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Thai govt launches cashless society promotion campaign


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Govt launches cashless society promotion campaign




BANGKOK, 30 June 2017 (NNT) - The Ministry of Finance has kicked off a cashless society promotion campaign offering a money reward of up to one million baht to participating outlets and individuals. 

Finance Minister Apisak Tantivorawong has presided over a gift presentation ceremony for the prize-winning plastic money users and outlets with electronic data capture (EDC) tools. 

The Ministry of Finance will randomly choose awardees via a prize draw, which will take place on the 16th day of each month until May 2018. The biggest reward is a one-million baht gift check. The second and third prizes are 100,000 and 30,000 baht gift checks respectively. 

The first prize winner said she used her debit card a couple of times a week because plastic money made her life easier.

-- nnt 2017-06-30
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was the announcement on Live TV? just like a Game Show bonanza win...


where the winner, and all those around her are showered by tonnes of cashnote-sized confetti falling down  fro the gantries 



( I am only thinking of the theatrics here...)

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I really hope this does not happen. Every time I am at a coffee shop, and standing behind the wimpy characters who whip out their credit card to pay for a 90 baht beverage, it makes me crazy, especially if there is a long line. Same in the US. Grow some cajones, and carry cash. That is what real men do. Would Bond pay for coffee with a credit card? Think about it. Where is the dignity in walking around with no money in your pockets, when you have the means to do otherwise?

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1 hour ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Try buying anything at a village market using a card.

Try paying extortion demands using a card.  Now there's a thought!

What about introducing a Corruption Card for the "shadow economy". 

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43 minutes ago, Cadbury said:

Try paying extortion demands using a card.  Now there's a thought!

What about introducing a Corruption Card for the "shadow economy". 

No problem the Thai mafia, ala RTP will now take there money from you by giving them a VISA card.  You will be debited 200,500 or 1000 baht depending upon the extortion amount for you then to be on your way again.  Problem will be, when you have finished your journey or much later, you will find that your card has been skimmed by the state supported mafia and have charged to it all manner of things in the police region where you got stopped.  After all you can not claim you were not at that location when the card was debited  as the police have a copy of the "fine" report they gave you initially.  Certainly going down this route the Junta will open up a whole new business stream for the RTP.

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4 hours ago, yellowboat said:

Cash will still be king. 

You obviously live in complete denial of what is going on in the world !!!

They will force you into cashless if you want or not.

And when this happens it's game over player one for all of us !!! ... if we let this happen

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Make sense.


Me: Can I put 500 baht on rabbit card? Hands over thai bank debit card..

BTS: Oh no sorry sir, something something credit card

Me: Okay, hands over a mastercard

BTS: Oh no sorry sir, only citi bank credit card


It seemed only yesterday where one could top up with any debit or credit card, how we have progressed.. Welcome to Thailand 3.9.. 


Immigration accept cards for extensions?  Nope. Police fine? Nope. 7/11? Not for bills apparently. The independent coffee shop and food court inside the Ministry of Finance building? I doubt it.


Independent retailers? Most do but with ridiculous CC fees they get charged by their banks most will do cash discounts, had up to 5% at times.. 


Paid in gift checks.. 

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3 hours ago, yellowboat said:

Cash will still be king. 

Dream on. The cashless society is the ultimate control mechanism for the financial/political oligarchy which runs our lives.


What we are witnessing in guinea-pig states like India, where even the poorest peasants are being forced to open bank accounts so their money can be held digitally on computers, is a trial run for the ultimate global bank bail-out - one designed to kill two birds with one stone.


First, it will stop an awful lot of banks - sorry, I mean a lot of awful banks - from going bust, as they deserve to do for being so cack-handed at investing their depositors' money.  And second, it will consign all of us to full debt slavery rather than the watered-down version we all live under now.  


Any money you hand to a bank is no longer legally yours (check it out, if you don't believe me) and when your cash is in a computer rather than in your wallet, bankers and the politicians they put in power to manage the system they have created, will be in a position to decide exactly how much of our money we will be allowed to spend and on what.


The wall safe and mattress will fade into history. Stashing cash will be made a criminal offence and instead of just manipulating the market to hold down the price of gold and other tangible assets as they do today, the banks will lean on governments to buy it all back  - at a fraction of its true value.


Yeah, I know - I'm a conspiracy theorist. You hope.






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2 hours ago, brain150 said:

You obviously live in complete denial of what is going on in the world !!!

They will force you into cashless if you want or not.

And when this happens it's game over player one for all of us !!! ... if we let this happen

Governments would love to do that, but then they would have to trust other governments.  Given no government is trustworthy and trusts other governments, it is somewhat doubtful a trans border cashless system will exist soon.  Cost of making every transaction electronic is a huge task. 


Over 85% of people are sheep.  Our best hope is that governments remain in the hands of idiots, liars and con men so that our finances remain private.   

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It's the proposed roadmap to bring us to a huge bail-out.


There are two REAL types of money: Physical gold and Bitcoin. Everything else is just debt and illusion.


You don't have money if you don't control it.


And it won't happen - bribes need to be paid by cash (or Bitcoin).

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Try convincing the young busty cutie service ladies to accept credit cards instead of cash for your ST or LT, and you may realise if plastic is going to work or not!!:post-4641-1156694572:

Besides, the chances of getting one's card skimmed are to high with all those Ali Express skimming toys sold for 5 €uros (with free shipping please)...not worth it...always spend what you have and not what you are lent (through a credit card).


Your privacy is also at stake and plastic pay will enable snoops all over, to spook on your expenses....

There was this central credit card payment processing firm, where once introduced, for around US$ 100,-- (this was 20 years ago), the corrupt fellow gave you all the payment details you needed on your target...and btw, this was located somwehere in Europe.....so immagine elsewhere!!!!!!

Edited by observer90210
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20 hours ago, Krataiboy said:

Dream on. The cashless society is the ultimate control mechanism for the financial/political oligarchy which runs our lives.


What we are witnessing in guinea-pig states like India, where even the poorest peasants are being forced to open bank accounts so their money can be held digitally on computers, is a trial run for the ultimate global bank bail-out - one designed to kill two birds with one stone.


First, it will stop an awful lot of banks - sorry, I mean a lot of awful banks - from going bust, as they deserve to do for being so cack-handed at investing their depositors' money.  And second, it will consign all of us to full debt slavery rather than the watered-down version we all live under now.  


Any money you hand to a bank is no longer legally yours (check it out, if you don't believe me) and when your cash is in a computer rather than in your wallet, bankers and the politicians they put in power to manage the system they have created, will be in a position to decide exactly how much of our money we will be allowed to spend and on what.


The wall safe and mattress will fade into history. Stashing cash will be made a criminal offence and instead of just manipulating the market to hold down the price of gold and other tangible assets as they do today, the banks will lean on governments to buy it all back  - at a fraction of its true value.


Yeah, I know - I'm a conspiracy theorist. You hope.







Resist this with every ounce of your power and strength. Anything we can do to avoid giving control over to big brother, is a good thing. Yes, I am sure many nations want this to happen. But, we can use underground economies, silver, gold, and other forms of commodities, crypto currencies, labor, trading, and other means to avoid the control of sinister government entities. Whatever it takes. And we can start now by carrying cash. Paying for tiny little expenses with a credit card is weakness personified. Total social emasculation. Do not engage in this weak behavior. Carry cash, at all times! Be a real man, or a real women. Resist!

Edited by spidermike007
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It's going to take one Coronal Mass Ejection in the X-class range to put an end to the cashless society and cryptocurrencies considering that virtually no country on Earth has an EMP resistant power grid.  I'm sort of hoping it happens sooner than later as the world needs an object lesson to provide a wake-up call to end this stupidity.  It's not a matter of 'if' but 'when.'  
However, on the flip side, my guess is that a black market based on asset-for-asset transactions and barter will already have formed once the average Joe on the street figures out that cashless isn't the panacea that it's advertised to be.  Especially if there is a hiccup in the financial system the leads to 'bail-ins'.  Then no one will trust banks and we're back to square one.  
CME?  Bank failures?  It's a coin toss as to what will end this pipe dream.  But it's a fantasy that will not see the 22nd century.  Cashless depends on a fail-proof electrical grid and trustworthy global financial institutions.  We have neither.  


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Here's the cultural imperative that the Thai government will have to break.  Thais are status animals and showing how much you contributed to your temple is ingrained behavior.  
Putting a debit card on the end of a stick will simply not have the same effect.  :wink:


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"The Ministry of Finance will randomly choose awardees via a prize draw, which will take place on the 16th day of each month until May 2018. The biggest reward is a one-million baht gift check. The second and third prizes are 100,000 and 30,000 baht gift checks respectively."

How little effort it takes to lead sheep to slaughter.  Just wave a few baht under their noses and down the chute they go.....

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On 6/29/2017 at 11:50 PM, rocketman777 said:

This is a worrisome development and part of a world wide campaign by the Banking industry to have complete control of the money supply and its use.




Not the banking industry.  Governments, especially the USA.

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