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Visa Violators Threaten Thai Lives, Property: Labor Ministry


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13 minutes ago, StevieAus said:



If there is such a shortage of work why are so many Burmese allowed to work here?

The fact is that the economy particularly agriculture could not survive without them

The answer is the Thais don't want to do those jobs

Local businesses tell me they have difficulty obtaining employees even offering good rates of pay and from my observations the staff don't seem to be dropping with exhaustion 

In a recent article dealing with Pyramid scams an official was quoted as saying that Thais want to be rich but don't want to work for it

exactly write, try and get a Thai to come and do some work for you if your lucky they may turn up and if they do you have watch them all the time , you just have to look how many lazy Gov officials they have ,how many lazy police they have. etc etc.

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17 hours ago, ELVIS123456 said:

Sounds exactly right to me.  Many Expats on TV have bees n their bonnets - and think everything is about them.


Listen closely - foreign workers taking jobs from Thais threatens their lives - as in their living and family lives - they need work to live here - there is no unemployment payments - this aint your nanny state. 


Why they put that photo of some Russians with Visa issues is more about TV journalism.  But if it was meant to stir up the 'kittens' - it sure worked.


The picture is not as black and white as you paint it when you consider the following points.

1. Thailand has an unemployment rate of less than 1%.

2. Thailand has an aging population and declining birth rate.


These two points indicate that there juat aint enough thais to do the jobs needed to keep the country developing. And that in itself maybe a bigger threat to the lives and property of Thais than the superficial threat being painted here.

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17 hours ago, Mattd said:

If working illegally and doing a job that can be done by a Thai, then it is harming the People and country, it is taking a job off a local and likely not collecting income tax.

you try having a business in thailand and trying to employ thais. doesnt matter if you pay them double it is near impossible to have thai staff. as far as income tax it only seems to apply to foreigners with work permits and is applied regardless if you are making an income or not. 

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1 minute ago, jonclark said:

The picture is not as black and white as you paint it when you consider the following points.

1. Thailand has an unemployment rate of less than 1%.

2. Thailand has an aging population and declining birth rate.


These two points indicate that there juat aint enough thais to do the jobs needed to keep the country developing. And that in itself maybe a bigger threat to the lives and property of Thais than the superficial threat being painted here.

Who wants to to believe that 1% figure. You should come with me on my bike rides around the villages, you'd see hundreds of inactive young guys getting drunk and high. A frightening sight because it leads me to think there is worse to come.


1% is just one more face saving lie, contradicted by this new foreign labour policy, they don't realise how embarrassing such inconsistencies can be.


Further, any economy with a 1% unemployment rate, MUST use immigration to sustain growth. We are needed here.

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where I live there are hundreds of Cambodians doing jobs the Thais won't do, the immigration police have arrived and are rounding them up, don't know what they are going to do with them yet, or how many they will round up. Now, are they going to force Thais to do the work?

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There is no doubt that foreign workers are essential for Thailand to move forward economically. Many Thai nationals work abroad in the construction industry as wages are much higher. The Thai construction industry and agriculture must employ foreign labor but it should be done legally so as not to exploit foreign workers. The article makes no sense.  The issue in Immigrant labor in Thailand is not with Westerners taking Thai jobs at all. The issue is that Thai employers are exploiting foreign labor by not paying the proper wages according to the law nor providing benefits.

While there is Western Mafia operating in Thailand- this has nothing to do with jobs and work permits. If Thailand wants foreign labor to include Western teachers for English- it would behoove them to streamline that Work Permit process and get all the bureaucracy out of it. In reality- when a Westerner opens a business, even a small business- it normally employs a Thai person (s) if they can be found- 

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18 hours ago, ELVIS123456 said:

Sounds exactly right to me.  Many Expats on TV have bees n their bonnets - and think everything is about them.


Listen closely - foreign workers taking jobs from Thais threatens their lives - as in their living and family lives - they need work to live here - there is no unemployment payments - this aint your nanny state. 


Why they put that photo of some Russians with Visa issues is more about TV journalism.  But if it was meant to stir up the 'kittens' - it sure worked.


Sounds good to me too - Extortion should be at the top of the list of prohibited jobs for foreigners, followed by teaching people a how to read a foreign language like English. 

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17 hours ago, Mattd said:

If working illegally and doing a job that can be done by a Thai, then it is harming the People and country, it is taking a job off a local and likely not collecting income tax.

I don't think I know any Thais who pay tax.I don't think they know what is.Plus have you ever found a Thai  who can do a good days work ?

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Let me wake up in a foreign country every day and rush to my computer to be the first to denigrate the foreign country and their people so I can get "likes" from other unhappy bitter expats. Must be a great life in Thailand for you.  You left your home country to live in a country where you despise the country and its people. Your home country must really suck for you to endure life in a country you hate and feel the people are below your intellect.  Life is short and then you die. Spending you last moments denigrating others and espousing your superiority--- to you priceless.  Best of luck to you. 

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7 minutes ago, johnarth said:

where I live there are hundreds of Cambodians doing jobs the Thais won't do, the immigration police have arrived and are rounding them up, don't know what they are going to do with them yet, or how many they will round up. Now, are they going to force Thais to do the work?

They shoot themselves in the foot again, their extreme nationalism and xenophobia will make their neighbors overtake them in a couple of years. My GF told me if you tip-off the police you can get 25% of the fines that the employer have to pay if they get caught. So I recon the immigration holding cells will be full soon.

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16 hours ago, the guest said:

There really needs to be a total shake-up on all foreigners living Thailand. Eg: money which they are their partners or indeed friends or colleagues may hold should be investigated to ensure no money laundering or tax invasion is taking place. For example: if a foreigner has money in the account which accrued whilst in Thailand, then this should be investigated to ensure no law was broken, that the person/s must supply evidence of where the money was obtained from, as they do now in Europe. 


I'm aware of many foreigners could be breaking the law or earning huge sums of money without paying the appropriate tax to the country or even are getting a income in Thailand without having the appropriate permits. This should also be tightly controlled. 


All foreigners are visitors, unless they have residency rights or citizenship, and thailand does have the right to control them as they see fit, according to the law that exists.

Absolutely. Complete transparency for all immigrants. They should be held to full account for everything they do, while given no rights or legal protection. At the same time, rampant corruption and complete lack of oversight, regulation or accountability should continue to be accepted domestically.


That should continue to make Thailand extremely attractive and increase FDI, while ensuring Thailand benefits from highly qualified and motivated foreign teachers.

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13 hours ago, UncleE said:

As usual, I find some of the comments here to be totally negative and off base.   Try  getting a work permit in Australia or any other western country.   It's so easy and cheap in Thailand, people who are legitimate should have zero complaints.  My staff forgot to renew my work permit a couple months ago and therefore had to make a new one.   Took 1 week with no money under table to get it done (my staff did it, we do not hire companies to do it).  The fee (total cost) was 4,000 baht plus 150 for the doctor's certificate.  Seems to me I just paid $2,000 bucks to get my Thai wife's green card in USA extended between lawyers and fees.


And furthermore, anyone who thinks getting Russian mafia out is anything but positive should be sent along with them.


Some of the peanut gallery people who post here don't have enough money to make any positive difference in Thailand anyway.   Count your blessings there is still someplace you can afford to live and just go home if you don't like it.


Teachers etc. should be supported by the school they work for, how will they suffer ???


And furthermore, it's easy to see progress is being made.  There was so much to improve before and slowly but steadily there are improvements being made.  Obviously the previous fines and punishment for visa violators were so low it was a joke.   They ought to raise the fines 10 times more.  I support anything they can do to get the riff raff foreign residents out of Thailand !!!

Well said - my sentiments exactly.  Some guys here clearly have too much beer with their cornflakes, and their day goes downhill from there. I think it was Jeremy Clarkson who said that when saying why he could never be an Expat. He would become more and more grumpy, and end up spending all day just criticising the way the locals do things. He may not be everyone's cuppa tea, but I like the bloke and he was right - yet again.

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50 minutes ago, HiSoLowSoNoSo said:

They shoot themselves in the foot again, their extreme nationalism and xenophobia will make their neighbors overtake them in a couple of years. My GF told me if you tip-off the police you can get 25% of the fines that the employer have to pay if they get caught. So I recon the immigration holding cells will be full soon.

Their blind nationalism will be their undoing. If you cannot admit your faults, you will never be able to fix them.


Denial of reliance on illegal immigrant workers will simply lead to a massive shortage of workers. This will force wages up and output down.


Hopefully it's just more show.

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58 minutes ago, Wake Up said:

Let me wake up in a foreign country every day and rush to my computer to be the first to denigrate the foreign country and their people so I can get "likes" from other unhappy bitter expats. Must be a great life in Thailand for you.  You left your home country to live in a country where you despise the country and its people. Your home country must really suck for you to endure life in a country you hate and feel the people are below your intellect.  Life is short and then you die. Spending you last moments denigrating others and espousing your superiority--- to you priceless.  Best of luck to you. 

Priceless.  And a perfect summary of some expats here on TV.  

It is sad - but they wont change - and it often ends badly.


I just went looking for the 'best of' place in the world for expats to live - and bugger me but Thailand is always in the list. So if you are living here and are one of those very grumpy expats, maybe the problem is not Thailand - but you.

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15 hours ago, brain150 said:

Well ... that's why Dictatorships turn into Tyrannies !

It's because people like you follow orders without ever thinking or questioning.

Just like soldiers become murderers by just following orders.


... all the misery could be ended if people would just simply start to think !

Are you a Thai Citizen, or are you just hanging out with an opinion?

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But its ok for Thais to scam and screw the westerner in business  and real estate  no worries   Ive been burnt once from a old sweet Thai lady land lord in business  they have no shame 

Plesae dont put  all us farangs in 1 basket we not all corrupt low life's praying on the weak 

As for some other comments above I have read 

What about the Thais  working in Korea and Japan  (the little ghosts ) I'm sure there taking jobs away from those people in those countries 

1 thing I have learnt living here for many years   Thais love changing the goal posts to suit them 


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30 minutes ago, BangkokReady said:

Their blind nationalism will be their undoing. If you cannot admit your faults, you will never be able to fix them.


Denial of reliance on illegal immigrant workers will simply lead to a massive shortage of workers. This will force wages up and output down.


Hopefully it's just more show.

Last time when the Junta (think it was August 2014) threaten with throwing all illegal workers in jail, over 200.000 Cambodians and Burmese left their workplaces and went back home, the factory owners were up in arms and the junta had to back down in the end, think the same thing will happen now. Owners of fishing boats and orchid farms complained about this new move by the junta this morning in the morning TV news. 

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45 minutes ago, ELVIS123456 said:

Priceless.  And a perfect summary of some expats here on TV.  

It is sad - but they wont change - and it often ends badly.


I just went looking for the 'best of' place in the world for expats to live - and bugger me but Thailand is always in the list. So if you are living here and are one of those very grumpy expats, maybe the problem is not Thailand - but you.

So what's wrong with settling in Thailand and become aware that:


- The country is dangerous,

- Immigration is and obnoxious bureaucracy,

- The education system sucks,

- Xenophobia is widespread,

- There is hardly any future for your kids here,

- etc..



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16 hours ago, brain150 said:

Well ... that's why Dictatorships turn into Tyrannies !

It's because people like you follow orders without ever thinking or questioning.

Just like soldiers become murderers by just following orders.


... all the misery could be ended if people would just simply start to think !

brain 150, I think you haven't read my comments properly. I did say clearly that if Thais don't like certain laws and regulation they should try and alter these in democratic ways (what I mean herer is not by occupying streets or airports, or government offices - steps which lead to coups, for any lack of alternatives!). We, as foreigners, have to either accept such laws and regulations, or leave. I know of a few countries I wouldn't wish to live in, as I do not accept their laws, regulations and/or customs. I do like living in Thailand, although it is by no means perfect, that's why I stay here and try hard to abide by the laws of this country, hopefully successfully.

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1 hour ago, ELVIS123456 said:

Priceless.  And a perfect summary of some expats here on TV.  

It is sad - but they wont change - and it often ends badly.


I just went looking for the 'best of' place in the world for expats to live - and bugger me but Thailand is always in the list. So if you are living here and are one of those very grumpy expats, maybe the problem is not Thailand - but you.

Very well said!!!!!!!!!!!!

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3 minutes ago, abrahamzvi said:

brain 150, I think you haven't read my comments properly. I did say clearly that if Thais don't like certain laws and regulation they should try and alter these in democratic ways (what I mean herer is not by occupying streets or airports, or government offices - steps which lead to coups, for any lack of alternatives!). We, as foreigners, have to either accept such laws and regulations, or leave. I know of a few countries I wouldn't wish to live in, as I do not accept their laws, regulations and/or customs. I do like living in Thailand, although it is by no means perfect, that's why I stay here and try hard to abide by the laws of this country, hopefully successfully.

If I get you right, you couldn't live in North Korea but can live in Thailand? I'll survey again in a couple of years.

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49 minutes ago, Momofarang said:

So what's wrong with settling in Thailand and become aware that:


- The country is dangerous,

- Immigration is and obnoxious bureaucracy,

- The education system sucks,

- Xenophobia is widespread,

- There is hardly any future for your kids here,

- etc..



One question: why live in a country as bad as you describe Why not go back  home or try and find a better place to live in????

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1 minute ago, abrahamzvi said:

One question: why live in a country as bad as you describe Why not go back  home or try and find a better place to live in????

My course of action isn't relevant. Are any of the facts I have stated wrong? Or are you Thai?

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1 minute ago, Momofarang said:

My course of action isn't relevant. Are any of the facts I have stated wrong? Or are you Thai?

No, I am a foreigner (a Farang). I really can't understand your comment that your course of action is irrelevant. If the facts that you describe ( with most of which I do not agree), why and how can you put up with all these and still live here?

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4 minutes ago, Father Fintan Stack said:

Thailand is always on the list as it does a great job of pulling the wool over peoples' eyes.


Other than the food and the weather it has little to offer of real substance. 

And S,S&S, but right now they get themselves in a bit of a dilemma...

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2 hours ago, Wake Up said:

Let me wake up in a foreign country every day and rush to my computer to be the first to denigrate the foreign country and their people so I can get "likes" from other unhappy bitter expats. Must be a great life in Thailand for you.  You left your home country to live in a country where you despise the country and its people. Your home country must really suck for you to endure life in a country you hate and feel the people are below your intellect.  Life is short and then you die. Spending you last moments denigrating others and espousing your superiority--- to you priceless.  Best of luck to you. 

I think you have read a bit too much into comments on TV.


Many Thais recognise, like the supposedly miserable expats, that Thailand has many many faults. 


I love living here. But that doesnt stop me having a good moan about aspects of life here that occasionally annoy me. And those annoyances wont cause me to leave. 


People in my experience use TVF to blow off a bit of steam with others. Pretty harmless really.


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2 minutes ago, abrahamzvi said:

No, I am a foreigner (a Farang). I really can't understand your comment that your course of action is irrelevant. If the facts that you describe ( with most of which I do not agree), why and how can you put up with all these and still live here?

Emus get buggered because they put their heads into the sand.. So I'd rather be a kookaburra...

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12 minutes ago, Momofarang said:

If I get you right, you couldn't live in North Korea but can live in Thailand? I'll survey again in a couple of years.

There are quite a few countries other than North Korea that I wouldn't wish to live in. I have been living inThailand for over 15 years and in spite of prophesies similar to yours I am still enjoying living here. Believe me, if this was not the case, I wouldn't be here. I have other alternatives, including going back home.

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1 hour ago, Father Fintan Stack said:

Thailand is always on the list as it does a great job of pulling the wool over peoples' eyes.


Other than the food and the weather it has little to offer of real substance. 

Because there is a dumb farang born every day.....

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