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Trump to Senate Republicans: kill Obamacare now, replace later


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Elect be president and I have the solution, Actually, you would need to elect me dictator.  Medicare for all .

Private insurance pulling out of a market? Offer the Medicare option prorated for age.  Ten years too young? Pay the ten year prorate adjustment. .   Do I have your vote?



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It just amazes me that the US right wing is so proud of its socialized military, and infrastructure but think that socialized health care is so evil. I think these republican congressmen have worked themselves into a corner, now they have to decide whether to follow their leader or follow the voters needs.

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9 hours ago, JAG said:

It is disgraceful that so many of his countrymen are prepared to support and justify it,

This could more accurately read: "It is disgraceful that so many Republican Congressmen are prepared to support and justify it."

Recent polls shows that only 17% of Americans support the Republican Repeal & Replace bill versions.

That low support stands to reason as the tax cuts that would result from the repeal of ACA benefit largely the top 10% of wealthiest Americans at the well-being of America's poor and aged. MEAN.

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I don't understand you Americans when you let healthcare plans named after presidents, because it is irritating to others like the republicans.

And it is reason for them to just fight it back, it is like king Salman's healthcare!

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I don't understand you Americans when you let healthcare plans named after presidents, because it is irritating to others like the republicans.
And it is reason for them to just fight it back, it is like king Salman's healthcare!

Obama didnt name it after himself The official name is the affordable care act. Republicans called it obamacare to brand it as a negative

Sent from my SM-G920V using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

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10 hours ago, kbelyeu said:

I say leave it alone.. it will crash and burn on its own then the Democrats can own the disaster.

Dems and other reasonable people admit that Obamacare has room for improvements.  They're willing to make improvements.  Reps only want tax cuts for their wealthy members. 


10 hours ago, sirineou said:

Elect be president and I have the solution, Actually, you would need to elect me dictator.  Medicare for all .

Private insurance pulling out of a market? Offer the Medicare option prorated for age.  Ten years too young? Pay the ten year prorate adjustment. .   Do I have your vote?

                    I'm in your camp.  I would use all legal means to take medical costs and pharma costs down, including real competition, not monopoly/American style, where all major players collude.  I would offer to buy pharma items from India and other countries.  Many pharma items are manufactured (legally and illegally) using the precise formulas as the patent holders - and the quality is often as good as the original, and of course the prices are much lower. 


           The US currently has many mechanisms cemented in place which contribute to deblitating the health of its people.  Many books can be and have been written about them.  The US needs to segue to health-promoting rather than sickness-promoting.  Not incidentally, roughly 50% of the average American's health costs are incurred in their last few weeks of life.  Connect the dots.  Hospitals gouge the shit out of elderly people when they know that person only has several days to live.    There are a plethora of fixable problems embedded in the US medical/pharma system -  nearly none of which are being addressed by the sage politicians within the beltway.



Edited by boomerangutang
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14 hours ago, Jingthing said:

Single payer is the only real solution but we aren't there yet and under trump we are heading backwards.
Obama described ACA as only a starter home. trump is out to trash even that flawed but noble beginning.


I totally disagree with this sentiment, and Obama was completely wrong and spewing pure cow manure if he said this. The ACA was nothing more than a total capitulation to the existing health care robber barons in America.  It was about the criminals in Washington caving in to those who fund them, and in the process destroying the people's demands for real reform.


I very much dislike Trump, but this is the right move. Repeal Obamacare so that the ground can be cleared to demand a true, single payer system. This garbage that was the ACA deserves to die a quick death. There is no excuse for not having a single payer system like every other developed country, other than pure greed by the people who support it. And any bill that doesn't institute a single payer system should be solidly rejected.


So bring it on and let's go back to the old system. The poor and middle class get to save money by not having healthcare insurance, and then they get to declare bankruptcy if they have an illness. It is a different kind of healthcare subsidy system that requires people to use the court system to offload unpaid healthcare bills onto the hospitals, but it will work just the same until the crooks in Washington are ready to establish a proper one.


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5 minutes ago, Monomial said:


I totally disagree with this sentiment, and Obama was completely wrong and spewing pure cow manure if he said this. The ACA was nothing more than a total capitulation to the existing health care robber barons in America.  It was about the criminals in Washington caving in to those who fund them, and in the process destroying the people's demands for real reform.


I very much dislike Trump, but this is the right move. Repeal Obamacare so that the ground can be cleared to demand a true, single payer system. This garbage that was the ACA deserves to die a quick death. There is no excuse for not having a single payer system like every other developed country, other than pure greed by the people who support it. And any bill that doesn't institute a single payer system should be solidly rejected.


So bring it on and let's go back to the old system. The poor and middle class get to save money by not having healthcare insurance, and then they get to declare bankruptcy if they have an illness. It is a different kind of healthcare subsidy system that requires people to use the court system to offload unpaid healthcare bills onto the hospitals, but it will work just the same until the crooks in Washington are ready to establish a proper one.


It is simply not even close to being true that every developed nation has a single payer system. Many have insurance systems like Obamacare but with much stricter enforcement.

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18 minutes ago, Monomial said:

Repeal Obamacare so that the ground can be cleared to demand a true, single payer system.

Republican repeal only cares about taking healthcare out of the federal budget. They have no interest in a national single payer system that would become an entitlement program the same as ACA. The fact that Trump is now asking Republicans to just repeal and worry about any federal replacement later reinforces denial of a single payer system.

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4 hours ago, Monomial said:


I totally disagree with this sentiment, and Obama was completely wrong and spewing pure cow manure if he said this. The ACA was nothing more than a total capitulation to the existing health care robber barons in America.  It was about the criminals in Washington caving in to those who fund them, and in the process destroying the people's demands for real reform.


I very much dislike Trump, but this is the right move. Repeal Obamacare so that the ground can be cleared to demand a true, single payer system. This garbage that was the ACA deserves to die a quick death. There is no excuse for not having a single payer system like every other developed country, other than pure greed by the people who support it. And any bill that doesn't institute a single payer system should be solidly rejected.


So bring it on and let's go back to the old system. The poor and middle class get to save money by not having healthcare insurance, and then they get to declare bankruptcy if they have an illness. It is a different kind of healthcare subsidy system that requires people to use the court system to offload unpaid healthcare bills onto the hospitals, but it will work just the same until the crooks in Washington are ready to establish a proper one.


There has never been anything preventing the Republicans form crafting a better healthcare system, now or during the Obama administration. 


For all its flaws, the Affordable Care Act provided health insurance to millions of Americans who didn't have it, and gave Republicans incentive to show they could do better.  Apparently they can't do better.


If the ACA is repealed without a replacement, the Republicans will never implement a replacement.  However the repeal will hurt so many of their core supporters the repeal without replacement could put the Democrats in charge after the next election.

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16 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

Dems and other reasonable people admit that Obamacare has room for improvements.  They're willing to make improvements.  Reps only want tax cuts for their wealthy members. 


                    I'm in your camp.  I would use all legal means to take medical costs and pharma costs down, including real  competition, not monopoly/American style, where all major players collude.  I would offer to buy pharma items from India and other countries.  Many pharma items are manufactured (legally and illegally) using the precise formulas as the patent holders - and the quality is often as good as the original, and of course the prices are much lower. 


           The US currently has many mechanisms cemented in place which contribute to deblitating the health of its people.  Many books can be and have been written about them.  The US needs to segue to health-promoting rather than sickness-promoting.  Not incidentally, roughly 50% of the average American's health costs are incurred in their last few weeks of life.  Connect the dots.  Hospitals gouge the shit out of elderly people when they know that person only has several days to live.    There are a plethora of fixable problems embedded in the US medical/pharma system -  nearly none of which are being addressed by the sage politicians within the beltway.



Well said my friend

in the mean time real people are suffering.   

I just turned 60 and was planing to retire this year , next year the latest.  But if I  retire I loose my work provided health insurance. and wont be eligible for medicare until I am 65.  Before Trump, I was planing to purchase Health Insurance until I turn 65 but now that pre-existing conditions will not be covered, (and trust me,  preexisting conditions can not be covered in a financially viable fashion in a system that does not require everyone to have insurance to spread the cost)  And Like Most people I have a pre-existing condition. One that cant do with out insurance.    This is not only a problem for me but more so for all of you who will be denied the pleasure of my company in Thailand for the next five years if this situation is not resolved.     So if I was you, (thank god I am not,, ugly bastards:tongue:) I would get on the phone and/or write to your representatives , and resolve this situation .  Start the "Save the Sirineou" movement the world not only needs but rightly  deserves!!



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Mitch McConnell Just Received Devastating News, Kentuckians Finally Woke Up [Details]



The unveiling of the Senate version of Trumpcare has not treated Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell well. He originally planned to push the bill through the Senate before the July 4th recess, but later postponed the vote after several Republican Senators vowed to vote against the bill.


One of the big problems with the Obamacare repeal is the death of Medicaid. In the state of Kentucky, Medicaid is heavily relied upon. The Eastern section of Kentucky includes counties with numbers as high as 60% of citizens on Medicaid.

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Donald Trump Campaign Staffer Convicted on All 10 Counts of Major Election Fraud


Well folks, it looks like Donald Trump was right – there was some serious election rigging going on…


But sorry, Republicans, it was a TRUMP staffer who was caught and convicted.


Susan Demas, publisher of Inside Michigan Politics, broke the following news via Twitter:



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I was reading an article the other day on how the Republicans in the Senate under McConnell went about drafting their health care proposal. They had one Republican moderate who's considered an insurance expert, and another who is an M.D., and both of them were left entirely out of the drafting process by the Republican leadership.  Just goes to show, what the Republicans are and aren't thinking about as they go about pursuing this travesty.


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"Repeal now replace later"

So now they are saying they will repeal it but not really repealed it, but leave it in place until later when they can replace it. 

So how is that repeal????????

and if viable replacement is not doable now, what will change later to make it doable and viable?

And people wonder why Congress is less popular than STDs

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12 hours ago, sirineou said:

So how is that repeal?

What you say "remains" as a result of ACA repeal do not remain. Repeal is total.

There are many references you can find with Google - "What ACA repeal means" such as:

  1. All new employer health plans required to cover a range of preventive services at no charge to you when you go for care will be terminated
  2. Pre-existing health conditions covered by a company’s health plan is terminated

  3. Cap on the total amount you have to pay each year toward medical expenses such as deductibles, copayments, and coinsurance is terminated

  4. Insurers use of limits on what they would spend on your care allowed again

  5. The right to an external review by a third party to question your insurance company saying "no" to treatment is terminated


  1. Medicaid Expansion for those who were unable to afford private insurance but didn’t have a low-enough income to qualify for Medicaid before is terminated
  2. Young adults insured through family health insurance between the ages of 19 and 25 is terminated
  3. Women's access to free contraceptives and mammograms under Medicare is terminated
  4. Subsidized health care for low-income adults who were able to enroll in Medicaid is terminated
  5. Rural hospitals surviving on patents under ACA close or go bankrupt
  6. Inexpensive preventative and curative care provided by hospital scheduled care is replaced by expensive and usually uninsured Hospital Emergency Care
  7. Free vaccines eliminated
  8. Up to 30 million Americans will immediately be without healthcare
  9. Payments for services performed under the managed-care portion of Medicare known as Medicare Advantage for Americans 65 and over will be higher
  10. Reopen the "donut hole" whose closure dramatically cut the amount that seniors on Medicare have to pay for their medicines

So what do you think "remains" out of ACA when it's repealed?


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21 hours ago, Srikcir said:

What you say "remains" as a result of ACA repeal do not remain. Repeal is total.

There are many references you can find with Google - "What ACA repeal means" such as:

  1. All new employer health plans required to cover a range of preventive services at no charge to you when you go for care will be terminated
  2. Pre-existing health conditions covered by a company’s health plan is terminated

  3. Cap on the total amount you have to pay each year toward medical expenses such as deductibles, copayments, and coinsurance is terminated

  4. Insurers use of limits on what they would spend on your care allowed again

  5. The right to an external review by a third party to question your insurance company saying "no" to treatment is terminated


  1. Medicaid Expansion for those who were unable to afford private insurance but didn’t have a low-enough income to qualify for Medicaid before is terminated
  2. Young adults insured through family health insurance between the ages of 19 and 25 is terminated
  3. Women's access to free contraceptives and mammograms under Medicare is terminated
  4. Subsidized health care for low-income adults who were able to enroll in Medicaid is terminated
  5. Rural hospitals surviving on patents under ACA close or go bankrupt
  6. Inexpensive preventative and curative care provided by hospital scheduled care is replaced by expensive and usually uninsured Hospital Emergency Care
  7. Free vaccines eliminated
  8. Up to 30 million Americans will immediately be without healthcare
  9. Payments for services performed under the managed-care portion of Medicare known as Medicare Advantage for Americans 65 and over will be higher
  10. Reopen the "donut hole" whose closure dramatically cut the amount that seniors on Medicare have to pay for their medicines

So what do you think "remains" out of ACA when it's repealed?


I understand what repeal is, but if you repeal something but the things that suppose to happen when you repeal  do not happen until later. you have not repealed anything, but you will repeal it later.

It is called kicking the can down the road.

Edited by sirineou
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