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Glastonbury 2017: Johnny Depp hints at Trump 'assassination'


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I thought Glastonbury was a musical concert. For talented musicians.  The organisers would have done better to get that well known Depp impersonator Keith Richards and his band to perform there.


Depps two dogs "pistol and pisweek" were evicted from Australia. Perhaps the lame English authorities should evict him on the grounds of "failing to incite anyone with half a brain"  Like my comments, Depps are totally idiotic and surely come under some crime act.

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I'm against assassination even if well deserved as in this case. If however Trump is convicted of High Treson, as is likely possible for his Russian collusion in election rigging, I could see him sentenced to execution. Normally I'm opposed to state sanctioned killing but in this case I may make a one time exemption. 

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17 hours ago, Chip Allen said:

Trump is the most hated President in history. Depp's comments are merely one example. Trump's death would be no loss if there weren't a plethora of worse Republicans waiting in the wings. Pence is a frightening choice but not as loathsome as Paul Ryan. Orrin Hatch is the only sane possibility. The entire Trump administration is rotting America from the inside.

I believe 45 is or will be the most hated individual in the world. He's got my vote.

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6 hours ago, Jingthing said:

Surely, you're joking.

Who's Shirley? Is that your idea of an anti-gay slur? 
Yes I definitely think that internet dude that you admire is totally a fascist. I've seen his videos and finding that he strongly supported La Pen confirms it. Sorry, I'm allowed  to have that opinion. 

As far as the violent nature of U.S. political divisions, yes there is blame to go around on different sides, but I think the BULK of the blame goes to the insane clown president. To wit --


I relish the idea of karma and hope to see 45 get back what he gives out. That will be a joy to many. 

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5 hours ago, pegman said:

I'm against assassination even if well deserved as in this case. If however Trump is convicted of High Treson, as is likely possible for his Russian collusion in election rigging, I could see him sentenced to execution. Normally I'm opposed to state sanctioned killing but in this case I may make a one time exemption. 

If and when he's gone maybe his daughter will miss him.

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