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Facing competing Brexit demands, PM May nears deal with Northern Irish 'kingmakers'


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Facing competing Brexit demands, PM May nears deal with Northern Irish 'kingmakers'

By Kylie MacLellan and Elizabeth Piper



The leader of the Democratic Unionist Party (DUP), Arlene Foster, and the Deputy Leader Nigel Dodds, stand on the steps of 10 Downing Street before talks with Britain's Prime Minister Theresa May, in central London, Britain June 13, 2017. REUTERS/Phil Noble


LONDON/PARIS (Reuters) - British Prime Minister Theresa May neared a deal with a Northern Irish Protestant party to save her premiership on Tuesday and confirmed Brexit talks would begin next week, amid growing calls for her to soften her approach to leaving the European Union.


After losing her parliamentary majority in a botched gamble on a snap election, May is so weakened that her Brexit strategy has become the subject of public debate inside her own party, with calls for her to take a more business-friendly approach.


Seeking to avoid a second election that could deepen Britain's worst political turmoil since last June's shock vote to leave the EU, May edged closer to a deal to win the support of the Democratic Unionist Party (DUP).


She held talks with DUP leader Arlene Foster, whose eurosceptic Northern Irish party has 10 parliamentary seats and could shore up May's minority Conservative government.


"What we're doing in relation to the talks that we're holding, the productive talks we're holding with the Democratic Unionist Party, is ensuring that it is possible to, with their support, give the stability to the UK government that I think is necessary at this time," May told a news conference in Paris following a meeting with French President Emmanuel Macron.


Earlier, Foster said the talks were going well: "We hope soon to be able to bring this work to a successful conclusion."


May made clear the Brexit negotiations would begin on schedule despite the political uncertainty at home.


"I confirmed to President Macron that the timetable for the Brexit negotiation remains on course and will begin next week," May said after her meeting with the new French leader, who will be a key player in the Brexit talks.


"I think there is a unity of purpose among people in the United Kingdom. It's a unity of purpose, having voted to leave the EU, that their government gets on with that and makes a success of it."


During the election campaign, May cast herself as the only leader competent to navigate the tortuous Brexit negotiations that will shape the future of the United Kingdom and its $2.5 trillion economy.


Jeremy Corbyn, leader of the opposition Labour Party, which saw its number of parliamentary seats and share of the vote increase, said there could be another election this year or early in 2018 after last Thursday's vote produced no clear winner.




The BBC reported that a deal with the DUP was expected to be signed on Wednesday. That would give May enough votes to pass her legislative agenda through parliament and govern, albeit with a wafer-thin majority.


But a deal with the DUP also risks destabilising Northern Ireland by increasing the influence of pro-British unionists. They have struggled for years with Irish Catholic nationalists, who want the British province to join a united Ireland.


Former British prime minister John Major said he was concerned May's plan to govern with the support of the DUP could pitch the province back into turmoil by persuading 'hard men' on both sides of the divide to return to violence.


"The last thing anybody wishes to see is one or other of the communities so aggrieved that the hard men, who are still there lurking in the corners of the communities, decide that they wish to return to some form of violence," Major told BBC radio.

"I am concerned about the deal. I am wary about it. I am dubious about it," Major said.


Irish nationalist party Sinn Fein said the prospect of a British agreement with the DUP was causing anxiety and fear.


While the DUP are deeply eurosceptic, they have balked at some of the practical implications of a so-called hard Brexit -- including a potential loss of a "frictionless border" with the Republic of Ireland -- and talks will touch on efforts to minimise the potential damage to Northern Ireland.




May, who ahead of last June's referendum supported remaining in the EU, promised to start the Brexit talks next week, but opponents of a sharp break with the EU took her woes as a chance to push back against her strategy.


Before the election, May proposed a clean break from the EU, involving withdrawal from Europe's single market, limits on immigration and a bespoke customs deal with the EU.


Brexit minister David Davis has insisted the approach to the EU divorce has not changed, but at the meeting with lawmakers on Monday, May recognised that a broader consensus needed to be built for Brexit and made clear she would listen to all wings of the party on the issue.


She will have to manage conflicting demands from within her own party, including a proposal for business groups and lawmakers from all parties to agree a national position for Britain's most complex negotiations since World War Two.


May faces a difficult balancing act: Divisions over Europe helped sink the premierships of Margaret Thatcher, Major and David Cameron, and many of her lawmakers and party membership support a sharp break with the EU.


"The Tory civil war on the EU which has ripped it apart since the Maastricht rebellions of the early 1990s, and which the referendum was supposed to solve, is now raging again," said Chris Grey, an academic who specialises in Brexit at Royal Holloway college in London.




Scottish Conservative leader Ruth Davidson said the government should put economic growth at the heart of its Brexit strategy, comments placing her in the camp of those advocating a closer trade relationship with the EU, or "soft" Brexit.


May appointed Steve Baker, a prominent Brexit campaigner, to the Department for Exiting the EU.


"We need a good, clean exit which minimises disruption and maximises opportunity," Baker said just hours before his appointment.


The performance of the British economy could also influence perceptions of Brexit. Government bond prices were on track for their heaviest one-day losses since January after consumer price inflation jumped to 2.9 percent in May.


As European leaders tried to fathom exactly how Britain would begin the negotiations, German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble said he wanted a Brexit deal that would limit negative consequences for the bloc but nor did it want to weaken Britain.


"We want a solution that causes as little damage as possible for both sides," Schaeuble said, adding that he expected London to remain an important financial centre for Europe.


The veteran conservative predicted that Britain would regret its departure from the bloc at some point in the future.


"And then they'll come back. But it remains another question if I'll still witness this," added the 74-year-old.


Asked about Schaeuble's comments, Macron said the EU's door was still open for Britain as long as the negotiations were not finished, but that it would be difficult to reverse course.


(Additional reporting by Kate Holton in London and Padraic Halpin in Dublin; writing by Guy Faulconbridge; editing by Angus MacSwan and Gareth Jones)

-- © Copyright Reuters 2017-06-14
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A pact with the Devil. DUP would have been at home in 17th Century England.


Remember their “Save Ulster from Sodomy” campaign?  DUP politician Trevor Clarke last year said he thought only gay people could contract AIDS or HIV. Ms Foster also last year vowed to prevent terminations being made available in Northern Ireland. 

“I would not want abortion to be as freely available here as it is in England and don’t support the extension of the 1967 act,” she told 
The Guardian in 2016. 

DUP assembly member for West Tyrone, Thomas Buchanan, last year endorsed an event promoting creationism to be “taught in every school”.


Pure opportunism. 





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5 minutes ago, binjalin said:

A pact with the Devil. DUP would have been at home in 17th Century England.


Remember their “Save Ulster from Sodomy” campaign?  DUP politician Trevor Clarke last year said he thought only gay people could contract AIDS or HIV. Ms Foster also last year vowed to prevent terminations being made available in Northern Ireland. 

“I would not want abortion to be as freely available here as it is in England and don’t support the extension of the 1967 act,” she told 
The Guardian in 2016. 

DUP assembly member for West Tyrone, Thomas Buchanan, last year endorsed an event promoting creationism to be “taught in every school”.


Pure opportunism. 






Yes it is. What's the alternative? Corbyn pandering to Sinn Fein and plucking billions from the money tree that he found? What's your point?

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7 minutes ago, Khun Han said:


Yes it is. What's the alternative? Corbyn pandering to Sinn Fein and plucking billions from the money tree that he found? What's your point?

'pandering to Sinn Fein'?  where did that come from? I'd prefer Sinn Fein over DUP any day!  


no majority hold another election is my point rather than sup with those demons  

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9 minutes ago, binjalin said:

'pandering to Sinn Fein'?  where did that come from? I'd prefer Sinn Fein over DUP any day!  


no majority hold another election is my point rather than sup with those demons  


Yes, pandering to Sinn Fein is certainly the way to resolve NI's problems, isn't it? Good call by the broad-minded statesman Corbyn.


I wll look out for your opinions should there be another hung election with Labour being the largest minority party.

Edited by Khun Han
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Just now, Khun Han said:


Yes, pandering to Sinn Fein is certainly the way to resolve NI's problems, isn't it? Good call by the broad-minded statesman Corbyn.

Let's not get into Irish politics?  bit off-topic?  Sinn Fein have contributed to Irish peace for many years and this has NOTHING to do with the topic. DUP are mindless far right Christian fundamentalists and May wants to get into bed with them because she made a f*** up of the campaign and doesn't have a majority anymore. She should resign, as did Cameron when he led us into Brexit oblivion. 

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4 minutes ago, binjalin said:

Let's not get into Irish politics?  bit off-topic?  Sinn Fein have contributed to Irish peace for many years and this has NOTHING to do with the topic. DUP are mindless far right Christian fundamentalists and May wants to get into bed with them because she made a f*** up of the campaign and doesn't have a majority anymore. She should resign, as did Cameron when he led us into Brexit oblivion. 


PMSL. "Lets not get into Irish politics" and then proceed to do so by bigging up Sinn Fein. :laugh:

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6 minutes ago, Khun Han said:


PMSL. "Lets not get into Irish politics" and then proceed to do so by bigging up Sinn Fein. :laugh:

SF have not entered into any coalition , even in the irish republic, so I fail to see why that would change , considering that they dont take their seats at Westminster.

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19 minutes ago, rockingrobin said:

SF have not entered into any coalition , even in the irish republic, so I fail to see why that would change , considering that they dont take their seats at Westminster.


Highly disingenuous Robin. A Corbyn government would favour Sinn Fein. You make some great contributions to all sorts of discussions. Why do you demean yourself by getting involved with certain intellectually dishonest factions? You are better than that.

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1 minute ago, Khun Han said:


Highly disingenuous Robin. A Corbyn government would favour Sinn Fein. You make some great contributions to all sorts of discussions. Why do you demean yourself by getting involved with certain intellectually dishonest factions? You are better than that.

It is factual, I am willing to listen to any thoughts on how SF  could be an advantage to Corbyn, considering they dont take their seats at Westminster

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1 minute ago, rockingrobin said:

It is factual, I am willing to listen to any thoughts on how SF  could be an advantage to Corbyn, considering they dont take their seats at Westminster

I doubt Sinn Fein's statsus at Westminser is going to change unless Corbyn invites then in(which wouldn't surprise me. What a total mess: a party that will reluctantly get into bed with a bunch of fruitkakes versus a party (or at least it's leader) which would get into bed with a bunch of fruitkakes at the drop of a hat.

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14 minutes ago, Khun Han said:


Highly disingenuous Robin. A Corbyn government would favour Sinn Fein. You make some great contributions to all sorts of discussions. Why do you demean yourself by getting involved with certain intellectually dishonest factions? You are better than that.

Why are you continuing to discuss Sinn Fein?  this is about DUP

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1 minute ago, Khun Han said:

I doubt Sinn Fein's statsus at Westminser is going to change unless Corbyn invites then in(which wouldn't surprise me. What a total mess: a party that will reluctantly get into bed with a bunch of fruitkakes versus a party (or at least it's leader) which would get into bed with a bunch of fruitkakes at the drop of a hat.

Sinn Fein doesn't take seats at Corbyns invitation and what's wrong with Sinn Fein?  go educate yourself and stay ON TOPIC

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2 minutes ago, Khun Han said:

I doubt Sinn Fein's statsus at Westminser is going to change unless Corbyn invites then in(which wouldn't surprise me. What a total mess: a party that will reluctantly get into bed with a bunch of fruitkakes versus a party (or at least it's leader) which would get into bed with a bunch of fruitkakes at the drop of a hat.

They don't need to be invited in , having won seats in a General Election they have the right to take them seats at Westminster, but choose not to do so. why would this change under Corbyn.

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3 minutes ago, rockingrobin said:

They don't need to be invited in , having won seats in a General Election they have the right to take them seats at Westminster, but choose not to do so. why would this change under Corbyn.

He hasn't even grasped the basics that Sinn Fein don't take up seats as they refuse to swear an oath to the Queen

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3 hours ago, binjalin said:

  Sinn Fein have contributed to Irish peace for many years

:shock1:   He obviously has nothing sensibleto say on the subject, and can be safely ignored.

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6 hours ago, Khun Han said:


Highly disingenuous Robin. A Corbyn government would favour Sinn Fein. You make some great contributions to all sorts of discussions. Why do you demean yourself by getting involved with certain intellectually dishonest factions? You are better than that.

If Corbin was considering a coalition it would be very unlikely that he would turn towards a Northern Irish party at all.  Then again he would have options whereas May is desperate and will jump into bed with anyone who would have her.

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10 minutes ago, dunroaming said:

If Corbin was considering a coalition it would be very unlikely that he would turn towards a Northern Irish party at all.  Then again he would have options whereas May is desperate and will jump into bed with anyone who would have her.


I didn't say he would form a coalition with them. I said he would favour them in government.

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22 minutes ago, Khun Han said:


I didn't say he would form a coalition with them. I said he would favour them in government.

My point is that May has little choice jumping into bed with the DUP.  It is not because she chose them for their politics (who would!) but because she is desperate and most parties wouldn't entertain supporting her.

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26 minutes ago, Khun Han said:


I didn't say he would form a coalition with them. I said he would favour them in government.

'favour them'?  and how's that?  they do NOT take up their seats in Parliament stop making things up please

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3 hours ago, ilostmypassword said:

Sorry to correct you  but I believe that the technical term is "Bremain".

I've seen Breturn in a newspaper which makes sense since having initiated article 50 although not having officially left they have said goodbye.

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1 hour ago, dunroaming said:

If Corbin was considering a coalition it would be very unlikely that he would turn towards a Northern Irish party at all.  Then again he would have options whereas May is desperate and will jump into bed with anyone who would have her.

please stop using the word bed when referring to May, it makes me want to choke.

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The UK's highest court has rejected an appeal by a mother and daughter in their legal battle for women from Northern Ireland to receive free abortions on the NHS in England.

The Supreme Court challenge centred on the case of a Northern Ireland woman who became pregnant when she was 15.

She went to England with her mother for an abortion in a private clinic in 2012, at a cost of about £900.

Northern Ireland's abortion law is much stricter than the rest of the UK.



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5 minutes ago, evadgib said:

If you follow the link you'll see that this is about a trade fair and it's ... "Taking place at the iconic Titanic Belfast building – a site that recognises Northern Ireland’s proud maritime history –"

A building that's named Titanic that recognizes Northern Irelands proud maritime history??? 

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