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Video: Thai man threatens fellow driver with a knife because he hooted him


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Video: Thai man threatens fellow driver with a knife because he hooted him



Picture; Sanook


SAKON NAKORN: -- Thai social media was abuzz after a video of a road rage incident was shared online.


In two clips the incident shows dash cam footage from a journey undertaken by "Nirun Navas" heading towards Sakon Nakorn on Saturday evening.


In the first clip the driver hoots a man in a black pick-up who is veering dangerously to the right.


Upset by this the driver forces the other man to pull up in the right hand lane by stopping right in front of him.


He then gets out with a knife pointing it at the driver behind in a threatening manner. He has his wife and son beside him as he brandishes the knife.


The dash cam car is reversed to avoid confrontation while the knifeman gets back in the cab with his family and drives off.


The poster of the clip asked for Phang Khon police to take note while condemnation was rife on Facebook with most of the public demanding the knifeman's arrest.


Source: Sanook


-- © Copyright Thai Visa News 2017-06-19
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nothing unusual here, these idiots refuse to obey the traffic laws, refuse to indicate, all want to drive in the right lane because of their own self importance then when someone dares to honk their horn when they are doing the wrong thing they lose face and want to attack them with knives etc. These idiots need to be locked up and taken off the roads, their is no place for face on the roads, hopefully the police will throw this idiot in jail

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5 minutes ago, seajae said:

nothing unusual here, these idiots refuse to obey the traffic laws, refuse to indicate, all want to drive in the right lane because of their own self importance then when someone dares to honk their horn when they are doing the wrong thing they lose face and want to attack them with knives etc. These idiots need to be locked up and taken off the roads, their is no place for face on the roads, hopefully the police will throw this idiot in jail

They would have to build a lot more jails to house them, a simpler solution would be to cure the spread of the decease by disconnecting your horn and take a breath, don't allow someone with "small dick syndrome" infect you, nothing is going to change anywhere in the world in our life time, just smile and enjoy, its the best counter measure along with disconnecting your horn, hence keeping you safe from those infected with "small dick syndrome"

Edited by 4MyEgo
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Confiscate his license and impound his car. Clearly the man in the black pickup should not be driving at all. He not only puts other road users on danger. He even puts his own family in danger. What kind of a man would endanger his own family.


Really pity the wife n kid, the were crying at him to stop n yet...

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And my wife wonders why I hate driving in Bangkok. I would rather moth ball the car, take a taxi and let the taxi cab driver deal with all the idiots on the road...all with the added bonus of no need to find parking. But alas, the wife keeps on insisting on bringing along a 2000 pound piece of metal everywhere we go.

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1 hour ago, Grumpy Old Man said:

With a bit of luck the pressure of "Social Media" and "Dash / Car Cam" evidence this menace to society will get lifted, embarrassed in public and sent to the "Big House" for a few months . . . . We can only hope !

Nothing will ever change, will it? And yes I get told off for using my horn, which they would not know just a warning in case asleep at the wheel and yes with often the case with Family in car.
Deserves severe punishment, but will not get it for sure. Even if a number plate seen and noted, probably a false one. Appalling

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37 minutes ago, 4MyEgo said:

They would have to build a lot more jails to house them, a simpler solution would be to cure the spread of the decease by disconnecting your horn and take a breath, don't allow someone with "small dick syndrome" infect you, nothing is going to change anywhere in the world in our life time, just smile and enjoy, its the best counter measure along with disconnecting your horn, hence keeping you safe from those infected with "small dick syndrome"

So, if someone starts to veer into your lane, you just let a collision occur, as there is no way to warn them with your horn disconnected.

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34 minutes ago, jwest10 said:

Nothing will ever change, will it? And yes I get told off for using my horn, which they would not know just a warning in case asleep at the wheel and yes with often the case with Family in car.
Deserves severe punishment, but will not get it for sure. Even if a number plate seen and noted, probably a false one. Appalling

I agree, he was trying to show he owns both lanes.  His very fragile ego was so easily bruised,

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Poor Thai guys.


So many are emotionally and mentally unstable. Doesn't take much of an insult to their Godly position as Center of The Universe to send them over the edge... with their weapons. 

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1 hour ago, 4MyEgo said:

"small dick syndrome" is spreading at a rapid rate throughout Thailand,


It spread far and wide through the Kingdom many years ago.


The only different now is the technology available to capture and highlight it. 

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Should send it to the Mrs, I have to physically stop her from hooting people (from the passenger seat) as we drive along sometimes. Hooting is something that is a matter of safety, not abuse. So if someone hasn't checked their blind spot, or failed to look all together you are entitled to a hoot (warning signal). 

I guess now such a video will lead more people to fill up their cars with weapons.

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1 hour ago, giddyup said:

So, if someone starts to veer into your lane, you just let a collision occur, as there is no way to warn them with your horn disconnected.

Figure of speech, I have people veering in and out of the lane I am in all the time, the hogs that stick in the right lane, you name it, so when I feel anxious and want them to move out of my way, I just go into chill mode, i.e. "disconnect my horn", I make sure I travel with enough distance to be able to move or break so as to not collide, horns can be a sign of anger, and anger can breed anger, so I avoid honking the horn, what's the point of allowing someone else to upset your day by moving into your lane when your doing 100 and he's doing 50, just break, change lanes, do what it takes to avoid the fruit-loop in front of you, he won't learn anything from your horn, no doubt he will blame you for going to fast, just counter the event, after all we are all going to the same place in the end, so why allow yourself to get angry over someone else's mistake, you'll just lose face, as the Thai's say, hahaha.

Edited by 4MyEgo
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Actually having had a 2nd and 3rd look at the video at the time of 18.07.40 where the driver beeped the horn shortly after, it is clear IMO that the black ute moved out of his way to the left (middle lane), however there was a ute in the far left lane merging (right) to the middle lane and going slower than the blck ute because the lane was ending and the black ute tries to hold his line, plus move over a little to the right, as you would, but the guy with the dash cam was travelling too fast and obviously having his blinkers on, you know the ones they give horses as to only see straight ahead, clearly not seeing what was going on because he was only interested in going through and passing every car possible at the speed he was doing in the right lane, i.e. not allowing room for movement for the black ute that originally moved over and out of the way for him, perhaps the black ute should have held his ground and not moved, pulling a knife on him is, well as I said previously, part of the small dick syndrome, should have just let it go.


But in my opinion, the guy with the dash cam is as much to blame for causing the incident, noting that he didn;t move over in the left lane when the black ute wanted to pass him towards the end, and obviously when the black ute pulled up in the right lane blocking him, not apologising for the guy with the knife, that's a definite no no, but just setting the record straight is anyone missed it. Two wrongs don't make a right.

Edited by 4MyEgo
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It's just typical and very poor driving all around.


...  As the road merges from 3 lanes to 2 lanes, the the Very slow pickup occupying the entry lane merges into the lane in front of the black pickup who makes no attempt to slow or allow him in. Instead the Black Pickup simply merges into the outside (right most lane), forcing the pickup in the outside into a dangerous position, he had not choice but to pap his horn to avoid an accident or break extremely hard. 


The whole issue use caused by the Pickup on the very inside lane not getting up to 'driving speed'... the rest is caused by both the Black Pick up and the Cam car not reading the road ahead and not being prepared to give way. 


The Black pick up then creates an extremely dangerous and potentially deadly situation by stopping in the outside lane (we saw the video of a Mercedes driving doing the same the other day). In this case, the Black Pickup driver is placing his family in extreme danger by stopping in the outside lane. 


Then the knife incident proving that the Black Pick up driver us a total tool who has just created an extremely dangerous road situation and threatened someone with a machete.


He needs to loose his license for a while, he needs to learn and a clear message needs to be sent out that this behavior is unacceptable and will be treated harshly. He also needs to be charged with carrying a weapon and threatening someone with it. 


Perhaps its time the BiB carry out more road checks and search vehicles for weapons - Confiscate the weapons, fine the carriers and we may find that these morons drive more carefully when they know they don't have a sword to use as backup. 

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