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TV hosts accuse White House of trying to pressure them over coverage


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9 hours ago, rooster59 said:

Two television hosts assailed by Donald Trump questioned his mental health on Friday and charged that the White House had tried unsuccessfully to get them to apologize to the president for unfavorable coverage in exchange for his getting a negative tabloid story about them killed.

Special Counsel Mueller has the power to investigate this possible abuse of power in the form of extortion. Likely the New York Attorney General will do so.

Trump needs to be smarter in what he says officially as POTUS.

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1 hour ago, mrfill said:

He's a bully and you know from schooldays how to deal with bullies.....


Donny Deutsch already has this covered. I absolutely enjoyed Donny's comments about this issue.  He was on in an earlier segment that he just rips on that narcissistic bully DT. Just perfect.



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9 hours ago, klauskunkel said:

Trump ally: the National Enquirer,

now that's what I call "low I.Q."

And Trump is not even embarrassed by his choice of friend,

no, it's all matter of fact to him - and that's perturbing


..., but then again, he has no one else.

For Trump the National Enquirer is high brow literature, although his attention span wouldn't last more than a page.

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What the heck. The simple-minded man-child seems to have a certain fascination with Mika and Joe. He is at it again. They must have tweaked him real good. He just put out his typical poop break tweet.


Defiant Trump resumes attacks on 'Morning Joe' hosts, despite bipartisan criticism



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36 minutes ago, Silurian said:

What the heck. The simple-minded man-child seems to have a certain fascination with Mika and Joe. He is at it again. They must have tweaked him real good. He just put out his typical poop break tweet.


Defiant Trump resumes attacks on 'Morning Joe' hosts, despite bipartisan criticism



This is just nothing short of frakking crazy. There will be Republican Congressmen/Senators having a cardiac this morning. I see Trumps administrators have a firm grip on him, they need to fasten the buckles on his straight jacket. Tired of winning yet everybody?

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9 hours ago, darksidedog said:

Now I am going to agree and disagree with a little you here. Yes, his antics, although that is too mild a term really, are seriously diminishing the country.

While I like to have a bit of a joke about the Russians, because, Yes they did interfere with the election, quite possibly in connivance with some of Donalds team, but I have to question Trump being a Putin puppet. I mean look at it. If the Russians are going to go to so much trouble to influence the results and get their man in the top seat, don't you think that they would have ensured that the person they were installing had a functioning brain, and wasn't a crazed, lying, foul mouthed, bigoted, mean spirited moron?

Probably because they didn't have the dirt on someone sane. Man, wouldn't it be epic if the rumored "Golden Moments" were true and we got to see the man-child in action with a couple of Russian hookers performing acts that could be considered above and beyond!


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4 hours ago, Becker said:

Probably because they didn't have the dirt on someone sane. Man, wouldn't it be epic if the rumored "Golden Moments" were true and we got to see the man-child in action with a couple of Russian hookers performing acts that could be considered above and beyond!


Trump will say it is Alec Baldwin.

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a good part of this 'tit for tat'.....

is when Little People's ignorance ^&%# themselves.... that's more than ok.....

but when The Little People get a knucklehead elected POTUS.....

man oh man, is that a pisser.


as Larry Summers said [re: Greece not Trump]....

'there are only ****2**** kinds of politicians.. insiders and outsiders... and if you are an Outsider... and tell the Little People what they want to hear..... The System will vomit you out'



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10 minutes ago, maewang99 said:

earthquake risk in the Pacific Northwest. 

It's science.

There is a 17-20% chance that northern Oregon will be hit by a magnitude-8 quake in the next 50 years.


the magnitude will be somewhere between 8.7 and 9.2. from California to Canada and the continental shelf to the Cascades, will drop by as much as six feet and rebound thirty to a hundred feet to the west


The nice thing about "alternate facts" is that they require no scientific research or factual basis - just one's own thoughts.

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On 7/1/2017 at 4:39 PM, Srikcir said:

Special Counsel Mueller has the power to investigate this possible abuse of power in the form of extortion. Likely the New York Attorney General will do so.

Trump needs to be smarter in what he says officially as POTUS.

NY had a very effective AG. 45 fired him and installed his own lackey so don't think there will be very many thorough investigations from the new AG. Do you?


45 is laying the groundwork for his total dismantling of democracy. He's Pro Putin/Russia and anti America/democracy.

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36 minutes ago, selftaopath said:

NY had a very effective AG. 45 fired him and installed his own lackey so don't think there will be very many thorough investigations from the new AG. Do you?


45 is laying the groundwork for his total dismantling of democracy. He's Pro Putin/Russia and anti America/democracy.

And it should be pointed out Trump did this after he told him he could keep the job.

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On 7/1/2017 at 8:12 AM, ezzra said:

Now days, you don't know what to make of this gutter journalism or for

that matter, the presidency position where the president and some

stupid, look at me, I can rubbish the president of the USA and still

look like I'm the under dog here, coming from those low life liberal

so called journalists....

It's not gutter journalism.  It's not fake news.   The news reported by the mainstream media is factual.  Trumpsters can't find one, NOT ONE, instance of a news report which is fake or untrue.  They keep bleating about 'fake news' like a bunch of bratty 6 year olds, because they don't have any 'alternative facts' which are truer than the actual facts.   


Granted, there are commentaries, but that doesn't fall in the category of NEWS.  Commentaries are opinions.  Everyone has opinions.   Trump is sooooooooo easy to read:  he loves stories that heap praise on him.  He hates stories (and the journalists that report them) that tell truths that don't praise him.  He's a parody of himself.  


On 7/1/2017 at 8:35 AM, DoctorG said:

I have said before that he should abandon social media but the shrill responses from the media is also puerile. It seems that one cannot attack a woman without idiots shouting "sexist" even though nothing he tweeted was sexist.

I loathe Trump - but hope he keeps tweeting often.  My message to Trump:  Keep tweeting. Don't let anyone tell you what you can or cannot do.   You're the president.  In your mind you're above the law, and better than everyone else - particularly those who don't have as much money as you.  Tweet away, big fellow.

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On 7/1/2017 at 8:12 AM, ezzra said:

Now days, you don't know what to make of this gutter journalism or for

that matter, the presidency position where the president and some

stupid, look at me, I can rubbish the president of the USA and still

look like I'm the under dog here, coming from those low life liberal

so called journalists....

I thought this was an english speaking forum? Talk about foaming at the mouth.

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