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U.S. attorney general dodges Trump questions, angering Democrats


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5 hours ago, roobaa01 said:

g'daya folks ,


1. the smear campaign without against mr. president donald trump is petering out  in hot air . the political correctness class are rubbing their eyes in disbelieve, well done mr. president persevere. what have these political witch hunters to offer 1. harming the usa and its people by slowing down willfully the country's development 2. besmearing the reputation of the states.




There are a few problems with your argument.

1) No one is doing more damage to the USA than our current President. He has insulted most of our foreign allies. He has inflamed Middle East tensions with his ignorant rhetoric against Qatar (we have over 10,000 service members stationed in Qatar along with the largest U. S. military base in the Middle East.

2) No one is slowing down the country's development more than Trump. He did his best to get the ACHA passed which now even the GOP is admitting will harm the poor, elderly, and those with pre-existing conditions. Trump himself has now even labeled it as "mean" in a luncheon with GOP Senators (after having called it a "wonderful" bill in the Rose Garden as he celebrated the House passage of the bill - https://www.forbes.com/sites/peterhans/2016/12/27/recession-in-2017/#587352532d4f). It was GOP Representatives who scuttled his first attempt at passing this horrendous legislation, not the Dems, and they will likely be the same ones to hobble both his tax plan and his infrastructure plan. It is Trump's own actions that provide the fodder for his opposition, such as his assinine assertion that Obama wiretapped him (in the complete absence of any shred of evidence and over the assurances by every Federal law enforcement and intelligence agency that this was not the case), his insistence that there was voter fraud, his firing of Comey, his handing over highly classified intelligence to Russian officials in the Oval Office...those who despise the man don't really have to do all that much. Just sit back and wait. He can't resist soiling his own diaper and then playing with the product.

I would be curious to know how investigating the possible criminal actions of a sitting President besmirches the states. That's a new one on me.


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2 hours ago, stander said:

Loved Jeff Sessions testimony yesterday, he took a page from the PresidentTrump playbook: Be straight up and don't take any sh*t from this liberal lynch mob. Sessions schooled them and made the Democrats look stupid. The witch hunt coming to an end.

Yes, it was truly remarkable. However, I do have to take exception to your laughable phrase, "Be straight up..." Now that is hilarious. Jeff Sessions: "“I’m here today to address several issues that have been specifically raised before this committee, and I appreciate the opportunity to respond to questions as fully as the Lord enables me to do so.”


I guess God wasn't speaking too clearly to old Jeffy.


Invoking Executive Privilege that he didn't have the authority to invoke, failing memory, refusal to answer clearly stated questions...and once again, lying under oath.  Jeff Sessions: “I did not have any private meetings nor do I recall any conversations with Russian officials at the Mayflower Hotel,” Attorney General Jeff Sessions insisted Tuesday, testifying under oath before the Senate Intelligence Committee.


Twitter later in the day: 

Perhaps this photograph might jog his memory? Jeva Lange


Here's a notable Getty pic from the April 27, 2016 Mayflower Hotel event—Kislyak & Sessions both named in the official caption


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Jeff Sessions did not answer the questions that need to be answered directly and claiming  

Executive Privilege is ridiculous.


Sessions and all the other minions may not talk straight but at some point someone will provide the missing link that will either connect Trump to an illegal action or his minions. There are already articles of impeachment drawn up; there are 2 lawsuits indicating Trump has violate the emoluments articles of the US Constitution; there is some potential evidence leaked from the NSA that Russia actually attacked the voting machines during the election.  All we need is one connection on any of these and Trump is finished. It may turn out that Trump was never legally  elected as President. 


Those who dream of an 8 years Trump Presidency better realize that he will be hard pressed to make it 4 years. He has accomplished nothing except pissing off almost every US Ally there is and a majority of the US population. He should resign right now....but he will fight like a caged lion to the bitter end...even though many innocent Americans will be bitten by his incompetence.

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What is amazing to me is that the Trump supporters want us all to believe that Russia did nothing to affect the US election and that all the contacts from high level Trump minions were simply to say -Hello-.  Good grief..... The American people and the World have a right to know if Trump was actually elected President in a fair manner or did indeed Russia hack the voting machines and fixed this election.  


We also want to know if Trump waas involved in any type of collusion with the Russians or whether his minions were and if Trump wasn't directly involved did he know about it and did he cover it up.


If an unbiased investigation clears him so be it- but to date all I see is obfuscation; an attempt to list it all as fake news; and a desire to lie or simply dismiss everyone as Anti-Trump.  While I dislike Trump's behavior; his demeanor and his policies- I will accept the election result but I want to make sure that a foreign power has not interfered in the election process and every American should want to know the same thing.

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5 hours ago, ilostmypassword said:

Really? One of my favorite parts of the hearing was when Sessions cited Executive Privilege as a reason he couldn't answer some questions. He was then asked if the President had invoked Executive Privilege. Sessions replied that the President hadn't invoked it but Sessions wanted to preserve Trump's right to invoke it in the future! 


Analysis by  Former White House Counsel and by Rep. Elizabeth Holtzman, who served on the Judiciary Committee during its drafting of the articles of impeachment against then-President Nixon, says Sessions' refusal to answer questions is 'what I call in good old Watergate language a cover-up.'

... there is no executive privilege unless the president explicitly invokes it:
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If you have nothing to hide then answer the questions. If you are guilty then you obfuscate, lie, claim some privilege, poor memory, and I have no recollections of this......GUILTY AS CHARGED. Shades of Tricky Dick Nixon all over again. Throw the bums in prison. The question is, Why cannot the USA get some quality people running the country?

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4 hours ago, stander said:

Loved Jeff Sessions testimony yesterday, he took a page from the PresidentTrump playbook: Be straight up and don't take any sh*t from this liberal lynch mob. Sessions schooled them and made the Democrats look stupid. The witch hunt coming to an end.

IMO Sessions handed those Dem political hacks their heads. It was great to see. I was lovin' it.

Some of them spent more time complaining that he wasn't answering their questions than actually asking questions.

The Dem vice chair spent about 10 minutes giving a political speech.

One Dem woman had to be chastised by the chairman for not allowing him to answer :laugh:.


The OP was obviously written by paid up members of the Trump resistance. It's completely biased, as I knew it would be just by reading the title.

Anyway, if he angered them- good job. Way to go Sessions :clap2:.


Edited by thaibeachlovers
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4 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

IMO Sessions handed those Dem political hacks their heads. It was great to see. I was lovin' it.

Some of them spent more time complaining that he wasn't answering their questions than actually asking questions.

The Dem vice chair spent about 10 minutes giving a political speech.

One Dem woman had to be chastised by the chairman for not allowing him to answer :laugh:.


The OP was obviously written by paid up members of the Trump resistance. It's completely biased, as I knew it would be just by reading the title.

Anyway, if he angered them- good job. Way to go Sessions :clap2:.


Sort of like the Republican House majority whip being shot and getting nothing but crickets from TVF.

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15 minutes ago, Thaidream said:

What is amazing to me is that the Trump supporters want us all to believe that Russia did nothing to affect the US election and that all the contacts from high level Trump minions were simply to say -Hello-.  Good grief..... The American people and the World have a right to know if Trump was actually elected President in a fair manner or did indeed Russia hack the voting machines and fixed this election.  


We also want to know if Trump waas involved in any type of collusion with the Russians or whether his minions were and if Trump wasn't directly involved did he know about it and did he cover it up.


If an unbiased investigation clears him so be it- but to date all I see is obfuscation; an attempt to list it all as fake news; and a desire to lie or simply dismiss everyone as Anti-Trump.  While I dislike Trump's behavior; his demeanor and his policies- I will accept the election result but I want to make sure that a foreign power has not interfered in the election process and every American should want to know the same thing.

Sooooo, you want to know if the multi gazillion $ "intelligence" services that had 7 1/2 years of Obama leadership were shown to be a bunch of incompetents that couldn't stop another country hacking their election, or apparently even knowing if it affected the outcome. If the election machines were vulnerable to hacking, that says much about the people that built them and those that supervised the security aspects, but more likely is that they did their jobs and the machines were not hacked. Ergo, no Russian interference in the vote.


This is, IMO, just a huge case of sour grapes by the Dems that can't admit that their choice was so bad that most states chose a man that was rightly described as a very bad candidate over her.

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24 minutes ago, Mansell said:

If you have nothing to hide then answer the questions. If you are guilty then you obfuscate, lie, claim some privilege, poor memory, and I have no recollections of this......GUILTY AS CHARGED. Shades of Tricky Dick Nixon all over again. Throw the bums in prison. The question is, Why cannot the USA get some quality people running the country?

Quality people have no interest in running the country.

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I guess a lot of Dems supporters are very PO because their guys on the committee came off looking like a bunch of sad sacks whining about him not rolling over and telling them whatever they wanted to hear, while Sessions supporters were cheering him on as he scorned them for their cheap shots. Go Sessions go!

Win for Sessions, big lose for the committee Dems.


BTW, loved the bit where Sessions was asked if he was a super spy, like James Bond :clap2:.

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5 hours ago, JHolmesJr said:

As do you….and your followers. as of now, Ive not SEEN or HEARD anything incriminating. Keep plugging away…you got the next 8 years mapped out.

Even if Trump leaves manana, the damage he's done to America and its reputation ww will last longer than 8 years. 


There are literally hundreds of incriminating tidbits.  Here are just a few, the very tiny tip of the iceberg:


Session lying multiple times about meeting Russian agents.

Sessions claiming he knew nothing about Trump insiders meeting with Russians.

Flynn lying on his security clearance form, and nearly everything else.

Pence lying about multiple things, incl. not knowing anything about Flynn's law-breaking


.....I could go on, but it would hog the next several pages of this topic.


4 hours ago, stander said:

Loved Jeff Sessions testimony yesterday, he took a page from the PresidentTrump playbook: Be straight up and don't take any sh*t from this liberal lynch mob. Sessions schooled them and made the Democrats look stupid. The witch hunt coming to an end.

                         A bank robber can get away with one robbery, perhaps two or three more, but eventually he will be taken down.  Trump, Sessions, Kushner, Flynn and all the others are like bank robbers (law breakers who also use the the Constitution as toilet paper) who keep dodging away from getting handcuffed, .....but it's just a matter of time......

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Just now, wabothai said:

Quality people have no interest in running the country.

Why would any quality person subject themselves to the garbage that is being thrown around since the election? Americans deserve what they got for allowing politics to be so revolting that no good people want anything to do with it.

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11 hours ago, Dagnabbit said:

Whoever wrote this article obviously didn't watch it.


He didn't dodge any questions.


You are exactly right.  Problem is that people watch snippets of news which don't reflect the entirety of the hearings and thus form opinions propagated by the media.  How many times did Sessions have to say he did NOT have conversations with the Russians concerning the Trump campaign?  The idea that Trump fired Comey because he thought that would derail the investigation is just plain stupid.  The fact that Comey being gone has hindered or stopped the investigation is just as stupid.  Some of the Senators suggesting such just makes them look ignorant of how the FBI works.  All goes back to partisan politics.  Frankly, whatever your politics Sessions seemed to make it clear that (1) there was no collusion to his knowledge, and (2) Comey was not fired to hinder the investigation.  Some can't just accept a simple answer that something didn't happen because they want to direct the narrative differently.

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13 minutes ago, Trouble said:

You are exactly right.  Problem is that people watch snippets of news which don't reflect the entirety of the hearings and thus form opinions propagated by the media.  How many times did Sessions have to say he did NOT have conversations with the Russians concerning the Trump campaign?  The idea that Trump fired Comey because he thought that would derail the investigation is just plain stupid.  The fact that Comey being gone has hindered or stopped the investigation is just as stupid.  Some of the Senators suggesting such just makes them look ignorant of how the FBI works.  All goes back to partisan politics.  Frankly, whatever your politics Sessions seemed to make it clear that (1) there was no collusion to his knowledge, and (2) Comey was not fired to hinder the investigation.  Some can't just accept a simple answer that something didn't happen because they want to direct the narrative differently.

Because all of us who live in your counterfactual world know that the FBI director has no say in the course of an investigation.

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10 hours ago, Trouble said:

You are exactly right.  Problem is that people watch snippets of news which don't reflect the entirety of the hearings and thus form opinions propagated by the media.  How many times did Sessions have to say he did NOT have conversations with the Russians concerning the Trump campaign?  The idea that Trump fired Comey because he thought that would derail the investigation is just plain stupid.  The fact that Comey being gone has hindered or stopped the investigation is just as stupid.  Some of the Senators suggesting such just makes them look ignorant of how the FBI works.  All goes back to partisan politics.  Frankly, whatever your politics Sessions seemed to make it clear that (1) there was no collusion to his knowledge, and (2) Comey was not fired to hinder the investigation.  Some can't just accept a simple answer that something didn't happen because they want to direct the narrative differently.

Hey, fair is fair. This is just one investigation. We're entitled to at least seven more. After all, how many times did Republicans have to be told that there was no "there, there" after they failed to find anything in the first seven investigations into Benghazi? This investigation is still young, and now that Trump is under investigation for possible obstruction, it's going to go on a whole lot longer. I spotted a report this morning that indicated that Mueller is now expanding the investigation into possible financial crimes by Trump et al. That's got to have the orange one seriously worried. Had he just sat tight and kept his mouth shut, odds are things would be winding down. But keeping his mouth shut is not within Don's very, very tiny list of abilities. And I would once again point to the FACT that the Congressional investigations were initiated by the Republicans...the Dems are in the minority, remember?

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13 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Why would any quality person subject themselves to the garbage that is being thrown around since the election? Americans deserve what they got for allowing politics to be so revolting that no good people want anything to do with it.

                                I've been watching numerous interviews conducted on MSmedia and am impressed by many intelligent and well-informed Congresspeople.  Sure, Congress is 96% owned by big money interests, but there are still some good people who rise in the ranks.  Keep an eye out for Justice Democrats.   They're sprouting up from below, and are barely visible by MS media, but giant oaks of tomorrow are little seedlings today.   


12 hours ago, USPatriot said:

Same thing the democrats did during the email investigations. And a few were given immunity

                        Comparing HRC's email issue compared to what's unfolding with Trump-Russia is like equating a squirrel with a T-rex.  

11 hours ago, lostlink said:

Jeff did an outstanding job.

.....at dodging questions and proving what a mule's rump he is.   No sorry, I take it back.  He's more like a talking lawn gnome.  Remember the old days, when rich people had a black-face lawn gnome out between their house's front door and the street?   Replace the black face statue with a pinkish white old-man's smiley face holding a metal ring (to tether Trump's horse to), and you've got Sessions.

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10 hours ago, Trouble said:

You are exactly right.  Problem is that people watch snippets of news which don't reflect the entirety of the hearings and thus form opinions propagated by the media.  How many times did Sessions have to say he did NOT have conversations with the Russians concerning the Trump campaign?  The idea that Trump fired Comey because he thought that would derail the investigation is just plain stupid.  The fact that Comey being gone has hindered or stopped the investigation is just as stupid.  Some of the Senators suggesting such just makes them look ignorant of how the FBI works.  All goes back to partisan politics.  Frankly, whatever your politics Sessions seemed to make it clear that (1) there was no collusion to his knowledge, and (2) Comey was not fired to hinder the investigation.  Some can't just accept a simple answer that something didn't happen because they want to direct the narrative differently.

                                If you actually believe what is written above, then you're one of many Trump fans who swallow his vacuous lies, hook line and sinker.   It must be tough to still believe that Obama is a Kenyan Muslim.  For 5 years Trump had all his sheeple worked into a lather over that, ....but then Trump said last Fall that it's not true.   How conflicted his followers must be!


                                Same when Trump asserted that women who seek abortions should be punished.   Then a day later he said the opposite.   Again, for those 24 hours, did Trump fans believe one thing (because their messiah said so) and then disbelieve it the next day for the same reason.


                           There are hundreds of examples of Trump contradicting himself.   I guess, to be true Trump fans, they too must switch hundreds of opinions by 180 degrees, day by day, depending on which tine of Trump's forked tongue is flickering out his mouth.

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13 minutes ago, PattayaJames said:


Perhaps you also think it's BS that Flynn, Kushner, Sessions and others didn't honestly fill out their security forms (a felony, by the way).  Trump himself didn't have to fill out a security form, but he's arguably as big an intel leaker as Flynn.  If you like how Trump and his underlings are giving sensitive intel to Russians/Turks/Saudis and others, and if you also like how Trump gives favorable treatment to country leaders who spend big money at his resorts, then you'll love having Trump stay in office.

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He already discussed enough of what was said with the president - to have breached the walls of "Executive Privilege" that in reality only the president could have invoked. And the president didn't act - though h had prior knowledge and time to act.

Out of 10 legal experts, 9 agrees, and one applied marginal conditions before agreeing... Sessions is on very weak legal grounds (thin ice, set to break.)


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