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Thais in rant-a-thon: Who needs a farang husband anyway? Besides all they like is the black ones


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Oh the jealousy against this girl making her fortune....all of a sudden the people of this country have morals?....bunch of snob nose hypocrites...half of whom wish they could trade places with her

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27 minutes ago, Berkshire said:

In all fairness, all societies have their ideals of an attractive woman.  And women in these societies strive to conform to that ideal, no matter how impractical.  I can tell you that being obese in America is not "conforming to Western beauty standards."  And although most are afraid to talk about it, skin color matters in the USA as well.  Not just as a race issue, but even among light and dark skin African-Americans.

Surely being obese is considered ugly in the West. That's probably the main reason why so many Farangs try to find a real woman in Thailand. 

Not so sure about the colour of skin. Do Western men generally prefer exotic-looking females? 

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6 minutes ago, micmichd said:

Surely being obese is considered ugly in the West. That's probably the main reason why so many Farangs try to find a real woman in Thailand. 

Not so sure about the colour of skin. Do Western men generally prefer exotic-looking females? 

I think most western men are happy with what they can get...:-)  But seriously, if you look at the models, celebs, beauty contestants, etc., in the USA, they are still disproportionately white women.

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21 minutes ago, micmichd said:

Not so sure about the colour of skin. Do Western men generally prefer exotic-looking females? 

I'm Caucasian from the US and I never once in my life cared about skin color when dating a women. My wife happens to be quite white for a Thai but I never even paid attention. I guess I'd rather be in a balanced happy relationship with a nice woman versus being miserable however her skin color was what I required. 

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"Thai women look cheap and available for a price".


Yes and quite a few are. I have to wonder how many of

those that were "outraged" would leave their husband

or bf if a richer option came along.

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7 hours ago, davethailand said:

Can't remember where I've seen her pics before?

Anyway, I'm not impressed.




And another 10-20 dating sites 

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1 hour ago, lensta said:

"Thai women look cheap and available for a price".


Yes and quite a few are. I have to wonder how many of

those that were "outraged" would leave their husband

or bf if a richer option came along.

Gold-diggers always looking for a bf who can give them a 5 million bath BMW or Benz and a 20 mill. bath house with swimming pool.

The only problem is their gambling habit, next week or year it's all gone....boyfriend also.....som nam na.

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Guys, stop stop stop please! I nearly choked on my coffee when I came across the expression Wizards Sleeve, an expression I first heard eons ago but not since.


my wife believes my sanity has taken a turn for the worse as I explode time after time in laughter like a babbling idiot whilst reading your excellent and most humourous comments. I really cannot explain to her either the story or the reason for my unexplained laughter without making myself a tad unpopular.


I am just so delighted that there are so many well educated posters with such a dark sense of humour but please stop before I drown in my coffee or split my sides for good!





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She looks as though she ain't short of a baht. Or is it she had 5000 dic's that is the abhorrent factor that proves objectionable to readers? 


Has learnt a great deal selling the parcel between her legs; now is looking to capitalise on the women. Sought of a Thai 'June Dally Watkins': an Australia queen of etiquette having a variety of programmes which cover etqiuette, deportment, grooming, speech and conversation. The finisher she is adding is what to do when you are on your back, cowgirl style, doggie, bare back, reverse cowgirl etc.

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9 hours ago, Lingba said:

Thais being very hypocritical

as opposed from white, Hispanic, Latino. black, or jew any other race or nationality not being hypocritical?


hypocrisy is a human nature trait not specific to race, religion or nationality. gender

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She is trying to make a buck like everyone else in this world.


The 5,000 dates seems a little high for someone that is seemingly only in her early 40s but hey, if she was busy dating 200 days a year for the last 25 years it might be possible. Of course it could also be interpreted loosely, meaning she "dated" a dozen or two simultaniously on the web, all forking over dough...either way, good for her if she succeeds.


As for those too goody two shoes bleached wenches with silicon noses, rubber chins and gel tits...seems kind of normal that they react the way they do...jelous because after spending all that money to look like someone else...no farangs around that seem the least interest.


If anybody has tarnished the reputation of thai ladies it's those fake arrogant ugly monsters. Keep on bleaching...

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9 hours ago, LannaGuy said:

This is one of only a few places where an old farang can hook a girl 20+ years younger. He get's the illusion and she get's the security. Nothing wrong in that but that's how it is. No money no honey.

Please tell us about all of the other countries where women are not looking for security and where money doesn't matter and where guys aren't looking for younger attractive women. It happens everywhere.

Edited by fordguy61mi
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2 hours ago, Moonmoon said:

Some of u guys here r part of the 5000. U know who u r dont lie. Lmao

Actually she does look familiar.  But, I have a poor memory especially from my heavy drinking days.  I would give her a ¨maybe¨ from me.

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