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Tearful Yingluck hopes for a reprieve in rice case


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1 hour ago, canuckamuck said:

Yeah, so things got better did they?

I'll check but I don't believe the violence on the streets caused by pt's lords and ladies of misrule and suthteps lunacy is going on anymore. 


As for the the current regimes respect for good governance, the law and the right to free speech...they have none. 


Neither regime is concerned about the country, both only care about representing their faction of the elite. 


Neither has any any tolerance for different points of view. 


Neither wants to change the status quo, all they wish to do is exploit it. 

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4 hours ago, Dexlowe said:

Crocodile tears. Oh woe is me! Poor me! Me, me, me ... Please don't take my money. 

"I am so thrifty now, I only need 2.45 million baht a month to get by. Show mercy for this unfortunate wench..."


Yeah, right!

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I give her credit for not running like her coward brother. Also, I'm pretty sure the whole rice thing was the idea of her brother and friends to keep the rural masses voting TRT/PPP/PTP.


That said she was running the show so the buck stops with her.

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4 minutes ago, daboyz1 said:

That said she was running the show so the buck stops with her.

Agree to that. But somehow the 'buck' and the punishment is interpreted differently depends on who is in power and not often fairly dispense. That will bring a tear to any one. 

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5 hours ago, webfact said:

I’m sorry to have cried before you today. I try my best not to make people concerned about me but sometimes I’m not successful,” she added.

Boo-hoo Khun Poo... Poor, poor Yingluck...  Let's review:


There's a civil liability law which is designed to protect state officials against liability * unless they were found to have deliberately violated the laws * or to be found in gross negligence of duty^. Unfortunately Yingluck went along with 'Thaksin speaks - Puea Thai does'. The result is she willfully turned a blind eye to multi-billion $$ plunder, therefore is guilty of 'gross negligence of duty' as charged, which is NOT excused under the civil liability law.


Here's a sample from rice scheme corruption cases - a fictional China deal which links a red-shirt leader,  a Yingluck/Pheu Thai party MP and a Thaksin insider:


Dummy firm tied to govt figures

*Guangzhou-based GSSG Import and Export Corporation, was actually represented by a Thai man called Rathanit Sojirakul, who later authorised Phichit-based Nimon Rakdi to (sign) a contract to purchase 5 million tonnes of rice on the company’s behalf. ...Rathanit was a close aide to Pheu Thai MP Rapeephan Phongruangrong, who is the wife of red-shirt leader Arisman Phongruangrong. ...Rathanit, who claimed to be the authorised representative of the Chinese firm, only has Bt64.63 in his bank account...


Love this comment from Yingluck's (Thaksin's) Commerce minister:
“(After buying the rice) I won’t be investigating what buyers do with it,” he said.


So, Yingluck + Commerce Minister obviously were not interested in investigating their corruption laden program but some may ask, what happened to the rice in this supposedly 'innocent normal subsidy deal'?


'The G-to-G deal was a fake because no rice was exported to the Chinese firm. Instead, the huge amount of milled rice was sold locally at below market price by the Foreign Trade Department to a ghost buyer who then sold the rice at market price to the two Thai firms which have their own rice mills and later on the same amount of rice were pledged with the government at pledging prices which are about 40 percent above market price. The gang, it was alleged, made double profits from the same amount of rice.'



'Nimon previously worked at President Agri Trading, a company that was found to have been involved in shady dealings under a rice price-pledging scheme launched in 2003-2004 during Thaksin Shinawatra’s administration.  President Agri is connected to Apichart’s Siam Indica, which was also involved in the scam in 2004'.


Besides 'losing' multi-billion $$ in the rice scheme, there was also another significant loss event caused by the very same Thaksin program re-launch under Yingluck in 2011:


November 11, 2011
Decision to delay the release of water from the country's major dams had been made by the government

“I admit ordering a delay in the release of water so that farmers could harvest their crops first”



And finally this chestnut, the 1st of many attempts to free Thaksin which came under cover of those same floods:


As floods wreak havoc on Thailand, has the Yingluck government sneaked in a plan to bring Thaksin home?

'Deputy Prime Minister Chalerm Yoobamrung, who chaired Tuesday's Cabinet meeting, from which Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra was conspicuously absence, waved off reporters, saying he would address the issue when he is at Parliament Wednesday afternoon. Media reports said that during a high-confidential Cabinet forum Tuesday limited to only a handful numbers of ministers and officials, it was decided that people convicted of corruption would be entitled to receive this year amnesty.'


Yes, poor Tingluck.Thaksin says, Yingluck does and the results are coming home for her (but not Thaksin, of course)

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If you chair the rice scheme.. but never show up.. and not give any figures about it and maintain it is cost neutral and then finance it off budget. Then your liable.. not to mention that her own ministers are involved in corruption in the rice scheme with fake G2G deals that basically mean sell rice in the scheme at high price , then sell it to a fake company representing China (to be able to buy it at a loss from the government), then not really deliver it to China but sell it back at the high rice scheme price...  and rip Thailand off. 


Not to mention that the rice program was NOT for the poorest farmers as they could not join as they only farmed for themselves, the really big ones who needed no help were able to sell into the program (bit strange that there were no upper limits this way the rich farmers benefited the most)


Also the moment the program was initiated.. land rent prices got raised..fertilizer got more expensive.. who won.. not the farmers.


Then the last crime... buying the rice from farmers but stepping down and not making provisions to pay them (no money there) so poor farmers lost their rice but got no money.



Seems like a complete failure on all levels...  no wonder she is held accountable


Would have been better just given financial support to poor farmers... but then all rich ptp supporters would not have benefited, her ministers would not be able to rip Thailand off and buying the election would have been harder.


Lessons learned.. don't be a puppet.. if you are one.. your strings can get cut.. and if your defense is good you don't need to cry.. its like all she ever does is saying its unfair.. crying.. but no real defense... how could she.. as the world bank and other institutions told her before it was going to fail... so she cant say she did not know.

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Pathetic. If they are serious then issue an international arrest warrant, get Thaksin back, put both through court proceedings, lock 'em up and throw away the keys. 

Everything else, except doing absolutely nothing and keeping quiet about it, makes Thailand look .... the way it looks at the moment! 

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21 minutes ago, sujoop said:

Boo-hoo Khun Poo... Poor, poor Yingluck...  Let's review:


There's a civil liability law which is designed to protect state officials against liability * unless they were found to have deliberately violated the laws * or to be found in gross negligence of duty^. Unfortunately Yingluck went along with 'Thaksin speaks - Puea Thai does'. The result is she willfully turned a blind eye to multi-billion $$ plunder, therefore is guilty of 'gross negligence of duty' as charged, which is NOT excused under the civil liability law.


Here's a sample from rice scheme corruption cases - a fictional China deal which links a red-shirt leader,  a Yingluck/Pheu Thai party MP and a Thaksin insider:


Dummy firm tied to govt figures

*Guangzhou-based GSSG Import and Export Corporation, was actually represented by a Thai man called Rathanit Sojirakul, who later authorised Phichit-based Nimon Rakdi to (sign) a contract to purchase 5 million tonnes of rice on the company’s behalf. ...Rathanit was a close aide to Pheu Thai MP Rapeephan Phongruangrong, who is the wife of red-shirt leader Arisman Phongruangrong. ...Rathanit, who claimed to be the authorised representative of the Chinese firm, only has Bt64.63 in his bank account...


Love this comment from Yingluck's (Thaksin's) Commerce minister:
“(After buying the rice) I won’t be investigating what buyers do with it,” he said.


So, Yingluck + Commerce Minister obviously were not interested in investigating their corruption laden program but some may ask, what happened to the rice in this supposedly 'innocent normal subsidy deal'?


'The G-to-G deal was a fake because no rice was exported to the Chinese firm. Instead, the huge amount of milled rice was sold locally at below market price by the Foreign Trade Department to a ghost buyer who then sold the rice at market price to the two Thai firms which have their own rice mills and later on the same amount of rice were pledged with the government at pledging prices which are about 40 percent above market price. The gang, it was alleged, made double profits from the same amount of rice.'



'Nimon previously worked at President Agri Trading, a company that was found to have been involved in shady dealings under a rice price-pledging scheme launched in 2003-2004 during Thaksin Shinawatra’s administration.  President Agri is connected to Apichart’s Siam Indica, which was also involved in the scam in 2004'.


Besides 'losing' multi-billion $$ in the rice scheme, there was also another significant loss event caused by the very same Thaksin program re-launch under Yingluck in 2011:


November 11, 2011
Decision to delay the release of water from the country's major dams had been made by the government

“I admit ordering a delay in the release of water so that farmers could harvest their crops first”



And finally this chestnut, the 1st of many attempts to free Thaksin which came under cover of those same floods:


As floods wreak havoc on Thailand, has the Yingluck government sneaked in a plan to bring Thaksin home?

'Deputy Prime Minister Chalerm Yoobamrung, who chaired Tuesday's Cabinet meeting, from which Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra was conspicuously absence, waved off reporters, saying he would address the issue when he is at Parliament Wednesday afternoon. Media reports said that during a high-confidential Cabinet forum Tuesday limited to only a handful numbers of ministers and officials, it was decided that people convicted of corruption would be entitled to receive this year amnesty.'


Yes, poor Tingluck.Thaksin says, Yingluck does and the results are coming home for her (but not Thaksin, of course)


Actually, all she has to do is explain how appointing herself Chair of the Flagship Scheme, and then never bothering to actually attend and Chair any meetings; fail to listen or act on repeated warnings from bona fide international bodies and Thai officials; and reprimanding and moving Thai officials who did raise concerns; isn't gross negligence.


Simple. So far, neither Yingluck, her defense team nor any of her witnesses have explained this. And this is what she is actually charged with!!


As usual, she prefers to waffle about "fairness, the process, how upset she is etc etc". Now the actress shows the tearful performance again. Anything to avoid answering the actual charges!

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5 hours ago, spiderorchid said:

Oh chook, you did not like my rendition. Maybe it went over your head.

As for what the current regime is doing, I don't give a rats.

The farmers now have certainty, they are taking out loans to buy crops.

 The rain is being helpful. Farmers no longer need to rely on "pledges or schemes"

Just their nous. And that good old Thai go get em spirit is back. (To quote the yanks)


You should visit Thailand. If you do live here, get out of the slums and visit real Thailand.

Your spin on  things is not honest. Farmers have always taken out loans to PLANT crops. This has been the cause of so much grief for the nation's poor and disenfranchised farming class. They  take on debt that they cannot service, and it turns them into indentured servants. It is especially bad in  Ubon where only one  rice planting  now takes place. The crisis with the farmers has been getting worse  over the past 50 years and reached it's worst state during the Abhisit era. I'm not blaming him for that as  the "seeds" were planted decades before when the military junta of that era screwed things up.   

Do you remember when the Yingluck government was catching flak for  farmers' suicides? Have you noticed that these suicides are no longer reported  by the media? It's not allowed. What do you think the  suicide rate  among the farmers is now?


The rain is helpful.  Ok. It  has always been that way in rainy season.  The sun is helpful too.  Should the military be given credit for the days when the sun shines? Unfortunately, you seem oblivious to the fact that Thailand had its worst drought in recent  history last year. Precipitation is closer to normal this year, but this doesn't mean all is well. It takes time for he water table to recover. It takes time for  reservoirs to fill up. The situation is not helped by the fact that the countries upstream of Thailand are screwing with the river systems. Too much is being diverted.


I have visited the "real" Thailand. Are you aware that parts are still subject to military imposed curfews? STop and search occurs without any respect to fundamental human rights. In case you missed it, Thailand's current  approach to arresting  people and condemning them to lengthy prison sentences on a certain law  was taken to task this week and roundly criticized.

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A pathetic actress. You and your entourage had never shed tears for these poor farmers who committed suicide because of your disastrous policy. These people trusted you but you betrayed them.
If you must blame a person, it is your brother that you must to blame. He used you and he did everything for you finish in prison. Your brother is only a liberal capitalist who has tried, with the help of your policy, to manipulate rice prices in international markets. But this is back against him and unfortunately has had a deplorable impact on Thailand and its farmers

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6 hours ago, wakeupplease said:

Happy Birthday YL, Chin Up reverse face will happen one day just wait and see

I feel a song coming on/ pm must be at it again sod that where are my ear muffs

Nice to see a post supporting Yingluck.

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5 minutes ago, Godang said:

Nice to see a post supporting Yingluck.

Why? hundreds of billions of baht went missing. Where is it? Who is to be held responsible? The Government who did it.


Looks like the stress has taken its toll. Heavy make-up on the op photo shows Yingluck can barely cover the aging marks that were not there a few years ago.

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5 hours ago, Thechook said:

I actually live in a gated community in Chiangmai which may be the slums by your standard but I don't envy your higher social status.  I have visited the real Thailand over the last 11 years.  My wife's parents were rice farmers owning and working many Rai of fields in Chia Nat and earned enough to put her through her accountancy degree.  My wife now owns a lot of these fields and she and her father now lease them out and receive a percentage of the crop in return.  During the rice scheme they were very happy as they got good returns, better than previous seasons.  Some of the neighbouring fields didn't do so well but that was their poor management and wouldn't take advice from those doing well, stubbornness and greed were their downfall.  An uncle was one of these and after the rest of the family bailed him out and he listened he started to receive the rewards.  Yes I know the slums and the middle class but I don't know the high society set of Bangkok but to me that isn't the real Thailand.

I have to ask, did your wife's family increase the rent on the rice land they rent out? The failure to put as simple a step as a rent freeze meant that any increase many farmers received from the pledging scam went straight to their landlords. As one of those receiving benefits, allegedly intended for the poorest farmers, I can understand your support for the scam and those who conceived it.

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1 hour ago, Baerboxer said:


2 hours ago, sujoop said:

Boo-hoo Khun Poo... Poor, poor Yingluck...  Let's review:


There's a civil liability law which is designed to protect state officials against liability * unless they were found to have deliberately violated the laws * or to be found in gross negligence of duty^. Unfortunately Yingluck went along with 'Thaksin speaks - Puea Thai does'. The result is she willfully turned a blind eye to multi-billion $$ plunder, therefore is guilty of 'gross negligence of duty' as charged, which is NOT excused under the civil liability law.


Here's a sample from rice scheme corruption cases - a fictional China deal which links a red-shirt leader,  a Yingluck/Pheu Thai party MP and a Thaksin insider:


Dummy firm tied to govt figures

*Guangzhou-based GSSG Import and Export Corporation, was actually represented by a Thai man called Rathanit Sojirakul, who later authorised Phichit-based Nimon Rakdi to (sign) a contract to purchase 5 million tonnes of rice on the company’s behalf. ...Rathanit was a close aide to Pheu Thai MP Rapeephan Phongruangrong, who is the wife of red-shirt leader Arisman Phongruangrong. ...Rathanit, who claimed to be the authorised representative of the Chinese firm, only has Bt64.63 in his bank account...


Love this comment from Yingluck's (Thaksin's) Commerce minister:
“(After buying the rice) I won’t be investigating what buyers do with it,” he said.


So, Yingluck + Commerce Minister obviously were not interested in investigating their corruption laden program but some may ask, what happened to the rice in this supposedly 'innocent normal subsidy deal'?


'The G-to-G deal was a fake because no rice was exported to the Chinese firm. Instead, the huge amount of milled rice was sold locally at below market price by the Foreign Trade Department to a ghost buyer who then sold the rice at market price to the two Thai firms which have their own rice mills and later on the same amount of rice were pledged with the government at pledging prices which are about 40 percent above market price. The gang, it was alleged, made double profits from the same amount of rice.'



'Nimon previously worked at President Agri Trading, a company that was found to have been involved in shady dealings under a rice price-pledging scheme launched in 2003-2004 during Thaksin Shinawatra’s administration.  President Agri is connected to Apichart’s Siam Indica, which was also involved in the scam in 2004'.


Besides 'losing' multi-billion $$ in the rice scheme, there was also another significant loss event caused by the very same Thaksin program re-launch under Yingluck in 2011:


November 11, 2011
Decision to delay the release of water from the country's major dams had been made by the government

“I admit ordering a delay in the release of water so that farmers could harvest their crops first”



And finally this chestnut, the 1st of many attempts to free Thaksin which came under cover of those same floods:


As floods wreak havoc on Thailand, has the Yingluck government sneaked in a plan to bring Thaksin home?

'Deputy Prime Minister Chalerm Yoobamrung, who chaired Tuesday's Cabinet meeting, from which Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra was conspicuously absence, waved off reporters, saying he would address the issue when he is at Parliament Wednesday afternoon. Media reports said that during a high-confidential Cabinet forum Tuesday limited to only a handful numbers of ministers and officials, it was decided that people convicted of corruption would be entitled to receive this year amnesty.'


Yes, poor Tingluck.Thaksin says, Yingluck does and the results are coming home for her (but not Thaksin, of course)


Actually, all she has to do is explain how appointing herself Chair of the Flagship Scheme, and then never bothering to actually attend and Chair any meetings; fail to listen or act on repeated warnings from bona fide international bodies and Thai officials; and reprimanding and moving Thai officials who did raise concerns; isn't gross negligence.


Simple. So far, neither Yingluck, her defense team nor any of her witnesses have explained this. And this is what she is actually charged with!!


As usual, she prefers to waffle about "fairness, the process, how upset she is etc etc". Now the actress shows the tearful performance again. Anything to avoid answering the actual charges!


also one fully expects more 'booms' to come as is has been the case whenever family coffers are threatened with confiscation/penalty (par for the course as we've seen in the past, or simply coincidences ...)

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Don't worry big Bro will take care of her, I bet he's papered her room already... just waiting for the paint to dry & furnishings to arrive

then she'll be on the plane!

Her biggest mistake in life was being his obedient puppet.... he had to flee so he got her to do his bidding

now she's in the same mess

Karma is a great thing

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1 hour ago, halloween said:

I have to ask, did your wife's family increase the rent on the rice land they rent out? The failure to put as simple a step as a rent freeze meant that any increase many farmers received from the pledging scam went straight to their landlords. As one of those receiving benefits, allegedly intended for the poorest farmers, I can understand your support for the scam and those who conceived it.

No they only pay a % of the crop so it fluctuates

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problem is she was born with a silver spoon in her mouth, had someone to wipe her butt for her right throughout life, got her US english degree even though she cant speak english meaning it was bought and paid for, has never had to answer to anyone in her life when she has totally stuffed up, always had other people to do all the work and give her the credit. She has finally come unstuck because she was too busy preening herself and trying to make out she was important when she was supposed to be taking responsibility for what was happening, something she has never had to do in her life and is now feeling sorry for herself because she has been caught out and can no longer get others to take the fall for her. This is really great, at last we are seeing someone that deserves to be ridiculed facing the music, only problem is she lacks the intelligence and is too up herself  to accept she is at fault, couldnt happen to a nicer person, just hope she gets  jail time over it, then she really can cry for real and not for show

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Oh please YL., Now your sorry? 980 billion in the hole for Thailand and you want consideration. How about this YL, Let your self exile ( FUGITIVE ) big brother come bail you out of this mess you did following his orders to sell Thailand to the Globalists. Lets NOT forget  George Bush Senior brought big brother into the Carlyle Group ( Globalist Think Tank) who's sole mission is to ring the NWO ) in 1991. What did you thing Bush was thinking when he brought him in to that group. Sell of Thailand's sovereignty maybe? Use your imagination. Give you three guess and they would all probably be right. 

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17 hours ago, spiderorchid said:

Truth be told, she caused untold misery on the rurals.

She schemed and scammed. She cost people their farms, sometimes their lives.

Rural Thailand is only now recovering. But the burden on

people who now have to support a family that has now lost its land holding also takes its toll.

She will be shamed, and losing face is the big factor here. But she has blood on her scheming hands

Could someone give a more details of what she did ? I am really curious because I didn't follow up with the news I was not in Thailand then.

Did she really cheat those poor farmers? You mean a civil servant cheating the citizens?

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On 6/22/2017 at 11:47 AM, than said:

A pathetic actress. You and your entourage had never shed tears for these poor farmers who committed suicide because of your disastrous policy. These people trusted you but you betrayed them.
If you must blame a person, it is your brother that you must to blame. He used you and he did everything for you finish in prison. Your brother is only a liberal capitalist who has tried, with the help of your policy, to manipulate rice prices in international markets. But this is back against him and unfortunately has had a deplorable impact on Thailand and its farmers

Interesting point of view, sort of begs the question as to why "these poor farmers" still support Yingluck in their millions though?

Could it be their lives were better under a Yingluck government?

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41 minutes ago, Smarter Than You said:

Interesting point of view, sort of begs the question as to why "these poor farmers" still support Yingluck in their millions though?

Could it be their lives were better under a Yingluck government?

People were wondering where a woman with no assets gets B2 million per month. Are they supporting her directly, or did she "accumulate" it from them while in office?

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7 hours ago, Smarter Than You said:

Interesting point of view, sort of begs the question as to why "these poor farmers" still support Yingluck in their millions though?

Could it be their lives were better under a Yingluck government?

The corrupt and the corrupted made it rich under Yingluck. You keep quoting "poor farmers" in a disparaging tone. 

Sure some rich land holders sold broken, green tinged and worthless rice at premium prices. These were stored at the

back of warehouses. At the front of warehouses were stored a few sacks of premium sacks of rice. The smaller

landholders were selling quality rice at below market price on the promise of better returns in future years. 

Your post is glib and some sort of belief in a government that was was a rip off disaster. You need to check how Yingluck

sold the rice, how most of her warehouses after the coup turned out to have voids of missing rice, sacks of mouldy rice

and mostly sub standard rice that was labelled as premium. Most landholding before Yingluck was small plots. Now many of

these are sold to large land holders due to crippling debt. Your head is above the clouds, your comments are glib at best.

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24 minutes ago, partington said:

No difference between either Shins or soldiers.


"The creatures outside looked from pig to man, and from man to pig, and from pig to man again; but already it was impossible to say which was which."

Animal Farm. Yes a very apt comment

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