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Protesters rally against Islamic law in dozens of U.S. cities


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2 hours ago, crankshaft said:

Your post is so naive....sharia is a set of religeous laws that govern how muslims live.... sharia law and western democracy are not compatible in any way shape or form... 

Stating another post is naive and then to come out with this post is a bit much. Early Christianity and western democracy are not compatible in any way either. Most Christians today manage to get by though, as they have progressed and made allowances for the fact the world has moved forward.

I make allowances in how I live my life in Thailand as I know I am a guest. If a Muslim wishes to be a guest outside of their home place, they need to respect their hosts, as well as their hosts laws too. I can't impose UK law here, nor would I try.

If any Muslim feels that the Western World and their laws are not compatible with the way they want to live, no worries. Stay where you are, keep out of western society and kill and flog each other as much as you like.

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20 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

Unlike in Catholicism, in Islam there is no one person or authority authorized to pronounce upon the validity of various practices carried out in its name. Mohammed was quite clear about that.  Like any religion, Islam is whatever some of its subscribers say it is. It's a religion, it's not math.

The supreme leader of Iran, along with the IS caliph and the Islamic university in Riyadh would disagree with you.

However, you are correct. There aren't even supposed to be "leaders" in Islam. They are supposed to know the Koran off by heart and obey all it's rules without question.

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4 minutes ago, darksidedog said:

Stating another post is naive and then to come out with this post is a bit much. Early Christianity and western democracy are not compatible in any way either. Most Christians today manage to get by though, as they have progressed and made allowances for the fact the world has moved forward.

I make allowances in how I live my life in Thailand as I know I am a guest. If a Muslim wishes to be a guest outside of their home place, they need to respect their hosts, as well as their hosts laws too. I can't impose UK law here, nor would I try.

If any Muslim feels that the Western World and their laws are not compatible with the way they want to live, no worries. Stay where you are, keep out of western society and kill and flog each other as much as you like.

I would disagree with "most Christians". IMO most people that say they are Christian are not, and don't even go to church except to get married ( for the first time ) and to be buried.

Therefore they don't abide by any religious rules.

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29 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

Unlike in Catholicism, in Islam there is no one person or authority authorized to pronounce upon the validity of various practices carried out in its name. Mohammed was quite clear about that.  Like any religion, Islam is whatever some of its subscribers say it is. It's a religion, it's not math.

And yet, some posters, on a regular basis, insist that "Islam is..." or "Islam isn't..." - this covers both side, to be clear. Some even go as far as calling some Muslims and their actions "unIsalmic". Go figure.

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46 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

The supreme leader of Iran, along with the IS caliph and the Islamic university in Riyadh would disagree with you.

However, you are correct. There aren't even supposed to be "leaders" in Islam. They are supposed to know the Koran off by heart and obey all it's rules without question.

Unfortunately, since there are lots of mutually contradictory statements in the Koran, as in the Jewish and Christian holy books, you really can't obey all it's rules without breaking lots of them. As for being supposed to memorize the Koran, is that injunction found in the Koran?

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10 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

Unfortunately, since there are lots of mutually contradictory statements in the Koran, as in the Jewish and Christian holy books, you really can't obey all it's rules without breaking lots of them. As for being supposed to memorize the Koran, is that injunction found in the Koran?

But you made the statement 'Mohammed was quite clear about that' just an hour ago so how come we've moved on to contradictory statements all of sudden?.  Strange that as I can't quote it now.  You deleted / amended it, didn't you, you cheeky rascal.


Seriously, don't believe the flip flopping of ilostmypassword.  Talk about fraud.



Edited by Here It Is
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1 minute ago, Here It Is said:

But you made the statement 'Mohammed was quite clear about that' just an hour ago so how come we've moved on to contradictory statements all of sudden?.  Strange that as I can't quote it now.  You deleted / amended it, didn't you, you cheeky rascal.

On that score, he didn't contradict himself ever. And no I didn't change even a comma in that post. But if I can figure out where Mecca is, I will pray in its direction for the disappearance of your dyslexia.

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1 minute ago, ilostmypassword said:

On that score, he didn't contradict himself ever. And no I didn't change even a comma in that post. But if I can figure out where Mecca is, I will pray in its direction for the disappearance of your dyslexia.

Post 84 retains your original statement but I can't link it.  Don't Thai me.

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4 minutes ago, Here It Is said:

Post 84 retains your original statement but I can't link it.  Don't Thai me.

I don't know what in the world you think you've proved here. Here is post 84 in its entirety:

  1 hour ago, ilostmypassword said:

Mohammed was quite clear about that.

Eh?  Who is this Mohammed?  


Is this the guy that condones the slashing of the throats of UK women and shredding children with shrapnel.


The funerals are being held as we speak, by the way.

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10 hours ago, Trentham said:

Sharia law states that Muslims must live by the law of the land. I am not Muslim or Christian - I am an atheist and therefore am not sticking up for my personal religion.

See http://www.daruliftaa.com/node/5852


There is no contradiction between the law of the USA and Sharia so long as the laws of the USA do not force a Muslim person to sin eg. eat pork or not go to prayer.


Before posters prattle on about Sharia being "antiquated, barbaric and abominable" they should inform themselves of the facts.

SHARIA REQUIRES MUSLIMS TO LIVE BY THE LAW OF THE USA. and any other country in which they reside .

It's a shame that many don't.:wai:

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10 minutes ago, Here It Is said:

So what are you saying.  You make statements on behalf of Mohammed.


You can't suddenly state that it's contradictory.

I said there are a lot of mutually contradictory statements in the Koran. Since when does "a lot" mean every one? I see that I'm going to have to do a lot of praying for you.

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I'm kinda wondering why they're protesting something that's not even an issue.


There's lots of stuff actually causing problems for 90+% of Americans if they want to protest something...


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3 hours ago, Here It Is said:

Let's cut to the chase.  Muzzies will never identify or integrate with western culture so there will always be severe problems.


Personally I don't want them in my country as they will never accept our laws, customs and culture.


Therefore they should just relocate back to their Muslim lands and have done with it. 



Actually a great many Muslims have identified and integrated into Western culture, perhaps nowhere more so than in the US. 

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7 minutes ago, Here It Is said:

Pray for yourself and the victims of the shrapnel bomb that killed children in Manchester and the women that had their throats slashed in Borough Market.  One poor guy was launched into the River Thames after being smashed by the B&Q vehicle on London Bridge.  


This can't go on and you can keep ranting on but it doesn't change a thing.


Muzzies go home or we fight back. 

A lot of appalling crimes have been committed by white supremacists.  Should  all white people in the US be sent back to Europe?

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33 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

I don't know what in the world you think you've proved here. Here is post 84 in its entirety:

  1 hour ago, ilostmypassword said:

Mohammed was quite clear about that.

Eh?  Who is this Mohammed?  


Is this the guy that condones the slashing of the throats of UK women and shredding children with shrapnel.


The funerals are being held as we speak, by the way.

Unlikely.  He probably would no more condone the killing being done by those that pervert Islam than Jesus would have condoned the torture and execution by burning done during the Inquisition.

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Back on topic; the US Constitution is stubbornly secular by design.  In spite of repeated efforts and the wishes of the Christian majority, one can't post a copy of the Ten Commandments in a state or federal courthouse.  In spite of Christianity being the dominant religion from its beginnings, there are no laws allowing adulterers to be stoned (Old Testament), outlawing taking the lord's name in vane (Ten Commandments), or mandating "Do unto others..." in any aspect of life, most definitely in business.


People who think a very small minority of Muslims are going to impose their religion on US laws are fools.  They are people looking for a reason to panic, scapegoat, and alienate Muslims.  By alienating Muslims, they are doing ISIS's work for it.

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13 hours ago, Orton Rd said:

More like a hatred of barbarism than Muslims as people, Sharia treats women unequally, death for gays and apostates and has punishments from the middle ages, amputation for minor theft, stoning to death for adultery, public whippings etc. Completely incompatible with American freedoms and values, or decent ones anywhere.

I am still trying to figure out how Sharia Law does not treat women equally, I will appreciate it if you enlighten me how?

then we can talk about the rest. over.

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26 minutes ago, Here It Is said:



Muzzies go home or we fight back. 


Unbeknownst to you, the likes of you have also been recruited by ISIS because yours is exactly the kind of reaction they want from the citizenry.


You ought to question why you choose to allow yourself to be recruited by  the terrorists.


Whether it is ordinary Muslims fearing angry reactions from the likes of you or whether it is citizens living in fear of future attacks and eyeing all Muslims with suspicion—doesn't matter to ISIS; both ways they win.


Why do you want the terrorists to win?

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I think 'guidance' is the key word; the likelihood as I see it is that these prophets, Mohammed, Christ etc. probably offered only guidance and the leaders of the 'followers' turned it into dogma in the interests of control. 


I understood that sharia law is from hadiths that originate from scholarly interpretations of passages from the Koran; again the work of leaders of the followers.


As long as freedom of religion is under the law (of the land) and that that law is implemented; let them protest in the name of freedom of speech!

Edited by piersbeckett
too wordy
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3 hours ago, nasanews said:

I am still trying to figure out how Sharia Law does not treat women equally, I will appreciate it if you enlighten me how?

then we can talk about the rest. over.

Sharia treats all women equally. That is not disputed.

But Sharia does treat women much less equal than men.

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10 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:


No way I want their barbaric sharia law in my country.

Under it I could have been flogged just for being in a car with a non related woman.


I asked the poster for HIS experiences, so let him answer for himself.

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10 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

<snip>  They are supposed to know the Koran off by heart and obey all it's rules without question.

Not correct, you are referencing only one sect in Islam; the Quranists. There are thousands of Hadith rulings (interpretations) on passages in the Koran. Rulings also change over time and of course influenced by differing ideological agendas.


Some Islamic reform movements dispute the relevance of Hadith in today's world as some of the rulings  go back hundreds of years and reflect the culture of that time; very similar to what el-Sisi has been saying.

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1 hour ago, nasanews said:

In that case may I ask you who's job is it to put food on the table?

That would depend on what kind of civilisation you come from, whether you are from a western type democratic country where women are supposed to be equal.  Or whether you are from a still in the dark ages country and don't really value women at all.  Long gone are the days in normal society where men are supposed to put food on the table and the women stay in the house.

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There should be no Sharia Law in any Western Country, no ifs, no buts.  The only Law should be the Law of the country you are in.  If you don't like it and want Sharia Law then by all means sling your hook to some Islamicstan country and have it, and while your at it take some of these tree huggers and lets love a muslim/islamist groups with you so they can try and set up their western laws in your country.....but that would never happen....whys is that I wonder?


I know a lot of muslims/islamists are now bred locally and not imported anymore but all those who do come and claim persecution etc and seek to live in a normal western country where they have rights etc...why would you then want to change it to be like the country you just left????  

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 I thought I read posts in other threads that showed areas of England that have Sharia law applied and even have some court system set up.. So most posts here about accepting the law of the country is crap posts

 That aside  as i read this thread I realize posters here know as much about sharia law  as they do Thailand  Which means most of then know f all Just talk about it to express a poorly informed opinion or have an emotional opinion.

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