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PM Prayut's US visit expected to boost relations


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PM's US visit expected to boost relations




BANGKOK: -- The US administration under President Donald Trump is moving to enhance relations with Thailand, after setbacks following the coup in Thailand three years ago.


Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha yesterday was invited to the Independence Day celebrations next week by the US Embassy, a rare invite to an unelected Thai ruler.


The invitation card was directly handed to Prayut by US Ambassador Glyn Davies when he brought representatives from the US-Asean Business Council (USABC) to meet the Thai premier at Government House, Deputy Government Spokesperson Lt-General Weerachon Sukondhapatipak said.


Prayut, however, did not immediately accept the invitation. It would need to go through Government House and the requisite protocol, Werachon added. Bilateral ties have improved since Trump took office early this year, as Washington lowered its demands on democracy and human rights practices. Relations warmed up recently when Trump made a phone call to Prayut and invited him to visit Washington. 


Officials in Bangkok and Washington are now preparing the schedule and programme for the visit, most likely in late in July, a source said. 


The USABC would like to host a dinner banquet for Prime Minister Prayut when he is there, Weerachon said. 


In a meeting with representatives from the USABC at Government House yesterday, Prayut said Thailand had great potential to cooperate with the US in all aspects. The premier hoped that the American business community would acknowledge and understand his government’s intention to reform the country, Weerachon said.


Prayut briefed them about his Thailand 4.0 policy to restructure the economy based on technology and innovation. US investors could participate in the Eastern Economic Corridor project, notably in 10 industrial sectors that the US is keen on, including the automobile, aviation, medical and digital-based industries, he said. 


Prior to the meeting with Prayut, the USABC members met with Commerce Minister Apiradi Tantraporn who said American investors were interested in many infrastructure projects such as airports and the high-speed train. They were confident in Thailand’s potential as a regional trading hub for Asean. 


The USABC president and CEO Alecander Feldmen said that among the areas of interest for discussion would be Thailand’s trade surplus with the US, intellectual rights and customs management. “Trump is opening new angles, opening up opportunities to work with the Prayut government,” Feldman told reporters.


This was in line with Trump’s earlier executive order to scrutinise the US trade relations with Thailand and 15 other countries, with whom the US has been having a trade deficit.


“One of the key reasons is that Asean is the fourth largest export market to the US and Thailand is the second largest economy in the region,” the USABC president said. “Investment and export growth have to be hand in hand,” he said. While stressing that the US business sector has maintained healthy relations with the Thai military-installed government, with the USABC itself having met Prayut on several occasions, they said an elected government would be seen as having transparency.


Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/news/national/30318840

-- © Copyright The Nation 2017-06-23
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2 hours ago, webfact said:

They were confident in Thailand’s potential as a regional trading hub for Asean. 

That confidence may be misplaced.  It could be, but the neighbors are becoming far more competitive and welcoming.  Business people are not welcomed in Thailand.  Putting all your eggs in the Thai basket could be hazardous to your financial health.

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8 minutes ago, yellowboat said:

That confidence may be misplaced.  It could be, but the neighbors are becoming far more competitive and welcoming.  Business people are not welcomed in Thailand.  Putting all your eggs in the Thai basket could be hazardous to your financial health.

Thailand is being left in the economic dust of Vietnam. Myanmar and now Cambodia all have which have GDP growth rates of around 6.5% upwards. Thailand stagnates at around 3.2%.

Why would anyone invest in Thailand after the world saw how the military junta brazenly stole that gold mine from the Australian mining company Kingsgate.

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4 hours ago, webfact said:

The premier hoped that the American business community would acknowledge and understand his government’s intention to reform the country,

... and just look at Pattaya as an example: it's a athletic hub hub for family oriented business people already and a showcase for what the country will look like after the reforms (nevermind that Pattaya canceled it's marathon - there goes the 'athletic'...)

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1 hour ago, Cadbury said:

Thailand is being left in the economic dust of Vietnam. Myanmar and now Cambodia all have which have GDP growth rates of around 6.5% upwards. Thailand stagnates at around 3.2%.

Why would anyone invest in Thailand after the world saw how the military junta brazenly stole that gold mine from the Australian mining company Kingsgate.

Stealing and lack of protection by the law are big problems.  The other is all these crazy restrictions on just doing business in Thailand that do not exist anywhere else in Asia.  If Vietnam opens up further and keeps producing smart people, they will dominate SE Asia.  Thailand, forget it. 

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6 hours ago, webfact said:

The premier hoped that the American business community would acknowledge and understand his government’s intention to reform the country, Weerachon said.

Is it PM Prayut's job to reform the country?

I understood the purpose of his takeover was to regain stability within Thailand and make the necessary arrangement for a democratic election. In any case Prayut is a dreamer not a reformer.

I would have thought it would be the job of any incoming democratic government to do the reforming.

In the meantime he has set out a number of 20 year plans and his wonderful Thailand 4.0 which suggests he intents to be on the stage (pedestal) for a lot longer yet. 

Any incoming democratic government worth it's salt would surely throw all these unachievable worthless plans in the rubbish bin.


7 hours ago, webfact said:

The USABC would like to host a dinner banquet for Prime Minister Prayut when he is there.

I hope the USABC is aware of his entertainment preferences and after the banquet take him to see some quality lewd singing and dancing.

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The US needs to ensure that in the event of a war with North Korea that Thailand is on its side and allows American forces and aircraft to use Thai bases.  I am sure Trump will overlook the trade surplus for awhile and  it maybe that Thailand purchases some US military equipment to cut into the trade deficit. The US military has been pushing for this reconciliation since Prayut came to power and the US business community has a great opportunity to make money under the US Thai Amity Treaty.

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Thailand is no longer the economic tiger it once was. It has proven itself, primarily through a series of highly inept administrations, to be going downhill, at a rather astonishing pace. Growth is slowing, exports are dropping, the nation is just not progressing, nor is it showing any willingness to be the slightest bit progressive, on dozens of different levels, the incompetent leaders are doing nothing about traffic safety, public safety, slavery, human trafficking, highway construction, improvement of the existing railway system, or airports, mini van safety, and dozens of other areas. And they do not seem to be keeping up with their neighbors, when it comes to ease of visa policy, ease of ownership of land or investments for foreigners, tax breaks for such, and so many other areas.


If this administration could be describe as anything, it would be incompetent beyond imagination, completely lacking in creativity and vision and strategy, totally indifferent to the well being of the average Thai, completely oblivious to the well being of the average ex-pat living here, and totally out of touch. In addition to being as corrupt, or more corrupt than any previous administration, and unwilling to address corruption on any meaningful level. I give them a failing grade. 

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Two megalomaniacs great at schemes for profiteering from their "ventures' should really enjoy each other's company and maybe between them they can dream up enough bs and nonsense to screw their respective countries even more. Of course any negative news reports will be scoffed at and labelled as fake in one camp and a breach of LM from the other.  Double You Tee Eff!!

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Just like the lawmakers who criticised Putin for invading Korea, after Prime Minister Prayut returns home Trump will probably have a mental image of the country that just visited being a small island some 180 kilometres off the southeastern coast of Mainland China:giggle:

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I think Trump might make Uncle Tu uncomfortable with requirements to balance trade, IP, equalize tariffs and stop the (in)formal trading with the DPRK.


The U.S. press will have a field day with Trump hosting one of the few remaining military junta-led "governments".


It'll be a train-wreck.

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The US propaganda machine is so far superior to that of a tinpot regime' despotic idea of legitimacy, he'll be far fetched to carry these motions.

Prayuth' success in the US, will wholly depend largely on what his boss, Prawit, dictates he should push forward.

Whether Prayuth can accomplish any type of legion with the US, is doubtful.....

However, the excursion should be entertaining at the least.


Edited by ChrisY1
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9 hours ago, Reigntax said:

Trump will love it if he brings the twerking girl along. Wont be so happy if Prayut tries to reduce the performances impact.

LOL i can just imagine Prayut putting Trump right every so often, saying No Mr President I'm from Thailand not Taiwan!

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Glad to see this. How Thailand runs their country is only Thailand's business and the U.S. will never fully understand all of the factors that shape Thailand"s political environment. If an improved relationship will benefit both parties it surely should be cultivated. In this case it appears that both parties have something to offer each in several types of partnerships. 

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17 hours ago, webfact said:

The premier hoped that the American business community would acknowledge and understand his government’s intention to reform the country,

this is nonsense; as a former american businessman , i can tell you they do not care one micro-giveashit about some general's 'intention'; they want action; policies;

these people understand forked tongue

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33 minutes ago, maxcorrigan said:

LOL i can just imagine Prayut putting Trump right every so often, saying No Mr President I'm from Thailand not Taiwan!


And  "you can leave now Prayut but the girl stays" and "if you dont stop talking shit I may colonize your country in the morning and play golf by the afternoon"

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10 hours ago, midas said:

Just like the lawmakers who criticised Putin for invading Korea, after Prime Minister Prayut returns home Trump will probably have a mental image of the country that just visited being a small island some 180 kilometres off the southeastern coast of Mainland China:giggle:

Hmm. Putin invaded Korea. On his own. Or was that Crimea? 

My geography is being sorely tested on this one

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I agree we in America need to strengthen our relations with Thailand. I also believe that Trump is not so much interested in imposing western democratic values on Thailand as having a strong economic and strategic partner in SE Asia.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

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10 hours ago, midas said:

No where in the link does it say that anyone suggested Putin invaded Korea. I do suggest you get a grip on sensational headlines and 

actual fact. In actual fact, when US and many other countries were calling for sanctions against Nth Korea, including China. Russia opened

up a new Nth Korean port,  trading and ferry services to Nth Korea. The implied suggestion by you that most US politicians are way out

of their depth only serves to make a mockery of the US as a whole, not one ignorant bunch of uneducated politicians and leader that call

themselves the Republican Party. You double shot yourself in the foot and the mouth.

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9 hours ago, spiderorchid said:

No where in the link does it say that anyone suggested Putin invaded Korea. I do suggest you get a grip on sensational headlines and 

actual fact. In actual fact, when US and many other countries were calling for sanctions against Nth Korea, including China. Russia opened

up a new Nth Korean port,  trading and ferry services to Nth Korea. The implied suggestion by you that most US politicians are way out

of their depth only serves to make a mockery of the US as a whole, not one ignorant bunch of uneducated politicians and leader that call

themselves the Republican Party. You double shot yourself in the foot and the mouth.

 I suggest you need to get a grip or better still cool down because the context of my original post obviously went way over your head:giggle:

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On 6/23/2017 at 11:28 AM, sawadee1947 said:

I am not sure what these two ego maniac dictators would talk seriously....

Maybe about how well charges against a fellow billionaire have been handled. Billionaire justice is very important these days.

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