all animals,40,000THB.The country can make Billions of THB. Isn't Animal Cruelty to have Thousands of dogs Whom have a owner (Only claimed in a accident )That's hurting from Mange /Fleas/ticks and full off Parasite worms and disease?

What a load of crap. Get rid of all stray dogs .This will make most people very happy.also than people can walk their pet safely on the road or park without getting attacked or passing on Disease from the strays.


Better idea. Kull the idiot owners. Kill 2birds with one stone and skip a fee levels to becoming a civilised country.

(Dont take my words seriously please people. If your offended. DEAL WITH IT)

Im a dog owner and have three. 

20 hours ago, steven100 said:

Take your little girl to Bangkok with the bandages on and a placard and stand at the gate of the PM's office until somethings done .......

Drawing attention to the problem in such a way might result in an invitation to attend an Attitude Adjustment vacation for showing the country up in a bad light.

11 minutes ago, joebrown said:

Drawing attention to the problem in such a way might result in an invitation to attend an Attitude Adjustment vacation for showing the country up in a bad light.

I thought of that ....  however I think in light of this ... with a dog attacking a little girl it is different .....  I would think .. and hope the authorities rather than lose face on it would do something ... the media coverage would certainly raise some attention ....


The attention seems to have gone to the foreigner "my mate Nate" with his silly youtube video 120,000 signed a petition to have him arrested !

17 hours ago, Godang said:

I like dogs but these dogs running free are a danger to everybody. And how is the mighty general going to get Thailand rabies free by 2020 without culling them.

He's going to hang special amulets around their necks so i was told. The ltd company making the amulets will be from his cousin. Mfg price will be 1,4thb. Invoixe price will be 167thb excluding vat. The future looks bright!


Do the laws about harming animals apply to mosquitoes, rats, cockroaches, ants, jingjoks, aphids, caterpillars, and other bugs that eat your veggies & flowers etc? They are all animals. If so then just about everyone is guilty. Lock us all up. In fact humans are animals and we are being hurt by the dogs etc. Do we not have protection under the law?



On 2017/06/10 at 5:40 AM, edwinchester said:

In our village if a stray mutt, owned or not, attacks anyone it soon becomes no longer a problem.

Indeed, only one growl towards anyone in our little village, the monks will be enjoying sweet soi meat again!


One solution to the Soi dog problem. Round up the soi dogs in your city, take them in a truck to Bangkok and

leave them in front of the PMs residence. His area Soi dogs will battle the out of towners,  and maybe all the noise

will make him and his troups act. They do have rifles and pistols don't they.  Military is in power  so let them take care

of the problem.


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