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Trump does not intend to fire investigator Mueller - White House


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On 6/24/2017 at 0:06 PM, dunroaming said:

Even Trump isn't stupid enough to fire Mueller.  He knows that would be the death nail for him.  At the moment he is teetering on the edge and hopefully not teetering for too much longer.

Trump firing Mueller would mean the end of Trumps presidency. But if Trump was complicit in Russia's meddling, or if he committed other criminal acts before becoming president, then Trump will have no choice but to fire Mueller when he starts to gather evidence. Even Trump would choose losing face and his presidency over ending up in jail.  

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9 minutes ago, Gulfsailor said:

Trump firing Mueller would mean the end of Trumps presidency. But if Trump was complicit in Russia's meddling, or if he committed other criminal acts before becoming president, then Trump will have no choice but to fire Mueller when he starts to gather evidence. Even Trump would choose losing face and his presidency over ending up in jail.  

I think you're over-reaching a bit. Nixon did the same kind of thing under similar circumstances, but he never went to jail. He simply was forced to resign when it became apparent the jig was up.


I personally wouldn't mind seeing Trump in jail. He probably does deserve it for any number of things both before and after becoming President. But being a sitting U.S. President is kind of like a get out of jail free card. Yes, you might be impeached or forced to resign. But you're not going to be criminally prosecuted, barring the most extreme circumstances.


Edited by TallGuyJohninBKK
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3 minutes ago, Gulfsailor said:

Trump firing Mueller would mean the end of Trumps presidency. But if Trump was complicit in Russia's meddling, or if he committed other criminal acts before becoming president, then Trump will have no choice but to fire Mueller when he starts to gather evidence. Even Trump would choose losing face and his presidency over ending up in jail.  

Well, you remember how easy it was for Nixon, just resign and get pardoned by the new Pres. Since the Vise Pres. may be involved too, he would have to resign also, leaving the speaker of the house the new pres. Paul Ryan, of my god what a disaster that would be.

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3 hours ago, Gulfsailor said:

Trump firing Mueller would mean the end of Trumps presidency. But if Trump was complicit in Russia's meddling, or if he committed other criminal acts before becoming president, then Trump will have no choice but to fire Mueller when he starts to gather evidence. Even Trump would choose losing face and his presidency over ending up in jail.  

Trump will fire Mueller.   Half the Republican congresspeople will let out a collective 'o magad!' but there will still be enough ass kissers to keep him from being impeached to the extent of being thrown out of office.   Trump has always used every sleazy trick to dodge getting in serious legal trouble.  He's 71.  He's not going to change his character and suddenly become a decent person.  He still has many roadblocks he can throw up against criticism.  Plus, he relishes being the bad boy.   Like Korea's Kim, being center of attention is more important than what's illegal.  For Trump, laws and taxes are for pussies. 


3 hours ago, Grubster said:

Well, you remember how easy it was for Nixon, just resign and get pardoned by the new Pres. Since the Vise Pres. may be involved too, he would have to resign also, leaving the speaker of the house the new pres. Paul Ryan, of my god what a disaster that would be.

I think Ryan will be prez a year from now.  And yes, Ryan would pardon Trump.

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13 hours ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

I think you're over-reaching a bit. Nixon did the same kind of thing under similar circumstances, but he never went to jail. He simply was forced to resign when it became apparent the jig was up.


I personally wouldn't mind seeing Trump in jail. He probably does deserve it for any number of things both before and after becoming President. But being a sitting U.S. President is kind of like a get out of jail free card. Yes, you might be impeached or forced to resign. But you're not going to be criminally prosecuted, barring the most extreme circumstances.


I would love to see 45 AND his one daughter and son in law in prison - can you imagine? lol Oh how sweet that would be. Won't happen but it's a pleasure visualizing it. 

Here's hoping..jpg

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The title of this thread might as well be; 'Trump won't shovel coal for a Chinese factory for $2.45 a day.'


Nothing Trump or his people state can be relied upon.  He has zero credence.  BTW, why is Kushner still allowed on the WH grounds?  He couldn't get a security clearance to walk dogs around the block.


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29 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:

The title of this thread might as well be; 'Trump won't shovel coal for a Chinese factory for $2.45 a day.'


Nothing Trump or his people state can be relied upon.  He has zero credence.  BTW, why is Kushner still allowed on the WH grounds?  He couldn't get a security clearance to walk dogs around the block.


So true. 45 is a liar. Liars can not/should not be trusted.


Kushner's clearance is along the same line of patriotism as when the CIA knew a/b Flynn, but included him in top priority clearance meetings after the fact. Honestly I don't think those in this admin./congress care a/b America/ democracy. They only want to have power and money. 

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What a bunch of desperate Democrats you are. Not a single word about the fact that Obama knew for his entire last year in office (at least) and did nothing but push for Clinton to sit in his chair and continue what he never got started with the exception of the apology tour.

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4 minutes ago, billd766 said:

That is his/their opinion and as they are not involved in the investigation at all and have nNO in-depth knowledge of who has been interviewed, what has been said, what evidence or not has been produced, how WOULD they know if it is B?S or not.

It is his opinion, that agrees with mine, that if there were anything then it would have been leaked for sure.

He has access to the leaks, lots and lots of leaks. But no actual leak containing any proof. 

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10 minutes ago, PattayaJames said:

It is his opinion, that agrees with mine, that if there were anything then it would have been leaked for sure.

He has access to the leaks, lots and lots of leaks. But no actual leak containing any proof. 


It still doesn't mean that he and you are correct though, any more than I am.


The difference is that he can shape opinion and we cannot.

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19 hours ago, mrwebb8825 said:

What a bunch of desperate Democrats you are. Not a single word about the fact that Obama knew for his entire last year in office (at least) and did nothing but push for Clinton to sit in his chair and continue what he never got started with the exception of the apology tour.

Obama is getting flack from Trumpsters for not telling all he knew about Russian meddling in the election.  Obama purposefully didn't tell what he knew, because everyone knew Trump would scream like a baby on fire about how Obama was trying to sway the election in HRC's favor.  


Trump was already screaming about the election being unfair, for the 3 weeks prior to the election, ....the whole time Trump knew the main unfairness about it was he himself (and his cronies) colluding with the Russkies.


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5 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:

Trump was already screaming about the election being unfair, for the 3 weeks prior to the election, ....the whole time Trump knew the main unfairness about it was he himself (and his cronies) colluding with the Russkies.


No evidence of any collusion.

And the MSM were pretty unfair with their bias coverage.  

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5 hours ago, PattayaJames said:

No evidence of any collusion.

And the MSM were pretty unfair with their bias coverage.  

                         Here's some evidence of collusion:  Carter Page, one of Trump's 'Foreign Affairs advisers' had secret meetings with Russian agents during the campaign - in Trump Tower.  We don't know all the details of those meetings, but the FBI are looking into it. Kushner had secret meetings with Russkies, plus was trying to hatch plans with Russian agents and the head of a sanctioned Russian bank who is also bosom buddies with Putin.  DeVos' husband (a hard right-winger, very rich, who would do anything to see right-wingers take over gov't) went clandestinely to a tiny island to meet with Russian agents.  


                                    Stone, a longtime Republican dirty trickster (non-stop since Nixon) had interactions with Gucifer, which is a group of Russian hackers who even Putin admitted were meddling in the US election.  Manafort and Flynn were undeclared agents for Russia and Ukraine, both being paid hundreds of thousands of $$'s all during the campaign.  Bannon, Sessions, Ivanka and others are implicated.   There are cartloads more evidence, and it all revolves around Trump.  Trumpsters wouldn't see a 600 gorilla sitting in their kitchen, if they didn't want to see it.



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