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Video: Passenger kicked off Thai Smile flight for saying “bomb”


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8 minutes ago, Machiavelli said:

If we can not say the word "bomb" at an airport or inside an aircraft, the terrorists have won! Its that simple. That is exactly what they want.

I ve never heard of a terror group making those demands before .

Is there a "Freedom to say bomb at an airport Liberation" group ?

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5 hours ago, balo said:

I don't see any foreigners in the video or maybe the foreign husband were Burmese ? 


Anybody and everybody that is not Thai is a foreigner. They didn't use our favourite word "farang'.


She was apparently acting in a bombastic manner. and deserved the hoof.

Edited by ratcatcher
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26 minutes ago, sanemax said:

It isnt , No .

Its just a descriptive term to add some info to the story

Did they use the word "Husband " to imply that somehow Males caused her to acft that way ?

No, not sure I agree that it is just a descriptive term. 


Now if you said an unnecessary and pointless descriptive term, I'd be right on board with that. 

Edited by Bluespunk
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What the story doesn't tell us and that the video doesn't show, is the context of how the word was used.
There is a big difference to the word being overheard in conversation, as in "When I fly I am always scared of a bomb.", and jumping to your feet and screaming "BOMB!"

Or "look dear on my iPhone, a photo bomb of us at the park".
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5 hours ago, midas said:

I think it would be pretty naive by now not to realise that at least it's implied that certain words such as this should not be spoken in any context on board an aircraft.

"What was that atomic thingy they dropped on Hiroshima?" 

"Shut the <deleted> up!"

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8 hours ago, Bluespunk said:

Why would anyone get annoyed by that?

She probably got annoyed because she knew she was sitting in the wrong seat.  Even the dumbest of dumb person knows if you say 'bomb' anywerhe in an Airport or in a plane it will land you in trouble. I hope she is on a 'no fly' list.

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7 hours ago, balo said:

I don't see any foreigners in the video or maybe the foreign husband were Burmese ? 



Poor guy is probably burrowing into his seat with embarrassment and hoping the earth will just swallow him up. Or hoping at least that security will throw his stuck up bitch of a wife off the plane!

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Love how the Thai Smile employee in pink walks down the plane to see and turns round with a great smile on her face 

and those bags that are removed by no foreigner from overhead lockers don't look light to me and too many for 2 people - wonder who gets to pay???

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9 hours ago, Bluespunk said:

So is the word ''foreign'' being used before husband to imply that somehow this foreigner has caused her to act in such a manner. 


Pesky foreigners. 

interesting, girl just told me the story. she is reading it in Thai and it says the male foreigner said bomb, but here it is reported the wife did...so perhaps they both did? Not that it matters, and yes why would they be upset about showing their boarding pass.

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6 hours ago, wanderluster said:

what the video does show is how tightly spaced the seating is on thai smile.  I know at 184 tall i can not fit in the seats and be able to have my knees in front of me without being half way up the seat in front.

Should have a made a bundle and got yourself a private jet. 

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8 hours ago, Jonmarleesco said:

It might have something to do with the fact that they've already shown it at least five times, including at the entrance to the cabin.

Better safe than sorry...

There are a lot of people, some experienced travellers others quite inexperienced,  travelling back and forth these days... Some of 'em do try boarding the wrong plane... correct destination, wrong dept. time, etc. Add a lack of English and local language and it's a receipe for disaster/confusion.  

I thoroughly agree with the passes being checked every step of the way. 

If the passangers are upset or annoyed at having to flash their little tickets, then so be it. 

The airlines are just trying to get everybody to their destination. 


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13 hours ago, darksidedog said:

What the story doesn't tell us and that the video doesn't show, is the context of how the word was used.

There is a big difference to the word being overheard in conversation, as in "When I fly I am always scared of a bomb.", and jumping to your feet and screaming "BOMB!"


And NO ONE, absolutely NO ONE, should concern themselves with the difference!  It's not a coffee klatch.  Fellow passengers and FAs shouldn't have to concern themselves with divining the "context".  If you're dumb enough to use the word 'bomb' under these circumstances, there's not much hope for you.  Off you go.  And if getting thrown off is the flight is all that happens, consider yourself lucky.

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13 hours ago, darksidedog said:

What the story doesn't tell us and that the video doesn't show, is the context of how the word was used.

There is a big difference to the word being overheard in conversation, as in "When I fly I am always scared of a bomb.", and jumping to your feet and screaming "BOMB!"


Or I bet she said something like "It's not like I am carrying a bomb or anything".  "That film is the bomb."  or one of my favorite movies was "Doctor Strangelove and how I learned to love the bomb"

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She was very stupid to behave badly on an aircraft.


However, she was not thrown off because of any security threat - nobody believed there was a bomb, otherwise the plane would have been evacuated.


No, she was thrown off because she was rude to the cabin crew and the cabin crew saw an opportunity to punish her for that. The problem is that all the other passengers were punished too, by having their flight delayed.

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