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Video: Foul mouthed Thai customer in full-on rant because Burmese woman went over his toe


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5 hours ago, dexjnr555 said:

They are 30-40 years behind Thailand, good luck with that. 

"Behind", yes, no doubt.  But they at least are progressing...


Time to expunge the whole "Land of Smiles" thing from the travel guides.  It's a charming expression and looks good in the brochures, but now sadly just a quaint anachronism.

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5 hours ago, dexjnr555 said:

They are 30-40 years behind Thailand, good luck with that. 

In terms of infrastructure and current income per capita they are behind.  But in terms of human capital several of these countries are overtaking Thailand very fast.  The average Vietnamese 12 year old is better educated in Math and Science than the average Thai 16 year old and education in some of the other neighboring some of the other surrounding countries has already significantly surpassed Thailand.  10-15 years from now they will be the well educated managers supervising the low skilled Thai workers.

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4 minutes ago, binjalin said:

Thais love themselves too much and think we ALL are beneath their special status

They don't even love their own. On a trip to Bangkok i was outside the main railway station and witnessed a very old Thai man who obviously had great pain in his legs, he rested one hand on a parked taxi and was immediately verbally attacked by the driver who was standing outside his car, i went to help the old man and supported him away into the station and was followed by the taxi driver ranting at me that i had given him an 'impolite look'

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6 hours ago, dexjnr555 said:

They are 30-40 years behind Thailand, good luck with that. 

Really? Is that way the international hotel groups are clambering to open in Burma, including the Thai groups as well?  Burma will overtake Thailand in tourism very soon once their infrastructure is improved.  There is massive development going on and many of the Burmese builders are heading back there to be part of it. 

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Wish i was there with a milkshake or ice coffee, I would tip it on his head then politely said, jai yen yen and then give the Burmese girl 100B as I briskly walked away before 20 Thais began to kick the sxxx out of me followed by the sword wielding taxi driver.

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7 hours ago, ezzra said:

This is not a secrete that Thais consider themselves superior to

the citizens of the surrounding countries, even the 'Goo and Mung'

cultured locals feel that way....

Bit like many Farangs then?

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7 hours ago, ratcatcher said:

"No one lifts a finger to defend her from the verbal assault that left her in floods of tears.

While the manager ..........................gave his employee little apparent support."


This is the " big, older Thai man" versus a migrant worker.

No confrontation from the other Thais.

Manager should be ashamed of himself for not intervening on her behalf. She apologized profusely according to the story.

if the manager was younger than the abusive customer, he wouldn't and couldn't according to the tenets of Thai society;

plus Thais will NEVER defend a Burmese for any reason; they have fought bitter wars for centuries,

and Thais regard them much as Latino immigrants are regarded in America; i/e/. less than human :post-4641-1156694005:


that said, i haven't heard that much fowl language in  a minute since the southern girl from Satun who got her fried chicken stolen

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7 hours ago, Somtamnication said:

Nothing new here. Thais treating their Burmese workers like crap. These people are building Thailand and they get zero respect. :mad:

Please tell me where any migrant worker gets respect

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2 hours ago, Get Real said:

Okey! You still see why Thais would be pissed about something that happened 225-275 years ago. That when most of the people today only regards content in Facebook as important. Oh, dear!


Just a disgusting behaviour, though. I sincerely hope that this man, (piece of crap), is brought in and pressured to present a sorry to her.

despite the galling, disgusting behavior, an older middle or upper class Thai would NEVER apologize to

a lowly Burmese worker no matter how egregious the transgression

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Just now, jenifer d said:

despite the galling, disgusting behavior, an older middle or upper class Thai would NEVER apologize to

a lowly Burmese worker no matter how egregious the transgression

egregious, good gracious, i haven't had my cornflakes yet. 

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I hope that she doesn't lose her job because of all the publicity this incident has been given on social media.  I wouldn't be surprised if that was the case.  Poor lady, I know what I'd like to do to the arrogant tosser.


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7 minutes ago, jenifer d said:

despite the galling, disgusting behavior, an older middle or upper class Thai would NEVER apologize to

a lowly Burmese worker no matter how egregious the transgression

"...an older middle or upper class Thai would NEVER apologize..."  I agree with that statement, however in this case the "classless"git had no occasion to apologize as he was the "very slightly injured party"

It was the food court service lady that bumped his foot and even though she was profusely apologizing, he didn't have the grace or class to say "That's OK, be more careful next time." 

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the guy definitely went overboard and lost his temper... yes she ran over your foot, yes you have a right to be angry.. but come on after she apologized you should show some restraint... not sure why allot of people are automatically assuming that the fact she isnt thai is part of the reason why he is treating her so poorly.

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38 minutes ago, mikosan said:

I hope that she doesn't lose her job because of all the publicity this incident has been given on social media.  I wouldn't be surprised if that was the case.  Poor lady, I know what I'd like to do to the arrogant tosser.


Me too, I would ride a trolley over his other foot.

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6 hours ago, Misterwhisper said:

I would've rammed the trolley into his shinbones three more times and for good measure smashed a plate on his greasy bald head  just to give the a**h**e a real reason to spill his filthy mouth. People like this despicable specimen with his self-delusional superiority complex make me incredibly angry.

wish you were there

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8 hours ago, Somtamnication said:

Nothing new here. Thais treating their Burmese workers like crap. These people are building Thailand and they get zero respect. :mad:

Maybe they are still mad because before building Thailand they destroyed it?  Thais are very racist and I hate this thing! This guy is a scumbag. 

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