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Thailand succeeds reducing greenhouse gas emission below limit


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Thailand succeeds reducing greenhouse gas emission below limit


BANGKOK, 12 June 2017 (NNT) – Thailand has successfully limited its greenhouse gas emission to be under the target amount as pledged at the UNFCC COP21, aiming to incorporate the industrial and waste sectors within this year. 

The Office of Natural Resources and Environmental Policy and Planning's (ONEP) Secretary-General Raweewon Bhuridej has said Thailand is now on track with the reduction of greenhouse gas, according to the country's Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMAs), aiming to cut down at least 7-10 percent of emissions by 2020. 

In 2015, the country succeeded in reducing emissions by 11 percent which is better than its target, with most reduction from the energy and transportation sector. The ONEP is now collecting data from Ministry of Energy for this year's evaluation. 

Thailand has pledged to reduce its greenhouse emission by 20-25 percent by the year 2030 at the 2015 United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP 21) in Paris, France. 

The country aims push for the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC) to reach the 2030 reduction goal by including more industries in the emission reduction effort, particularly cement production, air conditioning, refrigerator, and compressor manufacturing by encouraging manufacturers to use coolants with the lowest Global Warming Potential (GWP) value. 

Thailand is a major exporter of air conditioning units and electronics to the global markets. 

ONEP will also work with steel manufacturers to find a way to reduce energy consumption in steel manufacturing and to reuse the heat from manufacturing. It will also include the waste sector in the effort to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

-- nnt 2017-06-12
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WOW------- I would have thought that with the UNFCC the ONEP the NAMA the UNCCC theUDC and of course not forgetting the M of E all getting together they must surely come up with something !!!!!!!! Maybe even some sort of improvement.

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The OP doesn't make sense to me.  The target to reduce emissions by 2020 must be referenced against something.  Are they targeting to reduce the emissions by 7-10% of the 2015 emissions level?  If so, then their reduction of 11% in 2015 is irrelevant.  Also, the COP21 was signed in 2015, so how can Thailand take credit for reducing emissions in the year of the agreement, again unless the agreement references some other time as the reference point.  Any improvement is good for the environment.  Too bad the agreement didn't get significant reductions from major polluters like China and India.

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folks.... COP21 was fake.  and it was James Hansen who said that.

"a fraud".

it was ****designed**** for politicians to make exactly these kinds of claims, i.e. Obama and Hillary.

James Hansen. 
not Pruitt. not Trump. 

and certainly not Big Oil. they support the Paris accord. that's a clue too???? 


COP21's base lines are all like this....  

what you really want, to feel good and be a smart and 'responsible' guy or gal at the same time.... is EXACTLY this kind of fake news.... plus....  how about another Leonardo Dicaprio or Harrison Ford film showing Fires In Indonesia and Ice Slowly Melting in...... Greenland? or the Inventor of the Internet VP Al Gore, Mr. Newly Optmistic.... in an election year? yeah, he had some factoids to hang a hat on... he always does... but somehow they are always ones that involve something quite nuanced as well and.... yet he doesn't ever get into the ****really**** scary atmospheric chemistry and physics stuff. for that.... besides half a brain.... you need James Hansen or U Manchester's Kevin Anderson.... but we are not any more likely to see anything but a 2 minute clip on those guys than we are Noam Chomsky.... all for the exact same reason.      

and that's why those of us who are as green as Greenpeace... love Donald Trump.

if Big Oil has anyone in their pocket.... it is the "Dems" and...... much of Hollywood, of course. and politicians that use this nonsense to help us feel better....as we go over the cliff.... or we hit a win on negative emission to scale .. but real soon. that it ain't about 2525 but more like 2050 is not something you would ever hear from Hilary or Bernie.

the G7 or whatever when Pruitt got called away almost as soon as he landed two days ago was the exact same kind of nonsense. 

Paris was fake.  a fraud.

go Trump go!




Edited by maewang99
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2 hours ago, williamgeorgeallen said:

did the good general order emissions to reduce?

...or was the order more about reduction of inconvenient reports about emission, if one wants to apply for and keep a journalist license?

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CO2 in the atmosphere: 0.038%
Manmade CO2: 4%

=> 0.038 x 0.04 = 0.00152%


Thailands part in CO2: Less than 1%

=> 0.00152 x 0.01 = 0.0000152%


So, the influence of Thailand to the atmosphere in terms of CO2 is 0.000 015%

To reduce this by 20% means: 

0.000 015 x 0.2 = 0.000 003%


Next anybody tells me is that when I pee into the ocean I change thew ocean !!!


Climate professionals around the world coming forward on what Hoax this whole story is ... it's all about money and control !!!

[Just for the Info: There is no climate scientist left on the IPCC as they all left due to the non existing science !!!]

Who ever still believes this nonsense has some serious issues with 3rd grade mathematics and 5th grade physics and chemistry !!!!

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8 hours ago, webfact said:

Thailand has pledged to reduce its greenhouse emission by 20-25 percent by the year 2030 at the 2015 United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP 21) in Paris, France. 

On the other hand,

"in terms of the Paris Agreement pledge, no concrete roadmap has been prepared by the Thai government thus resulting in delays in the ratification process." (August 2016)  http://climatescorecard.org/2016/08/30/thailand-emission-reduction-challenges/

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53 minutes ago, brain150 said:

CO2 in the atmosphere: 0.038%
Manmade CO2: 4%

=> 0.038 x 0.04 = 0.00152%


Thailands part in CO2: Less than 1%

=> 0.00152 x 0.01 = 0.0000152%


So, the influence of Thailand to the atmosphere in terms of CO2 is 0.000 015%

To reduce this by 20% means: 

0.000 015 x 0.2 = 0.000 003%


Another source for numerial analysis:


"Thailand’s national greenhouse gas emissions were only 0.84% of global emissions in 2012, and in 2015 it was 0.64% of global emissions." (August 2016)  http://climatescorecard.org/2016/08/30/thailand-emission-reduction-challenges/

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8 hours ago, webfact said:

Thailand has successfully limited its greenhouse gas emission to be under the target amount as pledged at the UNFCC COP21, aiming to incorporate the industrial and waste sectors within this year. 

Versus the GreenWatch Publication, The Climate Change Performance Index that shows Thailand's ranking has worsened every year from 24th in 2012 to 49th in 2016. From 2014 to 2015 saw the worst increase in Thailand's rank going from 38th to 47th.



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Yeah right, never seen so many people burning rubbish and the grass verge outside their homes along with sugarcane crops b4 cutting anywhere else in the world. Locals seem to love a fire, but I guess these do not count as emissions

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4 hours ago, just.a.thought said:

An easy way would be to reward people for installing solar panels on the roof and make it easier to sell back the excess electricity produced. As it is now it is next to impossible to get an agreement with the power company and that is downright idiotic 

Well, it's not idiotic at all as the power grid does not need or want solar energy as it's way to unpredictable

for the grid ! Loading solar energy from small solar systems into the grid is simply a government subsidy [paid by other Grid users!]


Solar energy the way we use it now is NOT friendly to the environment as the solar system as a whole has a negative energy balance

and as such is not sustainable !

Basically it's the wrong technology for what it's used for [the way we use it]. It's simple propaganda ! [just like wind energy !!!]


Environmental friendly energy is known for more than 100 years ... just ask yourself why engines running on Alcohol or compressed air are basically made illegal !

[Just a hint: It's not because they are more dangerous than gasoline engines !!!]

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2 hours ago, brain150 said:

Well, it's not idiotic at all as the power grid does not need or want solar energy as it's way to unpredictable

for the grid ! Loading solar energy from small solar systems into the grid is simply a government subsidy [paid by other Grid users!]


Solar energy the way we use it now is NOT friendly to the environment as the solar system as a whole has a negative energy balance

and as such is not sustainable !

Basically it's the wrong technology for what it's used for [the way we use it]. It's simple propaganda ! [just like wind energy !!!]


Environmental friendly energy is known for more than 100 years ... just ask yourself why engines running on Alcohol or compressed air are basically made illegal !

[Just a hint: It's not because they are more dangerous than gasoline engines !!!]

The buy back system works very well in Europe, it doesn't have to be subsidized by the government. Not having a buy back program requires you to have a large battery bank in order to store excess electricity. A buy back program makes sense especially in the tropics where production peaks during daylight when everyone has their air conditioning switched on. The only hardware requirements for a buy back program is a power meter that runs both ways. The power companies are not interested because it threatens their monopoly on power production.

Guess countries like Denmark are masters of propaganda since they and other countries can cover their entire power requirements through wind and solar power when the conditions are favorable.


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